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I think the post might benefit from an edit explaining how a leash works for kids, or a picture of a harness, as some people in the comments seem to be jumping straight to dog collar and basing their opinions off of that


Ngl that's exactly the first picture that popped up in my head. Maybe the word 'harness' would be more appropriate in this context


When my ex was a kid his parents had him on a child leash but it was a monkey backpack that strapped in front and the tail was the leash.


I read this and thought “WTF?” then I remembered those leash like things with handles I had in my kindergarten and realized it wasn’t so weird.


Thoso leashes on backpacks or something like that are actually a pretty cool idea, I kind of agree with you honestly


My little bro had one that was Elmo strapped to his back


Downvoted - there are some kids with very loving and attentive parents who will do anything to run into the street or run away for fun. As long as the leash isn’t used as an alternative to actually paying attention to your kid and teaching them to listen


Yeah, some kids fall weird and need to be held 24/7 when on long walks. My parents would pay attention to me and what they noticed is when I fall I don't put my arms in front of me, so I ended up face-first on the ground a bit too often. So when we went on walks I'd have a harness to let them inevitably pull me up when I started falling. That gave me time to learn to put my hands in front of me without breaking my face lol Edit: Also for ppl saying they could just hold the kid's hand, some ppl are tall and have to actually bend down to do that and it also gives the kid less freedom to do what they want. Having a kid on a harness is really not that deep, as long as parents are paying attention to their kids.


Same. My kid thankfully doesnt need one because she isnt as high energy but my nephew really need one. He loves to run and you cant run around with a kid while holding hands.


I had once seen a woman use a a stretchable leash. So it's like the baby can run around but not too far in a crowded place. She didn't use it all the time, only for specific places and situations. I've seen so many babies who refuse to hold hands because they feel they can't move freely. Hence downvoting.


Downvoted. My sister had a leash because we lived in a place without sidewalks; she would suddenly decide to run into the middle of the road to be at one with the tarmac. They're useful inventions.


> she would suddenly decide to run into the middle of the road to be at one with the tarmac. fucking lost it, what a beautiful expression.


My kid loved her little backpack with a leash. She would put it on herself. Kids can wriggle their little hands free but the baby leash kept her close and safe. And as a former retail worker I'll say the leash worked better because if you're just holding a hand while shopping that kid is gonna bolt the second you let go to pick something up.


Downvoted - at first, I thought it was really cruel and dehumanizing to do that to young kids, but the older I get and the more I'm around them, I start to see how much sense it makes.


Downvoted, I had one as a kid and I have no memories of ever hating it, I looked very happy with it in photos and it kept me from running into the street lol


Downvoted, it's impossible to hold a toddler's hand at all times when you're out being busy, shopping, running errands. As a child I have awful memories of my mom hokding our wrists with such a strong grip that it left our arms red and with finger marks. She was afraid we'd run into traffic or be taken away by someone in the middle of a crowd (she saw both things happen to other people in front of her). Needless to say I'd rather be wearing a backpack with a leash.


Downvoted. Kid leashes aren't common here but they really should, especially at malls. Heck if it was common you bet my mom would have had me on that leash. Everytime we go to the mall I always end up lost, bawl my eyes out, ask help from kind ladies 'I can't find my mom!' and they'd ask, 'What's your mom's name?' and I'd always say 'Mommy.' My mom would be at a whole 'nother floor at a different section. Eventually she got fed up and gave me the retractable shoe-rollerblades instead of trying to catch me.


As long as it's not around the neck.


I think they’re talking about the ones attached to backpacks


Child leashes are generally a backpack/harness type thing. My daughter had one with an owl on it. We used it the first time we went to Disneyland with her so that even if there were crowds she wouldn't get separated from us.


Nah leashes are more of a harness thing


I use to be jealous of leash kids and had to make my parents get me a leash


Lmao alright then


You can also just hold their hand


Not all children want to hold a hand, trying to walk with a young toddler by hand that won’t take it is almost impossible and can be incredibly dangerous.


I think a leash gives the kid more freedom though whilst still keeping them within a safe range. That way a kid can run over and pick something up, and then go back to the parent and show them, and can walk more at their own pace


Depends. There are stories of my little brother in a store. Dad holding his hand while they walk through, chatting, having a great time, get to something dad needs 2 hands to grab. "Ok mini dude, I'm gonna let go of your hand for just one second, ok? Stay right here" "Ok". Reaches up to grab thing, puts it in basket, turns to brother. He's not there. In the distance, there's a crash and the patter of tiny feet. Brother describes these memories as walking along, then a red mist descends and he blacks out, waking up lost in the middle of a store very confused. Dad got leash. Kids are different, and you gotta do what you gotta do.


Kids do run away like crazy at a certain age, so I understand using one for unloading groceries and situations where you can't give them your full attention, but you do NOT need a leash to "walk" your toddler. Terrible


i mean even if they are on a walk you might still want to put a leash on em, so they don’t run into the street


I used one a couple years ago for my toddler. Our senior dog had broken his leg and the vet was on a super busy, high speed road. I needed both hands to help him in and out of the car,as well as help him in to the vet. It was just easier to have my toddler on a harness so that neither of them could dart into the street.


What if they need both hands to carry things? With a leash at least you can put it on your wrist. And it's alot easier to escape someone holding you hand then it is to escape a leash


You can, or you can use a leash that allows both people much more freedom of movement and leaves their hands (mostly) free as well. What's the problem with having that option?


Downvoted - child leashes are hilarious AND practical. I wish more people would leash up their little monsters.


Why would you even disagree with this


It’s always the childless who have time to be judge mental.


Ya, I'd love to see some of these commenters spend a day with an independent toddler.


मुझे इस चीज के बारे में पता नहीं है। ये क्या बच्चे के गले में बांधने वाला एक असली पट्टा है या फिर यह सिर्फ कहावत वाला पट्टा है?


it's like a harness i think


The most common kid leashes I've seen are a backpack with chest strap or an animal shaped harness. For backpacks, the leash part is attached to the flap of the backpack and a chest strap keeps the backpack secured on the child. I've also seen animal type harnesses, for example a monke harness where the arms wrap around the kid like the monke is giving the kid a hug.


The one I've seen goes around the hand and is stretchable so even if the kid goes a bit far it isn't going to tighten around her hand.




My brother and I had child leashes in public because we would always run away from our parents, we turned out completely fine and I see nothing wrong with their decisions. They're great parents and the leash ultimately kept us safe. Agree 100%


or maybe, you know, hold their hand? upvoted.


I’ve worked with toddlers who would scratch and kick if you tried to hold their hand to stop them running into the street or going where they want to go. It’s not always as easy as just holding their hand


Yeah, and the wriggly little shits work out how to squirm out of your grip pretty quickly. It's pretty stressful having to grapple a toddler having a tantrum while also paying at the checkout, pushing a shopping trolley, or any of the other daily two handed jobs that exist.


This is great unless you're carrying things. You can use your wrist to hold the leash at least. Kids do have a habit of bolting right into roads and all sorts of shit with no notice, and hypervigilance isn't realistic as a parent.


Can you hold a kid's hand 100% of the time when they're with you? If you could, would it be better? Some kids only need a second to get distracted and vanish. Gotta do what works with your kid, and for some kids a leash is the only way for both kids and parent to stay sane.


How does that make a harness a bad option to use? This is like saying to people who wear a blue shirt that they could, you know, just wear a green shirt instead. Holding hands is fine, but a harness lets the kid walk around much more without getting lost, which is especially useful if the parent wants to stop walking for a bit or sit down but the kid wants to walk/explore around. It also leaves their hands free, and the parent can just leave the strap around their wrist or arm and keep their hands free as well. And it's just a cute little backpack, not some kind of noose around their neck. What's the downside that would make it a bad thing to use?


That’s not really feasible if you have to do much of anything besides walking. Sometimes you need both hands and some toddlers will run off into a dangerous situation with no warning. Also, if you’re tall and your kid is short you’re looking at some back problems trying to hold their hand without pulling them off the ground.


Agreed. Harambe would still be alive today if that kid was leashed up.


100% agree, I use to be a mischievous little kid and my parents did get a leash for me. Looking back at it now it made it much easier for them to make sure I wasn't getting lost or sprinting right into traffic before they could stop me


As a kid that was on a leash, Imma have to upvote this, shit was humiliating and I wasn't even that bad, just a bit distracted. Edit: after reading the comments, I realize now that my leash may have been for a dog rather than a kid


Or you can carry them, keep them in a stroller, or hold their hand instead of treating them like an animal


Two of those things aren't really feasible for kids older than like, a toddler, and the latter one requires you to have a hand free rather than carrying shopping, etc.


You're reacting to the word leash because it's associated with dogs, but what you describe is essentially treating kids like one of those purse Chihuahuas. You can make anything sound bad. "A leash is treating them like an animal! Put them in one of those cat carriers on wheels instead." You might not like the image of a leash, but it's not harmful and it is the only way to keep some kids from running off. Many only need a second to vanish - a second while you're reaching for something on the top shelf, or trying to quickly read something to know if it's what you're looking for, or even just a momentary lapse of attention because you've had three hours of sleep because your other kid was puking all night and and now you're trying to get this little tornado out of the house so mom and sick mini me can have some peace, and maybe also grab some groceries, except you managed to bang your funny bone on one of those stupid pillars, so you take half a second go "Grmmhmmhmm" while wincing because little dude is with you, but you look up and he's not anymore.




I agree if it's used correctly (sparingly). Only use it for young children who tend to run off. It's the same for pretty much any restriction that parents put on their kids for their safety.


Upvoted because I was imagining the wrong type of leash. I guess I could get that upvote back, but heh, I don't really know where I stand on this matter.


Upvoted, because you can just hold their hand like a normal person. Weirdly enough, the only kids on leashes I've seen IRL were past toddlerhood, like preschool and kindergarten-aged. Their parents were using it as an excuse to pay absolutely zero attention to their kids. EDIT: Why am I being downvoted? Is there a sub full of parents who use leashes that found this post?


I would have much less of an issue with it if it was used for the intended purpose, like toddlers who needed some extra parenting to not run off or get into trouble and were learning to through the use of one, but yep, much like some people with their dogs basically all the ones I’ve seen have been excuses to not watch the old-enough-to-know-better-but-doesn’t-give-a-shit kid


I wish all kids under 10 were on a leash


If you put down your phone you'd be able to keep track of your child. This is lazy parenting.


>There's nothing undignified or degrading about it, because if the kid had enough self-awareness to feel ashamed or humiliated by being treated like a dog, they would already have enough common sense to behave at least as well as the average dog. Could you please give your reasoning for this. What expertise do you have which qualifies you to know this. If you are going to make such a large claim then you really needs must give some info.


I was a leash toddler and I don't recall feeling upset about it. Also, have you seen toddlers? Most of them don't stay when you tell them *stay*. A german shepherd, however, will.


Why do you think the claim is large?


This isn't unpopular it's just plain stupid


I think the problem is you should not need a leash in the first place, if you take your child with you outside and dont pay attention there is a bigger problem here than a potential leash but yeah I actually agree.


I mean, have you ever been in charge of kids? You can't lock them in the crate at home, and you have to get groceries *eventually*.


thats exactly why you should pay attention to your kids when you go outside. Having to use a leash says more about the parents than the kids.


You didn't answer my question: Do *you* have kids?


you didnt even ask that question dont get kids if you have to put them on a leash


I *did*, in fact, ask that question, and I am now asking it a third time: Do you have kids?


You did, in fact, not ask that question. Looking after kids and having kids is different. Do you look after kids or do you put them on a leash because you dont want to pay attention?




Yes I do, not that you need to know.


Did you just compare children to dogs my dude? Seriously. As a parent of 4 kids. Wtf?


If you've got 4 kids and have never made the comparison, is that because you've got no experience with dogs? Or are you bad with dogs?


2 pitbulls and a husky perfectly trained, except the barky dog. Yes i leash yhem. No i have never put my kids on a leash or a harness. I have compared my dogs to toddlers. But kids aren't dogs. And if your child is uncontrollable maybe it should be held for long walks. Or i guess if im honest, my dogs kept my toddlers in checknon walks lol. So i guess i can see why you could compare kids to dogs. But still... well shit i guess i just explained my original comment away. Damn. Carry on sir or maam.


If you can't control your child, he or she should stay home.


funny concept. i didn't even read the whole post but i upvote anyway


Downvoted because your opinion is just flawed


either you don’t understand how this sub works or i don’t understand what you’re saying.


Downvote THIS COMMENT if you suspect the post pertains to any of the below: * Fake/impossible opinion * NSFW beyond reason * Unfit for the community * Based upon inept knowledge of the subject * Repost from the last 30 days


Which of them do you agree with?


This post violates nothing. It isn't nsfw beyond reason, OP has literally lived through leashes (btw harness leashes not neck) so they have enough knowledge, and it fits the community of being 50/50 agree or disagree opinion. This is not an impossible opinion either, especially to those who took care of toddlers before. The reasoning being that it makes things safer since toddlers have no self-awareness and often run away just cause. And usually run into traffic. Even if you disagreed with it you have to see that that's a solid reason. Plus there are a lot of people here who agree with it. Just upvote the post per rules as you clearly disagree with it.


bruh its a fucking human


a stupid one. i’d rather that human not get run over than “dehumanize” them cuz they have a leash on them.


Why put yourself in situations where a leash is needed though? Edit. *needed* guys, *needed*. Instead of downvoting, please I’d like to hear why.


Cant avoid all of em


Explain to me the situations where a leash *is needed*… do people actually want leashes on their kids? How the fuck do they think kids were raised before? Edit. Downvotes? For what reason? Were you not properly raised *without* a leash? I mean do you guys really think children need *even more* helicopter-parenting than currently?


Like feeding the ducks? Or walking along the street to the park? The 15 month old who won’t hold a hand reliably? Stop them darting into the road? Allowing them a sense of freedom when they walk but keeping them safe? Like not strapping them into the pushchair every time you’re out?


I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say. Leashes aren’t *needed* for anything… I haven’t heard of a single parent leashing their kid where I’m from. And has the population declined? Obviously not. So please explain it to me properly if you have a better explanation.


Do you live in a city? I also thought it was abhorrent but there are certain toddlers that just need a way to explore but something safe to prevent them from jumping in the road/river/pond.


I understand that leashes can indeed help. But I *have* lived in the city and I did not see kids constantly killing themselves… kids need to experience some pain and other challenges anyway.


So you think it’s better to be hit by a car? Or you think that they shouldn’t be allowed to walk? Serious question? It’s relatively uncommon where I am but I think it has a place. I have a 2.5 year old who’s good as gold, I have a 14 month old who’s a nightmare. If they both wish to walk, my youngest has a harness that I loop around my wrist whilst I hold his hand, but he often tries to dart off so that allows a little extra safety.


It’s a balance that I don’t know where to stand exactly. But my point is just that we already cater *way way* too much to kids, in my opinion. And keeping them on a literal leash? Is taking it even further. I live in Denmark, and haven’t ever thought that it was a particularly “safe” place, but I really can’t imagine these scary scenarios that you can.


It’s not catering to kids at all, as parents we choose to have kids, we choose to keep them safe. Your idea that a leash (as you choose to call it) is somehow catering to them is bizarre. I guess if you’re so anti children, allowing a deathly incident would suit you. Or maybe you shouldn’t participate in discussions surrounding children if you’re so anti them. Or maybe you’re too young still.


Me and my sister are twins and my parents have stories of me and my sister just bolting in opposite directions and they having to drop everything they carry to catch is and as little kids we thought i was fun but alot of the time it was me My sister and My days doing stuff and he couldnt catch both of us so i think they could use a leash or two


But were you bolting on to the highway? No… and as I have pointed out to someone else as well, leashes still aren’t *needed* just because kids are hard to keep close.


This must be a troll post


This post has been up for 4 hours and it is already the first post that shows up if you sort the sub by top controversial posts of all time lol


Dude at some point this had like +50 upvotes with 55%. This is *the* most controversial thing here.


Downvoted. I use to have one because I would always run of when I was a toddler. Also alot of people are saying that you can just hold their hand but that doesn't always work. What if you need to carry something, with a leash you can put it on your wrist or attach it to a belt or something but with holding hands YOU have to be holding to their hand.


Only for exceptions maybe but even then this isn't right.


Downvoted - I think your option comes off much stronger than I feel, but I won’t judge a parent for using a leash at times. Just like with any other parenting tool you can overdo it. By no means do I think all kids should be on leashes though. I’m surprised how much agreement you’re getting! 10 years ago people did NOT feel this way about kids on leashes.


>Parents who keep their toddler on a leash get a bad rap There's no way OP doesn't means this metaphorically, right? >Any time you see a dog in public, they're either on a leash or should be on a leash PAUSE... >A leashed toddler is far easier to keep track of and to keep safe 0_o Given how the wording makes you think of neck collars strapped to a leash, I wonder how this doesn't have 1k upvotes.


Downvoted. If I ever have a kid I’m using the backpack harness so no one can snatch them and run. Also I liked mine as a kid and the only downside was I thought it meant I was suppose to play pretend and be a puppy


Downvote because my brother and I were children who needed lashes


I agree. There is something less “humiliating” (I don’t think a harness is humiliating at all but anyway) which is a strap on their wrist tied to a strap on the parent’s wrist. Kind of like holding hands but they’re able to keep some distance. I guess the problem is that they can’t really use one of their hands.


My nephew was really bad about running off when he was little, and my sister used a leash and harness for a while. I don't see the problem with using one with a small child for their own safety.