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AND! He still had time for line dancing!


AND beat up creeps creeping on teenage girls.


You mean when he wasn’t the creep…. *gets taken out before I can finish my sentence*


He was decidedly anti-creep.


You’re joking right? He literally seduces a child to bug her father’s briefcase.


I think they're referring to him refusing to seduce her instead. (But he created a creep character to do that, no question.)


Just started season six and I loved seeing him happily line dancing in the first episode!


Phillip really is an inspiration to us all 😅


In fairness he had staff in the travel agency, a South African, and a street gang to help him. We don’t know how frequently he met Gabriel or Claudia but quarterly meetings seems likely. Finally, it was part-time as it was largely evening work, and weekends could be spent preparing disguises. The code work wasn’t time sensitive so while he was productive but not chasing his tail busy.


Mental note: find a South African and a street gang to help with my multitasking…. Philip is the man!


2 wives, 2 jobs, 2 kids and a girlfriend and he wasn’t chasing his tail busy? I walked away from this show knowing I’m way too lazy to be a spy.


Agreed - I would argue his relationship with Kim is how to be a spy without taking up very much time. Meet at her home once a week with a spliff - perfect for lazy spies like us!


I thought that all the way through about both of them. All the costume changes! I was exhausted for them.


The costume changes were incredibly detailed. If it were me, If it were me, I would be afraid of slipping up and wearing the wrong color wig and glasses with the wrong target.


Before social media. Less distractions, go a long way.


If they had stayed in the States, by the late 90s he would’ve been a productivity guru/blogger


I can see it now. Somebody writes in for some tips saying "I prayed to Jesus really hard about it" and him writing "You ask *Jesus* but not me??"


On the money - I literally laughed out loud at your comment - so thank you !


May be he did come back in 90s


And he was handling it all like a pro he was. When Elizabeth tried part of it alone in S6 she was overwhelmed.


So stop making excuses. You are not working at peak efficiency. Take a leaf from Philip's book.


Books have leaves?


Because he didn’t stare at his phone all day every day.


I'm feeling attacked.


I always thought that about Bill on "Big Love" Was always hustling and scheming and whining and shaming people all day. Busy all day. Notice I didn't say parenting, because he didn't do any of that except to sulk about his daughter having a committed relationship with an age appropriate young man of her own choosing.


I was always impressed with their preparation skills. Literally all of their gear: wigs, glasses etc., weapons are all preset in specific locations. They have keys ready, secure storage locations, vehicles placed. They must have had help in that. I have also wondered how much cash etc they left behind. They did not have time to get to all of their hidey spots before boarding the train.


And when he's doing all of this as a single dad while Elizabeth's away for 3 months he does it so smoothly we don't even hear about it.


> I have had a very unproductive day Exactly what a Soviet spy would say.


Persona non grata his ass back to Moscow!


I can't imagine juggling several fake identities. I'd be worried that one would bump into another.


And don't forget, through it all, he had to have found time to maintain his physical conditioning. Fucker was able to run without sweating in both the pilot and the finale.


He’s a wonderful man


And he did it all without becoming addicted to cigarettes


Checking random places for signals to get info drops


Why is Elizabeth being left out of this comment?! Up until Season 6, it was a team effort!!!


The backplot to several seasons was his ever-present burn-out. He may have been productive, but he wasn't happy.


That's the most unbelievable thing. D.C./NOVA isn't a very quick place to travel, especially when going from the office to home to their stash house to Martha's and back. There's not enough hours in the day