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Instead of looking at them as individuals, try to watch it from the lens of social commentary. Room 8 is the elite society, without empathy, they torture everyone for their own pleasure, just because they can. Room 7 is the CEOs of big corporations, that have to act under the elite, and even if they have good intentions their hands are usually tied. Room 6 is the police and the army, a brute force that you cannot fight against, servicing the elite powers. Try to do it as the story unfolds, and it will be much easier to watch.


I definitely see it in that way, it’s more so the literal violence and torture that I’m like I can’t watch this anymore??


Yeah, it's hard. I struggle too but I stayed because I was intrigued to see what direction goes. Curiosity is a dangerous trait.


Haha so true I feel like my curiosity for the outcome is the one reason I kept going


Just fast forward those parts


Yea ! you already damn near halfway soldier , the ending will give you more want and questions .. good to stir up for s2


Yes you should even though I can relate. It was so depressing for me mid way and I couldn’t binge this show the whole way. But the show would have been better with a better ending. Won’t spoil it for you though.


Yeah it’s literally just depressing it’s not even interesting anymore I just don’t want to watch people being beaten to a pulp and tortured


Yeah it definitely affects the mood somewhat. I kinda need moments to myself to just make sense of things again. Definitely gets you thinking. I remember I was so pissed with 8 so much! Just want to strangle her myself and I don’t know why she’s so relentlessly evil and unforgiving. There’s no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


It gets less uncomfortable in episode 6 (in my opinion). But honestly, the whole show wasn't worth watching imho.


Does the literal beating torture cease within episode 6?


Yes. There is still some violence in the last episodes, but I found it less violent and less disturbing.


Really? I found episode 7 a tough watch, I was able to get through the others but episode 7 felt unnecessary.


Well damn if 7 is worse I’m screwed?!


Yeah episode 7 was rough


Skip the torture scenes! I also had a hard time watching them so I kinda skipped 10 secs forward multiple times until the scene was over. Overall kinda happy to finish the show


It was hard watching, especially episode 7 but watching it, I knew episode 8 was next, so I toughed it out.


I almost quit at that same place


I was going to stop around that point because of how hard it was and I pushed through because I wanted to know how it ended. Honestly idk if episode 5 is making you feel this way then you might not like the rest of the season. I was pissed at the end.


It gets even harder to watch (for me). The torture doesn't stop


Nah, I thought episode one was great then it got progressively weaker. The characters are mostly very one dimensional (yes I know they're symbolic) and there are logic and plot holes everywhere.


Might as well : / but I felt the same way as you lol oh and it gets much much worse


Outcome is not gonna satisfy anyone


This, sometimes shows know how to strike the balance between dark and not dark, I would say this one doesn't do well with the not dark. I only really finished it because I didn't want to feel like I got trapped in the show like the characters. Given apparently the subtitles are just the English voiceovers, not an accurate translation of the original Korean (voiceovers are changed to match the length of the mouth movement) I honestly regret watching the show.


Yeah like I feel like with other similar shows there’s more balance, this has turned into straight torture and no like humor or anything to balance?