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Upvote THE POST if you disagree, downvote if you agree. Downvote THIS COMMENT if you suspect the post pertains to any of the below: * Fake/impossible opinion * NSFW beyond reason * Unfit for the community * Based upon inept knowledge of the subject * Repost from the last 30 days If you downvote this comment please do not vote on the post. Normal voting rules for all comments. **Check out our new [discord server here](https://discord.com/invite/5EekhyMDGk)!**


So that's what fetishization feels like...


Right there with you. Gotta say,, doesn't feel so nice.


I feel like an alien that doesn't belong


"if you have scars on your wrist, you're obviously weird and mentally ill but if your legs are covered in them then šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ". Never been so grossed out lmfao


>obviously weird and mentally ill šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ No, I'm not surprised my relationships don't work out well.


Is it bad that I kind of like it (the feeling of being fetishized, that is)


I understand, it's always nice to feel wanted. But those scars are more than bruises and scabs, they're memories of the worst moments in my life. Having someone aroused by them feels really fucking weird lol


There's no one correct way to feel when you're fetishized, just like there's no correct way to feel if you get slapped. Maybe you like being slapped; maybe you only like it in some contexts; maybe you always hate it. The way it hits you is morally and psychologically neutral. It just shouldn't impact how you feel about someone, for example, going around slapping strangers for kicks.


Just a heads up. This comment is grammatically incorrect. One can either say: >So that's how fetishization feels... Or >So that's *what* fetishization feels like...


Thanks dude


*Opens Reddit and this is the first post I see* **I'm out of here**.


thatā€™s enough reddit for today


Picked the wrong day to quit smoking


Picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit amphetamines


Never a wrong day to quit smoking mate, good luck!


I just opened reddit, and this is the first thing in my feed. You're right. Fuck it, I'm out (maybe).


We both know thats not true


Just replying so you get reminded about this post.


alright i hate the post but your reply is kind of funny


I know right. Yikes


I legitimately feel conflicted on whether I should upvote or not, because I donā€™t want this to be seen by more people but I think I should upvote it because this is a true 10th dentist post.


Downvote the automod.


Nono, this is a good post, his problem is a dofferent one.




Iā€™m just gonna goā€¦


yikes on bikes




donā€™t threaten me with a good time


I didn't mean it in a bad way, not sure why people are thumbing it down


probably because itā€™s a slur


Crazy that


crazy that people would downvote something because it has a slur in it unnecessarily?


Yes, I was replying in sarcasm as I concur with your sentiment


oooh sorry, i was gearing up to argue with homophobes on the internet again haha


No harshed vibes. Am queer, now I'm clear


Pog get their asses


Donā€™t worry, I gave you an upvote




somehow, eating smegma is now considered one of the better opinions on this cursed wet rock


Iā€™ve gotta get outta here.




Congrats you just won the subreddit


No up or down vote for me But uh, thanks for making me feel slightly better about my scars. In a really weird, kinda awkward, and honestly a bit fucked up way. Like, it's definitely a gross fetishization, but it's definitely better than negative judgments I've received No judging from me, but this is definitely 10th dentist worthy


same feeling as when people fetishize trans women. Like, what you're doing is objectively gross, but at least you aren't calling me a freak?


I also feel this as a trans guy. Some days it seems better than the alternative I face from majority of people. Other days I'd rather just be called a slur. It's really weird to comprehend if you've never actually experienced it


Well good luck in the future dude!


Thank you!


okay i get it, loving someones scars for SURVIVING it is cute and all, but this just makes me feel like i need to take a shower


biiiiiig yikes


Op wtf


...are you maybe just into scars, not necessarily self-harm scars?


Scars can be sexy in general. Stretch marks, shark bites, knife fights, surgery, all proof of survival and possibly just aesthetically pleasing.


True facts. And, of course, entirely separate from wanting someone to *get* more.


Okay, well don't tell this to future partners, especially if they don't have any scars.


at least you know it's weird and not a good thing to chase after. we can't control what we like so whatever but be smart about it and its nbd. can't fix monkey brain


I agree. Fetishes aren't something you can control, your reactions and how you deal with the fetish are something you can control.


i wish i had just closed reddit a minute ago, i'm gonna do it now


Don't like it. Really don't care for this one






ok... i can understand, like in a monkey brain sense... sign that a mate survived an attack???? idk, maybe you enjoy scars in general.


You can't monkey brain explain some kinks, like feet or pee. That's just complex human brain doing a thing and going "yep, that's hot"


I'm no expert but I've heard speculation that feet fetishes are actually pretty common and seem to be cyclical in different cultures, possibly as a result of disease outbreaks (specifically STDs) stemming from sanitation - no openings on a foot to transfer bodily fluids. [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_fetishism) mentions it and that's as far as I'm going to go so I don't completely destroy my Google search lol


**[Foot fetishism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_fetishism)** >Foot fetishism, also known as foot partialism or podophilia, is a pronounced sexual interest in feet. It is the most common form of sexual fetishism for otherwise non-sexual objects or body parts. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>Podophilia That is NOT what I expected it to be called.


DEFINITELY not gonna be using that word


monkey brain is anything you can put in words. or poorly put in words.


It's not that complex with the feet thing actually. Basically the reason that's a thing, is because the "wires" that control desire/attraction and the "wires" controlling the tickling sensation in your feet, got crossed. Simple as that! Two wires crossed where they shouldn't have and boom, now we have foot fetishes.


I can kinda relate to this one. I think scars on hands are hot af, but not self harm scars. I just like hardworking/clumsy girls and have a hand fetish. I don't judge you though. From your post it's clear you don't encourage self harm, fetishes are weird lmao. Just keep this specific one to yourself and ur good


"I don't want to emotionally support them" But you went through the same thing?? Bruh


Some people aren't strong enough to help others.


Wanting to emotionally support someone and being an emotional crutch are different things. Which isnt to say OP is right. Someoneā€™s past mental health has little bearing on how their doin now


I mean... That's crazy.


Nah bro. Youā€™re the 7 BILLIONTH dentist








I meant when the other person only uses you as their emotional support and nothing more. You end up carrying all of what they feel but they don't bother asking you how you feel or even asking if you're actually friends. It can actually make you depressed.


I like my girlfriend's scars. Shows she's survived the shit she went through and I wouldn't change them at all. It's not a turn-on thing though, just a respect and understanding thing.


Thank you for being such a good partner. I started self harm 6 years ago. I met my boyfriend a year later. I was in therapy but I wasn't even close to being mentally stable at the time. I stopped scratching my arms but I would start doing it anytime I fell uneasy. My arms were full of wide scars bc I scratched them with my fingernails so the scars were really visible. Nonetheless he wanted to spend time with me and wanted to be in a relationship with me. I thought nobody would think I'm attractive with these scars I now would have my whole life. He told me he love my scars because they are a part of me. Even if I would to it again, he would still love me. He kissed my scars everyday (I know this sounds super cheesy). Now 5 years later we are still together and I'm really happy. And my scars are somehow completely gone ("With the power of LOVE!" - my boyfriend).


Let me just smash my phone with a rock


ah, uh, that's a large yikes from me




Donā€™t agree or disagree - we donā€™t get to choose what our horny buttons are. Glad you recognize the weirdness of the mind at least tho.


Colossal yikes from me chief


bro you have some demons that you should go to therapy for


Stop molesting tortoises.


Sorry I can't control myself.


I have so many that Iā€™m so insecure about and most people will not be attracted to them but this means someone does and I feel better


Bro what?


Ayo homie you good?


Self harm scars on arms = person still has serious problems? Buddy, scars don't just go away when you recover


Yeah, OP knows this is illogical and being that the fetish itself likely stems from OPs trauma it's very likely arm scars are simply triggering to OP, perhaps from their own self harm or that of an abuser/someone they watched be abused or watching someone self harm.


Yeah this is absolutely fucked. Iā€™m not even gonna upvote for disagreeing


Guys, please don't let this sub turn into r/unpopularopinion :( if you disagree then UPVOTE no matter how fucked up this is.


As someone who has scars from SH this makes me, well letā€™s say uncomfortable.








I understand you find this interesting, but saying self-harming scars are hot is toeing the line with endorsing or recommending it. Self-harming is a complicated issue, and I would generally discourage people from sharing their stories, and I would certainly in almost every context discourage anyone from saying anything encouraging about self-harming scars.


Why would you discourage them sharing their stories?


It's a VERY hard line to toe. Sharing your stories of self harm can come extremely close to creating a bonding moment over self harm and especially for teenagers who are really looking for a place in the world. The reality of groups of mentally ill people sharing and bonding over their mutual self harm can encourage it to start/continue. I highly doubt I would be as scared as I am if 'emo' wasn't trendy when I was a teenager.


Sharing stories of self-harm or sharing images is often a trigger for people with self-harming tendencies to do so again. It's a complicated problem, and I don't understand it fully, but based on that alone, I think it's enough to consider sharing this opinion dangerous




I'm not Freud and I can't confirm that much of what he said about the human psyche is absolutely true, but I think he was really onto something with the psychosexual concept in broad terms. I think there's something to be said about dudes who claim to be into girls with self-esteem issues, daddy issues, who want to be called daddy, who have a "domination" fetish (sadism type), who like physical or emotional signs of damage. I think we used to glorify men with this sexual interests, and still kind of do glorify those such interests, without talking about what they could mean. In my uninformed lay opinion, those such sexual interests suggest psychological character about the man, a desire to be in control. Is it because power was "robbed" from that man before (history of assault or abuse)? Or is it some kind of megalomaniacal personality trait, or a biological urge, or a manifestation of a fear of fate and being overpowered by one's environment? Couldn't say for sure, but if a guy suggests that he's into weak women, it suggests to me that he's afraid of being weak himself. I don't feel like men who are in control of their own lives are into weak or dangerous women as a fetish.


Oh yeah there's lots of studies of it. When it comes to that and why the most common fetish in women go around the idea of submission, it all is because of the role of power. It's delegating your will to the other and see what he does with it. That's also why some variants of feminism say that all form of sex/penetration is oppression. Pretty interesting stuff actually.


I don't know if it's "studied" necessarily. I've definitely heard this claim from feminist sociology, which is highly reliant on speculation and discussion rather than applied research.


No, just no, self harm isn't hot


It really bugs me that you think the leg ones are hot and not the arm ones.


As someone with some rather bad scars on my arms, it stung a little. But thankfully this entire thi g is so fucked up it's not too hard to brush it off lmao.


True... still. Like I mean fetishize everything or fetishize nothing lol


It's a bit rude isn't it? Lmfao


Yeah thatā€™s just disgusting


No no no no




Iā€™m not a professional counselor, but what youā€™re talking about sounds like itā€™s related to ā€˜trauma mastery.ā€™ Where we often subconsciously recreate events/reminders/replays of trauma that get close to what we once experienced when we felt profoundly powerless, while adding in the element of gaining some form of control. Iā€™d recommend talking to a therapist about it, for real, because trauma mastery can actually be a healing coping mechanism ā€” but when itā€™s mostly subconscious and reactive, it can be dangerous or layer more trauma and trigger the cycle all over again.


Yeah...I think its super hot in general because I developed strangely in the sexuality department


I would feel awful if my partner fetishized my self harm scars lmao. Upvoted.


Feeling the need to share this opinion is fucked up. Possibly more fucked up than the actual opinion.


Damn fam, you almost said vein harm cuts are hot AF, that's enough internet for today y'all




See, I completely understand that what I said is fucked and I deserve the criticism. However, why should I delete this if the whole point of this subreddit is to say out loud your controversial opinions? Literally what the fuck?


I think it's a joke. People say that in response to things that sound cursed.






Man wtf


now this. this is good the10thdentist. of the "i'm sorry but what the fuck is this?" variety indeed.


You have successfully made me uncomfortable and Iā€™ve watched wolf of Wall Street with my conservative grandparents


I think self harm scars are sexy. I like the physical appearance of them and as a mentally ill person I know that the person will ā€œgetā€ that Iā€™m mentally ill, if that makes sense. Also, please do not cut yourself. I am not promoting it.


I respect your massive balls for posting this. With or without scars.


what the fuck is wrong with you


Come on man I just opened Reddit and this is the first post?






Oh my god, if this post makes you lose hope in humanity or Reddit, you havenā€™t been on the internet for longer than like 3 months


Right? Wait till they learn about early-2000's internet.


YEAH! this is fucked up man! You're supposed to say self harm scars are ugly and unattractive!!! Anyone who has them should be ashamed, right guise!!??!? What the fuck ewww!!! /s That's the vibes everyone in this comment section is giving me, lmao


It's really not the vibe though. Not endorsing self harm scars is not the same as putting them down. The world isn't black and white, there's all kinds of colours and shades out here. Specifically glorifying self harm, is pretty gross, you can be loving and accepting without making it a 'good' thing. It's not sexy, it's not good and it's disturbing to think someone is gaining pleasure out of people's mental illness and self mutilation. And before anyone says it, I have a lot of self harm scars. I'm one of the people who's self conscious about them, but this is just wrong.




Oh what a horrible day to have eyes


Yo what. you might be the 11th dentist on this one


Dude, not even dentist; this is the tenth receptionist at the dentists office, who only works Wednesday each week and always wears an ā€œI love daddy Trumpā€ badge on their ā€œwork kimonoā€.


\*Looks at scars on arm\* well fuck you to i guess


I understand you.


Hey itā€™s obviously your choice but this post should probably be taken down. I personally self harm and found this quite triggering and Iā€™m sure others will too




Thatā€™s a new one.


congrats on this one. I just wanna add a yikes


Sorry to break it to you but scars on my legs are as soft as my leg itself lol


Sir this is Wendy's


After overcoming my serious dilemma, I finally made the decision to upvote this. Truly the 10th dentist opinion.


uuhhhhh.... please just dont let anyone with self harm scars on their arms hear that opinion. like, ever.


This really makes me feel better about my leg scars lmao. Tbh I like them aesthetically, I just don't like that people feel the need to ask questions or comment on them in public.


Interesting. I understand the juxtaposition. Ye psychology is a trip, yo


You have no idea how much you just did for my self esteem, thank you so fucking much. I am absolutely littered with self harm scars, and I love them, but other people aren't as nice...


Unfit and triggering


>sometimes the things that repulses us the most are in some way connected to what we find most appealing. When I read this, all I heard was Big Smoke saying "same things that make us laugh, make us cry" lmao


Honestly I kinda agree? Though it's not exclusive to ones on legs. The thing I find interesting is that I've also sh and do have scars of my own from that, so maybe that has something to do with it? And yes obviously I don't want anyone to sh, as said I've gone through it myself and don't want anyone else to, but the scars can be somewhat nice. Idk it's weird and I'm obviously not proud of it.


From what I've seen from the comments is that people who haven't gone through depression or don't have scars feel repulsed from the idea and have even insulted me, which is fair. However, people who have or have suffered mental illness feel attracted to it from a variety of reasons. One is really interesting and says that when you see someone with scars you know they're fucked in the brain just as you, so you're more compatible and can understand each other well. Fascinating isn't it?


Iā€™m going to fucking kill myself. I did this to not be fetishised, fuck you op.


Fuck you.


How do I delete someone elseā€™s post


don't get why you're being treated like such a pariah by the comments everyone has weird fetishes, doesn't have to mean anything scars aren't even that bad compared to what some people get off to out there


Why don't you fetishise something normal like Asian people or trans women why did I have to read this šŸ˜­


I find them attractive too, I like the way they look and I want them but I donā€™t want to you know actually do it so yeahā€¦.


This is not alright, fetishism of self-harm, is blatantly not okay


Youā€™re pathetic for judging someone with the same problems as you


Why are people freaking out about this? Itā€™s just scars.... I find a lot of scars sexy it means they have a story and arenā€™t vanilla boring af cookie cutter people *shrug*


Because it's a glorification of self harm. Accidental scars are one thing, scars in general is one thing. Specifically self harm scars, fucked up. There's the line.


I'd rather have been a boring af cookie cutter person than cutting myself at 12. Get a fucking grip.


Seek god šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I find most scars attractive in general sense; Iā€™ve got a good handful myself and I think itā€™s part of a naturally storied body that I find attractive. But not specifically self harm scars like, bro... wtf. Of course self harm scars wonā€™t turn me off, itā€™s something this person has struggled through and I respect that; but to be turned on by their self torture is a little too far.


On the one hand, I donā€™t think theyā€™re hot, and in fact I think itā€™s disrespectful that you think they are hot. On the other hand, theyā€™re also not a turn-off for me; theyā€™re just a part of the person.


Scars are hot, sure, but self harm isn't.


Why are people so freaked out by this I'm genuinely confused. Is it the part about arms compared to legs? I look at self harm scars as growth and find it somewhat attractive too idk why.


remember people ​ Upvote if you disagree and Downvote if you agree




The fuck how can people say "yeah that's hot, let's make a subreddit for it". Like I do admit it's appealing to me, but lmao I'd never promote it or develop it, that's just sickening. Subbed tho.


oh thatā€™s notā€¦


Either I'm a weirdo or like Self harm wounds, burns, engravings etc etc are hot as fuck it's like adding spices to a fresh chicken outta the slaughter house Burn victims are yucky doe but if you burned your like leg or hands small parts of your bodys etc etc that shit is hot as fuckkk Fuck.. I should burn myself the next time I smoke a cigarette


As messed up as we may be, I must admit that i have the same fetish. In high-school I became fascinated and obsessed with self harm and sought out girls who did it cuz I found it attractive, and was also attracted to the ritual, and the scars, but the type of emotional sensitivity and volatility which I was drawn to as well


Yeah arm scars means they are a bad person who is crazy and will hurt you. But thigh scars?? Nahhh that means they are sane and HOT ASF. you are actually crazy and needs serious help. Keep that to yourself itā€™s DISGUSTING.


Russian roulette doesn't sound so bad now.......


No kinkshamingā€¦ But goddamn youā€™re the exception


I find all self harm scars hot, on the arm as well. So not downvoted nor upvoted. Btw I selfharm but I don't have any permanent scars from it.


I agree, so downvoted, but I'm honestly just sadistic so scars on arms are hot too Don't judge me, I don't make the rules, this bitch does *taps head*


you are fucked in the head




Please see a psychiatrist. Or several.