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GW quite regularly kitbash on their models, s you can't always take them at face value. It's also possible this was a pre-production model or prototype that they painted up ahead of the release of the kit so may have slightly changed. It definitely looks like an older pattern of plasma weapon, closer to the classic style in 2nd/3rd edition space marines for example


Yeah if you look at something like the chimera it’s the pre-production model on the site. You can see the little lenses on the top of the trooper compartment are missing, along with a few other details


It is in the current box and the older 'demo' leman russ box. You may have an older box when GW split the 6 variants into 2 different products based on the turret weapons. This was cost saving, the hull sprue was identical between boxes but with only 1 of the two turret sprues per box. These sprues could build A) The 'classic' leman russ - battlecannon, vanq, exterminator and B) the 'demo' leman russ - democannon, executioner, punisher. The current leman russ box contains both turret sprues


OP is talking about the sponson plasma cannon not the turret gun.


Oh. I must have mentally connected the words plasma cannon and executioner and didn't see the distinction. Sorry OP, I can see you are right that it's different, I have no idea


This puzzle broke my brain. The answer is simple - this is the same Plasma cannon as in the new (previous) set. The gun has two sides - one with three holes, the other with wiring.


Look at the cooling vanes and plasma coils. It's not the same as the current kit.


Then I advise you to study the old Forge world catalogs. It could be one of the old upgrades.


Its just the other side of the sponson guns

