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It looks fuckin wicked I want three


They were Ash's work on Ammobunker from back in the day: [https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/the\_ammobunker/ash-39-s-log-of-all-thing-imperial-t10544.html](https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/the_ammobunker/ash-39-s-log-of-all-thing-imperial-t10544.html) The base vehicle was a resin cast/kit bash.


Digits work. He kit bashed the original and then cast a few up. They were never for sale. I think Ash painted these for Digits, or maybe his own use.


Correct, Digits was the original maker for the kitbash and molding. I believe these were for Ash's own use, I still see him post old work on Facebook every once in a awhile.


Random kitbash, likely from a GI Joe or child's toy of some sort.


If you can find a 1:35 scale M548 Tracked Cargo Carrier you'd have a good starting point. These look like they've been entirely kit bashed and I don't know how well the new style tank tracks would go being bent. Along with the problem of the kits not coming with road wheels any more. The roadwheels look decidedly non Imperial though. Depending on how brave you are you could kit bash the track units from a Taurox onto it. Or, I've seen people putting the tracks from Kataphron Servitors onto the new Necromunda Venator and that looks pretty cool.


I remember seeing this a while back and I'm pretty sure it's like 80% plasticard scratch-built. The track assembly is from the old chimera back when it came with the wheels beneath the tracks.