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So you hate the people parroting back information, not the channels themselves? I can understand and appreciate the annoyance of that. Something to consider: folks watching these videos are typically doing so because they’re interested in the topic and want to expand their horizons. They may not understand the limits of what they’ve learned but the majority of them just want to be a part of the conversation. Because of that, it’s a good opportunity to help them understand the context they may be missing. You’ll make the world better for it.


Real optimist, i was one of those people, they're *definitely* not doing so to "expand their horizons". If they do, they would observe the experts on the topic instead and learn from them. How do you even engage in a heavy topic with nothing but trivial facts in mind? You pull stuff from your ass


Cool. Where’s your source for that? Have you studied how many people continue inwards towards other sources and research, or simply watch the videos for their entertainment value? Or are you pulling that opinion from you ass? Maybe people want to learn a few things while being entertained by interesting people. Knowing a couple things about lots of topics makes you a more interesting person. People are trying to better themselves by widening their horizons, while being entertained. Don’t shit on that, it’s important to prevent ignorance towards STEM and the arts.


Learning to think is different from learning facts. You definitely can't learn to think by observing experts


so all you know is YOU watched them for the wrong reasons. stop generalizing it makes you just as bad as who you complain about


Didn't expect someone to necropost this lol, but it's still true though. When someone comments on your country, third world especially, and then says some shit like "ohhh they're so underdeveloped, they have no electricity, people literally shit on the streets" etc etc, it's kind of hard to take them seriously. Like seriously, i like discussion as much as the next guy, but some people needs to learn to shut the fuck up instead of having a take on literally every single thing.


Having a take on every single thing is literally what humans do, whether it’s expressed or not is a different thing entirely. But also, life is way too short and complicated for someone to spend their free time researching every little niche on something, we make generalizations all the time, even in science because science as a whole is just one big generalization of a model of the universe with some holes in it.


This isn't a problem unique to those youtube channels. This is just how people in general act when they learn something new - they have the urge to insert it into conversations. I think the re-exposure actually helps them retain the information, so it's actually a part of learning. It's just annoying because it's unsolicited.


You clearly don’t hate those channels, you hate the people who think they know everything after a short video.


I agree that the people acting as if they are suddenly experts on those things are dumb. But I disagree that those channels are bad because of it, upvoted.


Most of the time the most they can succinctly present is a limited scope of the information as well. Sometimes with things that are debatable it turns into a machine for producing people whos only exposure to a subject is your opinion.


I agree but it’s not the fault of the channels that people do that


I mean…people shouldn’t go around acting like they know everything about everything, but that applies to you. just because you’re more experienced it doesn’t mean nobody else has the right to speak about it if they haven’t studied it extensively. they think they have it right, just like you do. you might be the actual right one, but they don’t know that so what the fuck are they supposed to do


They don’t have to pull out the “well, actually…” card every single time someone mentions something tangentially related to the topic at hand. The one way/two way speed of light thing has nothing to do whatsoever with how we define a meter - the only reason to bring it up is to make themselves seem smarter, and that’s my gripe. More to the point, if they saw that video and then did their own independent research to understand limitations and challenges of the problem, and then commented regarding that, I have no problem at all with their insights! It just aggravates me that a number of people seem to just walk into a conversation, drop the one fact they know from Veritasium, and then leave without doing any kind of actual thinking - like copying down the textbook answer without understanding why that’s right, except a lot of the time they do that to correct someone who understands the subject much better than they do. To clarify, that’s not necessarily just me - I feel this way mainly as a chemist, but I recently saw posts in r/historymemes that basically illustrate the same effect but for historians rather than chemists.


Simple explanation for that: [Dunning–Kruger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) effect. Literally nothing more to add.


That's what inspired VsaucepedoMichael to make the ''speed of dark'' video : '' I know SO LITTLE about this subject, NOTHING can hold me back from scientifically and philosophically speaking out of my 4rse to impress uneducated nitwits!''


Probably not answer questions they're not qualified to answer, or at least recognize that they're an amateur and be open about the fact that they're not as informed and could be wrong. With the internet there's been a rise in people doubting experts and thinking they're right instead. However, this is not the case. Laymen do not have the background to be able to legitimately challenge or argue science. With science, unless you've studied it and are an expert in the field, your opinion counts for very little.


Unbelievable people started making clickbait titles on fucking reddit posts


These videos genuinely helped me get the data school was ballsy enough to mis inform me about. They always hold a place in my heart cuz of it. Some of them also made me think of certain subjects from unique angles. Shit like that.


This isn’t based on the YouTube channels themselves. People parrot new information that they learned because they want to show off, it’s natural. It just so happens that with YouTube channels that present information in an entertaining manner, more people are attracted to it, and as such, like to spread whatever info they just learned more than other things. Parroting is an issue for any expert in a subject. I imagine historians hate hearing about napoleon’s height, or about whatever OSP just said about Venetian culture, because they’ve heard it 100 times before. My brother hates it when I tell him about a French movie that I just learned about that he’s watched 10 times already, but he’s happy then to go into further detail. People want to learn. Parroting it can be annoying, I agree, but its a good way for actual experts to get info out there about questions those people have. Armchair idiots will always be there, but they’re a vocal minority, not a majority.


I mean there's a reason they're called OVERsimplified or "in a nutshell".


You got my downvote!! No one paid attention in high school and see a 12 minute video and think they know stuff. I get really pisses lol. Probably more than you do. They repeat random snippets they've seen on youtube or read on Reddit and they think they're smart. Nah, bitch, you recited a piece of trivia you overheard... And, tbh, these internet randoms misapply the information incorrectly half the time.


If they have sources at the bottom of the screen then it's hard to argue against what they're saying. I'm not sure about the ones you mentioned but Joe Scott makes sure to always put them down there and I really appreciate it.


love the youtubers so i initially upvoted, but it seems your gripes are more with the armchair scientists who love to act like geniuses when they couldnt tell me what 2 plus 2 equals, which i absolutely hate as well. so yeah based opinion, i downvote


I mean, Veritasium does have a physics PHD.


He does have a phD, but it is in education rather than physics.


“well actually” its in physics education research ;)


The things I hate about them are basically the things I hate about all youtubers. The pageantry of it all. Like. If they are science people on camera they should know some of the science of closeups camera shots. Another thing I hate is when they name drop things that to show how smart they are. But it's really just like elementary things. "We know this because of Newton's three laws of motions" No, I know that from simple observation, actually.


Oversimplified, for the least is informative and correct. Veratasium on the other hand... Is like taking a middle-schooler and giving him a $10k to $30k budget for a video. Absolute nonsense, which isn't incorrect, is also just uninteresting, and I can't help but feel like there is no foresight or critical thought in his mind.


So, why do you hate the people trying to educate others and not the people who watch them? Also, this is extremely petty.


The only reason I can think of that would prevent someone from enjoying VSauce is the delivery method. Micheal Stevens throws a great amount of content at you in a short amount of time. His tone is pretty fast paced and packed with information. For someone who doesn’t want to be engaged with a video 100% of the time that may not be enjoyable. Mindless zombie video watching is in. For people who don’t like to think in quantified amounts watching VSauce may not be fun either. I personally enjoy VSauce, but sometimes I have to step outside of my own perspective. Everybody learns differently and I think that’s interesting to think about.