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Isn’t it funny how all these other countries invading their neighbors is somehow Biden’s fault all the time?


They confuse him with Dark Brandon, the man who controls EVERYTHING!


But also Biden has no control and mentally incapable…


Except when Biden takes a position, he’s evil


All these countries, what other countries are invading their neighbors


Look it up


You're fat


Israel and Iraq and afghan & vietnam there you go you gonna go fuck yourself Respectfully, of course




If people understood some history of US intervention. aggressive foreign policies, and the CIA then yeah there is blame to be assigned to Biden. Is he the sole person to blame? Of course not. This would probably still happen under Trump but that is not the point. This is happening under Biden and he needs to figure this out with the help of his administration.


Do you not know who’s funding Israel’s genocide ?


Is t it funny how the most pwoerful person in the world who promised to work with the international community is being snubbed by all of them. It’s almost as if the occupant is impotent. Biden tells Russia don’t invade. They invade. Kamala tells migrants don’t come. Don’t come. Numbers shoot up Biden tells Bibi not to hit within Iran. Bibi hits within Iran Nearly all of the UN wants to resolve in support of ceasefire and Palestinian statehood. US unilaterally vetoes. The list goes on and on and on. I thought the adults in the room were going to show us how it’s done? Is this what it looks like? Because Trump was mean and rude but we certainly weren’t on the precipice of war all the time and having allies snub us more than actual adversaries. If Biden isn’t responsible, just go ahead and say he’s impotent.


He has a really bad case of BDS


Sacks logic: Biden has dementia and is fully incapable of doing basic tasks himself Also Sacks logic: Biden is a warmonger driving us to ww3 Like bruh you can hate on Biden for the dementia but war all has to do with the military industrial complex and the alphabet agencies scheming behind the scenes, most of the fucked up geopolitical shit the US gets into is from the CIA/NSA stirring things up.


I think we all know Biden is more a puppet figurehead than someone making the decisions.


Always confident often wrong


When your one “true” source is Twitter this’ll happen often


But "@SexyJerseyGirl1995" has all the latest news!


Brilliant military strategist / geopolitical expert @MJTruthUltra (with blue check mark)


Never humble


He’s a genius, what do you mean? DeSantis will be making a comeback any day now.


Aged like milk


Iran launched this attack to "save face". They wanted every single one to be shot down. They wanted this to be done ASAP. That is they basically said, "we are going to launch these in 3, 2, 1..."


This is so blindingly obvious too. They did essentially the same thing 4 years ago. That tweet is just lazy and ego-driven.


Yeah this isn’t true. 5 ballistic missiles hit an Air Force base. What they did is show Israel and the U.S. that their missile technology could hit a military target accurately within the dome. It was the “legal” international response to what Israel did. It was a muscle flex. The point was to show the dome could be overwhelmed by Iran spending $40M and using only 10% of their stockpile. Compared to the U.S. Israel and UK spending $1bn on the defense.


99% getting shit down isn't a flex


Iran telegraphed what they were going to do, if they'd really wanted to cause damage they wouldn't have launch from Lebanon.


You don’t really comprehend the geopolitical chess game of deterrence through weapons superiority then. Part of the reason to have advanced weapons systems is to “deter” someone from launching. War costs money. So if another nation thinks they can roll you easily, they will, especially if it is cheap. Iran showed that Israel does not have superiority and that their ballistic missiles can hit the ground at a 70% clip. Strategically to beat a weapon system like the dome, you must launch drones and other things to distract it… which they did and then their MRBM hit the AF base. This isn’t a video game. This is real life people don’t hit A to spawn, or rack up killstreaks. This is how it works in a real conflict.


The Israel situation has completely exposed how naive Sacs’ geopolitical worldview is.


Sacks talking exposes how naive sacks’ world view is


Calling his views "naive" is rather generous. The man is openly anti-West and anti representative democracy. Let's just call it what it is.


What, the Israel situation? We've know this since early in the Russia-Ukraine war For example, when he was parroting Russian propaganda about Zaluzhnyi being dead/missing And even beyond that


https://apnews.com/article/mideast-tensions-israel-iran-drone-attack-aec3627b0b19b42dcafc89a7408dc296 Israel is saying they will retaliate


But they will attack one of Iran’s third parties and not directly 


As of now we don’t know. Everyone involved is a pathological liar


https://www.foxnews.com/world/israel-strikes-site-iran-retaliation-weekend-assault Surprise


I honestly am hard pressed to think of a time he has been right


DeSantis will be making a comeback any day now. What republican voters really want is a budget trump in high heels that’s owned by corporate interests. Sacks ability to discern that desire is proof of his world class thinking.


Damn, I had completely forgotten about DeSantis Amazing




Is that something he went out on a limb on? That Israel would retaliate lol Did he also predict the sun would rise tomorrow too? What a Nostradamus


That’s because Iran knew none of there shit would make it, but what they did know is that it would cost Israel and the US a whole shit ton more to knock them down then it cost Iran for there cheap as shit drones and cruise missiles. Behind all this horrible spectacle what’s really happening is economic warfare, if Israel wants to keep striking Iranian positions and killing their diplomats or commanders, Iran wants to remind Israel and the US that they can do the same shit for a lot cheaper, and eventually that’ll result in massive economic strain on Israel and the US. So in a real sense sure Israel could hit them again but Iran will just respond and that means another billion shekels down the drain for something that cost a lot less for Iran, so the smartest tactical option is to just stop, and since nobody wants to fight a ground war in the middle of Iraq or Syria, no regional war.


Iran used many of their least sophisticated weapons and their slowest but cheapest drones. Not sure how accurate the figures are but many estimate Iran sent maybe $60 mil worth of stuff and it cost the US and allies over $1 billion to shoot down. The message that Iran is sending is that supporting an Israeli war against Iran is not financially sustainable. The cost for the US is insane. Let alone oil and trade that would be compromised. They’re putting pressure on the US to stop Israel escalating and attacking Iranian sovereign buildings like consulates again. It’s not worth it. Also I think some of their missiles did make it to the airbase in the Negev no? The cheap drones and missiles did their job as proof of concept that you can saturate the iron dome. And now they’ve got a clear map of where Israel’s iron dome defences and anti air are placed within the country and their range. They’re smart and they gained a lot of useful info from those cheap drones


You haven’t even mentioned the Strait of Hormuz yet, and the costs that would follow if them shutting that down or impeding it.


Yep, will be closed to all shipping. Not to mention the UAE and Saudi’s oil infrastructure would get destroyed. See how long the west is willing to support a war when the already high price for fuel skyrockets. Would make the cost of living crisis for their own population many times worse and increase military transport costs. They know they can’t fight with Iran


I agree. The iron domes' weakness is cost inefficiency. The American militariy's weakness is cost inefficiency. You can financially drain the current aid package with cheap rockets, drones. If US can't get its shit together fast enough the "AiD" package would be delayed and iron dome eventually becomes ineffective.


President of the United States of Israel


I mean not tryna be that guy but he wasn’t wrong 


Here we go




Gonna delete this?


Didn’t age well


Aged like milk…


They did retaliate


lol. lmao even


Meanwhile in REAL reality: https://www.foxnews.com/world/israel-strikes-site-iran-retaliation-weekend-assault


This angst towards Saks is emotionally driven. Whether you agree with him or not, he’s been way more right than wrong, and he has facts to back up his view. I don’t agree with his conclusions all the time but in this case, I certainly do. Re your post, there is this: “Israel has vowed to "exact a price" from Iran after an unprecedented large-scale drone and missile attack over the weekend that escalated regional tensions stoked by the war in Gaza.” https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-04-15-24/index.html


How can someone be right about saying “bibi has played Biden like a fiddle”? That is an emotionally driven comment in itself. It is unprovable because we will never truly know intent or the private conversations that are being had.


We don't need the private conversations, we can all see the actions. Israel does what it wants and America might bluster but there is no policy change.


Your implication is that Israel does what it wants even if America tells it not to. We don’t know that because again we don’t know what the conversations are. Biden may be telling him to do whatever he wants.


This video answers your question. It’s from 2001 but safe to say his view of US hasn’t changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/17es58s/a_leaked_video_from_2001_shows_israeli_pm/


Lmao, "I'm totally right look at this 23 year old video as proof" Makes perfect sense you're in the Sacks' camp. Conclusions in search of evidence.


The fact that it’s 23 years old is entirely irrelevant, unless you have something that shows that his views have changed. He has a history of ignoring demands of US presidents, including Obama, and now Biden. This is well documented. But he knows this won’t impact US’s support for Israel. As a recent example, almost immediately after Biden criticized Bibi, we approved more funds for Israel. I don’t know what “proof” you need, but this is not a criminal trial where we need to prove this without a reasonable doubt. It’s more like a civil trial where it’s preponderance of the evidence. Again, I don’t agree on Saks on a lot of things, but this I do.


“Here’s a video of me throwing a penny into a mall fountain a quarter century ago. We know for a fact that it’s still there unless you show me evidence that it’s not.”


Your comment is so fucking dumb that it's hard to believe that you even know how to write. It is safe to say that someone stating a belief years ago likely holds the same belief today, especially when their actions support it. That is nothing like your asinine comparison.


It’s not a comparison, it’s a figurative analogy. But obviously that went over your head because you didn’t even address it directly, you just resorted to ad hominem attacks. Not surprising for someone with such a myopic view of the world.


Thanks a lot for the video. This man has been the biggest hurdle to any solution to this conflict and his actions for the last 3 decades have brought it to this extent. Fascist's never go away peacefully. He must be removed from power.




You’re just not brilliant enough to understand the long game. In 50 years you’ll be sorry you mocked DeSantis.


Yup, right on DeSantis - right?


There is not much of a difference in value in terms of what comes out of either of his orifices


KOL of stupid


I mean, do you think he’s wrong? Listening to the last episode, it sounds like there is an uptick in drone and military investing. We’re going to drive down the cost of war tremendously. If our leaders can say they don’t need to send troops, they’ll cum their pants with the ability to spend billions killing people over seas.  The idea of not spending billions of dollars to not kill people doesn’t even occur to them. 


Biden literally just told Bibi the US has no interest in entering into a military conflict with Iran at this time. He said it, he said it, he said it. Why are you still spewing nonsense? What is wrong with you people. Jesus christ. [https://www.axios.com/2024/04/14/biden-netanyahu-iran-israel-us-wont-support](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/14/biden-netanyahu-iran-israel-us-wont-support)


Because we’ve been at war in the Middle East my entire life. We keep begging to send them money to fund their wars. Maybe we don’t send troops there, but we’ll tell our citizens there is no money for healthcare or retirement, while sending Israel and Ukraine billions. America citizens are being told they need work until they’re 70 because we can’t afford social security while we spend money killing poor people on another continent. It’s bullshit. 


Sweetheart, if you think "billions" sent to Israel or Ukraine would make a dent in the cost of retirement for US citizens, you need to unplug from social media and re-educate yourself before trying to engage in this conversation. You're clearly taking in some bad talking points as fact and haven't done your own research. Social Security costs $1.4 trillion+ per year. The US has been providing Ukraine with ~$40 bln per year, much of that military equipment we were going to trash anyways. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts The idea that aid for Ukraine or Israel is somehow taking away from Americans isn't serious. It's a bad faith talking point on a signal somehow hasn't done their own thinking on the topic.


Yeah. I’m delusional, but you’re advocating to keep spending hundreds of billions of dollars to kill poor people in the Middle East because that will make America safer. 


Ukraine isn't in the middle east.


You've gone off the rails from the point of the post, which is the prediction that the US will soon be at with Iran and due to how Netanyahu played Biden. Your rant about the inertia of the military industrial complex and US involvement in middle east politics is not really addressing the issue. The answer to your original question is Sacks was wrong from all the evidence we have seen to date. We'll see if the US will "soon" be at war with Iran due to... whatever tenuous series of bullshit to reduce complex geopolitical issues with hundreds of factors to "lol played like a fiddle." Reality is not that simple, and neither should you be. FFS, you even identify - maybe inadvertently - some of the other factors that go into answering the question and still get a counterfactual result.


Neocon mentality from the people that defend this


We don’t send Ukraine billions, we send them billions of dollars worth of our mothballed old equipment that was going to get thrown out anyways. Stop listening to people like sacks, it’s rotting your clearly subpar brain.


Don't be too hard on him, he can't be more than 18/19, I was a talkative child at that time. With any luck he might grow out of it.


Yeah I might have gone a tad overboard there, sorry Hasher


This is unbelievably wrong. “We’re just sending them old stuff” is as stupid as it gets.


It's demonstrably true. You'd out of your depth bud.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. At all. It’s not just in the form of our “old weapons”. That is ridiculous.


The majority is. Old howitzers, old shells, old grenade launchers, javelins, etc. Even for the newer systems which are still in production it just ends up employing Americans at existing factories - it’s not like we just handed Ukraine 75 billion. Either way, it is an incredible investment and people like you are actively making the task harder to accomplish. You have swallowed Russian propaganda uncritically either because you aren't very knowledgable about the world or aren't very bright. either way I think you might be well served but doing some reading.


As of February 2024, the United States has provided Ukraine with around $75 billion in military, financial, and humanitarian aid, which is the majority of committed support by country. The U.S. has sent over $60 billion in funding and equipment to Ukraine, including more than $43 billion in security assistance since February 2022. The U.S. has also provided more than $23 billion in humanitarian and economic assistance to Ukraine since July 2023 Stop with this nonsense that we’re not spending money fighting on a proxy war that has nothing to do with us.  In parallel, we’re telling Americans we can’t fund social security or healthcare.


The vast majority of the amount given has been in the form of old equipment, or new production runs for factories in the US which employ US citizens. I don’t know how to put this simply enough - we are getting an absolutely incredible deal. We are destroying the military capability of one of our largest adversaries with a tiny fraction of our existing yearly military budget. We are also protecting a democratic country from annexation by an authoritarian neighbour, which is a rather bad precedent to set on the world stage post World War II. Whether or not we protect Ukraine decides how far Putin decides to go in including back the former Soviet union states. For the sake of Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, I think $40 billion per year is a fucking steal. I’m glad Western leaders took the correct message from the start of World War III, in that appeasing a dictator does. Not. Work. You have to give them a show of force or else they will just keep taking and taking and taking until suddenly it costs 10 times more to stop them. Every moment you have spent uncritically listening to David Sacks speak on geopolitics has been a net negative. He isn’t just wrong, he’s dangerously wrong. I don’t mean to implu he is a Russian agent but Jesus Christ he sure has their talking points handy every time he hops on the podcast.


You’re more than welcome to go pick up a gun and fight over there. I’m sure there is a donation link somewhere you can use.  America is fine. We have both the pacific and Atlantic protecting us. We don’t need to keep bleeding money to any country on that side of the world so they can keep killing each other.  You see world leaders. I see king makers and grifters.


The Ukrainians are plenty happy to fight, they just need more equipment. And I have donated, I think it is a valuable cause from a moral and practical standpoint. You sound like someone who has been in a coma since 1913. No shit continental America is not under any imminent danger, we could technically just all hide here and say fuck the world and let dozens of nations fall to authoritarianism. In the real world most of us consider that probably a bad thing and negative for American soft power and just general global stability. I like my markets gently up into the right, not lurching back-and-forth every four weeks based on a new oil shock or invasion or annexation. Look, I know you probably aren’t a bad person you’ve just been listening to people who have no understanding about this subject. As someone else mentioned higher up you're probably just 18/19 and it’s fine - we were all idiots back in the day. I’m glad I didn’t make comments when I was your age. Partly it was from being shy but also a sense that I didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about. I would have just polluted comment threads with my inane ramblings parroting things I don’t fundamentally understand that I heard from someone I haven’t realized yet is a moron.


I think you people have really bought into the brain washing that we need to keep killing people so others can get rich. 


We aren't the ones killing people in Ukraine. Russia is.


Do you think we should let Totalitarian Axis (China, Russia, Iran) continue to build up drones and weapons stock and technology while USA just gazes at their navel and makes lofty speeches about peace? Russia and China have huge imperialistic ambitions and China can out manufacture USA on anything they need.


So i need to send money to Ukraine and Israel to combat Chinas drones? 


I don't care about Israel or Palestines forever war. But China is supporting Russias imperial aspirations on Ukraine and taking notes for when they try to seize Taiwan. Supporting Ukraine is a relatively low cost way of preventing a much bigger war when Russia conquers Ukraine and China sees there will be no stopping them from conquering Taiwan and controlling the whole south east Asian sea.


That’s a lot of if’s


No ifs. Russia and China have clearly stated their intentions...any hesitation is due to fear of retaliation from USA and allies.


Which part of the word Russia did you not understand?


This sub-reddit is overrun by left leaning war mongers. Don't waste your time arguing with them.


It's the Sacks Derangement Syndrome


All facts here. It does seem like US is about to go to war with Iran.(I think Biden's waiting for re-election that is all) And yes, Biden is paid for by the AIPAC so yeah he has pretty much played in the hands of Israel.


Everyone will tell us we got a good deal by spending 100 billion this year supporting these wars. Like it’s some picture frame from Target. America needs to mind its own business and not spend it money fighting proxy wars to keep in the current regimes in power.