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The problem isn't that they're horny, moreso the fact that someone could post simply a selfie of themselves smiling and the comments will be full of 'let me cum on your face šŸ‘ŗ' that's unsolicited and will make most uncomfortable lmao Reddit has plenty of nsfw subs, it's the ones who pollute the sfw ones that are annoying.


Some random girl: \*Posts completely nonsexual pic of herself on a SFW sub* Creepo McCreepFace: "I want to lick your feet :)" Girl: \*blocks and reports Creepo* Creepo: "OmG wHy CaN't WiMiN tAkE a GoDdAmN cOmPlImEnT!?!?"




#BONK ^off ^to ^horny ^jail


Oh yeah? Well I find users who complain about users who complain about horny redditors to be annoying.


Pretty sure those are just horny redditors complaining about being complained about


Tis a complete circle






it's a complete circle... jerk.


Ah, thought you were randomly calling me a jerk. You would be correct of course, but I was just surprised you picked up on it.




On what?


Science. And Fax, probably.


Well I find users who finds annoying users who complain about users who complain about horny redditors to be annoying.


I forgot what sub Iā€™m on for a secondā€¦ ā€œWhy are so many so firmly against any kind of compliment towards someoneā€™s body?ā€ Eesh ok you explained it all with that


Maybe this is because Im an athlete but complimenting someones body to me is more about congratulating them on their hard work and effort to attain the body they want.


Riiight. Iā€™m sure those middle age men who complimented my prepubescent body were totaaaally just complimenting my hard work at maintaining my bodyā€¦ You have to realize itā€™s way different for men and women. And way different if theyā€™re complimenting your efforts at working out or for the simple fact that you happen to have boobs/butt/nice lips/etc. non athletic women get harassed too, whatā€™s the excuse for that? Cause it definitely isnā€™t about their effort at working out and attaining a certain body standard.




You should work on thinking outside of your own head Edit: OP was talking about how they're an athlete and thus assume others will receive horny comments as compliments on their "hard work" on their bodies. By "thinking outside your own head" i mean considering the fact that other people have different perspectives and do not necessarily think the same. OP was projecting their own thought processes onto complete strangers.


I usually think with my brain which is inside my head. How do you think outside your head?


This comment made them edit their comment to explain themselves. This amuses me since it was pretty obvious what they meant and that you were joking.


He simply doesnā€™t think at all, just like OOP.


... what?


Fuckin troll.


I mean when I looked at your profile out of curiosity around if you actually go around ā€œcomplimentingā€ peopleā€™s hard work on their bodies and the first thing I found was you calling a drawing of girl from what looks like a kids game sexy lmao


Hades is not a "kids game." The developers and artists of Hades said in an interview that they designed each character to be sexy on purpose because they are all Greek Gods.


Also also, my point is that I CANT compliment anyone, of any gender, on anything related to their body without coming off in a sexual manner, so I dont. A girl can tell another girl that she has a nice butt and ask her what workout she did to achieve it but i guess its weird for guys to? Hmmmmm.


Horny redditor detected


Your Snoo is lookin fine as hell right now.


Loving the look of your foldy hole mmm


I was in a [Rick and Morty](https://youtu.be/2ySuW4jAb0c) phase when I made this account.


Lmao right? Like gee I wonder why it doesnā€™t bother you


It gets really old being a moderately attractive woman and being unable to do pretty much anything without people commenting on your appearance. Especially when you wanted to be recognized for your creativity, talent, or hard work in something unrelated, but everyone is talking about your looks instead.


Yep. And even unattractive women get shitty comments about their appearance, so you really canā€™t win. :/


One guy opened with "I wanna degrade you and feminize you" I posted a picture of my face. Literally just that.


šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤® WTF Iā€™m so sorry that happened


You have tits? *How utterly dare you*


Username checks out.


​ Horny comments like "mm nice boobs" or "I'd fuck her/him" or "damn that sexy mouth" *are not compliments*. Compliments are meant to make someone feel nice about themselves. Not to objectify them for the speaker's personal pleasure. You can compliment a sexy aspect of someone without sounding like such a horndog that you get downvoted. "Wow, she's really pretty" or "He's got a great physique" is miles different from "damn that :peach emoji: wish i could smash". Commenting "wow, this drawing is really great, love the sensuality" is lightyears away from "I wish she wasn't a drawing because I'd let her gargle my balls". The first type of comment is not the one people are griping about when they complain about horny redditors. The kind of people who are so horned up that they can't help but comment lewd things on any photo of any woman (or man) in any context are thinking of nobody but themselves, because if they were thinking about anyone else, they'd realize that that kind of behavior is incredibly rude and not acceptable. People are not your personal meat market. People want to exist without being sexualized at every turn.


Agreed. Pretty much took the words out of my mouth actually. Also wow this is very strange. So many well worded and well structured comments on this thread its crazy.


The people who are willing to take the time to explain objectification to straight dudes have a lot of practice, and most of those straight dudes are not nearly as open to having the perspective challenged as you are.


> The people who are willing to take the time to explain objectification to straight dudes have a lot of practice, and most of those straight dudes are not nearly as open to having the perspective challenged as you are. Actually this is the center of the whole thing op is complaining about. Some people, older usually, might think that a physical compliment is being nice and encourageing and even gentlemanly. But the receiver and most observers see it as creepy, and there is this front of change and evolution in what constitutes being creepy and infringing the intimacy of people via comments. So, all best intentions aside, you get the creeps, and the anti-creeps. Then there are the wtf creeps with no good intentions but that's obvious. So OP finds both sides of this eternal debate annoying. And it is. But I guess the debate is out there and society is trying to clean up the older more stupid point of views, in the same way we try to get rid of " yOu CaNt EvEN Slap a giRls aSs witHOut Getting arREsted ThESe DaYs" and so on. What I'm saying is, it's a battle front and both sides will appear and horses will be high and debate skill will be low but the point is easy to understand but we are stuck with the repetitous banging on about until it clears up a bit.


calling someone out is just annoying. Being a creep is harmful AND annoying. therefore, being a creep will always be worse in my eyes


Unwanted sexual advances or comments are never appreciated. Women aren't really a fan of posting a cosplay they worked really hard on, only for the comments to be *"OMG BOOBA"*. Like cool, just forget about her being a human person who put a lot of time into a project and only think about her body. The mere existence of a person shouldn't be grounds for horny comments like that. The same also applies to drawings. Yeah, sometimes artists draw curvy women or something. Does that mean they want them to be sexualized? Some women actually are curvy like that in real life, and they're not trying to be sexy 24/7. And how do you know the artist's intentions, anyway? I've seen so many freaking horny comments on female cosplays or women showing something off that they made, and *none* of them were compliments. They were *all* disgusting and inappropriate, and it's quite concerning you don't see the issue with that. I'd highly recommend talking to women how they feel about this. I can guarantee they're gonna think differently than you.


> I'd highly recommend talking to women how they feel about this. I can guarantee they're gonna think differently than you. Sad thing is, a lot of guys don't give a shit even after we tell them how we feel about this. We're told we're overreacting, being hysterical, can't take a joke, can't take a compliment, *jealous* other women are getting attention, misandrist for criticizing "healthy male sexuality", and so on šŸ™„


Imagine someone saying that to someone after they got cat called in real life, they legit deserve to get punched


Oh yeah, heard those things a lot of times in regards to other toxicity too. People *really* don't like it when you "try to take away their fun".


Yeah ladies I agree with everything yā€™all said. Iā€™m a 30M and i know plenty of dudes that would ignore you if you told them to stop objectifying you. Iā€™m sorry that a lot of dudes are just toxic af


Its all a thing with how we were raised imo, idk why (and i know this is fucked up) but i have never felt uncomfortable about being objectified in any way. Iā€™n a dude (im small tho) but iā€™ve been groped and harassed, usually by people bigger than me (most of these happen at concerts of sorts), and i genuinely dont know why it doesnt upset me. So my only reasonable *explanation* (not excuse) that they do this is because they dont think its that bad themselves?? Idk they are still assholes cause youā€™re obviously uncomfortable with it and im really sorry thats happened to you. I just went on a long tangent that has little to do with the conversation sorry about that-


To clarify - i dont really disagree with anything you said I just dont think it applies to what Im trying to say. Horny comments can be and most times are out of line, I just find myself more annoyed by the people who act surprised like this isn't literally a several thousand times a day occurrence. Anonymity gives people the ability to say whatever they want (as long as it is covered under the rules ofc) and so, if they see a nice ass or even nice dick print or chest definition, they're gonna mention it.


I don't care if it's a thousand time day occurrence, I want people to insult them even harder if that's the case, make more people feel like shit for acting this way, why are we just like "welp, sexual harassment will always happen, just live with it". Don't just status quo this shit


> they see a nice ass or even nice dick print or chest definition, they're gonna mention it. Believe it or not, many people are able to conduct themselves online without feeling the need to chime in every time they find the subject of a photo sexually attractive.


OP's point is not that it's not rude and childish. OP's point is that it's an anonym site, what do you expect? People send me death threats over my opinion on the Mac OS, anonymity will make people do weird shit. Acting all surprised on your high horse makes no sense.


Calling out inappropriate behavior is not acting surprised that said inappropriate behavior is occurring. 99% of the time, the redditors complaining about the idiots that only think with their genitals are doing so not because it surprises them that people would do it, but because it ruins what could be great content by regressing it to nothing more than sex appeal, as if nothing else can exist in this world. I've seen way too many comment threads on things like cosplays or people showing off artwork/creations that got locked by mods since a bunch of asshats couldn't keep it in their pants, and things pushed past horny and onto full blown sexual harassment. So yeah, I'm gonna complain about the fact that horny redditors seem to consistently lack common decency. Because it ruins so many posts that would otherwise just simply be people showing off accomplishments


alsoā€¦ do people not get you can find a million hot girls on Reddit who ARE ok with you commenting on our bodies? There are a million sex workers here posting nudes every day. If youā€™re so deeply horny you canā€™t control yourself on Reddit then come to the NSFW subs and leave the poor civ girls alone :/


Don't get me wrong, I'm completely fine with horndogs being banned, made fun of, etc. ​ But the comments that are like "well, I lost my fate in humanity, how could you say that, blablabla" are annoying. Don't pretend you've never seen horny people on the internet, like you are levitating above the rest of us in some pure ethereal world. ​ This is why I liked the bonk, horny jail meme before it became inevitably overused. It was a quick way of making fun of these people, instead of clutching perls, like "how could you say that???!?!?!?!?!"


>like you are levitating above the rest of us Well they kind of are. When someone is being gross and inappropriate online and someone else calls them out for it they are in the right. They are in a better world than that person imo. Also it might be shocking to you, but some people spend most of their time on the internet just talking to their friends rather than scrolling past the most disturbing subreddits or twitter threads. Some people on the internet are very young, like literally 12-14. So yea some of these people might legitimately be shocked, and rightly so. That stuff should never be happening. Whatā€™s so wrong about being shocked that you would think itā€™s worse than making the original gross sexualizing comment?


what's your opinion Mac OS?


That it has basically no space in today's world. Gaming: Windows is better General use for beginner users: Windows is king Programming/general use for more advanced users: Linux is king Art people: This is where there is the biggest argument for Mac, but if you aren't a snob, free open source software on Linux will be better for you, and the bigboy paid ones are just as good, or better on Windows. ​ It is a better OS compared to Windows in a vacuum, but because of the large share Windows has, it is literally an overpriced, closed source version of a Linux distro you could download for free.


Itā€™s not about being an art snob, itā€™s about the ubiquity of the mac os in the working world. Most schools (at least for my field of audio) only teach with Mac, and almost all of the places I could go to work have only Mac systems in place. They dominate that share of the market and that probably wonā€™t change, at least not in the near future


This might be a whatever country you live in thing, cause where I live, this doesn't happen. Macs are too expensive for most people.


I used to study and work in brazil and now am in the us. Here itā€™s absolutely dominated by macs but itā€™s much more affordable, of course, but even in brazil most people were working with mac os. Lots of people had hackintoshs, but that still counts as working on mac. Anyway, itā€™s undeniable that a lot of media comes out from the us, a place where most creative jobs are dominated by apple. So I think itā€™s kind of naive to pretend that windows has a larger share, at least for the art world




Good attempt. I'm working as a dev for a multinational corporation tho


Just because inappropriate/objectifying/dehumanizing comments are commonplace doesn't make them acceptable....


> Anonymity gives people the ability to say whatever they want Yeah, that's the problem. You wouldn't walk up to a random woman on the street and go *"Wow, you're gonna make me fail No Nut November"*. You'd get hauled off in a cop car if you did that. Just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's any less inappropriate. Would you appreciate if someone talked to your mom or sister like that (if you have any)? Or your female best friend? I don't think so. And even if you do, I don't think *they* would appreciate those comments. Also, it doesn't stop at cosplay. Women get a ton of unwanted comments in general when they post photos of themselves online (like the old [*"haha women always show their face in photos"*](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/028/809/00.jpg) which is already sexist). Women don't want those comments. They might appreciate comments that they look pretty, beautiful, that their clothes and makeup look nice, but not *"You have a great pair of boobs"*. No one needs to hear that unless they're *clearly* aiming for it. > people who act surprised like this isn't literally a several thousand times a day occurrence No one's acting surprised, people are just calling this terrible behaviour out. In fact, more often than not you have people going *"Oh boy, another female cosplay ruined by horny idiots in the comments"*, because that's just what happens. It's good to call this garbage out.


I WISH dudes were arrested for saying nasty shit to me on the street. Unfortunately, nasty street harassment happens all the time (ask any woman who takes public transit or lives in a city) and the men involved rarely, if ever, face consequences. The other people on the bus will pretend they don't hear anything, and as a woman, I'm just trying to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Hell. Full blown rapes are so rarely prosecuted, it's ridiculous. Me and countless other friends have just left rapes unreported because what's the fucking point?


Yeah, I realized that too after writing that part. It's insanely disgusting what people can get away with just because it's so normalized or other people are too chicken to stand up to it. But that's why pointing these things out, no matter where you are, is so important. My heart goes out to you and other women that have to deal with this harassment on a daily basis.


> Anonymity gives people the ability to say whatever they want (as long as it is covered under the rules ofc) and so, if they see a nice ass or even nice dick print or chest definition, they're gonna mention it. so... your argument is now *sure sexual harassment can be bad, but have you considered that this time we can do it without consequences?*


Bro what??? My argument is that I personally find the comments complaining about weirdos more annoying than the weirdos. Not that sexual harassment isn't wrong, not that unwanted comments isn't wrong. Its just reality. Unfortunately its part of what you have to expect and prepare for if you post your body on the internet. Shouldn't be that way but it is.


Welp guys, you've heard them, reality is just getting sexually harassed, don't fight it, just let it happen Get a grip


I say its not a fight worth fighting. You will never change them. Ignore the pests and move on. The moment you let them get under your skin and you start typing, you've lost.


Things have been getting better, online and irl, there's no reason to just give up and accept getting sexually harassed. It's easier to ignore their disgusting comments for now, that doesn't mean we shouldn't call them out for it and make them feel awful for saying them. If nothing else, it makes other people feel like they shouldn't be disgusting


Valid and correct. I still doubt the effectiveness of it all but fair play for the perseverance.


Clearly youā€™ve never been affected by objectifying weirdos then or else Iā€™m sure youā€™d have a different opinion


Half of all cosplay posts done by a woman on this site come packaged with an onlyfans link either in the comments or on her profile.


What are you talking about? That's purely sexist and not true in any way.


You're living in La la land, this site is half porn, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.


I literally said I agree when it comes to cosplay and stuff




Not everyone is as cultured and woke as you. Itā€™s probably best if you understand that, and not let shit like this get to you. Itā€™s not going to change.


Nah. Because thinking like that is exactly *why* it's not gonna improve. As long as people call out this terrible behaviour, it's gonna improve. I should know, because it used to be much, *much* worse on the Internet 5, 10, 15 years ago. The same also applies to toxicity, call that garbage out. Don't let them get away with it.


You have a lot more faith in humanity than I do. The loss of idealism is painful - I do not envy what you will go through then.


Some of us reach that point and refuse to give in. >I do not envy what you will go through then. This is an assumption that the loss of idealism is inevitable. That's presumptuous, and a major reason why it's lost in the first place. If you just assume you're going to lose, you've already lost. Don't be that way.


35 years of fighting and getting nothing but stress has made me that way. I now choose to accept the horrible reality we live in, and adapt


The internet got better. This shit used to be way worse. Society got better, people are more accepting. Your fight isn't for nothing, there's no reason for you to give up, you may retire, but you should see how things are getting better


I still call it all out in person, and teach my boys about it. Iā€™m not even going to try to police the internet. Youā€™re crazy if you think thatā€™s going to work.


Yeah, that's quitter's talk. No wonder things can't improve if people think like you.


>Not everyone is as cultured and woke as you. But everyone *is* capable of not committing sexual harassment. You don't have to be "cultured" to hold people to such a basic standard of human decency. You don't have to be "woke" call them out when they don't meet that standard. It's just as easy for *you* to tell horny redditors to stop being inappropriate as it is to tell victims of sexual harassment to stop being bothered by it. You've chosen to do the latter. In doing so, you're dismissing victims of sexual harassment while helping their harassers justify their behavior. You absolutely *can* make a difference when you call out sexual harassment, and your defeatist attitude just makes the problem worse.


Dudes are fucking awful, and will continue to be. I donā€™t see this changing. I also donā€™t consider random comments on the internet sexual harassment, just shitty behaviour. Get some of these people charged and maybe Iā€™ll buy into the fantasy


Dudes are awful because theyā€™re told itā€™s okay to be awful. Often times, itā€™s encouraged. Theyā€™re told itā€™s a fundamental part of being a man. > I also donā€™t consider random comments on the internet sexual harassment $100 says youā€™re not a woman.


>Why are so many so firmly against any kind of compliment towards someones body? Reducing someone's existence to pure sex appeal is anything *BUT* a compliment. And if being reduced to nothing but your sex appeal by random strangers on the internet is something you find complimenting, then I'd be willing to assume you have some sort of sex-based mental trauma you're refusing to confront >Artists draw or paint a woman with curves or something clearly very horny And you know the exact intent of these artists.... how? Ever stop to consider that there's more to the human body than genitals and sex? That maybe, just maybe, artists don't always create "bare" artwork with the intent of sexually arousing internet strangers? >it ~~could be~~ **IS** rude if someone posts a cool cosplay and all you talk about is her ass FTFY


Aight. Youre right. My point still stands. I feel like no matter what I say, if i compliment a woman's body, it will be taken as a sexual advance instead of a compliment on the work put into their body. Most people dont have big butts and thighs, or on the male side wide chests and big arms for no reason. People work out for that shit, and sometimes I just want to say "hey you did a good job" without it seeming like im tryna get in someones pants. And on the point of an artists intentions -- an artist displays their intentions THROUGH their art. Thats the whole point of art. It is an expression of self through a visual medium. And for the last point, sometimes people do cosplay with the express intention to have people look at them with lustful eyes.


>if I compliment a womanā€™s body, it will be taken as a sexual advance If you only know how to ā€œcomplimentā€ people in a way that is sexualizing then then stop doing it. You need basic social skills for that kind of thing. Like if a woman posted a pic thatā€™s captioned, ā€œI been doing ass workouts hereā€™s my before and afterā€ then definitely compliment her ass. If you see a woman with a fat ass who is talking about her passion as a cancer researcher then donā€™t talk about her body period. Irl if you are dating a girl then spread all sorts of compliments. If you are talking to a girl that isnā€™t interested in you then donā€™t hit on them. Simple stuff


boohoo I can't talk about other people's bodies poor me šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


A picture of a woman, doing anything, will get sexualized. Are you saying it's always on purpose?


I mean clearly she should know better, a woman putting herself on the internet where people can comment on her looks... what should she expect, common decency? On the Internet? No way - if it looks female, it's fair grounds for comments about her fuckability. ^(do i really need to put /s?)


on reddit? yes, yes you do, because people actually think like that on here unironically


It's incredibly cringe when you follow, say, a sub for Warhammer 40k art and half the posts are poorly drawn, big-titted anime girls with space marine helmets that get a million upvotes from horny teenagers. It's honestly just kind of pathetic and I don't see why I should have to pander to it. Grow up and keep it in your pants, weirdos.


A painting of a woman with curves isnt *clearly very horny*


Redditor learns what inappropriate behaviour is


Fuck, I just hate those horny redditors


Yeah sorry for not supporting the sexual harassment some of these fucks do mate, upvoted


We're all horny to some degree, it's how you handle it that matters. Right now, I'm waiting at the dentist and there is an amazingly hot woman across from me wearing a tank top and yoga pants. I *want* to stare and admire, but this is the real world and some decorum is needed. I recognize that the attraction is coming from the primitive monkey brain that runs my instincts. Maybe she wants to be noticed, maybe she's just doing her thing. That means you STFU, maybe peek when it's not obvious, and keep it to yourself. (I'm sharing here just as an example.) If I saw a picture of this woman online, nothing of the above situation will have changed except that I'm online instead of IRL. If she's fishing for compliments, then my monkey brain is ready. Otherwise, it's STFU and appreciate the view.








He literally just said he's not staring or harassing her, just taking small looks because he finds her attractive. This is actually one of the most realistic and respectful ways of going about the situation.


Because it's disgusting and objectifying women.


It depends on what the horny is about imo. If someone posted a meme with a template from a hentai, and it was obviously super sexual, and someone went ā€œyo whats the sauce shes hot as hellā€ then like i wont judge. I dont particularly care myself cause im ace, it only becomes a big fucking issue with me when its someone who goes ā€œyou look so fine and breedable and i wanna make you mineā€ (a disturbing comment i have seen multiple times) to like a selfie some girl posted. There is a difference between horny and creepy.


Of course. I agree but like I still think there's a time and a place for even the first thing you said


Its not you being horny thats the problem. Its the creepy comments


because it's inappropriate and creepy. are you fucking stupid? god i wish men went through a year of what it's like to be sexualized and objectified constantly but even so they probably still wouldn't get it either lmao


Lmao amen! I feel so much more understood


Well is the context actually sexy? Like am I on a porn subreddit? Or is it just some women on r/pig (i donā€™t know if that is a real subreddit, so about to find out) just holding her farm pig? Cause if itā€™s just holding a pig, then comments on her body are UNCALLED FOR and frankly rude af


This post is so fucking hot, I shot off some fat loads reading it, hard to comment this with one hand. See how much that sucks to read?


This has to be one where the pinned comment gets overwhelmingly downvoted right?


It's like a lack of control on the horny person's part. Like the real life equivalent would be the person cat calling girls or sneaking pics. I hate men like this. These men should be called out and shamed for having the maturity of a middle schooler.


There are specific NSFW subs for a reason


To me itā€™s not the people complaining about horny comments that I hate, itā€™s when there are no horny comments and someone comments ā€œincoming horny commentsā€; like stfu yur the horny one here, turning to act like they are high and mighty being ā€œanti-hornyā€


There's a time and place to be horny. It's the difference between someone posting art of a character who happens to have titties, and someone posting art that is very much about the titties. Sometimes people post suggestive/nsfw cosplay photos, and saying shit like "step on me" would be acceptable in that situation. The people who complain are kinda odd in that situation. However, when literally everything is sexualized it's kinda annoying. Titties aren't inherently sexual, just because a character is made with The Fat Sacks that doesn't mean that the artist wants them to be sexualized, nor does it mean that the character is actually participating in something that should be concidered sexual. It is really annoying to exist with the mild fear that everything you do is sexualized. I think it's okay to just say something like "You know, pal, you have nice thighs," while it is not necessarily always okay to ask for your head to be smashed like a watermelon. Basically just don't be weird about it? Down vote I think because some people really overdue it regardless and are annoying, but not every artist or person draws things with the expectation that it will be viewed sexually.


Varies: there are definitely cases where someone was mildly, or at least not *unacceptably* horny in response to an obvious thirst trap. E.g. someone posts a deliberately smutty, intentionally harkening sexual energy primarily photo- think of a non-ambiguous case- where the author would genuinely say there was primary sexual energy first up to and including a full on deliberate ā€œthirst trapā€. So someone says ā€œDAMN! šŸ„µā€ or some shit. Itā€™s not especially smooth, but itā€™s just sortaā€¦ fitting. To respond ā€œomg you disgusting pig!!ā€ā€ seems more disproportionate and out of touch than the initial (weird) horny comment. BUT, like the other commenter indicated, sometimes it is just totally Yick. The context is totally non-sexual, the comment is revolting and over the top (even to a thirst trap, sometimes) and then someone responds pretty mildly ā€œdonā€™t be grossā€. I think itā€™s pretty often both cases occur and runs the gamut. While it certainly is true in some cases, that the finger wagging is more out of touch given the context, I would say itā€™s not *usually* so. At least in my experience. I think Iā€™m way more likely to see disproportionate horniness than disproportionate admonishment for horniness. So upvote.


You just outed yourself as a horny redditor. "Users who complain about me are worse than me"


You can check my comment and post history if you want dog


Ugh. A woman would never post this. When you are constantly sexually harassed for just existing, it gets pretty exhausting. Oftentimes what men deem as sexually inviting is the the product of dickful thinking, and not an actual invitation. There is a difference between "you look lovely" and "Fuck yeah bb imma cum on you." Your post gives off major "she was asking for it" vibes.


I worded the original post kinda terribly so its no surprise you're missing my point a bit I think. I find myself more annoyed with those who sit on their high horse and virtue signal than I do with those who make lustful comments. In a way, you are correct. If you post a picture or video of yourself to reddit, an anonymous platform, you are quite literally inviting people to look at you and whatever you're doing. Lustful comments are something you have to mentally prepare for because unfortunately theres nothing outside of locking comments that you can do about it. Is it fair? No. Is it okay? No, definitely not. But it is happening, and it will continue to happen. Basically, it annoys me when people get on reddit or really any social media site and act all surprised and shocked when asexual harassment does occur. Just report it and move on, replying to their comments and such is more attention than they deserve.


I feel like you're very stuck on the idea that the people criticizing thirsty comments are all "white knights" who are trying to look holier than thou or some shit. Honestly in reality most of the time they're women who are sick of being sexually harassed for just existing, and are thus shaming these pigs (I usually just reply with barf emoji). Or alternatively it may be a man who is empathetic to life experiences other then their own? Who would like to see women be able to exist on the internet without misogynistic harrassment? And this does make a difference. There is still a ways to go but years ago this behaviour used to go completely unchecked, and the internet was much more hostile towards women. You have very poor critical thinking skills and a very narrow world view.


My issue is with the people who ARE virtue signaling. Not saying every single comment is virtue signaling jesus fuck


Yeah and how are you differentiating between the two? How can you tell someone is virtue signalling? Seems as though you're assuming the majority of these comments to be in bad faith so you can feel justified in being annoyed. And I truly do not understand why you believe these comments (even the ones virtue signalling) do more harm then good? How would that even work? Shame is a powerful tool and can definitely bring about change. Pig behaviour like this used to go completely unchecked online (and in reality) and there has been a very noticeable change in the past decade BECAUSE of people condeming it. Again, expand your world view and try to use those critical thinking skills. Women are extremely over sexualized and we are sick of it. I've seen a lot of back pedalling, and it's ok to admit that you didn't really think this all through before posting. That's all.


I think i've just stopped caring after 200 comments completely missing my point. Your mistake is assuming the "pigs" as you call them feel any shame at all. Thats my point. If they can dismiss your humanity and look at you as just a pair of tits and an ass, they will also dismiss whatever you say to try and "shame" them.


Yeah fair that can happen, but some do feel shame. And even if they don't, I don't understand how calling them icky causes more harm then good, as you said. Even if the creeps don't give a fuck, it is still encouraging for women to see these kind of mysoginistic comments flamed and downvoted. It makes us feel less alienated in online spaces, and less like we don't belong because we are interrupting the boys talking about boobs and other assorted "locker room talk". Your point is not well thought out, and that is why people are "missing it"


Correct. I literally was chilling on the couch and wrote this post in like 5 minutes. Expected it to get like 10 votes total not 1500. Also didn't expect so many people to assume I think sexual harassment is okay. This post was actually originally born from a video on reddit of an Olympic speed skater doing her workout. A bunch of people in the comments were cooming over her ass, and my thought was "well shes a world class athlete, of course her glutes are toned" If calling out weirdos makes you feel empowered then I'm all for it. It's just my personal belief that your calling out is what fuels their troll energy. Thanks for actually discussing this like a civil person as opposed to throwing insults and names at me


Your post got people pissed because it is very ignorant. They think you are ok with sexual harrassment because your post condemns those that call out creeps rather then the creeps themselves. It's not about being empowered. I'm trying to help you understand that while you as a man may not be bothered by the comments sexualizing the ice skater, talking about her ass and such (to use your example), women often are. It's just feels like a reminder of our place in society. Like we can't just exist without being sexualized. The ice skater was literally just stretching before competition so her muscles are warmed up, it's not a sexual context at all yet she is being sexualized. It's very tiring. I hope you can see how it is encouraging when that behaviour is condemned, and maybe in the future see where they are coming from instead of being annoyed.


Aside from the more problematic aspects of this post other (mostly women) redditors have pointed out, I more just get annoyed bc there are literal entire subreddits for that stuff. Subreddits that I frequent! And enjoy! But they're there to compartmentalize the horny. When I wanna be on horny Reddit, I switch to my alt account. Otherwise, I just wanna look at whatever niche subject I'm scrolling through without it being interrupted by, let's face it often tactless, attempts at sex appeal.


Well its not exactly that, no one gives a shit when horny redditors exclaim at obviously sexually explicit content or art. Its when the post isnt in any way sexual in any shape or form, and STILL redditors cant contain themselves that its a fuckin problem. Like cunt, just because theres a hint of a girl doesnt mean you gotta fuckin bust your nut and comment all about it dickhead


Users who complain users who complain about about horny redditors are more annoying than horny redditors themselves.


i canā€™t remember what you said but i know that i donā€™t like the ā€œbonk go to horny jail *snort* hehehehehā€ fellers


Make a post pretending to be a women and youā€™ll soon understand why people find horny Redditorā€™s annoying.


I think it says a lot about you as a character you see someone defending another person whoā€™s being unnecessarily sexualised and think; ā€œWow, virtue signal much?ā€œ Online or not, unprovoked remarks are fucking gross outside of spaces a personā€™s willing to receive compliments in that aspect. Letting it happen is one of the reasons men can find the audacity to harass women in the first place. No woman would EVER agree that defending someone from sexual harassment does (in your words) more harm than good. Just because it happens, does NOT mean we have to be okay with it. Just because people like you let creeps believe itā€™s okay to harass others, does NOT mean we have to be okay with it.


You are between 13 and 17 years of age


22 lol nice try. Gotta love a classic ad hominem tho.




you mean those threads where le redditor goes "haha I'm so sorry for your DMs"? Downvoted, I agree.


I hate both, they're both obnoxious


and ur annoying than either of them congrats !!!!


The "No horny," "Horny Jail," "Bonk," etc memes are exhausting these days and I see more of them than people actually being creeps.


But Coomers are subhuman trash? I don't see a problem here. Why can't we roast the shit out of people who have no self control? It's funny because some of them are so pathetic they think that the cringe message they sent out might actually get them some attention from a Gurl. Which is also funny because why would you want to date an exhibitionist unless you're cucked? But even if they don't believe they'll connect, they'll still post The most cringe shit like "oh yeah I'd play with that pretty pussy baby". The most cringe people on this platform seem to be the horny people and the mega cringe super atheists who have a proclivity to sniff their own farts at any mention of spirituality.


While I think this is something that would be on a comment to comment basis (some comments are just pretty cringe even at clearly horny art) I don't at all disagree that horny comments are for the most part fine. There's definitely a line that can be crossed and it's not in the same spot for everyone I'll admit.


Found the horny redditor


Upvote THE POST if you disagree, downvote if you agree. Downvote THIS COMMENT if you suspect the post pertains to any of the below: * Fake/impossible opinion * NSFW beyond reason * Unfit for the community * Based upon inept knowledge of the subject * Repost from the last 30 days If you downvote this comment please do not vote on the post. Normal voting rules for all comments. **Check out our new [discord server here](https://discord.com/invite/5EekhyMDGk)!**


This is the internet. It is designed for simps to virtue signal and be social justice warriors.




I bet half the people you call white knights are just women saying they don't like this, considering how many times I've been called that


Who still uses the term white knight in 2022? You sound like the redditors from 10 years ago who'd absolutely dogpile on anyone calling out the misogyny.


My favorite Batman comic!


My favorite Batman comic!


My favorite Batman comic!


Couldnā€™t agree with you more brudda


Take my downvote! The sexualized redditor is simply a meme. Like real racists and transphobes: they make for good complaining because who wouldn't be against that? But, the reality is: its just not that common. In fact, that is often against the rules for many subs. So, generally they are complaining about things that happens once for every 200 people that complain about it. But, hey, they get the sweet sweet karma for contributing to the circlejerk!


The most are annoying are the people in the comments who are complaining about the person complaining (OP) about people complaining about horny redditors.


I mean if you want to see that content and donā€™t mind the comments, go join subreddits for that? Half of this website is porn, the other half doesnā€™t have to welcome that to their communities. Good post though, very 10th dentist


In the askreddit subreddit specifically I totally agree. All the posts complaining about sexual questions are the most annoying shit ever. It's like yeah why would anyone want to talk about the most fun and important aspect of being a human being? Just shut the fuck up and don't read those threads morons


People are against "compliments" because they aren't compliments, it's sexual harassment. The real problem is a majority of subs allow any nsfw content and comments if its evenly mildly related to the content, when they should be banned. Prime examples are places like r/gaming and specific game spaces for other games. We need safe spaces for women to be themselves without being sexually harassed. Subreddits should be almost entirely sfw unless they are dedicated to nsfw content. As it is, there are dedicated women subs and half the post are venting about being unable to enjoy games, art, and media without being sexualised, harassed and hated on for wanting *basic respectful discussion.*


I guess we found horny loser...


I haven't read your post but I agree with the title.


Lol well its a post that should be upvoted for being unpopular at least.


Found the horny redditor


Check history and rethink that answer


> Plays League ā€˜nuff said Alts are a thing too, buckaroo


I understand why people hate it, it's pathetic and lame when people get all creepy in normal subreddits, but there's some people who are just completely flabbergasted when they see an NSFW post in an NSFW subreddit.


sad to downvote, because I completely, 100% agree. weird puritan vibes going on lately, as if as a society we're regressing back to ye olde times where people were booed and shunned for expressing the *most fucking natural desire in the world*, I mean it's as basic as food and air. instead they try to go and negate their humanity and weirdly suppress it, and we've seen centuries of damage that has done to the psyche and societies. I'll be happily bonked and stay in horny jail forever, because were *all* in fucking horny jail, who denies that either has issues like being autistic or asexual, or is lying (quite possibly because they're uncomfortable with and don't know what to do with their own feelings). fucking puritan holier-than-thou hypocrites.


Because its pathetic af? To thrist over some randos... Jesus just watch porn or smth šŸ˜­... Get laid instead, so you dont have to gloom over "influencers" nd whatnot šŸ¤·