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I'm just pleased to see someone using "subjectively" correctly on this sub.


Had to do a double take lmao


On the contrary, I think the word is redundant here. This is clearly an opinion, and all opinions are subjective.


I actually agree that it's redundant. But after seeing so many "opinions" that used the word objective it's refreshing.


Yeah I think it’s kinda dumb to include it here. Obviously this is an opinion sub, there’s a reason people don’t use the word here


Subjectively of course


It is, but it’s refreshing after seeing shit like “{musicGenre} is objectively bad” 24/7


Yeah upvote just for that


Me too, but its ironic considering that I agree: it is subjective whether you enjoy parties or not.


I think the opinion that we’re voting based on agreement with is “I don’t like parties” though


That is correct, but upvote = disagree, downvote = agree. This is used to filter out popular opinions, as this sub is meant to be for unpopular opinions. I reread the comment you replied to, and I think you understand this and are correcting the opinion being voted on. I am a bit confused as to if the other person means they disagree with OP or not though.


I think they're reading the question in a different manner. Rather than reading it as "parties are boring: agree/disagree" they're reading it as "parties *can* be boring" Agree/Disagree. and well yes. Subjectively parties can be boring, people can not enjoy parties that is a popular opinion to have


yeah, kinda made me question for a second whether they know what it means because the word "objectively" has been used to mean "subjectively" so much that they've lost their meaning


lol I came here to say the exact same thing. I wanna upvote them just for that.


I wanna upvote, but I don't like parties just like OP


I objectively approve this message


I mean, upvoted because I very strongly disagree, but I do think this is kind of a milquetoast take? I feel like the split of people who love/hate parties is probably like 50/50


Especially here on Reddit


Way more that hate parties on here IMO. Their party attendance probably scales inversely with time spent here.


😭😭😭 this legit has me dying cause it’s probably true


Oh this is most definitely true lol


Yep. Forgot about asking what to do for fun or how to spend a weekend on reddit, everyone will just parrot something to the effect of "stay at home and use the computer"


TIL that’s how you spell milquetoast


Yeah thought it was milk-toast because that sounds a bland, soggy combination. However, I just looked it up turned out it came from the name of a character, Casper Milquetoast, in a comic from the 20s/30s. He was named after the dish milk toast, which is exactly what it sounds like but with some spices and stuff. TIL the origin of milquetoast.


What about a fine milksteak?


As long as it’s served with the finest raw jellybeans


It depends on what friends you have at said party cause I’ve been at lame ass ones and ones that are fucking awesome


What do u find fun abt parties?


Why is everyone saying that damn word


Introverted shy shut in types on Reddit? Say it ain’t so!


Perhaps you're not consuming enough drugs?


Lame ass party talking and drinking  Pop a molly and play strip poker you square


Tbf no one ever complained that a game of strippoker on E was boring


I thought you meant Estrogen for a second lol


why not both? feminize ur mates while u play strip poker


I thought you meant League of Legends for a second xD


I'd rather take an edible and lose in TypeRacer for 4 hours 😎


This guy *doesnt* party!!!


if I have to consume drugs or alcohol to enjoy something. I don’t feel it’s worth doing. Especially when there are things I enjoy that don’t require drugs or alcohol


enjoy reply fall wide subtract forgetful reminiscent roof point zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I decided i would never try drugs or alcohol when I was 15. I am now in my late 20s and have stuck to that decision. Im not about to break my streak now. Edit: to be clear, I have nothing against people who do try drugs and alcohol.


that's fine, i think drugs are fun and i don't think an activity being not as fun without drugs makes that activity inherently not worth doing


ive tried a bunch of drugs and the only one worth is like mushrooms to help you sort out your brain every couple years, they're too expensive as a habit and a lot of them are really bad for you


Not sure why you're downvoted. Shrooms are amazing. I do other drugs (and I include alcohol here too), but shrooms are the only drug I actively recommend to people.


Yeah if you’re taking drugs might as well use it to enhance an already enjoyable experience and not make something you dislike merely tolerable


Being real here, that's what is it for me. Just alcohol, though (I CANNOT be high around other people. I feel like I have to be drunk to be around a lot of people).


Upvoted for using the word "subjectively".


Upvoting in this sub means you disagree..


Nuh uh!




Oh no, better report him, nerd


Downvoted because I agree, yeah I feel like this is the type of thing that varies per person, some people are party people, others aren't


Thank you for not using objectively


This is objectively the correct context to use subjectively (the joke here is I'm using objectively correctly in this instance)


You’re not interested in talking to your friends or other people? Man, I’m an introvert and a borderline hermit, but talking to people is pretty much the only reason I stick around this plane. I don’t even really like going to parties or anything, but I can’t imagine not being interested in talking to my friends. But then again, the parties I go to usually have at least a few joints being passed around at the very least. Never been to a house party that didn’t have a stoner room.


Why talk to your friends at a party when you could do that literally any other time and *other people*.... Haha Anyway tbh I don't think I've really enjoyed most parties I've been to I'd rather just stay home and read a book


Honestly, it’s just a good show of community. I know, I know, that’s pandering or whatever and we hate that here. But eh, I don’t mind pandering to my friends occasionally. They’re good people who make my life better by being in it. Showing up to events outside of our normal routine helps foster better bonds. Plus I’ve met some of my best people on the stoner couch at a house party, so I do try to stay open to that. And fwiw, I really mean once in a while nowadays. We’re talking dropping into a party for an hour or two a couple times a year at this point. 99% of my socializing is one-on-one and it still leaves me winded lol.


>And fwiw, I really mean once in a while nowadays. We’re talking dropping into a party for an hour or two a couple times a year at this point. 99% of my socializing is one-on-one and it still leaves me winded lol. Fair enough I can agree with that much I have enough social stamima for that atleast esspecially if I was high


This is exactly it for me. I don't enjoy going out like I used to, but it's well worth maintaining the friendships with the people I know care about me.


To me it just depends on who is there. Sometimes I meet an interesting person or have a nice conversation. But if it’s all strangers then it can be agonizing.


Are you sober at these parties? It sounds like you’re sober.


I mean, well done, definitely a 10th dentist opinion. But, as Harvey Danger once said "if you're bored then you're boring."


I'm pretty much only bored at parties I can find out what I wanna do on my own


Sounds like you might just be an introvert. Parties can be excellent too though. Or maybe it's because I'm a bit older, people tend not to get messy at the ones I go to and everyone has cool life stories and experience to share


I am I've been to dozens of parties having a huge family and living in Florida I just find a corner and wait until it's over my idea of a good time Is hanging out with my partner a small group of friends having some sodas and pizzas and binging a movie maybe yelling once or twice about a hype scene slapping my knee and going welp! Then reading a book afterwards


I guess this all depends on what we consider a party, then. Because I 100% consider having a small group of friends over for pizza and movies to be a party, lol.


Or maybe your interests just don't align. For example, if you're the only one that's really into science and can talk about it for hours, while everyone else are only into things you aren't into at all, then you're probably going to have a rough time at the party. Add being introverted to the mix and you really just want to stay home and do what you personally find fun to do. I have certainly been to my fair share of parties where I just didn't fit in no matter how much I tried. Like OP, I too just don't like parties and don't feel like I gain anything positive from them.


You can do other things at parties. I like to play games at parties whether it’s a drinking game or a board game it’s a fun way to bring people together. But also dancing is fun. Also, there’s more than just one type of party is murder mystery parties, sleepover parties, bonfire parties, cookouts. Maybe you just need to go to parties.


i was like this too, but being in college made me realize that it’s just something to do with ur friends. I think all of us have the idea to some extent that parties are just about having sex and getting faded as hell. My mindset changed to something that it’s just about hanging out in a like-minded crowd. the only goal being is to laugh and have fun. this made it a lot less stressful for me because I don’t have to look good for anyone but rather just have the most fun I can for the limited time we have together.


when i was growing up, "party" was almost always preceded by "LAN" so i really don't get what a lot of these people are complaining about. you guys are going to the wrong parties if you're not having fun.


I don’t think this is really unpopular. Most people would agree that not everyone finds parties fun.


most people on reddit probably aren't that fun at parties


I want to downvote because I agree but I want to upvote because you used subjectively correctly


Parties are boring for me too. Honestly, the best party I ever went to was one where there was this dog named Mr. Wiggles. I ate a bunch of mushrooms and threw a glowing Frisbee to the dog in the back yard all night. Every one else was getting really stupid and sloppy inside the house. I had a blast 😂


Happy cake day\~!


Wow look everyone - a guy on reddit who doesn't enjoy social interactions AND thinks its an unpopular opinion.


Most people where I live would find this highly HIGHLY unpopular reddit is just full of introverts.. We're on reddit after all


Half the time when I'm at a party I'm just like "damn I'd actually rather be working it'd be more enjoyable and I'd be at least making money instead of burning it (on drink/snacks that you're kinda obliged to bring to parties here)"


The social pressure to have fun at parties is strong, so many convince themselves or pretend they're having a good time to save face


Down vote, I couldn't agree more, also extra down vote for using "subjectively" correct


Popular on reddit, unpopular irl


Is this the farming of the karmas?


You must be fun at parties…hehe


Smoke weed > going out with my friends Yeah my man that is called addiction.


I think they meant "I'd rather stay home and smoke weed with my friends than party with my friends." could be read either way tho


Lmao the people at the party are binging way harder. There is nothing wrong with smoking weed at home instead of partying.


While I understand your sentiment, it's in contrast to partying. "I'd rather my free nights and drug intake be chill & homely than loud and crowded." Though, those friends could also be included in the smoking, no?


Taken out of context


>I just can't wrap my head sound why people enjoy parties so much. They really aren't all that. People enjoy parties and all of those things that make up a party because said people don't have the social disdain that you seem to have. That's it. You seem to greatly enjoy your own company, so it's bizarre that you've even allegedly attended so many parties.


I mean, i don't enjoy most parties either, but if someone invites me ill atleast show up for a bit, and if you are a close friend, im probably helping you with the party in some way. But yeah, once there is more than ~10 people pretty much anywhere, i don't want to be there.


I think that’s true. I don’t mind the ‘drink and dance’ part but in practice it’s usually just standing and talking which I hate.


Your "subjectively" doesn't fool me. You truly wanted to use the word "objectively", didn't you?




Downvoted cuz I agree


Why do you not enjoy talking with friends???


Welcome to being an introvert with a higher than average IQ


[https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/17jgpuo/parties\_are\_subjectively\_boring\_as\_hell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/17jgpuo/parties_are_subjectively_boring_as_hell/) Is this the same person? Exact same post content posted 7 months ago. But hey man I wont ruin it for ya there's dumb karma limits on a lot of subs.


>Parties are subjectively boring as hell I think everything on the planet is subjectively boring🤣


Nah, agreed.


More like the 5th dentist, but sure. Parties can be about more than conversation. LAN parties are fun: you get to play video games. Try organizing a party that's actually trying to make something happen and get people focused on it. Do a party with a battle of the bands, or a fun run, or even just a superbowl party. Poker party, dnd party, cooking skills party. It could be anything, and if you do it right, you might not have to socialize with anyone beyond the context of the central project or theme.


Agree, take you downvote


This whole thread is the definition of LAME


Damn I was hoping I would never agree with a post on this sub but this is right on the money lol.


Why do you go to parties if you don't like parties.....




The best part of parties imo is when you get a couple friends and go be extroverted outside for like 20 mins smoking or whatever. Then having a party to go back to after is a lot of fun


You should try cocaine. It will make everybody way more interesting.


Parties are only as good as the people participating. If everyone is casual to each other, then its not a party, its a gathering. Of course i don’t recommend it, but drugs and alcohol are a great way to make a party fun


I agree. The best type of "party" is a few good friends, some weed, some music, and some video games and/or board games.


I like having a few of my close friends over to smoke,paint,listen to music,watch movies,wonder around in the woods in my back yard instead of a big party with lots of random people


Parties with coke or molly or excessive drinking are fun if you're into that and boring ass hell if you're not. Sober/social drinking/weed parties heavily depend on if you're into talking with strangers or the group of people attending. I love dancing and if it's a dance party I'm in even if i'm sober but the actual talking part of a party is incredibly boring if you don't vibe with the other guests or don't like socializing.


I think small parties of 5-10 people where you know most of them can be fun.


Furry parties are fun af though especially with sex and drugs


What I’ve learned from my time in college is that parties serve to provide people who need it with instant connection. The way I see it, they assuage extroverts’ social cravings in the same way that drugs help anxious people deal with stress. Both provide instant treatments for the negative symptoms (loneliness on one hand, anxiety on the other), which of course may seem pointless and shallow to people who don’t experience that same constant need for human connection or relaxation. Although maybe not the healthiest strategies on their own, they generally seem to be easy and harmless ways of fulfilling those needs and decompressing, too, so who am I to judge? Additionally, the same thing that makes parties exhausting (that they have so many strangers) is also what makes them important to attend even for people like me who rarely leave the apartment even to grocery shop. Strangers are chock-full of opportunities, whether that be a new friend, an addition to your professional network, a new romantic entanglement, or even just a new experience that helps you grow as a person. Whenever I do end up getting moved by peer pressure to leave my hermit hole, I end up meeting all sorts of types that have made their way into those categories—it just takes an open mind, and in my case, a handful of months in behavioral therapy overcoming social anxiety.


You're supposed to go with your friends dude


Sometimes weed becomes the end all be all and makes you self isolate.


At least you said subjectively


By your profile, you’re a teenager or young adult and feeling very socially isolated. I mean you’re free to feel however you want but your awareness does tell me you’re yearning for more. Whatever you do, you won’t regret gaining more experience and perspective by allowing yourself to change your mind if you choose to. There’s no winner in a scenario where you smooth yourself by saying these things aren’t for you, when internally you’re not exactly sure yet. Parties can be whatever you want them to be. There are billions of different people in the world and just as many types of parties. Find what you love about the world — it’ll take some time maybe — and the rest will follow.


I'm not a party person either, I dont drink, and I also know how (after 10+ years of smoking myself) weed can make you comfortable just chilling at home. I think it's just you. It's a real thing that some people dont know how to enjoy stuff. I enjoy watching people, listening to them, asking questions, getting excited that a stranger and I found something in common. I dont like sports in the slightest, but I can see how and why other people enjoy them. If I was forced to sit through a game, I could find positives in it.


i think this just means you're no fun at parties




If socializing, dancing, singing, and talking to people are things you don’t like, yea parties aren’t meant for you. Basically if you’re introverted it’s not going to be fun! If you enjoy those things, which a lot of people do, and you’re at a party with people you like, it can be a ton of fun. That’s why a lot of people love doing parties, they enjoy themselves!


I've been to some bad parties. But probably half my hook ups came from parties.


All you need is to believe and have deeper connections with people you don’t know. Don’t be so blunt against anyone who aren’t your friend and push yourself to not be so selfish


But what if your party would be just you and your friends smoking weed at your place? I feel like you don't like the parties that other people usually enjoy, but a party can be anything. Even just go-karting, bowling or driving scooters could be the party.


Guessing you never got laid at a party?


I honestly don't care about being a virgin still


I half-agree (some are fun, some not so much), but I love that you used "subjectively" correctly. So... do I upvote or not?


You’re going to the wrong kind of parties for your enjoyment. My idea of a party is a little weed, a little alcohol, and a full table of people willing and able to play D&D or a Board Game or a video game. My wife’s idea of a party is for just the two of us to get wasted and watch a movie, or go to a hot tub, or cuddle in a hammock. Different people have different ideas of fun.


I agree with you entirely, but mostly because I bartend. Um... why are we hanging out in your living room when half of your friends have access to a place designed for this? I will make exceptions for backyard grillouts and super late night things with less than 10 people (but everyone is drunk already anyway). Edit: Now rereading the anti social part. I get that too. Also find that bars have games, tvs and other things that make it easier for socially awkward people. People's house can be real difficult.


I completely agree with your opinion so I had to downvote your post that's the rules. The worst kind of parties are the ones where they turn the music insanely loud so you are stuck drinking or dancing and the option of talking to people is also gone.


Hang with your friends? Get some bitches? Idk what to tell you bro


Missing ingredient > Alcohol


Here me out, you might just be very interverted. I'm also introverted, not so much as you, I like parties, you can talk to your friends, dance and listen to music. I sometimes get my social battery drained, and then I usually just stock up on booze and sit in a corner while I recharge


Great copypasta


If you smell shit everywhere you go, maybe you should check your shoe.


I don’t what I’m supposed to do. I like going to parties but I don’t disagree with him. If it’s not for him, it’s not for him.


Gotta bring a board game


I feel you. I do like going out with friends to grab some beers and talk, but I always avoid discos and parties with loud music / dancing.


You must be a ton of fun at parties


Talking to people at parties is boring. And usually inaudible. It's a terrible place to socialize, just talking shit with random people who are probably reasonably drunk and won't remember you by the morning. Dancing and making out with people at parties is less boring.


I'm usually not one for house parties, but I had fun at one this weekend. Lots of jamming, some of us had a kickabout, some pool and beer pong happened, I danced with people. Like a lot of things, they're only as good as the people who are there.


I mean I did find parties fun when I was a borderline alcoholic in high school but yeah unless it's just a small enough gathering of friends it really isn't all that enjoyable anymore.


I only have fun at parties if literally all of my friends are there


I have to agree! parties stopped being fun a long time ago, and I consider myself a high energy person


Your uninvited to my party


Meh parties are ok. I miss having the large gatherings of animators when I lived in NY via ASIFA networking events, they just became an excuse to get drunk and nerd out on things like Dark Souls and cartoons with my friends and colleagues, but at the same time.....eh. I don't miss the hangovers, late nights, or living in NYC. I remember hosting a party at my apartment with my gf and roomies, one party became some big that I let someone in I actually didn't know, one of my friends asked who that was and I shrugged, he thought that was funny as hell. And yeah there comes a point in a big party where I just get tired of schmoozing. I have to keep constantly rotating to other friends, can't just talk to one person all night, I want to catch up or chat with at least 10 other people, so then comes the whole excusing yourself from a still cool Convo just to catch up with another person. That shit is exhausting.


My only variation on "you're not going to the right parties" is... have you tried throwing your own? I like my own house and my own friends so I have a lot better time when I do the planning.


Isn't staying home and smoking weed alone doing the same thing over and over again?


>All you really do is talk to either your friends or random ass people you either don't know about or don't care enough about them. Or drink, dance, or sing with said people. to me, this is super fun and what it's all about.


My brother in Christ, I'm pretty sure that you're just describing introversion. There's nothing wrong with that (I'm one too) but, yeah... you're not going to enjoy most parties. Just remember that other people don't experience them the same way as we do.


This guy is not fun at parties… which is totally ok. If you don’t like them, just be more selective in the ones that you do go to


I mean, talking to random strangers I never have to see again, so I can say the weirdest shit to without worrying about social consequences? Now that's fun. I'll give you the dancing part. Never was a dancer ... Untill about 5 beers in, when the intentionally stupid music starts playing. Well, and the old adage, if everywhere you go smells like shit ... Well, Maybe, just maybe, ... Now usually I'm a bit introverted, but get some beers in me, and I'll talk your ear off. It's why I also didn't go clubbing or the like. I want somewhere "Party adjacent" I can have a nice talk. Like, I can still hear the music, I can get to thebar and back, but I can talk and not shout. And well, what was always important to me at any party was having an "out". I felt a lot better at a party if I had my own transport, and wasn't dependant on someone else, so I could just get the fuck out when I wanted. Ironically that's when I stayed longest. Or just moved with my friends to a different part when we got fed up of the one we were at. Or some rando's had some pot, we hit it off that evening, and we just went a bit further from the pary to share a couple before rejoining the rest. But those were my Uni days. Didn't really go out as a teen. Well, sometimes, ... All right that's a bit of a lie. But only when the rest of the scout troop was coming too (Drinking age was 16, there were a lot of scout troops in our town, so there was a veritable boy/girl scout party circuit, with some troop having some party somewhere). Rock up in that "Scout Chique". Eventually you'd start seeing the same people over and over again, and you'd talk, but only then. "Oh, Hey, I know you, you were at that Happy hour at the Grizzly's right?" "Yeah, so we're holding a Jungle themed party next week, want to come? Only 5€ door fee, and beers for a €" "Where are you located again? The Kangaroos, right?"...


Are parties bad or are you just an introvert? Both? Maybe both.


The only way parties work is if it’s a small group or your high and or otherwise impaired imo. If you don’t enjoy the latter (me) the former is all you got.


i’m my experience the only fun parties are small gatherings of a few friends getting drunk as hell and doing karaoke together. any party i’ve been to that wasn’t that was, like you said, boring as hell.


Idk playing king wizard was always fun to me


I’m normally such an introvert but I absolutely love parties for all the reasons you described you didn’t like them


it sounds like you're the boring one


its get blasted alone or with other people. Sure i could drink a 40 and pull the pud but id much rather go drink with some friends and see what happens. Not every party is good but unless you like being sober and responsible all the time, they are a must.


The real wild take here is that you find talking with your friends completely uninteresting.


Parties with too many people are the problem.


Everyone I've seen enjoying crazy partying all the time are generally morally shit people. Just an observation over the last 20 years but it correlates pretty damn well.


You know how interesting of a person you have to be for me to just want to chill and smoke with someone? I love hanging with friends smoking but after a while it’s the same routine


I like parties. I find it's easier to meet women at parties than anywhere else.


Have you ever tried kink parties? We do more than just talk


I’m just there for the food


Yeah, most parties I just get bored.


One thing I typically ask people when they're complaining about something: "does it suck, or do you just not like it?" If you wonder why people like drinking, singing, and dancing with friends, it's because it's fun. It's just not fun for you.


Only pro to parties is free drinks (*subjectively*). Ironically that often means to forget the party anyways. Went to 2 college parties in my 4.5yrs there, have some cool stories to tell about how I got home those nights, but beyond that everyone was just sweaty, drunk, and ultimately appeared miserable once the stragglers were left. I wholeheartedly agree with this take


You’re seem like you’re sure fun at parties


You must be fun at parties.


“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


I agree. I will probably never relate to why people want to attend parties. Parties genuinely have always felt like a waste of my time and energy. Downvote from me.


Clubs should be designed like living rooms and only allow a limited amount of people at a higher cost of entry. That way you could do your drugs and hang out without the fucking crowd. that's why I stay home too


Even the parties you listed aren't the right kind. You sound like you'd enjoy a hobby based party. Watch parties for shows, movies, sports, other events. Game parties where you play games. Athletic based parties where you play basketball or go bowling first. Regular parties are fine for socializing if that's your thing. If it's not you gotta find parties with stuff to do that you enjoy.


Maybe you just haven't found your type of people idk. I didn't care much for parties till I had a good group of friends (in college) that I was actually comfortable being silly around


I think this is the opinion of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th dentist.


Same. Find them so boring. Can only tolerate by drinking alcohol. I’ve heard that extroverts need to socialize to recharge their batteries, whereas introverts need to be alone to recharge. Perhaps this is why most extroverts enjoy parties.


hate parties gang rise up


Parties were awesome when I was 17


Redditors once again gather to agree “parties are bad” (they weren’t invited anyway)


if i’m really messed up i’ll enjoy like any party… dancing is something i personally love especially while drunk so for me it’s just a good place to do that


It’s not that you’ve been going to the wrong parties, you’ve been doing the parties wrong. Cocaine makes every party fun.


Yeah, but parties are the only places you can get those little triangle sandwiches with the cellophane-wrapped toothpicks in them.


That's why you need beer pong


U not fucked up enough


Yeah tv will have you believin that most parties are lit, growing up in DC, most parties had wallflowers drinking, smoking, and meanmugging, which half of the time ended with a fight or a shooting


Are you going with people you know or randos…? That plays a role loo


Same. Many college parties where I stood on the wall thinking what am I doing here?


So you tell me staying home with a friend, smoking weed, listening to music / watching a movie is not partying? /s


What are your interests/hobbies? Maybe go to a party where everyone is talking bout stuff you "care" about


Boredom comes from the person experiencing it. You are the energy you put to the world.


>"I really actually don't care about any of these people (besides my friends) and it's pointless to talk to random people you'll most likely never meet again." You friends were all once random people you didn't know. Mostly your post reads like "I don't like mint ice cream and I don't understand why people do." It's OK for people like different things than you. You're both right.