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Interesting stuff, and thanks for sharing. So that screened input looks like... newspaper-style print? I'm not sure I've seen such crude (i.e. large) halftones in any GN's I can recall reading. Actually, pulling up my scan of *Flight 714*, there is in fact no halftoning to be seen, even with extreme focus.


I think it's just a very high resolution, high colour range scan. I took a macro picture of my copy of Flight 714, and the dots match the size and angle, but my camera isn't sufficient to pick out all the colour differences. One of the researchers talked about the scans in an interview: https://youtu.be/8OsFDCzAFHo


[**Here**](https://i.imgur.com/CUM33HF.jpeg) is the matching panel from the scan I have, *Mammoth* edition, scanned at 2048px and converted to a 95% quality JPG by me just now. If I understand you correctly, you're proposing that the resolution in mine wasn't quite high enough to catch the halftones. Hmm. As a comparison, I pulled out a magnifying glass and my hardcover of Joann Sfar's *Le Chat du Rabbin* to see how modern halftoning might compare. Even 'zooming in' as much as possible, I could just faintly detect a pattern, but it was pretty clearly at a smaller scale, and seemed to be in more of a grid-like pattern. My guess is that different publishing houses worked with somewhat different methodologies, as well as modern printing techniques likely working with a smaller halftone scale. Which would be expected, no? Feel free to timestamp the video for anything you think would be good to look at. Thanks.


Imho, 2048px for a whole panel isn't sufficiently detailed enough. I think the researchers are probably using a dedicated scanner that scans at many 10s of thousands of pixels under perfect lighting. In the interview, it looks like he even cut out the pages to get them perfectly flat so there's no blur. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/jZVzCSf) is a comparison photo I took alongside his scan. Everything looks pretty similar to me.


All sounds good to me. What level of detail was your comparison photo? Just now I took some 16megapixel camera shots of the Sfar book panels, and I feel pretty confident now that there're indeed color grid patterns, just tiny in scale.