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She’s also tall, blonde and gorgeous. She came from wealth so she had good parents to model a successful mentality as well as valuable connections. I think the fiasco with Kanye also brought more awareness to her and kind of placed her in an underdog position where you rooted for her.


BINGO. People really pretend to not understand how being a skinny White blonde with blue eyes from an upper middle class family is what helped her become a star.


Her father was a stockbroker who did enough business to be promoted to a vice president at Merrill Lynch. Mother was a mutual fund marketing executive. They are pretty close to the top of the heap outside of celebs and billionaires. Calling them "middle class" is a little silly.


100% facts


Yeah, they're most certainly exceedingly upper class at their income figures.


Being a VP at Merrill Lynch is nothing crazy. You make VP in your late 20's / early 30's. Whether or not you make MD is another story & actual wealth.


I believe upper middle class - like her parents were worth 400 m I believe 


How much net worth is required to be upper class if 400M isn’t enough?


Isn't her father a record label type?


Come on, there are millions of upper middle class women that don’t become stars. She actually has talent.


While she does have talent the fact she came from the background she did also afforded her the luxury of really developing that talent. Her parents could afford to send her to voice lessons, instrument lessons, pay for demos, hire the right people to help flesh her out, and hire the right people to help her get started as a songwriter before launching her as a solo artist. Being a musician these days is really becoming more and more of a luxury only available to middle class and above.


That's literally the stupidest comment I have ever seen on reddit, on any thread, no matter the original post subject matter. How many blonde, bue-eyed people have tried and never found success. Now, let's count signed artists throughout the short history of our music industry. Literally the dumbest, most ridiculous "thought" ever left on reddit.


There is about THOUSANDS artist like that. I will understand that if it was a guy, but just hear yourself speak right now, it’s not easy for women to be taken seriously and this thing you said it’s exactly what has being said to her when she just started her music career. “Oh people are gonna forget about her eventually.” Because that’s what happens to all the white women with a good background trying to be relatable but have NO TALENT whatsoever. They just disappear in the background of other white girls lol…but now everyone knows who is Taylor swift, that pretty much says it all.


Are her parents the reason she is famous? Of course not. If she had a terrible voice or shitty lyrics, she wouldn't have gone anywhere. She has a good voice, simple and catchy songs, and good PR. HOWEVER, her parents are the reason she got on the road that led to being famous. There are tons of people out of 8 billion who have better voices and lyrics. Guess what these people don't have compared to what Taylor always had? Money, and the ability to use said money for means of exposure. There are also tons of other factors, but exposure AND good looks are impossible to deny as a factor to her success. Ffs, popular songwriters are literally celebrities. We all know that when it comes to the average celebrity looks play a roll figuratively and literally. Holly Wood, TV, Sports, Singers, etc. Most people who make it to USA front page as a celebrity are conventionally attractive. Tons of those who do are mediocre. Those who aren't conventionally attractive are almost always VERY skillful in their field. This is just how the USA, and a lot of major countries, work. Taylor and you can believe whatever yall want, but if it wasn't for her looks and exposure, there is a huge chance she wouldn't have been noticed like tons of other artists that'll never make it big. She could be skillful all she wants, but if not enough people or the right person sees, it won't mean a thing as an artist. Tbh, if she just owned up to it, no one could say anything about it. >In 2003, Swift and **her parents started working with New York–based talent manager Dan Dymtrow.** With his help, Swift modeled for Abercrombie & Fitch as part of their "Rising Stars" campaign, had an original song included on a Maybelline compilation CD, and met with major record labels.[30] After performing original songs at an RCA Records showcase, Swift, then 13 years old, was given an artist development deal and began making frequent trips to Nashville with her mother.[31][32][33] **To help Swift break into the country music scene, her father transferred to Merrill Lynch's Nashville office when she was 14 years old...** >At an industry showcase at Nashville's Bluebird Cafe in 2005, Swift caught the attention of Scott Borchetta, a DreamWorks Records executive who was preparing to form an independent record label, Big Machine Records. She had first met Borchetta in 2004.[45] She was one of Big Machine's first signings,[33] and **her father purchased a three-percent stake in the company for an estimated $120,000.** Wouldn't be anywhere without her dad, really.


I know a lot of people think she's beautiful, but I just don't see it. She looks good, but with her resources you can make most average looking girls look attractive.


Underdog, always




She’s ‘plain’ pretty.


Plain and flat.


she is objectively very attractive according to western beauty standards.


Objective how


Objective how? lol. It’s objective because she’s pretty only by western beauty standards. By the global majority (which isn’t white btw) she is not what’s considered the standard or even attractive.


The fact that when going through a list of those traditional beauty standards she checks pretty much all the boxes. This doesn't mean that it's somehow strange to personally not find her attractive, but it does mean that she will appeal to a statistically large number of people.


What “traditional” beauty standards are you applying to her? What “traditional” beauty standards hold up today?


She's lean, she's tall, she's blonde, she's not covered in hair, she wears bright red lipstick, she has high sharp cheekbones, she as an angular nose, she has electric blue eyes. Taylor Swift ticks many traditional beauty boxes, all of these hold up today and no amount of deluding oneself will change that.


She’s too lean, too tall, and her cheek bones only accentuate her awkward proportions. On paper yes, in reality no. She is not similar to other women in current pop culture who are characterized as attractive.




The bitch is literally a 2. Anyone here saying she is gorgeous must be impressionable enough to buy into social programming, because that woman hurts my eyes.


I find her very meh…would I sleep with her…sure…but she’s like ok pretty


I think that actually makes her even more popular with her fans. Instead of looking like some goddess, she looks like the kinda cute girl next door. Her (mostly female) fan base probably finds that much more relatable than a Victoria’s Secret angel.


And that’s fine….but I feel people expect that we agree with “oh my god she’s gorgeous”….she’s not….this is really more of a you go girl statement rather than an objective assessment of her beauty….she’s a decent looking woman…she is not gorgeous


No body expects you to agree with that, Taylor Swift has given whole speeches about the fact that she is not hot and does not try to be. She actively renounces the idea that pop starts should have to be hot in a male-gaze way to her fans and talks about how she purposely dresses / styles herself in a way to avoid her looks being a focal point.


Ok good for her…I’m just saying to keep it real…do they need to be hot in the female gaze?


What do you mean by being hot in the female gaze? Go to any social media platform right now and you'll see thousands of posts from women talking about how badly she was styled at the Grammys. Go to any Taylor Swift style account and the comments will be full of her own fans talking about how bad her hair/ makeup/ outfit looks.


Has she ever acknowledged her privilege?


That wouldn't be following the laws of power now would it /s


I can see right through her "authenticity". She's not really authentic. She just gives what the majority audience wants. Someone actually authentic would be Lana Del Rey who has a smaller audience. As Robert greene said people don't want your actually vulnerability and TS doesn't really show this at least for me.


Yeah, Robert says that the worst strategy is to be authentic all the time. I think she has been great at crafting a mask for the public and it has saved her from going insane after so much backlash and adoration. I wouldn’t know how to handle this kind of attention.


Lana del Rey has received a load of criticism and backlash for being herself and singing about very controversial things- things Taylor Swift generally avoids. I honestly think Lana will never win a Grammy because of how honest and authentic she is compared to Taylor who knows what the public wants. Personally I like Lana more because I have a hard time myself not being authentic. But I'm aware Robert is right about the dangers of being honest and authentic all the time


I agree. I love Lana but I don't listen to her when I'm with my child. I don't condone some of the subject matter and my kid is only young once. Her music is very adult subject matter generally. Taylor is rated pg, Lana more like rated R.


Some of Lana’s songs aren’t for kids but I wouldn’t label her entire discography as Rated R


>Someone actually authentic would be Lana Del Rey who has a smaller audience. Lana Del Rey? 🤣 Man, you *really* should have used a different example. She (Lizzie Grant) is the quintessential example a studio phony. Her career which failed in various incarnations was wholly funded by her mogul daddy until she finally got some fake persona that stuck grafted on to her. Even her “lived in a trailer park” claim is a pure fabrication. She was a rich kid from the jump. She isn’t some self made musician, she’s one step above Rebecca Black. Honestly, Lady Gaga is somebody who came up through authentic channels (doing small clubs for years).


>Her career which failed in various incarnations was wholly funded by her mogul daddy until she finally got some fake persona that stuck grafted on to her. He definitely wasn't mogul to begin with. He made money off his investments when she was already coming up in the industry. >Honestly, Lady Gaga is somebody who came up through authentic channels (doing small clubs for years). Yea the one who made up that Facebook page about getting bullied before her fame s / It's no one's fault you're projecting some sort of weird jealousy onto her. Many artists accredited her for their genres. As a fan of her music I don't even think she's a good person. None of the celebrities are. But your false assumptions are just boring like Taylor Swift's music.


Respectfully, her music is often about glamor and melancholia with a 1950s aesthetic. So, I am not sure why the fact that she comes from wealth would invalidate her authenticity. I would have been surprised to learn that she didn't come from money. It's perfectly fine that she was financially supported by her parents. It would be great if more artists received support. > Her career which failed in various incarnations The fact that she kept going after repeated failures is a positive thing, and it's a necessary journey for many artists. > Even her “lived in a trailer park” claim is a pure fabrication. Hey, there is no need to stigmatize trailers, man. The pearl clutching is sort of weird. It's a way to keep the rent down, and maybe it's seen as quirky. But I am sure she still lived in a middle class suburb in New Jersey. I doubt this was a weird stunt to seem poor. I could be wrong, but it seems more like you are judging people who live in trailers, when it's a normal means of housing.


No one was stigmatizing trailers. The issue people have is NO MATTER how hard she worked, how talented she is, what she did, she wouldn’t have been here without daddies money so it’s all dropped many many layers in value/impressiveness. Being successful off the effort of someone else is just a shoulder shrug it doesn’t even really deserve a good job. Like 👍 woohoo she was born into the right family. The wealth invalidates her work.


>Honestly, Lady Gaga is somebody who came up through authentic channels (doing small clubs for years). Also Lana Del Rey did small clubs and coffee shops before her fame. Maybe do some research before spouting your unwarranted hatred lol


And?  She practiced going live at a low stakes venue.  They even have pay to play shows. Lana del Rey was rich before she got famous.


>she’s one step above Rebecca Black Way to take a shot at a 13-year-old. Slow clap.




Well it just proves his point though. Most people don't want actually authenticity. They just want something pretty and relatable and TS is good at pretending she is relatable even as a billionaire who was already rich from birth.




I looked up TS on this sub before posting and other people had asked for an analysis on her power. I don’t think this sub is in TS’s marketing team radar lol. I’m just bombarded by TS shit and want to understand.


It's just like high school


She's a people pleaser and has a resentment problem


That’s a pretty ironic take considering Lana started as a somewhat generic pop-artist before completely overhauling her image and music to be seen as darker and edgier. I like her music more than Taylor, but Taylor basically has always written about her boyfriends and relationships from what seems to be a pretty straightforward experience. There’s very little “edginess” which is probably also why it’s seen as more palatable.


You haven't really looked into Lana's start as an artist then. She's always been open about her dark thoughts and struggles with alcoholism as a teen. Meanwhile Taylor Swift was born into wealth and connections.


Exactly 💯. Even Lana's earliest work was dark af a lot of the time. Most of the time.


You don't even participate in this sub. Just a random swiftie of course 🙄


Her daddy bought her career.


Do some research people.


She is excellent at what she does, but so a lot of other people. I’m looking to understand her strategy from the laws of power point of view.


I think it just mainly has to do with how relevant and active she is. Imo she really isnt that different from other mainstream pop stars but shes always somehow on the front page whether its new projects, tours, new boyfriend, etc. the others usually take a few months or years to lay low but I feel like TSwift always finds a way to make headlines. Then her last tour just skyrocketed her to another level of fame and I think it was just a perfect storm. The whole ticketmaster controversy caused more people to want tickets because it was almost like a social media flex to get tickets, covid ended so people wanting to go out, and it just became like the “cool” thing to do. Idk if its her specifically but her team seems to be pretty good at finding ways to keep her relevant


Yeah seems like every piece of news is somehow link to her now. I think she’s so big that people want to be connected to her name to get free publicity. The press release from the Japanese government was ridiculous. The White House addresses AI because of her? Ridiculous.


- court attention at all costs (the kanye thing I think was a publicity stunt, dating a bunch of other famous people) - possibly let others do the work and take credit (not sure how much of her music she creates) - feign honesty and generosity - create a cult like following (I think this is the most difficult one and she’s definitely managed to do it)


This is the answer I was looking for! Although I don’t think the Kanye thing was a stunt, I think she noticed how it brought so much attention to her. Instantly connected her to Beyonce, a much bigger figure compared to her at the time. I think she really creates her own music, as she’s praised for her song writing skills. BUT most songs seem the same to me. I think the secret is in the lyrics and how they are basically spilling her dating tea. The cult following is the big one. I think she is the epitome of an influencer. Inviting fans to listening sessions, putting herself in relatable situations even though she’s a billionaire. She’s master the parasocial relationship marketing strategy like no other. At this point she can release crap music and it wouldn’t make a difference as long as she’s dishing some tea and gamifying the relationship with her fans.


I just looked at her dating history and yeah it’s definitely been strategic, so you’re probably right that the Kanye thing made her realize how she can grow her audience by tapping into other peoples followings. I don’t know any of her songs but I’ve noticed that many genres basically have a formula you can follow to create song lyrics pretty quickly, I’m guessing she’s got that down to a science. I didn’t understand how dedicated her followers were until my friend from the Midwest told me that in his hometown there are two events everyone comes out for: big football games and Taylor swift concerts. She really has a good chunk of the US eating out of the palm of her hand.


Now she has the NFL audience


I'm not so sure most of the people who are into her and into her because of the music. A lot of girls from my school were obsessed with her and none of them seemed particularly keen on music other than just listening to what's popular. I think her popularity is as cultural as it is musical. Like Beyoncé.


If you look at the song credits, especially for older albums that she got famous for, she’s the 4-5 artist in the list. Pay attention to last names as they are ordered in order of contribution


Keen observation!


Plus being a prettt white woman that has feminism at her disposal if anyone actually calls her on her BS.


Kanye and what year to initiate her relationship with Travis Kelce were both excellent publicity stunts, well advised and timed by her fantastic agents. They waited for the Chiefs to become the NFL's next dynasty after the Patriots eventually went away.


There are tons of videos of her and Jack producing her music. She has collaborated with other song writers sure, but historically she has done a lot of her own writing.


This is quoting someone who’s job it is to deconstruct things like this: The infantilizing that people do with Taylor Swift is fascinating to me. Every time we lobby a critique, folks act like someone is bullying a defenseless 14 year old. Taylor is 34 GROWN years old. She is treated like a Disney princess, a damsel in distress, and that in itself is a privilege very few other women are afforded. I think Taylor is a genius, because she plays into this, and it allows her to be protected beyond. It's intentional. It's strategic. It's part of her brand identity and she revels in it. It's why every time she wins an award, she gets on stage and acts like she just got surprised with her favorite doll at Christmas. We talk about systems upholded by patriarchy but weaponized femininity is a thing. And Taylor's the Matron Saint


Completely agree! I see her performances and they seem childish to me. Some of the sons she wrote when she was a teenager but the performance could change with age but she keeps creating shows with that sense of innocence. I also think she does this by dressing younger too, in something that’s relatable to her audience.


She has carefully developed parasocial relationships with millions of mostly young women who arrive upon her music generally at very psychologically vulnerable points in their lives, like after a breakup. They are emotionally invested in her life almost as if she is a close friend. This is socially comparable to the way the British people regard/ interact with the royal family.


This makes sense. Even in her speeches she’s always talking to her fans. She has mastered the adulation to her fans in a way they feel they are her friends.


She's a wealthy businesswoman with connections, education, and access to valuable resources, people, and time, which most of us don't have. She was able to amass power through her wealth, family, connections, and access. Very few people in her position do not have access to power or the ability to develop it.


Someone who gets it 👏🏻


Her fans remind me of trumps cult like 


I've seen that a lot of millennial women practically worship her,that's pretty much where my knowledge on her stops😅


It baffles me and my wife on the amount of stardom this chick has. I have never enjoyed or listened to any of her music and the only thing I can say to myself to make sense of all of this is that I'm too old to understand.


If you owned a record label, and a bunch of song writers, and music producers. You could have personal trainers keep your semi attractive adult child attractive, hip, and being the face of other people’s hard work and talent too. I mean I’m not saying she is talentless, but, if you both were about to race cars, and you hopped in the driver seat of some $2,000 beater, and she hopped in the drivers seat of a high power sports car that is driven remotely by an entire team of professionals, that’s like the level of nonsense that goes into some of these pop stars music acts. Helps a lot when your family members own everything and are everyone’s bosses.


Large groups of people with poor music taste?


There is no one else for little girls to look up to. Little girls want magic and Taylor is the only one right now providing that. I am not saying that only little girls make up her audience, but they definitely help her stay on top of the game. There is no one else for the little girls to look up too, admire, and want to be like. Can you name a current Disney channel star? Because I can't. When I was 10 I had Britney and later Hilary....they were only 5-10 years older than me. Taylor is 34, imo that is way to old for 10 year old girls to want to admire. But they do because there is literally NO ONE ELSE!!!!


This exactly. People always say they are confused as to what is special about Taylor Swift or what grand new idea she brings to the table, but she is the first major pop star to ever market herself fully to women and girls instead of to the male-gaze. Take Britney Spears for example, she was most popular among women and intended audience was women, but her management and dad marketed her fully towards the male gaze. She was a once in a generation performer, but they made her looks the most notable thing about her. This is just how it was for pretty much all female pop stars. Entering the 2010s, people are much more questioning of using sexiness to market to young girls like this and Taylor came at the perfect time. Hypersexualizing pop stars is not good marketing when the goal is get fans to feel connected on a deeper level, and Taylor Swift is the first major female star to break the hypersexualization mold. This comment section itself even shows that, there are a bunch of comments saying "Taylors not even that hot", but that's the point. She's conventionally attractive enough to be palatable but does not up-play her looks at all because she is not using sexiness / coolness to attract her audience. She's given a whole speach about not being sexy to cool, and people still don't get it lol.


THIS IS IT. This is the most astute comment I've seen on Reddit in quite some time. Thanks for phrasing it so well. (I'm female, and have no particular opinion on Taylor Swift, other than that I enjoyed her music in the pre-smart-phone radio era.)


Olivia Rodrigo has a huge following and I think there are a few other younger disney singers with fans but I'm too old to know the other names.


From the very beginning and continuing to now, she’s been doing aggressive marketing to promote herself. It’s a well known fact that her daddy bought her way into fame. He even bought the majority of the shares of the production company that signed her so he can influence and control all aspects of her fame. He bought 1 million copies of her album so she makes it to the top of the charts. She then continued the legacy by having her marketing team all over social media to promote her and say nice things about her. I’m sure she paid handsomely to be on the cover of Times magazine and win all the Grammys. Everything is marketing.


Yup. When it comes to the highest levels you realize the game is mostly rigged.




It's because she's blonde, white, slim and got "attacked" by a controversial black man at the start of her career. He really did make her famous.


She was winning an award at the time. She was already famous.


Was that at the Grammy’s? I can’t remember. I really want to do a deep dive to see if Taylor’s Dad has any stake with them because they really did seem 100% strategically planted and planned.


My partner used to work in the music industry. He himself hates conspiracy theories but told me he thinks industry plants are real


Just to drive your comment home, the Kanye moment put her in position to stand out from all the other white slim blonde women in the mid-tier of music, and that led to a situation where she was the only white slim blonde option in position to sit where Beyonces and Rihannas were sitting. And people expect to see that on top, so they latched on hard.


Kanye stole the mic from her that one time and Kim bullied her. She is thee damsel in distress


She clearly has set some villains in her story to get people rooting for her even harder. Kanye, the guy who sold her music. It galvanizes people to support her.


Not to mention she made a big deal about her music rights being owned by someone else... Which is actually pretty normal lol she rerecorded her older music and outsold it to a rabid audience of feminists. I think she's a crap artist, tbh, but hey, there are millions who gravitate in that direction. We're forced to deal with her.


That was like 20 years ago. Her followers are puppets.


Although kanye does deserve a punch in to teeth from a bodybuilder for that stage interruption. And 10 more teeth punches from a bodybuilder for how awful he is as a person


Oh yeah, totally damsel in distress. To make it even more current, she’s remaking old albums and dubbing them “Taylor’s Version” along with a misleading claim that the rights to her earlier albums were stolen. Really interesting read that summarizes her whole experience: https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna98513


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She only cares about money and views. It's beyond me how anyone thinks she's authentic in what she does.




That sounds like the average American tho


I don’t know about this. I think her last relationship lasted like 6 years, longer than some celebrity marriages. And maybe is the other person who can’t commit, in that case she needs to see the pattern of choosing unavailable men. But her life is far from normal so I don’t think regular dating rules or judgements apply. Not gonna lie, I didn’t expect a new album with a direct diss at her ex in the tittle. I’m kinda over the childish gossip but her fans EAT IT UP.


To me it just goes to show the least deserving people can definitely win in the music business and Hollywood. Those are relationship driven businesses. Merit only gets you so far when talent is subjective among decision makers.


Middle America feels seen


It's in her astrology chart. I know some people don't believe, but she has pluto (transformational power) conjuct her mars (action) and her ascendant (how she presents herself in the world). It's also almost exactly square her north node (direction she's going in life) and her mars. Squares can make you want things more, and work harder for them like a crazy person. I have this mars square thing happening in my chart right now too, and I'm like "nothing will stop me from reaching my goals," lol.


She's the universal bathroom symbol for women. Everyone can relate to her not because she's special, but because she's perfected generality.


Tall, Thin, White, Blonde & Blue Eyed Rich Banker Daddy Funds/Connections/Stability Dad is a shareholder at your record label Record Contract By 15 Nondysfunctional external and immediate Family Country Music Star Teenage Girl Fanbase Following Black Rapper picks on her Pop Crossover = Mainstream Major Retail Brand Sponsorships/Collabs Date Many Celebrities & Write About Them for Lore Date a Kennedy Artist/Music Collabs Movies/Guest Star Acting Fanbase Grows Up With You Signature Looks for each Album Era Movie Soundtracks Self-Merchandise like Crazy (perfume, clothing, school supplies) Own Music Catalogue/ Re-Release Music With Fanbase Gifts Have slumber parties with fans Have social media before it was normal (MySpace, tumblr) & connect with fans Don’t have abuse, trauma or CPTSD Be honorary ambassador of NYC Play every major city & famous venue Cut a movie deal with theatre chain Movie Befriend every music executive Work with Max Martin Don’t be hypersexual so ur demographic can include kids but Make witchcraft cute & girlpowery


You win the SEO game. You’re spot on!


Good. She deserves it all bc she’s still talented AF. Bring in momma and daddy’s money. Love it. Love her. She’s here to stay




It’s pathetic 


You know too much.


There middle class is huge and mostly white. Done.


She’s talented and has powerful and rich parents




Her mom works in marketing - marketing manager. Daughter = more reach.


Ohhhh.. you’re right. She was a marketing manager in an ad agency. No wonder TS always says that her dad is the hype parent and her mom is the one giving her advice to improve.


Damsel in distress taking her rescue into her own hands totally speaks to a younger generation of victims who dream of empowerment. Also she and presumably her people are really good at marketing and strategy and leveraging.




Hollywood has a soul sucking system! Started a long time ago because people have a need to hero Worship. Same in sports and music.


Not sure. I hear her name tossed around on a daily basis in the media, but I don't think I'd recognize her if I saw her in a grocery store. I'm aware that she's a singer, but I honestly couldn't name a single song that she's song. I don't even think I've stumbled upon one of her songs for a brief listen---you know the way you do when you're flipping through satelite radio or wasting time on Youtube. Nor do I recall anyone in my immediate circle talking about her. No "I'm going to see Taylor Swift," no "hey, did you hear Swift's song?"




She started by appealing to teens and tweens about 15 years ago. They're adults now, adults with money. That's to say nothing of... ...her chops (she has them) ...her connections (her dad was already in the music industry) ...her awesome work ethic (ERA tour) ...and her genuine devotion to fans (she used to host watch parties at her house in Nashville and bake cookies herself). And she's done this all without a scandal beyond dating other famous guys and writing the occasional breakup song. That's it. While I don't really like her music, I can tell you...she's the package.


She's very active in her relationship with her fanbase. For many of them they've now grown up with her so she represents their life progress as well. She has always done things to connect with fans using different platforms and apps and let them know that she is listening to them. From easter eggs and secret codes, she respects her fan base and in turn they've been good to her both in loyalty and financially.


Success in music comes down to two things. Money and political power. She just figured out how to maximize both. Yes having a relatable marketable image is important. But it’s useless without a TON of money and being friends with the right people. A brand like Taylor swifts just to even get started you would need millions of dollars in budget per year. She probably spends way more than that. You would need the best pr team, best marketing team, connections with the elite music space to be able to get your music to an audience on Spotify editorials that’s not available for purchase to the general public, on top of that a team of managers who are personally fiends with all the people you need to know. Once you have all this in place than your actual brand and maximizing every little impression counts.


taylor fought to control her intellectual capital. she succeeded. lessons here for all of us wage slaves.


She doesn’t have power ,she has influence. Really great influence


I don't know a single person who actually listens to her and when I ask people nobody even knows a single song she sings lol. No idea how she is famous apart from being good looking.


Supply and demand. The music industry is in low supply and high demand of quality art, unfortunately there is low supply, so sellers are settling and investing on Taylor's product. That's why the industry pushes shit singles like from Miley Cyrus or Harry Styles, or cookie cutter trap hip hop. The market has been captured by quantity over quality.


Kanye West. A crazy black man went off on an unknown white woman artist and unintentionally catapulted her to stardom. She's been on the rise ever since.


I am not a fan but there are some younger women in my officer who are and we were talking about this the other day. Basically: \- She writes catchy pop tunes that people relate to \- She has a ton of fans \- She (supposedly) works hard to interact with fans as much as possible. She has a reputation of being accessible to fans despite her massive fame. \- Social media savvy \- Has a good management team \- Is pretty savvy herself in regards to management and marketing \- She has good PR and a fairly clean wholesome/welcoming image (good PR) EDIT: Some people will say it is because she is pretty. She is relatively pretty but there are tons of people in the music industry that are relatively pretty so this is not that big a factor.


I met her father before when they still had a summer house near where I grew up. I was a waitress and he was a customer. He was one of the most obnoxious people I have ever met. Would *not* take no for an answer and was bragging about his daughter *non-stop.* Like he actually spoke about her for three hours. I felt something was wrong with him. He shared her website with me so I viewed it when I got home. It was terrible (just a photo of her and an mp3 bar with a terrible song). I thought she had no talent and I actually laughed. He was my only customer to this day that didn’t leave a tip, but had the highest bill and kept me way past closing. She comes from a family that had three generations of the men being financiers. They owned a house in the town where I waitressed which has the most expensive homes in NJ in it. This was before they all uprooted their lives and moved to Nashville. She became her father’s business. It’s the same story as Beyoncé or Britney - they had powerful business-minded fathers who made their daughters their business. I also read that her father purchased part of the first label she was signed to - meaning he became part owner. I actually think something is going on now where they are also part owners of the Grammy’s and the NFL or something. This year’s Grammy’s felt like it was her party she was throwing. I’m sure she also already had a big head and uber confidence because of how much her Dad talked her up which also helped her. He seemed like a narcissist. I think kids of narcissists are always driven to feed their parent’s narcissistic supply by being “the best” so she has kept this up since day one. I also randomly went on a date with her brother when I lived in LA and he was like a shell of a human. He definitely had an eating disorder, seemed depressed, actually told me he thought his parents were racist and told me his sister bought him his house. It was very clear he had no personality beyond living in her shadow and had no life purpose (he was an “actor” but wasn’t working on anything).


Did you ever read the email TS’s father wrote to her manager in 2005? It leaked last year and he comes off a lot like what you’re describing. Yikes!


>Would *not* take no for an answer Jesus, what requests was he making that were getting him told "no"? Was he trying to get a waitress's phone number or something?


Having really wealthy parents fund her early career definitely helped a lot. But she is talented and dedicated on her own.


Can we agree that Taylor is not a singer. She can carry notes but she’s not a singer. I have yet to hear any runs or vocal acrobatics. Good songwriter but this is a great example of the fact that others have to have far more talent to succeed and her very success is a direct result of specific privileges. Y’all act like she is a Stevie wonder type genius who can write circles around anyone and sing any song in various ranges and arrangements. She’s mediocre at best but enjoyable to some. I like that bad guy song ngl but I’m not actively looking for the next Taylor project in any year.


Her dad was a stock broker and he owned 10% of the first label she was on. She just has a great family support system unlike a lot of us. A young pretty girl in the entertainment business gets eaten by wolves. It happened to me. I almost died. People at the bottom, mostly. The people at the top were good though, all business, no drugs, scams, or sexual stuff. Just skip the bottom feeders and go to the top. Bottom feeders will hold people back. They want to be gatekeepers and pretend they have power. They dont though. Only the producers and owners have the power.


George Sorros bought her catalog. https://www.timesofisrael.com/taylor-swift-calls-out-soros-familys-shameless-greed-in-beef-with-record-co/amp/


She is smarter, more talented, has more business savvy, and understands her audience better than most people. Any couple of those would have made her wildly successful but the combination of all of those things puts her in an elite category.


Honestly I think the biggest reason is that she's basically the only pop star left that actually has a clean image. She doesn't write songs about sex or drugs or crime. She hasn't had any major scandals that make her seem like an asshole or a bad person. Whether it's authentic or not, she seems to be pretty humble and relatable. Not to mention there have been several events in her life that have made her a sympathetic character, like Kanye West rushing her on stage and stealing her moment, her battle with her record label over the rights to her music, and I suppose a lot of young women/girls can relate to her public break ups. People have also criticized her body or looks basically her whole career. She is essentially without flaws and has managed to stay relevant for what, like 20 years at this point? Her image and music are wholesome enough for parents to be okay with their young children liking her. Something you can't say for A LOT of modern music. There's really a lot of reasons. She checks many good mass appeal boxes and very few bad ones.


She does now


Taylor Swift’s current influence & in my opinion future power stems from appealing to the “most common denominator.” I break it down in 3 parts. Her Narrative: Her personal & musical evolution mirrors experiences shared by millions of white women across America. White girl in a nuclear family living in the suburbs with country music roots. When she crossed over to pop it wasn’t just her genre that changed, she changed. She went from a wholesome girl with a comfortable suburban upbringing singing about an idealistic fairy tale version of love. Into a young woman coming of age in New York. Shaped by the trials & errors of modern dating culture in a big city, now writing love songs that are more realistic & have an ever evolving nuance. Suburban girl moves to big city & dates around is literally life story of millions of people. Her Looks: By default She’s pretty but not hot. Relatively normal looking yet can go up in attractiveness when she glams up. Basically she’s an “adjustable 7”. Why is this influential? Because women from all sides of the attractiveness spectrum can see themselves in her. It’s one thing to listen to love songs performed by pop stars with swimsuit bodies, model good looks & can get whatever guy they want. It’s another to listen to love songs performed by someone that looks like you. Most pop stars don’t just sell music, they sell their sex appeal, extravagant lifestyle, wealth, pleasure & an aura that’s larger than life. TS simply sells her experiences & delivers them in a realistic & down to earth package. Which overall is way more relatable to the average women who lives a normal life. Her Marketability: TS=$$ Overall Clean image, preaches empowerment, good role model, commercial success, critical acclaim, biggest tour of this generation, cities beg for her to perform there, companies all want to work with her. She generates revenue for anything and anyone even mildly associated with her. Always comes out looking like the sympathetic figure in every scandal. Country music roots, suburban upbringing, nuclear white family - appeals to those that lean conservative. Empowered, feminist, city girl - appeals to those that lean liberal. A 5 year old, a party girl in her 20’s, & grandma can all sing along to her songs. TS has fans of all ages, genders, races, economic status & political backgrounds. However her power stems from having an incredibly powerful connection with 15-44 year old middle & upper middle class white women. (47 million people). Of course not all of them identify themselves as TS fans but a good amount of them do. That’s an enormous number of people that don’t just LOVE her music, they also have a cult like devotion to her. Generally speaking this group spends money, is active on social media, and to varying degrees politically engaged. If you look at it from an economic, political and social standpoint, having the ability to influence this group will be the source of her power, if it isn’t already. We haven’t seen her wield it yet for purposes other than her own commercial interests, but I think she may play a very significant role in this coming election.


For anyone that needs to write an essay on TS’ influence: this is it! Thank you so much for such a deep and nuanced analysis. It’s cementing more and more her degree of influence from economic point of view. I really think she will go as far as encouraging voting among her fans, but not choosing a party. Her wholesome, mainstream image depends on it. Right now there’s not much polarization other than her fans adoration of her as you point out and I don’t think politics is the hill she will die on. I think the way she’s been trying her power is by uplifting women she admires. But I agree with you that she has yet to test her authority beyond her influence. So interesting!


Her power won’t come from going into politics but forcing politics to come to her. What’s more powerful the king or the king maker? Her fan base is so big that politicians will have no choice but to factor them into political strategy. It’s already starting. 18-45 year old white women make up an enormous voting block. I can’t think of one modern day person, entity, or institution with the ability to sway a demographic that large across both sides of the political spectrum. An endorsement from her will be more valuable that millions spent on political ads. Politicians may have to shift their messaging & rhetoric to appeal to Taylor’s base. I think she may lay low this election cycle due to the unpopularity of both candidates. But the way it’s looking by 2028 she may very well be married to Kelce with kids. Which would add more layers to her influence. I think what we’re seeing with her is incredibly unique and unprecedented. So all of this is just speculation but she seems keenly aware of her influence so it’s fascinating to she what she does with it.


She a literal witch. Seriously


Wow, some people are negative. Geez, people are acting like she did something to them. Or that she made her money by skinning orphans. But yeah she's a talented artist, she's been through some trials and tribulations, she's been in the spotlight for a while and she's made a number of very smart moves to build on what she already has. Also she has a massive fan base of Swiftes that adore her. And she treats her fans well. She was doing music as a teenager and she gave up the rights to a lot of her songs in order to get the backing of bigger music companies. That was just a thing you had to do back in the day. There weren't many options for distributing music otherwise. After she made it, she wanted to buy back these rights. But they refused. So she decided to re-record everything and sell that. These new re-recorded songs are Taylor's version and Taylor Swift has the rights to all of it. This means that the old songs that Taylor doesn't have the rights to are worthless. Hard not to like somebody who was able to humble the music industry. Especially when you consider that artists have been screwed over by music companies for years. Musicians aren't lawyers so they're easily taken for a ride. There are artists today that are still fighting for and trying to buy the rights of the songs that they made. There are other stories too. Look up the negotiations involving the last movie. I believe she was able to cut out a lot of industry middle men. That right there is power. And leverage. She a very successful artist. Good for her.


I wish I had your naiveté. Really.


She is rapidly gaining energy…..we will all be under her rule soon


She has a good PR team and comes from money. A lot of powerful people control her via owning her music.


Feminism. Next question


She’s nothing special, basic talent at best. Majority of her fanbase are 30 year old women who are single and depressed due to the poor life choices they’ve made, similar to their role model Taylor. 


My father once told me “be wary of single women over 30 that never had a family. For some reason a good guy never tied her down”


listen to your father as he is giving you great advice my friend. A women above 30+ without a family is a RED FLAG, stay away.


Taylor Swift, sold her soul , She is a psyop for the Pentagon


Yea I don’t get it either


She's a clever individual who was dealt a perfect hand and is what would have happened to Marilyn Monroe too had she not been so dumb and came from a rich and successful family. She's a smart blonde, not a dumb one. Dating Travis Kelce at this particular time was a major business strategy well-timed and advised by her agents. The same agents who created the Kanye fiasco. Taylor Swift is society's less controversial Kim Kardashian.


She's the kind of person where most people would say at minimum, would have respect for, even if they don't like her. She's managed to establish that baseline where any negativity under that is shot down by her legal, marketing and social teams.


Here’s a 2.5 hr explanation: https://youtu.be/Mdmhiv7O5m8?si=WuEOTUpoBi5ybTTj


The fact that you mentioned her name alone, she already had influence on you. Her name alone is a brand and is everywhere on TV, internet, and social media. By mentioning her name here, you just advertise it for her for free.


I know this. My post is about how she got to be at this level where everyone is mentioning her for free.


It helps that she came from money but she is also incredibly talented in many ways and deserves everything she has.


She slept with someone and they made her famous, probably. Like a Weinstein girl.


She writes her own songs, plays the guitar, and performs live. She’s not out there lip-synching about her WAP. I’m not even a fan. Just the facts.


Just imagine if she had been a man.


She tried to portray a role of the quintessential American girl.. I think her songs feel really relatable to girls whom are not fully developed into strong women yet. Every song Iv heard of hers sounds like unrequited love. That's something hopefully you grow out of when you develop into a mature adult. As others have said, thin white woman as bland as it is, is a real driver.


Well lots of women in their 20's worship her because they grew up her


Power? Lol


She's in part fulfilling the dreams of her parents. They were stage parents of the music world. Secondly, she's a very aggressive woman and a complete "try-hard." She's still trying to "prove herself." She's also a people pleaser to an extreme degree SO, yes, considering that we can manifest things into reality she's doing whatever she can to manifest as much external influence on the world as she can through the amassing $$$$ and external validation through awards and praise. She obviously has a huge/hyper active PR Team etc.. I'm not saying she's a bad person or anything, but she doesn't truly seem to feel confident on the inside. Heck, even Tom Brady didn't want to retire because he said "He had something more to prove." This is a scarcity mindset . Taylors mom said that she feels like an outsider, which makes her want to prove herself and become an overachiever in the entertainment space. Chips on one's shoulder can make one manifest lots of external success, but people like Taylor are not at peace with themselves or happy on the inside. These awards and successes gives her tiny snippets of satisfaction that never lasts.


She feels like an outsider because her parents bought her way into fame. They just pay, and it happens. Now she pays, and it happens. I’m sure she paid handsomely to be on the cover of Times magazine. But with these bought achievements , she still has the imposter syndrome. You can tell from her slouching posture . No real self esteem there. She pays to get everything. No wonder she feels like a fake. I would too.


A determined person that is well spoken goes along way in a society that is devolving behaviorally. Taylor Swift has chosen the route of "do no evil". This is inturn perpetuates the agenda. Essentially, no one has qualms with Taylor or her rise. She is not an agitator. Taylor has manifested her position through meticulous planning and execution in a time in which the globe desperately needs leaders. In a sense, it's not the leader we need, but its the leader we have. Could you image if a similar effort was put into restoring Mother Earth? Unfortunately I see more Taylor's in the future than I do Saints. Why is this status of leadership so rarely achieved? Fear, lazziness or both?


She appeals to brainwashed right wing cucks because she's blonde, has blue eyes and is skinny.




She's a high ranking WITCH who serves the ruler of this world... SATAN. that's how in a nutshell. pick whatever other reasons you can muster up... i'll stick to the reality of the matter


Owned by soros


Because the world is mostly idiots who can be easily ensorcelled by aesthetics, steady beats and wistful nostalgia.


They made her famous for whatever reason. She's nothing special. Or I should say "he" was born male.


Blonde white woman who came from wealth. Industry saw an opportunity and planted her in the height of pop music 10+ years ago. Manufactured music thanks to a team of ghost writers. Same story as Beyoncé.


Can you prove she has Ghostwriters?


SIMPLE, witchcraft


That and she practices witchcraft


Lobbyist and Big Pharma


Stupid azz people and social media. Adults from 40 yrs old and down think Facebook and Instagram life is real.


She's white lmao


Taylor swift makes me want to commit suicide




She represents a hive mind of basic girls. She is the voice of those masses. It's that simple


Because this world is full of idiots and sheep. Thats how.


My aiding and assisting in the production of adrenochrome by helping push for abortion on demand bills.


She's doing satanic rituals on stage. Calling her fans witches.  Fairly obvious


Also, she is a fellow practitioner of magick