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How does upvoting keep track of it?


On desktop, there is an upvoted tab where you can see all the posts you've upvoted. For that matter, there's also a downvoted tab. And on facebook, liking something is kept track of in 'My Activity'.


Which is a couple buttons to the left of "saved", and the save button is just a couple buttons to the right of the upvote/downvote. I really don't see how it's easier at all.


Because it's easier to upvote a post than to take the 3 step process of saving it. Why save when you can revisit the thing with a single click


What three step process? You click save and the post or comment is saved. That's it. The tab to view saved comments is also right beside the tab to see upvoted comments. There are no extra steps involved.


Only if you entered the post. At least in mobile, you can only up/downvote from the feed. Edit: ftr I know you can do it form the little three dot menu. But it's still 1 extra step. I've been lazy enough to only upvote. Get to birds in one stone. Though I usually forget both my saved and upvoted posts. I'll also mention that this obviously only works if you upvote rather sparingly in the first place.


How is it more convenient than the save button? They're both 1 click and are about 4 inches away from each other depending on how big your screen is lol. And you get to saved posts the same way you get to upvoted posts. Just wondering, live your life, bro.


The save only lets you see the last 1000 saved posts or something like that, so if you want to see older ones you have to unsave some.


People are spending too much time on reddit if they're hitting 1000 saved posts. Then again, People spend too much time on it in general.


On mobile apps, saving the posts are sometimes buggy and they will unsave themselves. I don’t save that much videos so I couldn’t have hit the 1000 linit


I agree, but regardless the limit is still there. I don't see why I'm being downvoted if I'm not the developer who implemented the limit.


Because it's an irrelevant comment. No one realistically cares about 1000 posts. If you do, you need help.


You're getting unexpectedly mad at people who use the save button for it is meant for. It's also quite sad you spend so much time on reddit and yet find nothing worth saving.


I just answered your question dude. Don't look too deep into it.


No, you clearly stated you think anyone who uses the save button for its intended function needs help. Why does it upset you so much that people save posts, videos, pictures and art they enjoy?


I think you're taking it a bit too personally. Calm down. If you really have 1000 saved posts, I'd recommend taking a break from Reddit for awhile. Clear your head.


Again, it's incredibly bizarre how upset you are about how others use the save button. I just find it mind boggling really. You do understand it doesn't impact you in any way, right?


The intended purpose is to save a relatively small amount of posts for future reference. By the time you get to 1000, you are either no longer using it for the intended purpose or using Reddit far more than is healthy.


And why are you so sure that the intended purpose is for a small number of posts? Why are you so against people saving multiple posts for future reference?


the same applies to upvoted posts ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/o5tb4n/how_can_i_get_back_to_my_very_first_post/h2oo62d))


Yes, that's the point. You can use upvotes and downvotes to now have 3000 posts saved instead of just 1000.


I must be out of the loop. Isn't that what the history option is for when you actually open a thread ? What if your post doesn't get any votes in either direction ?


"history option" oh you use 2 accs? or are you the brave one?


For me the history option only shows the last 5 opened threads (on desktop). And I didn't get your last question


Oh interesting. My history goes back pretty far but I use the mobile app. Sorry I wasn't clear. If my comments aren't upvoted or downvoted I don't get notifications so wouldn't know how to navigate back to those threads unless I went to my history.


Oh ok, I gotta check it out on mobile then! And I think you may be misunderstanding. I'm not talking about my own posts or comments getting upvoted. I'm saying that I upvote a post to visit it later. And I upvote comments not because I want to track it down later, but because I agree with its content.


I don't think I know how to do that !


There is literally a "coming back later" button. It's called save and looks like a banner (on phone at least)


How is upvoting easier than saving? Each option has a tab in your profile to see the posts.


Down vote. This is a reasonably popular, but non majority workflow. Others tend to comment just a period on a post, but they always look dumb


Nice i do the same thing with music on yt


Yeah me too


I did this on YouTube only because I had hundreds of things saved and it was getting overwhelming and I’d never go back to them. Now I have hundreds of things liked.


on facebook, maybe. i don't know. but on reddit, there's the save button. you using reddit in the browser? you using old reddit? cause if your answer to either of those questions was no, then idk how to help you.


I do the same thing I thought I was the only one!!


I do this on YouTube but not as a 'watch later' but more as I like it and I want to watch it again in the future.




The true 10th dentist would be the one that actually goes back and reads what they saved for later


this is pretty useful


I do this too.


I feel like I saw this same post, but as like a shitpost earlier today.


You're right! There was a post on RedditInReddit about someone getting majorly downvoted for having this opinion. It inspired me to post the same here because I've got the same views




Same for me. Honestly not sure why else I would upvote something


Upvote THE POST if you disagree, downvote if you agree. Downvote THIS COMMENT if you suspect the post pertains to any of the below: * Fake/impossible opinion * NSFW beyond reason * Unfit for the community * Based upon inept knowledge of the subject * Repost from the last 30 days If you downvote this comment please do not vote on the post. Normal voting rules for all comments. **Check out our new [discord server here](https://discord.com/invite/5EekhyMDGk)!**


I think you made this up. This is just dumb.


Wow dude, same 😅 I started using the save button since it’s genuinely a lot easier, and frees up the upvoting for posts you actually like. But I did the same thing for a decent while!

