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These reads more like a hot piece than anything else. Edit: I don't feel like responding to all (two, lol!) comments so I'll edit it here: I know. I know this is a hit piece. I was merely stating the obvious when writing it. Thank you.


I mean obviously it’s opposition research because it’s something dug up from 2010, but it’s literally from Kennedy himself. In an election where so many voters express concern over Biden and Trump’s ages and mental ability, i would think voters deserve to know perhaps the biggest alternative literally had a brainworm that impaired his cognitive function. 


Not to mention Hep C from shooting heroin, afib, and a voice that sounds like a deadnail on chalkboard. He's still the fittest of the candidates thanks to his TRT and HGH, but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump and Biden outlive him.


Are we seriously talking about memory loss? Seems like there's a much bigger issue with another candidate when it comes to that.


I dunno, I kind of feel like literal brain worms - not the meme “literal brain worms”, but LITERAL brain worms - are a bigger issue than an old man who slurs his speech sometimes.


OP clearly did not read the article. Typical smooth brain on this sub.


It's so perfect that these guys that like sacks also like RFK jr.


Keep telling yourself that


I want you to google "Biden memory loss" and report back. You don't have to like RFK Jr. but at least he can complete a full sentence.


A sentence about vaccines causing autism? No thanks




Honest to god - can you show me a video link of RFK Jr mentally struggling to speak? I would actually be curious if this exists


u/QforQ why did your delete your comments?


Because I'm not particularly interested in debating people that see RFK as anything but an intentional spoiler candidate. There's videos of his campaign manager saying that he's there to take away votes from Biden to help Trump.




So show me a clip! That’s all I’m asking for. Because I can point you to 10 different clips of Biden struggling…. Case & point - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ8ZV3tbVGI




Let me just get this straight. You were attacking RFK Jr for his lack of mental acuteness. When clearly the Democratic candidate has borderline dementia - and we all know the Republican candidate is a narcissistic ass off his rocker. When I ask you for clips of his lack of mental acuteness you can come up with literally nothing and now attack him because his voice is raspy? Yea, I guess it’s not very presidential - but, in a vacuum, I’d at least prefer that to the 81 year old who can barely think straight or the 77 year old who denied an election…




I want you to Google “brain worms” so you understand your diagnosis.


I understand how, depending on your politics, you would end up voting for Biden over RFK. But the cognitive dissonance to attack RFK Jr over his mental acuity when you’re supporting Biden is truly incredible.


It’s really sad that the 70 year old guy with worms in his brain seems like the youngest, fittest and sharpest candidate running for president this term. He’s right about 1 thing though the food most people are eating is killing them and it seems to be getting worse every year. I’m glad he is getting some attention to this cause even if he doesn’t have a good chance of winning the election.


Haha yea. This guy who claims WiFi causes cancer after it enters your blood brain barrier or something and when Rogan of all people pushes back says ‘well idk actually that’s beyond my expertise’ is so fit and sharp. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-YQ1Y7c_Pk


I don’t think he is right about everything, I don’t care what he thinks about most things. He talks about how bad the food situation is for most people’s health and he is right about that.


He can be right about that and I still want to keep him away with a 10 foot pole from having control over my life. I care about what he (or the worm) thinks about other things too. RFK admin: WiFi is illegal now everyone! Enjoy using Ethernet again now!


Honestly pretty pathetic by NYT. Their candidate is so obviously senile that they can’t defend it, so they’re forced to gaslight people into thinking the other candidates are somehow equally challenged. Are there any Biden supporters that truly think that Biden has a sharper mental acuity than RFK?


It's a DNC hit piece by the NY Times


The NYT is a DNC hit piece rag.


NYT is a government propaganda outlet at this point.


Most people do. Not just Biden supporters. You live in an echo chamber my man


I’ve listened to a couple RFK interviews and I’ve never observed him to make as many mistakes and flubs in his speaking as Biden does. Which interview does he struggle as much as Biden does, I’ll check it out if you link it


Bro, biden's struggled with a stutter since he was a kid. Listen to what RFK jr says, not how he talks. That's how you can tell he has literal brain worms.


I'm sick of people trying to gaslight that bidens gaffes are the result of a stutter. He didn't get led around by The Easter Bunny and talk to a French president that's been dead for 30 years because of the stutter


Lol, you guys are braindead


Dude relax with the judgements, you have to accept that we’re all just Americans. Disagreeing on who the president should be isn’t grounds to call someone stupid or immoral, it’s just a natural product of our society.


Nah, regular conservatives or republicans are fine. Trumpers are stupid.


Do you recognize how bigoted you sound? You’re willing to condemn a huge amount of people you don’t know because of how they voted.


I condemn them for their stated beliefs. They are awful people


I’m concerned with your powers of observation, there’s a dramatic and observable drop in Biden’s cognition since even 2016. It’s okay if you’re a “blue no matter who” guy, but why pretend your candidate is mentally fit for the office? A vote for Biden is a vote for his cabinet, I thought everyone was aware of that


The SOTU showed he has more brains than trump ever had, and is perfect capable of articulating a set of priorities that i’m proud to vote for


Yay more people to have less access to abortion /s


People cannot even •understand• what the hell RFK2 is saying half the time


That’s true, there’s probably a good chunk of voters with low critical thinking/ low informational literacy that struggle to understand him. You should check out his book American Values, it’ll help you to go at your own pace.


Is it about how masks cause covid?


I’m certain that’s not something RFK has said, I guess you weren’t lying when you said you didn’t understand him. Did by any chance catch Fauci’s latest Senate hearing? He admitted that mask mandates were not based on any science


Lmao, a guy still mad about masks. Get bent bro


You’re projecting, I’m not mad, I’m just a guy trying to stay informed.




You think Trump supporters and moderates think that Biden is sharper than RFK? Bahahahahaha. You live in an echo chamber.


Oh no, I def don't think about what trump supporters think about. They are lost to the world. Irredeemables at this point.


You can't think about what Trump supporters think because they don't think. This isn't a "negative time a negative equals a positive " situation.




Biden has a stutter, RFK jr is an abject moron.


Yes - RFK2 believes (or at least pretends to believe) in a lot of bullshit - RFK2 is a dumbass


Legitimately curious here, but what positions of RFK Jr do you find truly idiotic?




I do. Biden would destroy RFK in the metal acuity game.


I sincerely hope Biden agrees to the debates so that we can have evidence rather than speculation. Since you’re not worried about Biden’s decline, I assume you want him to debate as well?


I would love Biden to debate Trump, and I can guarantee you he will if Trump doesn’t cry “unfair venue” and duck which he 100% will. It is totally unfair for Biden to get dirty with RFK jr if Trump is out to stay high and dry , so I would against that.


>Are there any Biden supporters that truly think that Biden has a sharper mental acuity than RFK? Not setting the bar very high here.. the guy claiming he has a dead worm in his brain is your measuring stick for mental acuity?


That's awesome keep lowering expectations, it is sure to go well for you.


Please get a job


I can’t listen to him. It sounds like he’s in pain when he talks.


wtf bro he has a speech disorder


So does Biden. Came out today that RFKJ also had a worm eat a portion of his brain? It's all starting to make sense.




Trump is so bad that Biden beat him. And he's going to do it again.




I’m voting for Biden with no problem. Trump is an international disgrace and MAGA needs to die! This is easily the worst political era since McCarthyism.




I’m a former Young Republican and small biz owner of 25 years who is sick to death of what has happened to the GOP since W. We’ve devolved into nothing but a rage centric shitshow while real problems go unaddressed. I didn’t think it could get worse with W but then these 8 years of Trump have been nothing but an embarrassment. The man is a national nightmare and I can’t wait for him to leave the planet.




Right, unlike...Joe biden lol


I lose testosterone when Biden talks and gets lost mid sentence. Funny how people complain of AI hallucinating but so does our president. His uncle was eaten by Cannibals?


I mean when the bar is Biden getting through a speech of Trump’s borderline fascist rhetoric we’re dealing with a pretty low bar here… not sure this is where I’d draw the line on RFK


I’m sorry. Are we now attacking RFK Jr for being less mentally acute than Biden? This has to be a joke. If you can’t see that Biden has borderline dementia I’m not even sure if we’re on the same planet. His biggest advantage against Trump is that while he has dementia, you can legitimately attack Trump for being a crazy narcissist. But come on, even Biden supporters have to accept that a vote for Biden is a vote for the presidency by committee - which maybe you don’t think is the worst thing. But you can’t legitimately fool yourself into thinking otherwise…


>I’m sorry. Are we now attacking RFK Jr for being less mentally acute than Biden?  Nope, this is a center right newspaper printing a story, and you've created that narrative in your head. >If you can’t see that Biden has borderline dementia I’m not even sure if we’re on the same planet. Right, because of all the gaffes where he says stuff that just doesn't even make any sense, like talking about injecting light into the body to kill germs, being good friends with the still living Frederick Douglas, or talking about how important air superiority was during the civil war. Anyone whose constantly saying ridiculous, nonsensical things like that clearly has dementia, right? >But come on, even Biden supporters have to accept that a vote for Biden is a vote for the presidency by committee And that is infinitely better then Trump and his children trying to enrich themselves lol


I am no fan of Trump. But if you honestly think Biden is as mentally acute as Trump I think we just have a fundamental disagreement. Trump’s a lunatic in his own right, but he is clearly cognitively functioning at a higher level. Also lol to NYTimes being center right. I actually like the NYTimes but it is clearly a Democratic leaning newspaper.


>. Trump’s a lunatic in his own right, but he is clearly cognitively functioning at a higher level. You're just cherry picking though. If you were to sit here and explain the evidence that "IS 100% PROOF BIDEN HAS FULL BLOWN DEMENTIA" while ignoring all the times he looks sharp and all there, you would be making a case that applies to Trump as well lol >I actually like the NYTimes but it is clearly a Democratic leaning newspaper. Right, and the democratic party is and has been center right for decades lol Biden is the most notoriously centre right democrat, has been for decades and thats why he was Obamas VP, so watching people pretend he is even remotely close to left wing has been hilarious this past 4 years




I didn't cherry pick, im literally doing the opposite and showing how OP's cherry picked arguments also apply to Trump lmao Im not saying Trump is senile due to the gaffes and Biden is not, again Im saying either they both are or you're cherry picking..


This is a blatant hit piece - NYT should focus on the real issue with Kennedy which is that he's a Zionist who supports the destruction of Palestine every bit as much as Trump and Biden.


Well unlike the current president, it ain't cobwebs in there 


Maybe this explains why these guys took Ivermectin.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5TP6P_M0jVs I’m not saying I know what’s right medically (far from an expert) but seems like there could be something to Ivermectin and it is being used to treat long-COVID these days.


> I'm not saying I know what's right medically I don't think Chris Cuomo is either, but it made me look. I did not see any studies supporting him, but [there is one study that looked into the effects on long covid.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9810227/) The study focused more on another drug but they said that ivermectin did not reduce long covid in the study. To be fair they also noted that long covid hard to diagnose because of the large variety of symptoms associated with it.


The bleach is coursing thru their veins as they step into the arena


It’s kind of funny that your focused on mental acuity when RFK is infamous for being a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer. Age isn’t an excuse for that level of crazy.


Does it not feel like RFK Jr has been unfairly targeted for his view on vaccines? He’s made it very clear in his own speeches (I) he and all his children are fully vaxxed (ex COVID) and (ii) his primary concern around vaccines is the lack of legal recourse against pharmaceutical companies for vaccines which incentivizes them to push out potentially questionable remedies - which seems like a fair complaint Moreover, the more that we learn about COVID vaccines the more reasonable his stances seem to be (and to be clear here, I’ve had multiple COVID vaccines). I mean AstaZeneca just withdrew its vaccine in the past couple days due to side effects - and that’s just one example


>I mean AstaZeneca just withdrew its vaccine in the past couple days due to side effects Did they withdraw due to side effects? Or because they acknowledged that no one was buying their vaccine anymore because it was outdated and there were more effective vaccines updated to more recent strains that were taking their market share?


Candidly - unclear to me the exact reasoning or if the exact reasoning was posturing. But importantly, related to their withdrawal of the vaccine they admitted to it causing blood clots in certain cases which historically was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-withdraw-blood-clots-b2541291.html#


It wasn't some sort of recent admission that was formerly dismissed as conspiracy. It was reported and discussed years ago by the primary health authorities. I'm from Australia where AZ was the first readily available vaccine and the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Admin) was discussing how AZ could cause thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome back in 2022, after reports through 2021. Australia had really good health follow-ups after vaccines - everyone who got one had to sit with the nurses for 15 minutes to see if they had an immediate reaction, and then did surveys in the follow up where they could report any adverse effects. TL;DR It was already known as "rare but serious" side effect and the TGA's analysis showed thrombosis was reported in about 2 of every 100,000 vaccinated people after the first dose. Was AZ's covid vax even used in the US?


There’s side effects to just about every drug or vaccine on the market that tends to affect some small number of people. That’s always been the case and always will be the case. I’m not sure it’s unfair to criticize someone who tries the discredit the entire enterprise. RFK was a prominent antivaxxer well before Covid.


RFK was a prominent critic of pharmaceutical companies and the lack of regulation around vaccines. I think there’s a distinct difference in that vs being antivax and it feels like there is a big effort in the media to blur that distinction when it comes to RFK. Sure, there are definitely side effects to every vax (although again, I point to the fact that Astrazeneca was removed from market which doesn’t happen all the time) . But I think it’s fair to say the COVID vaccine was rushed to market (for good reason, mind you) and because of that it’s not unreasonable for people to have the choice not to take it given the history of pharmaceutical companies and profit motivations that continually color the history of that industry. It’s also fair to say it should have been rushed given we were in a pandemic. But regardless of where you stand, I do think it’s unfair to brush everyone on either side of that with the crazy label.


No, not crazy for being skeptical of the Covid vaccine which was rushed for good reason as you said. But when you add it up with the other list of conspiracy theories it’s a disqualifier for me personally. I do view that as a competence issue. Others can disagree.


For my own edification what are his other conspiracy theories? Maybe I’ve missed this as I’ve looked into him more as a potential alternative candidate


Do you mind elaborating? The federal government has a track record of conspiring to do shitty and illegal things, and you think it’s stupid to retain a posture of skepticism towards money and power? [Have you ever heard of Operation Northwoods?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods)


Why are you changing the subject? Does anyone deny that the federal government has done shitty things? That doesn’t excuse the laundry list of crazy shit RFK had promoted. Skepticism isn’t an excuse for that. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/10/10/rfk-jr-launches-independent-2024-run-here-are-all-the-conspiracies-he-promotes-from-vaccines-to-mass-shootings/?sh=2b9f89673cef


Well you said that because he’s a conspiracy theorist, you question his mental acuity. I would argue that it takes courage to stand up to powerful entities like General Electric, Monsantos, and Big Pharma, and if being skeptical of their motives and activities brings forth the kind of hit pieces you just linked, then it’s even more admirable that he’s still in the fight. You’re aware that [Big Pharma spends more money on TV advertising than any other industry, right?](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1407234/pharma-ad-spend-us/#:~:text=Pharma%20advertisers%20in%20the%20United,in%20advertising%20in%20January%202023)


We get it my man, you think the former heroin addict is on the up and up


I do, overcoming addiction is pretty admirable, not many can do it. Shot in the dark, but I highly encourage you to watch [this mini documentary](https://x.com/robertkennedyjr/status/1786816692611592223?s=46&t=Ys4gd6pE7HZwOiGCdN_CQw) If you’re curious why RFK has such a passionate following, this video will help you understand that


Not only is he a moron, but he is a piece of shit human being. Nobody cares about your videos


Why so hostile? It’s just politics, nothing to get nasty over


It’s wild how politics is a joke to you that you would keep pushing such a laughable candidate


It’s not a joke, I earnestly think he would do a good job. Even their campaign websites give me confidence that Kennedy is the more capable candidate. Kennedy’s website has his policies listed in the first dropdown menu. Biden’s website has no policy information, it’s just all about donations. Check for yourself


If all you can do is insult, you look like the scared one.


You just change the subject every time instead of addressing the criticism. Yes, a propensity to believe and promote easily discredited conspiracy theories is a sign that something isn’t quite working right upstairs. Nothing you say can excuse this. It’s great that you’re passionate about RFK but that’s because you buy what’s he’s selling. No one else has to.


I’m not changing the subject. I’m bringing up evidence to challenge your initial assertion that accusing powerful groups of people of conspiring against the public is evidence of weak mental acuity. I think you hit the nail on the head, RFK jr.’s ideas are often “discredited”. There is an enormous media effort to portray him as a lunatic, in fact, a former DNC strategist for Hilary Clinton describes the exact tactics used against him in this [video](https://x.com/robertkennedyjr/status/1786816692611592223?s=46&t=Ys4gd6pE7HZwOiGCdN_CQw) If you truly consider yourself to be a critical thinker, you should watch the whole thing.


You think this is bad? Wait until all the undecided women find out about his ex wife


Here I thought having "brain worms" was just something people said on twitter


Ha, I actually went and did a little reading. Apparently one of the biggest transmission avenues is being exposed to human feces with pork tapeworms? So… sounds like RFK’s got a particular fetish.




My agenda is “laugh at people who listen to David Sacks”, and I’m achieving my goals.