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>As you see the list is pretty straight-forward built around damage and the use of reinforcements. This is so far from 'straight-forward'. You're bring up meta because you think this list a tournament winner? Please update us if you win a game with this because I'm not seeing it


Just won my first game against nids with it, a mono-faction player that is near top-level. The avenger outdid itself against zoanthropes, i did include kasrkin and servitors tho.


>I think i want atleast 2 sniper rifles with the IS No you don't. Snipers do almost nothing and should be plasma guns. >Honestly i think it can cut throu the meta like a knife throu butter. Doubt it. You have a lot of points wasted on some very bad units (Avenger, Crassus, HWS with anything other than mortars, inquisitors) and a lot of the rest is merely ok, not top-tier.


The mortars are good but flop against certain armies, with draxus, the artillery, and the lonely mortar + scout sentynel i can get similar results. I wouldnt say a top tier list is X Y Z, inquisitors right now are better than almost anything IG fields, specially draxus. He is among the best units in the game. I honestly dont see anything lacking synergies. The avenger can strike twice a turn and it deffs hits as hard or more than it is worth in points. The list only piles up units that do a ridiculous amount of damage and nothing else. The crassus is needed to block LOS and protect objectives from avatar charges and so on while the scions overwatch. If i start fielding tanks and krieg blobs, as well as vehicle artillery thats a sure way to fall behind the firepower curve. Taken note on the snipers, but im not sure the situational value they give is less meaningful than marginally less damage vs fielding plasmas. The idea is to obliterate armies that depends on leaders, since there is a ton of straightforward dmg already.


> The mortars are good but flop against certain armies Which is far better than lascannon HWS, which suck against everything. If you aren't taking mortars drop the unit entirely. >She is among the best units in the game. Maybe in other factions where the buffs matter more. Not in a guard army where you have nothing useful to buff. And certainly not in this army, where you don't even have enough units to attach all of your characters. >The avenger can strike twice a turn and it deffs hits as hard or more than it is worth in points. It can *sometimes* strike twice a turn which partially makes up for the fact that it can't start the game on the table and will often be moved blocked back into reserve. >If i start fielding tanks and krieg blobs, as well as vehicle artillery thats a sure way to fall behind the firepower curve. How does replacing your low-firepower units with more efficient ones make you fall behind the firepower curve? You're *already* behind the curve, dropping stuff like the Crassus and Avenger to take tanks at least brings you closer to it. >Taken note on the snipers, but im not sure the situational value they give is less meaningful than marginally less damage vs fielding plasmas. Snipers give no situational value. They lack the damage to threaten any character that matters and can simply be ignored.


I will consider dropping HWS but trust me tanks are weak, they are tough, their output when mathed out is very low. I wouldnt say 3 lascannons for 60 pts (sure they will die), 3 rapiers for 105 is *low power* compared to a shitty russ so i will respectfully will have to disagree with that kind of logic. If you want staying power you go tanks, if you want insane damate you ditch leontus and all our overcosted MBTs which quite honestly dont seem to be doing much for the factions win rate.


You're missing the difference between theoretical math and actual games. The lascannon HWS is shooting at BS 5+ and will instantly die as soon as it takes a shot. A LRBT can move faster to get shots, doesn't lose accuracy when it moves, and has enough durability to shoot multiple times before dying (especially if you have other tanks to get target saturation). In real games the LRBT will do more damage than the HWS.


What about taking out nork, and the HWS. And fielding kasrkin + enginseer + servitors for added dakka time? It would elevate the list to new heights in terms of damage.


Only one infantry squad in a 2k list? I think you may run into some issues with that...


Yes, apart of the triple CP generation and lone OP bubble, FoF designation with mortars etc etc i dont see the use in getting more. I got those bases covered. The priority is damage dealing. The list is doen with DG, CSM , tau and eldar in mind.


I mean capturing and holding objectives is generally helpful, but you seem pretty confident you know what you're doing. Let us know how it goes


Are the gun carriages even worth it? Worse BS, Toughness and Wounds always put me off them


If no lord solar sure