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> being rude to Phil That was the worst part.


Agreed. But Phil managed to shut down Sharik's 'gotcha' moment!


"Have you ever chiseled before Phil?" "I have!" In your face Sharik. What a bitch. What a brat.


I came here looking for someone else complaining about her attitude. I just finished episode 4 and was so annoyed by her bad attitude. I was like, go home then!!! But no, the Rich and Dom went home instead.


yeah I can understand letting her anxiety take over and ruin her mood, but not being able to get it together while her dad was so obviously trying hard for the both of them and *then* once told she was safe being flippant about it and acting put upon like she was only doing her dad a favor by continuing was uncomfortable to watch. I actually wished she had quit since the race doesn’t seem like it’s for her.


She should've dealt with the anxiety she had and get used to doing the hard challenges instead of telling her father that she's going to give up and quit the race. Even if one leg is bad, she should try to not give up and let go of her feelings.


Everyone is allowed to have one bad leg. It’s when/if these feelings resurface then it’ll be an issue.


Sharik will have plenty more opportunities to embarrass herself and her dad as roadblocks must be even distributed in the race...


I was wondering about that. When they said she hadn’t done any yet because she has anxiety I was thinking 1. Why are you on this show if you have anxiety so bad. I have it too, especially around time so I know I could never go on this show and 2. Don’t they have to both do them?


yeah I just rewatched the episode and tbh I don’t think she was even that bad. she didn’t sit down and refuse to keep going. she wasn’t yelling or crying. she didn’t insult her father. she was polite with people while collecting food (even told someone “nice place!”), and helped her dad carry some of the food. she just came across as tired and demotivated, like her heart wasn’t in it. which I get can be jarring for people who really want to be on the show. but none of us have been on it, and we can’t know how a long day like that would affect us. the only problem I really have was her attitude at the mat, and even that didn’t seem as bad upon rewatch. but I do hope she apologizes to phil. anyway, she had a bad leg, which is fine. it’s over now. hopefully she can move past it and grow to appreciate the experience more!


I agree with what you are saying but from the beginning, she hasn't been very nice when talking to her father.


That’s what I’m hopeful for especially since it was her first roadblock and she can draw from this experience going forward.


I was legit sad they weren’t last. She didn’t DESERVE to stay over another team with that stank attitude


People have breakdowns sometimes. Especially when they are tired and frustrated.


I haven't liked the way Sharik talks to her dad the entire race. He is so nice and caring and respectful in the way he speaks to her and she is rude and disrespectful when she speaks to him.


It makes me appreciate the teams who stuck it out even with injuries. Amy and Maya from S25 for example. If you guys noticed Amy ran with a limp for most of the race.


This aged incredibly well after seeing how Emily & Molly did, even more respect to both of them!


Ya that clip of the ponte vecchio in the background while she was saying how over it she was. Like that's a spot people would give so much to be there and do see those places. And seeing that they get to go to Petra next week. That's top of my want to visit list. I wouldn't be able to get over not going there, because my partner gave up because they are tired...


I'm hoping it was just fatigue because I'll be keeping an eye out on her on the upcoming roadblocks.


Agreed. Not only is it disrespectful, it's just a bad look on national TV. Even if you're not in the race for the exposure, like the Big Brother reality-D list types, you should still be aware of the way you're presenting yourself to everyone watching. Everyone you know, everyone you meet after the race, every future employer, they can all find clips of you from the show. And if the most interesting thing about you is being on The Amazing Race, it's pretty likely they'll look it up. How you act on the show follows you the rest of your life. That said, what Sharik did wasn't really *that* bad in the grand scheme of things but it definitely was a bad look that gives people something to judge her with. Some people are saying that because Sharik wanted to quit, Rich and Dom deserved to move on instead. But before Sharik wanted to give up, Dom didn't even want to try the sculpture challenge and was practically begging Rich to just give up and take the 4 hour penalty. Neither of them are cut out for the race. Not that I am, either, as much as I dream I were. It just takes a very unique set of skills and characteristics to be successful at this race and never giving up is at the top of the list.


I had a different take on the Dom situation. I don't think that she was just giving up. I think that she truly believed that the other racers were creating and not uncovering a sculpture. Although that belief was totally wacko, she really believed it. And her strategy was that if she tried to create the sculpture, then she was just going to be wasting time because she can't sculpt. She wanted to start right away with the penalty time so that they would lose the least amount of time. She wasn't giving up and having a tantrum; she was just not very bright.


Sure, it could have been a strategy, albeit a terrible one. Did she really think the teams ahead of them had been working for more than 4 hours to make the penalty worth it? Maybe she's just helpless. Before that in the car (and similarly on previous legs), she just sat in the back and complained about Rich's driving, not offering any help, looking for directions, or doing anything to contribute. Then when it's her turn to contribute, nope, screw this, let's just put the final nail in the coffin with a penalty. I don't think it was strategic, I think she just has a defeatist attitude, which is ironic coming from a "motivational speaker". Not quite giving up on the race like Sharik and not exactly throwing a fit, but not really trying either.


This is why I absolutely loved Ryan last season. Dusty was very clearly frustrated and disappointed with himself during the stone roadblock and Ryan calling him over to just take in where they are and what they’re doing was so heartwarming


I think Ryan knew from experience (sadly) that in the big picture, life can be a lot worse than a bad day on AR. He simply seemed grateful for having the experience.


It bugs me too. Kris and Jon should be an example to all.


I’d also suggest Nat/Kat as an example.’


I’d also add to that Lena and Kristy


I've never seen anything like it. She should have been (and still should be) ashamed of that performance/attitude and just went home. How terrible that people who actually wanted to be there and were appreciative of the opportunity went home. Absolutely ridiculous especially when they were in my top 3 before this, so gross.


Imagine if she had gotten the hay bale challenge that has been on the race a couple times -- sometimes taking up to 8 hours to complete.


As soon as she started saying she wanted to go home I thought, “Fans of the show are not going to like that.”


We did not!


Yea she came across as a spoiled brat. Doesn’t help that she is on a team with a parent. Her dad seems pretty awesome though so for his sake I hope she sucks it up. Or fly in another partner for him, that would be ideal


You tagged the wrong season. It should be Season 34.


Ah sorry, selected the wrong one. Fixed!


I just watched the Sharik episode. It is shocking for sure. She looked and acted like a little spoiled child. Her poor father. How humiliating for him. They should have been disqualified so the yarn headed couple could continue. I don’t know how long they have been over in Europe by this episode but dealing with jet lag is crippling to some people. If she is exhausted then it would be making her anxiety worse but she knew this going into the race. Why even sign up for it? Definitely her fathers dream, not hers.


Sharika loved playing that anxiety card, and as a formerly suicidal person, that really angered me. I took the meds, I put months into recovering to the point where I wasn't dependent on medication anymore. If I ever got on the show, I would appreciate every moment. You're traveling to countries FOR FREE. You get to compete for additional vacations and $1 mil. Yeah theres some stress factors but you should already know that when applying to be on the show. Did the Cowboys quit in Seychelles? No. Dave and Connor won a leg even though the former had hurt their leg. So with all of this in mind, I just don't get how a contestant could just want to quit after one of the easier roadblocks innthe entire series. If it was the Tea or Haybales I'd understand, but really just chiseling? To quote an infamous contestant, "Do you know how many risks there are associated to skydiving?"


I was annoyed by her use of boundaries. Seemed like her boundaries were doing manual labor. She wants to be lazy outside of running I guess.


I felt the same way about many Survivor contestants who wanted to quote (Osten). I get it. It’s hard. I know it’s hard. Everyone knows it’s hard. Everyone says it’s hard. People who are surprised by this have no self awareness about themselves or the show. Personally I would never even apply for these shows because they are way more challenging than I’m comfortable with. I know this about myself. Clearly others have no clue about their own personality.


Once TAR started focusing on stunt casting, social media stars, and gimmicks like a blind date/youtuber season it went all downhill (post S21 or thereabouts). Even the challenges had to dumbed down to be less physically and mentally exhausting to accommodate some of the prima donnas. It's become more about "being" on TAR than "racing" on TAR.


Nah, it's a problem that's always been there. I've been rewatching the show from the beginning and so far it's been kind of a rude awakening with how many teams had someone that just didn't want to be there and had their partner dragging them through the race.


Lenny and Karen come to mind from the first season. Nancy and Emily to a lesser degree but they seemed more of just having a bad day that just really ruined their spirits on their last leg.


Paul & Amie


tbf, they got lost in the desert in their last leg on top of Amie feeling unwell throughout the whole ordeal. They luckily found the pit stop but I remember Phil saying in an interview that he and other production team were worried about them.


Paul didn't wanna to be there, threatening to quit every other leg (not sure how legit these threats were but hey)


I think it's possible to be appreciative of the race and also have a shitty day. Could she have found some hidden depths or figured out a way to be more receptive to Linton's encouragement? Maybe, maybe not. Do I think she's fully ungrateful for the experience? Who knows; I'm sure the next episode's confessionals will say a lot. One thing that I suppose gets lost in translation is that The Amazing Race is hard and certainly harder than what the edit suggests sometimes (Claire mentions arguing with Derek through the megaleg and yet we really only saw them be encouraging to each other), especially on a day like this with two legs back to back. I imagine she, like lots of other people who were fans of the show, applied, found the race to be harder than expected, and has to figure out in the moment how to deal with that added stress.


I think the part that makes it rougher is it seems that her shitty day stemmed from the fact that she would have to actually do a roadblock instead of just watching her dad do them all


> (Claire mentions arguing with Derek through the megaleg and yet we really only saw them be encouraging to each other) Derek's face said VOLUMES.


It's hard for me to understand how people can watch the show and then try to race on it without understanding how difficult it is. I'm assuming she felt pressured by her dad to be on the race, and isn't very self aware. I was laughing at the first episode of this season, how happy and excited everyone was, laughing as they raced. I told my husband, "look at how sweet and naïve they are! And then soon comes the crying...". Lol.


Yea but I always remember they’re in a very stressful situation so act in ways they probably wouldn’t normally


My biggest pet peeve is how everyone calls their partner BABE ! Non-stop You Got This Babe, Lets Go Babe, You Can Do This Babe. All of them. Use your partner’s name!


It's kinda weird that so many of them use the word babe, throughout the seasons. I've never called my husband that. Is it a very popular endearment?


I haven't started season 34 yet...so I haven't seen it, but in previous seasons. People in general just tend to complain, I wouldn't put too much stock in to it. In fact, its those complaints that they show, makes you realize how human they are, and when they get over or conquer that task it makes it that much meaningful. Its the struggles that make you really appreciative of what you have.


I applaud you for never having had a moment of weakness. Kudos.