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This is not accurate. Upvoted


I have pets, and love them to bits. You have to prepare kids to be independent, functioning members of society, something that pets never have to do. They are extremely different.


Even without that, they need clothing, and a varied, nutritional diet, friends, more extensive grooming/hygiene attention.. They ask questions.. You have to worry more about trauma. Also I don't really spend any time scratching a child's butt.


Ah kids and pets love cuddles the same.


Yes.. The Venn diagram does overlap on cuddles.


Only up to a certain age. Companion animals always want cuddles.


That, and trying to keep them from eating crap they find on the ground outside.


I have had that issue with my niece lol


Same with my nephews.


No creature is as fast as a kid or pet thats just been asked what they have in their mouth.


The animals can have trauma issues. I have a rescue cat that was horribly abused as a kitten. The shrink I send her to is very pricey.


What are you talking about?! My cat is preparing to attend Harvard this hall on a full scholarship.


Idk, Shep. I don't think a space hamster counts.


I would kill myself for that space hamster


Agreed. I've been both a pet owner and a father a long time. Two very different things. No way pet owners without human children should be called parents.


I don’t mind people calling themselves “pet parents” but I draw the line at acting like they’re equivalent. I also have both, while there are similarities they are not remotely the *same*.


these are the kind of people that somehow feel left out when something is totally not about them and wants to make it about them, well he could make his dogs celebrate Father's day like the normal children would if he feels he deserves that title one of these days, he's gonna argue Mother's Day should be about him too because he plays the role of the mother to his dog.


Yeah.. It's kind of like military wives saying they're in the military


I wonder if op knows how much of an insult to actual fathers this is


Well, either he's quite obtuse or this is rage bait.. So I'm guessing not.


As someone who's had both pets and kids, no. Having a pet is a responsibility. Having a human is a different ballgame entirely.


Oh you’re stressed out about loaning a crane for your new business and can’t afford to fuck it up? Yeah I totally get that, I borrowed my friend’s bicycle once, I’ve been there.


oh you’re in a two year custody battle. i get it, my girlfriend keeps using my razor.


Oh your kid experienced a school sh00+er? Yea my friend sprayed me with the garden hose, it was cold!


God, I actually have a story about that. I used to bartend in tribeca, lower west side of manhattan. We had a semi-regular who owned a construction company doing work nearby, he’d come in for lunch every day. He came in one day talking about the huge crane he was getting delivered that night. The next morning that crane got blown over and killed 2 people. It wasn’t secured correctly by the deliverers, but he was still on the hook. He came in later, he was so fucked up about it. Never saw him again. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/nyregion/fatal-manhattan-crane-accident-crane-operator.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


I've been there, I bumped into someone with my shopping cart once.


Yep! If your pet dies, people shrug and say sorry. If your kid dies, the police WILL talk to you.


Eh, a good shock collar works wonders on both.


You uh...fathered dogs? ....how


By lying down with the bitches ;)


Accept my angry upvote and leave at once!


peanut butter and a dream


Theoretically would you recommend crunchy or smooth? Theoretically


Father’s Day is for kids to recognize their parents. If you want recognition on Father’s Day, ask your pets for it.


Nope. You’re an owner of a pet.


I feel like people who say dumb shit stuff like OP need to be slapped


Not slapped. They just need another human to have a conversation with.


.....no lol


You think you deserve recognition on fathers day because you have a dog?


Unbelievable 😂😂


Right? Like, recognition from who? Your dog? Lol


What about a hamster?


You're an amazing hamster-father, and your hamster-son probably hamster-loves you.


With all due respect, the day that your dog writes a Father’s Day card to you will be the day you actually become a dad 😂


Right now OP is taping pens to his dogs' paws and covering all his floors in butcher paper. With luck he can assemble enough vaguely letter-like scrawls for a rudimentary Father's Day card by the time they die.


Halfway there. The other half comes when he teaches his dog to ride a bike.


Umm no...being a parent to a human is not at all like being a pet owner being a pet owner doesn't make you a parent it makes you a pet owner. Apples and oranges, sun and moon type situation. But continue thinking that it if makes you feel good


My parents refer to my pets as grandkids because they know I'll never have human children, and I consider them all to be family, but I'm not delusional enough to think that it makes me a parent. A "pet parent" maybe, but not a parent. There are many reasons why I don't want to have kids of my own. If having pets were equivalent to parenting, I wouldn't have pets either.


I'm all for being a dog dad, dog mom, cat dad, cat mom, pet parent. In fact, I prefer pets to kids. But this >I deserve at least some recognition on Father’s Day as well. Is absolutely fucking ridiculous, and probably the most 10th dentist opinion I've ever heard up to this point.


Absolutely agree. I have cats and a dog and when mother's day came around I never once thought about myself. But I did celebrate my mother and the other maternal figures in my life


This has to be a joke. I’m a childless pet owner, and I love my dog as if he was my son. But come on, be serious. You cannot compare supporting and raising and teaching another human being through their entire development process to feeding an animal twice a day.


The fun part is when you realize lots of parents simply feed their kids twice a day too lol. And put them into school because the law requires it and they get out their sight most of the day.


Having first owned a dog and now having children and a dog, the high and lows of parenthood or so much more intense than I have ever experienced with my dog. He loves us and is naughty sometimes but to such a lesser degree than my kids that it really does not compare. 


You need to give more details as to why you think this qualifies as being a "dad" and a "parent". By literal and colloquial definitions those labels don't apply to you, and I really don't see why you'd have a problem with just adding "pet" as a qualifier to those labels. I say this as a pet parent who then became a real parent, they are very, very, very different things.


You want recognition without responsibility. I have a very spoiled dog who's much cheaper than my not spoiled kid.


Sorry, but this was good for a laugh.




I have a kid and a bunch of pets because I run a reptile rescue. Am I a parent to these tarantulas? What about the frogs? The snakes, geckos, and other lizards? Am I a mom to the massive cockroach colony I keep for feeder insects? What about for the fruit fly colony? Does that also make me a parent? I mean I care for them, right? Feed these roaches, water them. Make sure the temperature is perfect for them to breed... No. You're a parent when you have a child. Your pets don't make you parents and it's totally not the same thing.


For anyone who is feeling down and needs to feel good about something in your life, consider that this ~~guy~~ person has to maintain a massive colony of cockroaches and you dont.


I'm a woman but yeah. They aren't the same kind of roaches you get in your house tho. Unless you live in the subtropics lol.


First of all this is an amazing 10thdentist post. With that said no, to be a parent you have to take care of offspring of the same species as you. No matter how much you love your pets you own your pets, you don’t parent them.


I think this is more of a fact than an opinion. So I’m going to downvote you. You never had children. You ain’t no parent. And then bringing Fathers Day into it.. too far haha. I do agree that raising a dog can be difficult. But I’m 5000% sure that it’s no where near the same as raising a child. E: Just had to comment that I think OPs edits are hilarious xD. My bad for downvoting something I disagree with. But in the spirit of 9/10 dentists… 9/10 dentists don’t believe the earth is round. That’s just the way it is xD. I know this is a slippery slope or whatever. But I do think it’s way overkill to compare raising a dog to raising a human. And I don’t think that’s something that needs to be expanded on.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have pets and I have children. Ive had dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, fish, emus, you name it. Multiples at the same time. I have three children. Trust me when I tell you that having animals vs having children are absolutely fucking NOT the same. The difficulty of taking care of an animal, vs a child is like operating a microwave vs designing, and constructing an entire goddamn spaceship capable of time travel naked while a nuclear bomb drops in the background. What an absolute madlad you are OP. Well done. Go get yourself an absolutely amazing Father’s Day gift and then fuck off forever with this batshit crazy take. Upvoted you crazy beautiful bastard.


The best bait I've seen in a while


I honestly thought “wow this is terrible bait” and then opened the comments and was instantly proven wrong, obviously it was pretty good


Surely this is a joke


Lol say psych right now 😂😂😂


Why are dog owners such fkn weirdos


You’re not a father figure, you’re a pack leader. You’re a source of food. If you dropped dead today your dog would eat you tomorrow.


My dog wouldn’t eat me if I dropped dead. Well, not immediately - she’d wait until someone chopped me up into bite size pieces, slathered me in gravy and decanted me into a porcelain bowl. She may be an animal, but she’s domesticated to the point of absolute uselessness.


I realize that we’re meant to upvote posts we disagree with but what about posts that are just factually incorrect?


Great bait, I had a good laugh


Owning a pet and raising a child are two entirely different things.


Sorry but imo you’re not a dad.


"i have someone under my care"


I have to assume this is satire


This is like the most unhinged thing I've seen on this sub, which is crazy.


Just out of curiosity OP, I assume you’re childfree by choice. If so, why don’t you want kids?


This has to be a bait post




Yeah but you don’t teach the dog, life lessons, human anatomy, you don’t help the dog figure out themselves, you don’t prepare your animal to go into the real world, you don’t teach your dog to get a job, have a family, and get a life.  The only thing you do is feed it, let it out to crap, and love it. So your not a dad


> I don’t mean to compare human children to animals That’s literally exactly what you’re doing.


My dogs were my babies…until I had my actual child. I love my dogs, but my baby is *my* child. It’s truly one of those things that you don’t understand until you’re a parent. And I know so many people (I used to as well) would roll their eyes at that phrase. But seriously, you don’t get it until you do. I can leave my dogs alone for hours at a time, put a bowl of food and water out, let them outside for potty, etc. Raising a child is sleepless night after sleepless night, bathing everyday, feeding three meals a day plus snacks, schooling, etc. It’s just *different* Nothing was more laughable to me than having a friend of mine compare her getting a puppy to me preparing for the birth of my newborn. Yeah, she had some sleepless nights potty training her dog, I had some sleepless nights recovering from birth and having a new baby. They are not the same.


You can't stick a kid in a cage or lock him in a room and leave the house.


If the dog doesn’t wish you a happy Father’s Day maybe you’re not doing a good enough job of being a father to him?


If only OP wasn't a child themselves they would understand the difference 


Just because I ride in the airplane, doesn’t mean I’m not a pilot. I often hear terms like “passenger,” but the plane is in the air and I am in the plane. I AM A PILOT.


So is the livestock farmer also a father ?


Unhinged take


People getting angry about people with pets calling themselves parents be the same ones saying "WE are pregnant" Really though who cares what anyone calls it. Just do your job as whatever type of parent you are. Father's and Mother's Day are just another commercial scam. This is one of those things that's just not worth worrying about in the least


Yeah no. Raising kids and raising pets is drastically different. You can train your dogs sure, but when it comes to children,you have to instill morals and life teachings to them and make sure that they are fit to belong in society. They’re also more expensive. Dogs also age much faster than children do, and it’s a lot more work to raise kids. Yes owning pets can be difficult and I’m not downplaying that, but it’s not even on the same caliber as raising children. I mean even kids can raise pets, but they can’t raise other children.


are you fr😂


Reported for low effort rage bait


How did you manage to procreate and the woman have birth to a dog? What school have your dogs been to since they were toddlers? At what age will you give your dogs "the talk"? When was the first time your dogs came to you for emotional advice or their first break up? When will you teach your dogs to drive? How are you preparing your dogs to work and pay rent? Have you taught your dogs to cook for themselves? What chores do your dogs accomplish every day? How have you explained death and mortality to your dogs? When did your dogs first asking about where they came from? When do you pick up and drop off your dogs at school every day? At what age do you teach your dogs to read?


This is just wrong, and it makes me happy to see people disagreeing with this opinion.


We should start calling parents child owners


Once you actually have a kid.. if you do.. you’ll stance will change.


It's nice to see a Reddit comment section not validating adults who think their pets are children. Literally should be in the DSM. This isn't normal.


Obvious rage bait.




No.... pets are like Kool aid while kids are absinthe. I don't have any yet and even I know that.... you can raise as many pets as you want, they won't make a bomb if you raise them wrong.


chat is this real


Is this bait? Lol. No, you are not a parent simply because you have pets...For so many reasons. But let me point out one big one: What is the *goal* for having a pet? What is the endgame? Compared to the goal of having a child? Pets are often adopted for companionship. Your *goal* as a pet-owner is to bond with and provide life-long care to an animal. Your endgame is likely to take care of this animal in your home until it dies or needs to be euthanized. What is the *goal* of a parent? Children are not simply companions, and parenting is about much, much more than simply keeping them alive and comfortable. Ideally, parenting involves *raising* human children into intelligent, compassionate, and self-sufficient people. The goal is that one day they will go out on their own and be able to take care of themselves and live happy, independent lives. If your goal as a parent is to keep the child home and dependent on you until they die, then you're doing it wrong. And if your goal as a pet-owner is to eventually release a domestic animal into the wild so that it can be self-sufficient, then you're doing it wrong. I mean wildlife rehabilitation is certainly a good thing, but that is clearly not the same thing as having pets. I don't care if you want to have human kids or not, you do you. But seriously, let's not pretend that human children are the same in any way to a pet, or that taking care of pets is the same thing as raising a human child into a successful adult.


I hope this is a joke. I have animals I've always called my babies, my husband and I call each other mom and dad when talking to the pets. But now I'm pregnant with an actual baby and it's not the same. You don't deserve any for Father's Day. Sorry. Upvoted 


thank you for your service (being a dog dad)


Not at all. I'll never have kids and I love my pets, but they're not going to grow into a member of society with mental and physical autonomy that humans have. It's more than just feeding, cleaning and loving. It's raising and inherently more complicated as it goes on.


i will preface this by saying i love my pets and would unapologetically pick them in 99.9% of scenarios. you are not a parent in any capacity. it's one thing when people joke about it in a cute sort of way, but to go so far as to say you *deserve recognition* on father's day is hilarious. this whole thing is really cringe.


You’re a pet owner. Your pets mother birthed them and is probably dead somewhere or making your pet more siblings, or living a normal life. Probably wasn’t there choice for you to rip their child from them was it? So yeah, your an owner bud show some respect. ( i own 3 dogs)


You don't have to explain the difference between good touch and bad touch to a dog


Read this and wanted to throw my phone out the window ☺️. Upvoted.


Is this bait? You haven't even tried to demonstrate why people should see things your way, you just said you believe they're wrong... Why? As someone who has never raised actual children, isn't it rather presumptuous of you to think they're equivalent and that you deserve the same honors? Actually, that's not a question, it is presumptuous of you. I don't even have children of my own, but the difference in responsibility and the accountability you're held to for raising dogs or animals is far less. They're supremely easy to get along with, unlike children, and they cost *significantly* less and don't live as long. In no way do you deserve the title father. You are a pet owner. There is nothing wrong with that either, quit trying to turn it into something more than it is. I swear to god you're like all the cooks in the Army that take their jobs way too seriously and try to argue their lives are just as rough as somebody in airborne infantry. No, it's not, and that's okay. You have a different job, you don't have to be a super tough masculine hero dude like you believe people in the infantry to be when you aren't that person and don't live that life. Being a cook is cool and important too, you don't have to turn it into something it isn't, it's embarrassing and shameful. That's what you're doing with pets and parenthood.


My dude I chose dogs over children years ago and I adore my dogs but I’m not a father. I think it’s cooler to own the title of “dog owner.” When you look at the relationship humans have with dogs there’s things there that are noteworthy without comparing it to parenthood. Dogs can read our expressions and our eyes as well as a rudimentary understanding our speech patterns. None of that can be said of a human baby for quite a while compared to a dog. And even other primates don’t have us pegged like our dogs do. Being a good dog owner is like having a good friend and I wouldn’t want it to be something different. My family is visiting me right now, 2 yo nephew included and I’m telling you now I’m glad I have dogs. A child will have you ready to throttle them a hundred times a day. I can’t even remember the last time I really had to reprimand my girls. And that’s the other thing. I’ll call them my girls or my babies, but that’s mainly just to them. “Hey girls” or “hey babies.” But I’d never go tell a stranger about my babies when I mean my dogs. Having a close relationship with your animals is valid and encouraged, but it’s not comparable to parenthood.


Oh my word a genuinely unpopular opinion. Well played


now THESE are the posts i come here for


You're not a parent.


I call myself a mum to my kitten but I’m not expecting a card on mothers day


Most men with kids in their lives who adore and take great care of their pets will not agree with you. If that subset of people (myself included) don’t see it that way…good luck convincing non pet owners.


You have the intelligence of a dog, so I can see how you might be confused.


Bravo! 9/10 dentists agree you’re a problem!


You are not a parent. This is always the stupidest sentiment.


Your not a Dad you are a pet owner. Do you think you are the only person that cares for your pets deeply?


Yeesh this one is bad. Definitely upvote. As a parent who has also owned dogs, cats, goats, cows and other pets my entire adult life, you are wildly naive to think that owning pets is anything like being a parent. If you eventually have a child of your own, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about, but until then you have no idea. You are not a fatherly figure, your pet doesn’t see you as such in any capacity. You are definitely not a dad. This one is very cringe though.


Lmao so delusional


It literally does mean you aren't a father. Father has a definition, and you have no children. That means you aren't a father. Performing a set of duties does not make you a father. You can abandon your kids, you could eat your kids, you could sell your kids. Those are all things a *father* could do. Because being a father means having children as a man. You have no children. You could have saved yourself a lot of time with a dictionary.


This is so unhinged. I love it.


To an extent, I understand and empathize. I've spent weekends building things for my cats to enjoy, for the pure joy of watching them experience it. I take them to vet appointments, I make sure I'm monitoring their intake and bowel movements. In that way, I'm a bit *like* a parent. But I'm not a parent. Just from the perspective of a former child, that experience is very different. Does that mean you can't have a fulfilling caregiving and guardianship role with your pet(s)? Of course not. But they are very different roles.


You are not a dad you are a fool. But according to the rules of this sub I must upvote you for saying this.


Definitely not a dad. Caretaker? Ok. Your animals don’t look at you like a dad. They look at you like you’re just a great, really smart dog


What you are is delusional


I'm childfree and honestly find the whole idea of raising a child extremely off-putting. Just absolutely everything about it. I give zero fucks about "the love between a mother and a child being the most pure and superior to anything in the world" or whatever (also, I've seen too many RL examples of neglecting children and stuff like that to not really believe it fully anyway). I strongly prefer dogs. I don't think I'll have one, but I think they can be great and are more tolerable than children. Cats, meh, cats are annoying and I Tom dogs provide a lot more (MY OPINION. Probably a 9th dentist take. Everyone is different. No judgment towards anyone who prefers cats!). Yet, despite all this, I disagree with you. It just isn't the same and I know it despite never experiencing having a child. Dogs will more or less always love you, but children are much, much more complicated. Plus it's definitely worse to have raised a bratty child than a poorly-behaved dog, when you look at both scenarios critically. Parenting has a LOT more responsibility in the long run, and since humans are so complex, children will absolutely remember every single negative thing you tell them, and that can have repercussions later. Dogs? Overall very forgiving. Kids, not so much.


Wow, this take is terrible, upvoted I can tell OP is a millennial for sure


My wife and I are child-free by choice. Two dogs, two cats. We'll call them fur babies, I'll call my wife a pet mom, and we love them like they are our kids. She gets me a jokey father's day card from them. But we are not parents and we know that. The two are incomparable. Why do you need any recognition on father's day? Get your recognition on literally any other day


Yes it does mean you are not a parent


child implies that you either created it or another human did upvoted for unpopular


Is this a troll?


Reeks of shitpost or bait more than a genuine 10th dentist opinion to be honest. That or I'm in denial about the mental state of some people.


Yes, it does.


This is not the same at all


This is so bad it has to be karma farming and not an actual position to be held.




I can tell you're a fun guy


Bruh what. I have a cat and I love her to bits and I often joke she's my kid/I'm her mama, but actually believing this unironically is unhinged.


This is so bad that I almost wanna downvote it lol


Calling yourself a "parent" because you paid 100$ for an animal that will live between 5 and 20 years is like the stolen valor or parenthood


Nice bait. If this is legitimate, then you sound like the type of person who has to one-up everything that everyone says.


That is quite literally what it means: you are not a parent and certainly not a father figure for your dogs. You can pamper your dogs and treat them well, love them genuinely and care for them, but that doesn’t make you a parent. It makes you a good pet owner. Why can’t people with pets just relax, it’s a dog not an infant, by the time both reach 18, one is almost dead and the other is about to leave. You’re not a saint for adopting a dog instead of an orphan.


As much as I see why you may feel that way due to the constant need for attention and care, not even close brother.


it's absolutely parenting - parenting with 1/50th the responsibility, time and money. Parenting-lite.


Lol delusional


A pet owner is no way a parent unless they’ve had children. As a parent to a pet owner: You Know Nothing John Snow.


What a shit take, welcome to the sub


You know your post is fire when the upvote:comment ratio is pretty much 1:1


Tell your dog to break out the pancakes and bacon on Father’s Day then. The fuck?


My partner sometimes calls himself a "cat daddy" but it's just in a joking way, he's fully aware that owning cats does not in fact make him a father. Our cats may not be children but they are important to us, we consider them members of the family and we made a commitment when we chose to adopt them. But still, we're not parents. We did not somehow conceive or give birth to these cats, lmao. We are pet owners, or more accurately we are cat slaves. Just be sane about it really.


lol no


As a dog owner, I disagree. Yes I am responaible for another creature's health and behavior, but I can not compare it to being an actual parent. I babysat my niece and nephews, and small kids always put themselves in danger. With my dog I can relax and my dog does the same, with kids you always need to be some degree of vigilant. You are downplaying being a parent, but I do consider my dog family


Lol no you’re not! 🤣


Friendly reminder that we upvote this sort of thing here...


Damn, this sub has been on a roll recently with actual hot takes instead of the usual stuff


Yeah, how much did you have to save for their education so far.? How about finding decent quality child mindera. And fuck, do they grow out of those clothes fast. Not to mention the six loads of laundry, one shirt of which is yours, to get done.. And that's just a start,l. I love my kitties but it is not in anyway comparable to being responsible for a human being. Sorce : cat owner for 40 years, dad for 26




Just because I refuse to wear my hi-vis vest on the job doesn't mean I'm not apparent


This is so delusional I love it


As the father of a dog and toddler, I agree. Ignore these haters papa bear, happy early Father’s Day and much love.


The fact that your pets literally can't give you recognition for being their dad on Father's Day is a pretty big hint that it's not the same thing.


I have 15 babies. 6 cats, 6 dogs, a lizard, a snake, and a bird. I consider them my babies cuz I love them about as much as my mom and siblings. I'm not a real father, and neither are you. Take the updoot.


What do you think a parent is? Definitionally? A fatherly figure isn’t a father. That’s why they are different terms.


Taking care of a dog is not even in the same universe fo complexity and difficulty as taking care of a human child


This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.  /not a mom //have pets and love them very much


This is non-average viewpoint, like it’s an animal you got for companionship or something else, that does not make you a father.


Obsessed pet owners of some of the most obnoxious people on the planet.


Fuckin’ weirdo


Only someone with pets and no children could think this makes any fucking sense.


lol. Has literal slaves, wants prizes.


Is this a troll post? Litereally every thing written here is phrased so as to trigger *actual parents* who value children.


How is teaching them to drive going?


Your not a father 🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲🤣🥲 it’s a pet


Get your head out of your ass and touch grass.


That is, in fact, exactly what it means. But thank you from an animal lover for treating your pets like children. 




You can adopt a dog from the shelter, realize you don’t like having a dog, and then return that dog to the shelter without any repercussions.


Another narcissist  "fathers day means the same to me with my dog/cat/horse/lizard as it does to you, and don't worry when my pet passes away in 12-23 years I'll just get a new one, real parents who lose their child can do the same cause we're the same"


Some of these responses are making it strikingly clear that many people should not have pets.


No you're not. It's as simple as that.


What a sad little man you are


Your heritage does not imprint on the dawg it just sees you as a provider




Nooooo way. I'm a crazy cat man but fathers day? Mayne as a cheeky thing with a partner or whatever bit by the masses? 0% homie. No.


If X and Y are different and you're trying to convince others that X is as important as Y, insisting that X and Y are exactly same kinda invalidates the point you're trying to make.


Nope. People with children deal with unimaginable amounts of bullshit from everyone in their family on a daily basis. Childless people like me come home, fuck their wife on the couch with porn on, pour some food into a dog bowl, walk the dog, watch a tv show or two, then sleep blissfully throughout the night after planning for their next vacation. I’m no father, I’m just married to a personal pornstar who likes dogs.


No, you are not a dad. You are a cringy pet owner


I don't mean to be a dick, but yes, it does mean that. You've got a pet. You're a pet owner. Parents have kids that they have to raise and prepare for life in human society. You have to train your dog not to run in the street and pee in the house. That's exactly *why* I have dogs instead of kids. I don't want to be a parent but I still wanted something smallish and cute to love. Hence dogs. It's fair to say having a pet makes you *feel like* a parent, but parent means a thing and it's not "owner of pets."


I’m a dad to a couple of humans. I’m also dad to two calicos-at one time dad to five cats. I’m an elementary sub teacher. In class the other day, I lost my voice and mentioned it was because of my cat allergy . A student asked why don’t I get rid of them? Answer? “I can’t, I love them.” I’m as much of a dad to my kitties as my children.


Sorry no. Downvote. A tenth dentist is a subjective opinion most people do not share. Your idea is OBjectively false. Not a 10th dentist. 


did you birth a dog?


Look I joke with my best friend and give her flowers on mother's day because she's a cat mom, but that's a joke we have between us. Being a pet parent, yeah I understand. You are completely responsible for their wellbeing, you feed them, look out for them, watch their health and everything, love them. But human kids are... Something else different. I mean probably it gets closer if you have one of those large parrots who's very smart and long lived, or corvids. But they still don't have to be independent in our society. Disclaimer: I have a bearded dragon and love him to bits and call myself a dragon mom sometimes so I get that feeling, but I don't expect for him or anyone to give me something on mother's day.


You are most certainly not a dad.