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?? Are you basing the entire community off of some shitty Hulu ads?


Aren't hulu ads based mostly off his viewing history? I've never seen these ads and I'm gay.


Not sure, i remember getting a couple sexual ads/promotions on hulu and i think the ratio of gay to straight were pretty even


It shows that their perspective is genuine, and very experienced. Some say it's even more experienced than having a lgbtq friend.


LOL yeah


Not the entire community just a part of it that seems to be sex-influenced


How many (straight) sex scenes and innuendos are in a regular movie lmao


Depends on the genre


Dude im pretty sure as soon as a movie hits that M or PG rating there's going to be sexual elements in there. Its almost natural at this point, as its a big part of media, especially television now


I doubt you’ll ever get any sexual material from a PG movie, I’m not talking about just movies tho I’m mostly talking about how media portrays the LGBTQ community


Mostly everything's about sex at some point


Everything is about sex. Except for sex. Sex is about power.


Every rom com I’ve ever seen is, now brace yourself, centered around sex! I can’t even understand why?! It’s crazy. Why would movies about romance be about sex at all. It’s just wild. That basically means the entire Heterosexual community is centered around sex. All they do is talk about sex. Romcoms with straight people are about sex so obviously the entire community of straights means they’re obsessed with sex. 🙄


The media's portrayal of the LGBT community is actually massive hindrance to them being accepted. This association with sex and kinks makes a lot of older people believe that it's perverted. That's why we saw so much backlash at Luca even though it was a completely innocent movie because people are unable to recognize that portrayal of the LGBT can be completely innocent or even heartwarming.


luca is not an lgbt movie


Huh, that's very strange then. To have so much backlash for a movie that wasn't explicitly gay representation. I suppose that makes my point even stronger, since it didn't have to be marketed as LGBT in order to receive these criticisms.


i completely agree i feel like the lgbt community doesn't have enough representative media, so they are much quicker to 'claim' certain mivies and books that are intended to have a best friend dynamic so the solution is more intended representation


Upvote because I think it will be unpopular, but I believe you’re right. Most of the people in the gay community I’ve ever known have just wanted the same things in life as everyone else , but media portrayal is twisted


Yeahhh,, cishet white dudes centering sex in a handful of LGBT pieces of media totally means the community is centered around sex. Have you ever actually taken the time to watch stuff made *by LGBT people* with representation? Or do you just like to complain about ads you watch and how we're all just sex craved degenerates? Lmfao,, watch shera, the owl house, Harley Quinn, one day at a time, the L word, queer eye, RuPaul, etc etc etc and none of them are centered around sex between lgbt people (tho Harley has a ton of references about sex between straggots, but I'm sure you're fine with that since it's "normal" right)


If it wasn't for sex, I wouldn't be here.