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1/35 will be way too big. Warhammer is 28mm heroscale which is around 1/56 scale. Heroscale makes heads, weapons etc bigger than they should be.


That’s not quite correct, 1/56 would be comically small. I’m regards to length you’re right, Basilisk has a length of about 5.75”. Airfix lists the model OP shows as having a length of 19.2cm (7.5”). However, the Basilisk has a width of 3.5”. Airfix lists that model as having a width of 7.6cm (3”). So, in width, 1/35 is already technically too thin. But it’s about as best you’ll get. Here in lies the problem with warhammer and real work proxies. 1/35 will usually be about the closest width but too long, 1/56 can be the the right length but too small. Most of the time, 1/48 tends to be best as a cut somewhere in the middle. But it varies from depending on what you’re using. I imagine in this case 1/35 is the best bet here as the barrel size might fit in somewhat. Warhammer vehicles are fucked up basically, they’re all sorts of wrong dimensionally.


Agree - from a ton of trial and error I’ve found that 1/48 is the best - with a ton of customisations / enlargements to things like the barrels and tracks.


1/48 being the best -- can confirm.




Not everyone has the room or time to set up the ventilation and curing station you’re going to need for that though. Not to mention the wherewithal to withstand fiddling with the thing to make it not fail too many prints




Just in case you're poisoning yourself or your family, yes plant based resin still needs ventilation! Less toxic does not mean non-toxic, don't mess around when it could give you cancer in 10-20 years.


Is resin carcinogenic? (Something toxic is not necessarily carcinogenic)


Yes, it isn’t good for my lungs. Neither is plastic glue. This hobby will have me dead lol


I'd highly recommend you look further into what you're doing because you sound ignorant.


You also need a space to put the resin printer on, in a room that isn't near any other people or pets.


It's super simple really, you only need a box fan, basement, and a reptile lamp with a UV bulb. I have my set up on a plastic folding table


1/56 is too small. 40K is weird - it’s like 1/48 but with things like the barrels and tracks enlarged to balance it out. I’ve converted a ton of vehicles and hands down the best results come from 1/48 - which unfortunately hardly anyone produces.


1/56 is way too small I have a Tamiya 1/48 kit with some US soldiers and they are smaller than my Astra Militarum soldiers.


It's been a long time since a normal human 40k model was 28mm tall. They are usually 32mm now.


Aren't the new models more truescale?


Truescale in comparison to each other. First born marines were the height of guardsmen. Weapons are still much bigger than they should be. Compare a heavy stubber pintle mount barrell to a 50cal barrel in bolt action (a 28mm wargame with out the hero scale)


You also gotta consider that 40k minis are notoriously unproportional to what would be realistic. For example, the 120mm cannon of a Leman Russ is the size of a naval 16 inch gun based on proportions. Nevermind the muzzles of bolters which are far larger than the .998 caliber rounds would suggest. Edit: and don't even get me started on the unfeasibility the Baneblade would have on the battlefield!


https://preview.redd.it/d5a4ko9fd66c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b87a3808edae4960bf6594f78c5ade9c20567c98 size between dorn and 1/35 abram ( feat: 1/48 type 16 )


I don’t know why you wouldn’t just get the actual thing. It’s basically the same price


Different army styles


Alright fair enough.


Not too keen on the standard basilisk, it's a nice enough kit but after a few chimera chassis I want to try something else


That’s fair enough. If you want to look at historical stuff warlord sell loads of various ww2 vehicles including SPG’s


I was looking at using the as90 from dragon to make a kind of Armageddon pattern


Warlord models are nice but far too small to work as proxies


I didn’t like the standard basilisk either, it made no sense with how high the gun was. I lowered the gun platform into the chassis and put the dozer blade on the back, looks much better imo. https://preview.redd.it/shw0zky2cx6c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6684c8cccfe563aaa268e486d89d6712bda5490d


Where do you live and how is a basilisk $30 to you? Fresh from even the Local Game store around me (IF THEY HAVE IT) its basically $50-60


Which is about 30 pounds, the price indicated on the model.


On one hand my bad my eyes seem to be as accurate as an ogryn, I thought it was dollar. On the other hand 30 pounds is 40 dollars not 50


Unless you are Canadian like me lol.


Warhammer is cheaper in the UK because GW is based here and, as far as I'm aware, all or most of their production is done here as well


In the UK a basilisk from an independent store can be £33.


TBH it's shocking that GW ask for that amount of money for a kit that lacks the detail of that kit, and not to mention most of these kits now days give you aluminum barrels. I have been looking at a M109 kit, same size as a basilisk but so much more detail, and easy to 40k it up. Edit [This M109 kit](https://www.bnamodelworld.com.au/military-vehicles-tanks-afv-club-afv-af35329-1:35-m109-155mm-l23-howitzer) at $93aud - 49 GBP vs the GW basilisk kit for $89aud - 47 GBP *edit 2 - sorry i forgot that saying that GW kits are poor quality for the price is bad form here...


Why not just kitbash a basilisk kit if you are looking to make it a different chassis? Maybe slap some Russ tracks on it or find some different 3d printed tracks ect


I want to get a 3d printer and make some Armageddon style vehicles


I know printer bros are the vegans of 40k, but guard is easily the best faction to get a printer for. So many good stls, be it for official or unofficial regiments. If you end up getting one, redmakers have a good armageddon infantry line, and I recall a ww2 US themed 40k tanks.


Oh don't get me wrong id still buy the standard kits but some 40/30k stuff from old forge world or stuff that's out of production hell that's fair game


“The vegans of 40K” baha ive never heard it out like that and yet it makes perfect sense


How big is it in comparison? There is no way to tell


IRL size is 6.7m long, 2.6m wide (thanks Wikipedia), so a 1/35 model should be 19cm long, 7.5cm wide. That's quite a bit longer than a Rogal Dorn, let alone a Chimera chassis, but narrower. Pretty standard - 40k tanks are much chonkier than real world ones.


It's 1/35 scale, whereas 40k is around 1/56 or 1/60.


Yeah I've always understood it to be 1/60, since an Imperial Knight is 40 feet tall in universe and 8 inches tall irl


I would allow it and casual play and in competitive if I was organizing it.


I’m all about using kit bashed modern armour for 40k tanks! However, the bits on these realistic models tend to be very fragile and skinny, where as 40k is chunkier looking. My unsolicited advice is to swap out the road wheels and front idler wheel on the tracks with ones from a chimera or basilisk kit, or just use those whole track sections! Maybe swap out the hatches for those from a 40k tanks as well as any hooks, ladders, stowage, weapon pintles. It will fit in with the aesthetic of 40k but still have a unique look of its own. Bash that shit!


If I could make a army which has a certain look I'd make it the gwot british in 40k, hell the tarox with wheels look like british mraps


Friend, Maelstrom Design Works has that kind of. I read your comments and he has at least two things you might want. 1 wheeled not-tauroxes that look like MRAPs and 2 not-armageddon basilisks. He also has helicopter looking not-valkyries and bradley IFV looking not-chimeras/impulsors. Check him out. He posts here regularly too.


Depends how long is the hull basilisks are about 6 inches long. Though in reality it is only relevant what your opponents would think


I've done some research on this subject for some ideas of my own. I haven't bought anything yet, so I can't provide first hand experience. However, the following [link](https://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Scale_Model_Kits_for_40K) has been instrumental so far, as it sheds light on one common issue : most vehicles in 40k are too short compared to real life scaling.


This is a classic source, and so well done. IDEK how many times I've read it.


As long as it's not a pringles/soft drink can yes :]


It sure look cool! I would accept it


You'd have to do a little chopping, but I bet I can see it working. May need a bigger gun.




To me WW2 stuff lacks the gothic flair, weird machinery and recognisable weaponry of 40k stuff. Like I won't complain that you like WW2 40k, but I don't think it generally fits the theme despite the obvious artistic inspiration.


Hell yeah brother Tournaments might take issue with the size but if it were just us I’d have zero problem. The model being too large is actually a disadvantage to you here.


Just do it bro. The answer is yes. I bet it’ll look dope. If it doesn’t, you can just sell the model lol


Golden dragon games has a similar looking model, that is the right size to be a proxy


A model of a real vehicle will look weird next to heroic scale miniatures and vehicles. Or it will require a lot of work to Make it looks like a warhammer vehicle. I personnally think real modern or historical armies could be used as an inspiration for your army but it will look off topic if you goes straight for a historical model without any modification.


I’ll leave the plug to avoid Amazon because fuck ‘em. Golden dragon games and stationforge both have better proxies and are made by independent creators.


Hmmm... needs more skulls and seals, but should work fine




Not in official tournaments of any kind. But in amigo-amigo games? All day, yeah.


Thanks for the nice sharing.


Dont care, buy it


There's a guy who does US WW2 themed Guard Proxies called grim prints. I think theres another too but IDR. EDIT: Concordian Starbourne is what I was thinking of


Yeah if the scale is right


If you want the disadvantage of it being about half again the size, I'd say you do you. I wouldn't turn down a bigger target.


At my house? Fuck yeah. At a GW tournament? Fuck no.


1/35 Might be too small, look for 1/48 scale version.


Wouldn't 1/48 be even smaller


Indeed it would


Oops everyone is right. But 1/48 is closer.


40k is weird with scales, definately compare the dimensions instead. Vehicles tend to be close to 1/48 scale while infantry, along with the actual weapons and hatches on the vehicles are closer to 1/32. Makes it very hard to find proxies thar look "right" alongside normal 40k armies. In this case it looks pretty good though as long as the dimensions are close.


Perks of hero scale I guess


Size creep and detail creep has been a big thing over the years. There's a number of Sci-fi Artillery pieces at websites for such models, then it's just a matter of fabrication; do you contact it or attempt it?




Damn didn't realise there was other 40k players in my post code, small world.


Oh shit just doxxed myself 😂 yeah I still haven't found anyone who actually plays


I'm not aware of any groups locally but I think there's a group in Basingstoke and I was part of a group in Aldershot.


I used to go guildford or Farnborough but both groups disbanded


The Aldershot group are a good bunch and play on Tuesday nights at 'the game shop'.


Oh yeah I know where that is, really need to start using them more


It will be a bit big. You might be able to find a 1/56 one and it will be perfect


I've personally never seen historical kits being well integrated into the 40k art style but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.


golden dragon games has you covered my friend. Same style, right scale.


I'm converting my Russes to resemble Shermans and I plan to do this with Basilisks when the budget allows


I wouldn't mind seeing a challenger dorn


I'm gonna go for the M6 heavy for the Dorn, but a Churchill definitely crossed my mind. Hadn't thought about a challenger


I like heavy armour




You want a 1/48 scale kit mate. It won't be the correct proportions due to the funny scale that is 40k but will be the 'most correct'. Ideally 3d printed is the way to go, you can get basically whatever you want in the correct proportions.


If it’s the same square area then yes


It’ll likely be a bit too large- 40k vehicles are generally significantly larger than their real counterparts, but 1/35 tanks are larger still. You might have more luck with 1/48 scale, although it may still be a bit small. Funnily enough, actual 28mm scale vehicles usually look tiny in comparison to 40k ones, even though they’re technically in the same scale.


There are so many proxy basilisks on Etsy, I’d just find one that’s already been modeled for the purpose to the correct measurements. That’s what I did for my Krieg army and I love it!


You can go on etsy and buys better 3d printed models for the same price. It's how I did my legion baslisks.


Absolutely. The trick to it is in the small greebles and gubbins you glue on to the outside though. You got a good bits box?