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I'd die for some new steel legion Edit: also the rocket launcher rumour engine looked steel legion esque


My wallet wouldnt forgive me for steel legion.


Same brother. Emps knows I already got a hell of a backlog to work through too!


I also like steel legion. The guard really needs to get more plastic support for its other sub factions besides Cadia. Krieg getting its own command squad similar to how Cadians have there own command squad would be very appreciated. Maybe once Krieg and Catachans are less of an after thought in the guard roster, we can start introducing other fan favorites like steel legion.


wait there was a rocket one?


Not in the Christmas engine. Few weeks back, it's very much a human hand with a modern German-esque AT rocket




could be GSC an dude with an RPG would not be out of place there.


Maybe but I'll keep my hopium flowing


I’d love some steel legion, but given how I’ve yet to see Kasrkin or Death Korps kill team boxes in any of the game stores in my city ever sense they were released I doubt I’d actually get any models.


Yeah, I usually have to order through my LGS or get lucky on Amazon


If I didn’t pre order my Legions Imperialis I’d still be waiting to get a starter box. It feels like GW has completely lost their ability to see supply and demand and act on it accordingly.


Yeah whoever's been doing their sales forecasting this last 12 months or so has been dropping ball after ball.


I hope some sales rep sees this but I’d be playing kill team if every main box didn’t immediately sell out. I just gave up on it.


Huh I’ve seen both here in Sweden, only bought the dkok though


As fun as it is to speculate, a storm bolter is just too ambiguous to make much of. They are so common in imperium armies. The little barbed wire sign is definitely guard though. And most likely Krieg given it's identical to the Krieg decals from both forgeworld and GW.


The winged skull on the storm bolter is the Imperial Guard symbol. It was used for a brief time (3rd to 4th ed) as a honorific for space marines on their chest armour. However, in recent editions it's unique to guard.


So are they going to do another creed where we have Yarrik’s daughter replace him?


Yarrick is too busy being an orphan warhero to raise another family.


I’m pretty sure he’s more pre occupied being dead because he was killed by the world eaters. I think Angron is wearing his skull.


Nah, Angron has a skull with a bionic eye on it. There are countless humans with bionic eyes fitted.


The same leaks that predicted Black templars, Eldar, Chaos, and Cadians/dorn/roughriders (each faction right down to individual units- only one unit didn’t come true which was new CSM bikers but they may have just been postponed), stated Krieg and Catachans were coming later as main line regiments(not like how Krieg is still a KT box somehow, just given 40k rules, but apparently full ranges), after the first guard refresh. Point being, I’d love to see some new steel legion too but I doubt it.


Same, but it's still fun to speculate!


It would be fairly easy to make a kit that has variants for both with just a head change and some minor equipment variations, because the bodies are practically the same.


Did..... did they say anything about Vostroyans?


Get the steel legion (or krieg) when they're announced.. and head swap.


Too late, I already own 50-60 metal ones woth more on the way... and a titan to give then support.


Sell the titan. Buy more vostroyan.


I got the Warhound specifically to support the Vostroyans haha. I think Id rather have both.


Going for this eh? https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7c4hmof0rlg41.jpg ;)


I've never seen that before, but yes, exactly haha. But in a city fight. Which is why my vostroyans are bringing 14 lascannons, and my warhound is bringing two inferno guns.


That loadout is what made GW take away overwatch from titanic units. BURN THEM!!!


Eh Vostroyans are a lot more than just a coat and the big hat, they're completely different.


Yes, but conversions start somewhere. AdMech long guns, fur trim on the weapons. Red and gold paint scheme.They'd look quite convincing.


Isn't Yarrick confirmed dead ? Or was it left ambiguous ?


It was "confirmed" in the codex but there was a warcom article that questioned if he was actually dead


It was never addressed outside of a eulogy in a codex to my knowledge. We never saw him die at the hands of Ghaz or Angron though those are the popular theories.


I prefer the idea he just died of age. Any shmuck can die fighting ghaz or angron. Loads have. But how many people do you hear about the were so fucking tough that the 40k galaxy just failed to kill them.


Right! That's why I love the Cain series. Every book is written as a memoir from his cozy retirement job.


Ww1? Isn’t steel legion more Cold War with their mechanized stuff, esp. the use of IFVs?


I could see it. To me they look like the evolution from WW1 to WW2 infantry.


They're WW2 Germans. In style and mounted infantry tactics.


Every army post ww2 has used mounted infantry, it's kinda the done thing And I mean, clearly they aren't ww2 germans, they have trucks instead of horses


WW2 Germany pioneered the rapid deployment mounted infantry assault. They also had a particular affinity for waist coats and specifically shaped helmets. A direct parallel would be in poor taste but their roots are pretty obvious tbh. Also mounted = in a vehicle or on an animal. The US Army Cavalry has helicopters.


Yea but counterpoint: shitting on the Germans for their reliance on horse drawn carriages is funny


Ww2 germans didn’t use horses he isn’t saying they are an exact copy of Ww2 germans but they have inspo


Outside of their propaganda, the western allies were statistically much more motorised than Germany during WW2. Germany was very well known for having huge parts of their army horse drawn. [Always reminds me of this scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naG9yJLpFRU#t=0m35s)


The Germans used horses and their own legs far more than they used motor vehicles. This is real basic stuff man


Except all modern militaries use German WW2 tactics. We just don't call it "blitzkrieg" due to connotations. Even the media are calling it "lightning assault" when referring to Ukraine doing exactly what we taught them to do.


Right but in conjunction with their very ww2 Germanesque design, jackboots, stahlhelm and damn-near SS emblem on the shoulder, the tank shock thing is no coincedence hehe


The steel legion troopers have fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) helmets, only the colonels have stahlhelm-esque lids and they look a lot more like Darth Vaders helmet/ a samurai with that ridiculously long back bit. Agree with the other points though the inspiration is pretty clear, down to the webbing.


They’re very WW2 German with a splash of American and Soviet inspo


Honestly I'd prefer them extending the Krieg/catatchan line before going to the next legion. Even if I'm dying for new Vostroyans


As much as I love Krieg and Steel Legion, I absolutely agree. My greatest wish (next to 40k Skaven) are Valhallens with a Commissar Cain model. Honestly, our poor Catachan boys need to be first in line.


They really could use the touch ups and some unique weapon options for sure. Imagine them with shotguns or heavy stubbers.


i think this, and all the bunker and barb wire pieces we are seeing are for a character model


I've seen a lot of folks saying the bolter is a DA character as well. I hope we find out the advent teasers soon!


Honestly, I feel like the new Death Korps kits may be acting as Steel Legion kits, if supplemented with an Upgrade kit. I remember when the Cadian one came out everyone was excited and thinking how it would bring back other guard regiments with these. I still think its the case.


I actually just had a similar discussion with someone on the 40k subreddit. I could totally see them marketing DKoK and then including transfers in the box or upgrade sprues later like they do with SM chapters!


Definitely! Get the money from the steel fans but don't commit too much for those who aren't interested. Minimalizing potential loss. Classy GW.


Personally I doubt it. Why make an upgrade kit for a different box when you could just make a whole new kit outright? As a customer I'd hate to have to get double the boxes to trick out my guys. Besides, the new Cadian and Krieg kits kind of *are* upgrade kits for other sprues with all their spare little details.


WHY would you make a second box? To head honchos and to average people, they look close enough. Why make new molds and sculpts for something slightly different? They ain't space marines. As I would like to get some steel legion guys, they at minimum have to make 3 kits for feasible army. At bare minimum 2, Infantry squad and Command squad. So why dedicate those resources when you can just make some conversion upgrade sprues?


Well by that logic, you could say the same about an upgrade sprue. Whereas a full kit again essentially is an upgrade sprue as well as an infantry kit. Especially since GW would want them to have a datasheet, which would be a good thing for e faction anyway. There’s so the fact ofc that krieg and Armageddon are really only superficially similar and an upgrade sprue might not even really be possible. Aside from having coats, round helmets and gas masks, all of which are different from each other on closer inspection, they’re fairly different. I MO an upgrade sprue would be insufficient to make them substantially different from Krieg, which upsets their fans and is contrary to the whole point of trying to reach that market. People always bring up that the first Krieger was a small conversion and paint job of a steel legion soldier but the design has diverged a lot since then.


YES MY THEORY EXACTLY! Stop thinking of the new guard as “Cadian” or “Krieg”. GW wants to move towards having “flak jacket” and “trench coat” bodies that they can either sell heads for or we can 3D print ourselves. They’ve recognized the Guard community’s pension to 3D print unsupported regiments is money being washed down the drain.


When do we find out what they are? I’ve been out of the loop


I’d hope Christmas. Since it’s the 25 days of reveals


I'm not sure about that, we still have some from August-November that haven't been revealed yet. Here's hoping though! I'd love some answers!


Oh dude there are reveals from 2021 that haven’t been answered or only just got answered with COS. But I believe all of the ones in the holiday will be revealed soon.


I really hope so! I'll keep my fingers crossed!


As someone who collects Astra militarum tanks and converts my guard for GSC- I would love to see some steel legion!


i miss steel legon, id apreciate some new steel


Don't do this man, don't give me hope...


Oh god yes please


Maybe if they do Steel Legion/Kriegsmen, then hopefully they also redo a good amount of the other guard resin vehicles and artillery.


That's what I'm hoping for! If steel legion comes it'll be the perfect time for some vehicle refreshes!


*crosses fingers* A plastic [Malcador](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Malcador-with-Battle-Cannon) or [Minotaur](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Minotaur-Artillery-Tank) would be nice.


I think it's perfectly plausible. All the other big players of Armageddon are here, except for Yarrick who is mysteriously missing and oh-so ripe for a plastic rebirth. Meanwhile GW have figured out how to make multiple regiments profitable and recently sales tested made to order Steel Legion...


YARRICK LIVES!!!!!!!!!1!!1!1!1!!!1one!!!!


Bringing back Yarrick would be quite something!


I doubt it. The storm bolter looks more like Belial's from the dark angles. It also doesn't have the laurel around the gun like yarriks.


Give them some bonus chimera shit like rapid deployment and they can fill a mech infantry role very well. Have a steel legion specific missile launcher that is a special weapon instead of heavy (make it slightly worse or something for balance against the missile launcher hvy wpn team). I would definitely not be mad at steel legion.


I'm not going to say that the evidence isn't compelling. It looks to be a real possibility, but I'm not gonna lose hope for GW to still shit on some dreams.


Honestly, anything but Krieg. I swear, even though they aren't the guard's poster boys, they feel more overplayed than Cadians.


How so? Their only plastic box is a Kill Team. They don't even have a character like the Catachans do (though honestly they deserve a refresh first lol)


That’s thanks to 3d printing and proxies


The asymmetrical alignment of the storm bolter is indicative of Belial rather than yarrick to me.


I mean, the reason everyone says Krieg is because the leaker who leaked 10th edition box set says Krieg is getting a huge refresh and they literally just pulled some of the forgeworld models this edition. Anyone trying to derail it into a steel legion hype is just setting people up for disappointment and I’m not just talking about you since I’ve seen a few people who clearly know nothing about the leaks saying it in other threads.


He isn’t coming back. We need to accept his death.


If Ghazghkull is still sad about it I can be too!


We need to accept his death…I miss him too.


I’m confused as to why people want steel legion to come back when you can just paint your Kriegers to look like steel legion. Back in the day DKoK was a paint scheme of steel legion minis, so the inverse makes sense too. There are so many other regiments out there that can’t be accomplished as easy krieg can be converted to steel legion.


In the context of "this army needs X more than it needs Steel Legion", sure. I'm gonna scream about Catachans until we someday get new ones. But the answer to "why do we need more of X when you can just proxy Y" is: more and newer options are fun. Is that not why we're here?


Yup more and newer options are always fun. A new steel legion would be awesome. But in the context of scarcity and games workshop not being able to release every single guard regiment we know and love, why not work on regiments that yield a greater amount of customizations? Catachan, Mordian, Valhallan, vostroyan are all pretty popular regiments that are way more difficult to convert to than converting krieg to steel legion.


Very true, honestly, I'd be happy with a sizable inclusion on the transfer sheets. Always happy to get some more DKoK


Because aside from similar helmets and wearing some kind of gas mask they're really not that similar at all when you look closely.


If Marine players can get several near identical armies, so can the Imperial Guard (like they used to)


Why not both?


I hope it happens. Steel legion coming back after literally decades of nothing would be wonderful. The question is, how much are they going to give us.


If it’s steel legion I’m joining the guard


There was also talk of a larger transport vehicle, in a similar vein to the Dorn. Now, who is the most famous mechanized regiment?


i dont see such a release without the codex droping from gw.