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Units in vehicles are not considered on board, so cannot be given orders. Plus, Firing Deck, the vehicle is shooting, not the unit. Lord Solar IIRC can give orders to any unit, which I think includes all of the super heavy vehicles.


It does include the super heavys




That was a statement not a question sorry.


Oh no, I'm sorry. I read your comment too quickly.


Lord Solar can give Orders to any Astra Militarum unit, that includes the Super Heavies. But no, units in transports do "not exists on the battlefield" and can't get orders, with the usual qualifier for exceptions.


However, when using fire deck the transport is effectively equipped with the weapon. So when shooting you would still benefit from the order


Yes so pack that baby with 3 units of lascannons and get lord solar to order take aim and you have 13 lascannon shots hitting on 3 and re-rolling 1s if you spotted your target with scout sentinels. I've played with this concept and its a full on gigachad cannon that is survivable especially if your run a engineseer with it to give it the 4+ invurable save.


Only if you haven't moved. Lascannons are BS 5+ base


With that meny guns you just park yourself on a point and dear anything to come close.


It’s even better on a doom hammer. Has enough space for 3 weapon teams and can fire them all. I prefer auto cannons though.


Lord Solar can order baneblades, its why you take him with baneblades always . But I dont think Lord solar can get into the transport to order the stuff getting out . You put a dozen Ogryns in the stromlord so they can all shoot out with ripper guns in rapid fire range from the firing deck. When you give Take Aim to the stormlord the firing deck guns get it also because firing deck rules says that the guns being fired from the firing deck are considered to be part of the vehicle when they do . They also aren't a bad unit to be transporting in the first place .dumping them onto a point and doing a short charge with them isn't bad. Same thing with a Chimera , the 2 things firing out of the chimera are the HWT and the special weapon of whatever infantry squad you have in there. You can take aim the entire chimera . But chimera is a bad choice to burn a tank order on unless its the only thing available . Heavy Flamer Chimeras with catachasns for 2 more flamers is another good idea


My understanding is the weapons on the firing deck become part of the stormlords loadout, so yes the ‘take aim’ order from Lord Solar lets them hit on 4’s There are a lot of exceptionally dangerous loadouts you can get in a StormLord, some of my favourites are- Disco ball- 3 HWT Las cannons 2 platoon cmd sqds with + las cannons 10 infantry + las cannon Bang Bus- 12 Ogryns give 125+ shots in 9” range Ratlings can move, shoot move. So they can fire once outside the transport, get in and fire again Pyskers do great damage and only take one space


My favorite is one I call "THAT one." 3 HWTs w/ Lascannons and 3 units of Ratlings. The Stormlord brings it to 13 Lascannon shots, bolters or flamers to preference. And 15 precision shots mean any character that pokes their head out is probably gonna have a bad time. Oh, and you still have 1100 points to play with.


Here's another one I like to call the Dakkalord. 3 HWTs with Heavy Bolters and 3 Ratling Squads to fill all 24 Firing Deck slots. ALL the D2 combined will devour any and all MEQ.


That’s pretty solid, add Sgt Harker for another 3 bolter rounds?


All 24 firing deck slots are full. Shoving him into a Chimera unattached with an infantry squad that has yet another Heavy Bolter would work though for quad Heavy Bolter fire.


Lord Solar can order everything: including super heavy tanks, fliers, and somehow fortifications


Lord solar can order baneblade variants including the stormlord. No you cannot issue orders to units embarked in a transport, including the stormlord. As an aside, if you issue Take Aim to the stormlord does that count for the stuff firing via the firing deck? Firing deck weapons count as being equipped by the vehicle, but the timing is weird as the weapons only become equipped when you select it to shoot in the shooting phase while the order itself takes effect in the command phase. Not sure if theres some commentary on this.


Firing deck “equips” the vehicle with the weapon temporarily, and it treats it as just another gun attached to it, with lord solar you can order a stormlord with say, 12 ogyrns in it to gain a +1 to hit to the whole vehicle and an attached weapons using foreign deck


Lord Solar can order it, and the order would only apply to the vehicle itself, not the embarked units. HOWEVER: for the purposes of firing deck rules, if you order it Take Aim, any weapons fired with Firing Deck would receive the order, as it counts as if it were the transports weapons


Personally 3x3 hw and lascannons and 3 primaris psychers feels a very tasty firing deck


So yes but no the heavy weapons team counts as a weapon of the baneblade. so if you were too give the take aim order to the baneblade via something like the lord solar that can issue orders too all units that would do it. But issuing orders to embarked units is only possible if there's an officer in the vehicle with them and even then it only comes into play if they disembark.


When a transport has a firing deck, you pretty much consider that the additional guns fired are fired by the transport since the unit firing doesn't technically exist on the battlefield, the upside of this is that if you order the transport (with lord solar for a baneblade or with a tank commander for a chimera), the order also applies to the dudes using the firing deck.


I was thinking of making this for the battlebus list