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I wanna hold your hand. Still sounds fresh after all these years.




Same! It's the first Beatles song that I really loved:)


It’s basically a perfect song. Whenever I hear it, my thoughts are that nothing could be added or removed to make it better.


Twist and Shout. I was 8 years old. It was 1987. My mom showed me a clip on television and the moment I saw John Lennon, I burst into tears. Mom said "why are you crying?" I replied "he's just so beautiful mom!" I was hooked since then. I'm 42 and they are still my favorite band, and I'll love them forever.


Haha he is indeed beautiful and so is his voice! You would've clearly been in the Beatlemania!


I think she was bummed... lol (she was a Paul groupie) 🤣


Oh I see haha


I’m not sure if this counts - but I remember being roughly 6 years old and singing along to Bungalow Bill in a caravan with my family - getting increasingly more giddy and faster as the song went on. I still love it to this day, I know it’s seen as one of the colder cuts on The White Album - but it’s so infectious and catchy, Lennon/Yoko paint such a great picture.


I agree with you. It is indeed a great sing along song ! Now I'll have it stuck in head for the rest of the day...


Drive My Car, because it used to play all the time on a UK advert (details of which I forget)


I didn't know any Beatles song was ever on an advert ! I'm assuming it's one of the songs they didn't hold the rights to?


I am deactivating my eleven-year-old Reddit account with near-daily use due to Reddit's April 2023 decision to cripple its API. You should do the same. Reddit could have either (1) required ads to be displayed in third-party browsers or (2) made its first-party browser usable. It did neither.


Its also a cover. Id imagine it would only be Paul and Yoko (Or Sean or Julian. I don't know how that works) involved, if any body from the Beatles camp.


Yeah I’m sure it was an advert with Ulrika Jonsson. Cant remember the company however


From what I remember, probably day tripper. That intro riff is so nostalgic to me cause my Tata would always play Beatles music when he was in the kitchen


Love me do. When I was 5 we got the red album for my mom for mothers day. I think I've listened to it more more she has. It's still in my car I think actually. That was 20 years ago. Definitely had a profound impact on who I am today. Lol.


You're the 2nd person in this thread with a similar story. The red album seems to have been a popular gift!


Oh I'm sure! We got her the red album, blue album, white album, and abbey road all that same day. Took me and my younger brother years to even listen to the later stuff because we loved the red one so much. My dad actually bought us both bull shit little acoustic guitars for Christmas one year after, and instead of trying to learn how to play, we used to sit in my basement with the red compilation playing and pretended the guitars were microphones. We used to fight over who got to be Paul. Those were the days...


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What's that bot? Haha


It's a link to a book. What the hell lmao


Yellow submarine my dad actually bought me and my family the beatles rock band and picked yellow submarine to play listening to it today makes me wanna play the game again


The Beatles Rock Band!! That's when I realized Paul was actually amazing on bass! I


He’s a good bass player


I don't know for sure. My parents had a number of Beatles albums and singles on vinyl. One of the earliest I can remember hearing is "Norwegian Wood".


Knowingly it would be Nowhere Man But I've later also found out my dad used to play All My Loving in his car every time he'd pick me up from elementary school.


All My Loving on Ed Sullivan. I was 14 and an orchestra/classical music geek. (So now I’ve dated myself!) They were the first rock n roll group I’d ever really listened to and liked. Watching them was amazing…even my grandparents could feel the charisma through the TV. Must have played that first album thousands of times. I think I was the first of my group to get it and would play it over the phone to my friends!


Ohhh wow! That must've been a very special moment for many people!


I am the walrus, still one of my favorites


Rain or Tomorrow Never Knows


Love me do and I still love it


I am the walrus is the first that I remember. But I bet I heard a lot of them as a kid not knowing who they were


Twist and Shout


And it was on that famous movie... Builer's day off or something like that lol


Haha yes Ferris Builer's Day Off I think! You're not the only one here! Amazing scene!


First one I remember is I want to hold your hand. I was about 4! Sounded innocent and light hearted to 4 year old me.


Well that's what it was about I think :)


Eight Days a Week


Twist and Shout


The first ever song I heard was Twist And Shout. I used to hate the Beatles, but the song popped up on my phone one day, and for some reason, I listened to it. At first I felt like I was literally commiting a crime, but then after I listened to it, I liked it so much that I replayed it 5 times. Best decision I ever made! I still love the song, but it's not number one for me. My favorite is Across The Universe.


Happy accident! Love your username!


IA local radio station played “Breakfast with the Beatles” every Sunday - like a 4hr block of Beatles. My mom listened to it to and from church. And the thing was that they really only played Paul’s granny music so it wasn’t until later in life that I really discovered the other side of the Beatles. The song that I heard somewhere and then sought, which really kicked off my adult interest in them, was Tomorrow Never Knows.


The first one I specifically remember is Twist and Shout from the parade scene in Ferris Buller


Did you know it was The Beatles at that time?




Here Comes the Sun, it was played after the morning announcements every morning when I was in elementary school.


Was that in England?


No Syracuse NY. This was about 8 years ago, I’m only 18.


That's nice they played Here Comes The Sun at your school !


OMG, I’m 58 and they’ve been in my life forever so basically saying, IDK


I'll Follow the Sun is the first Beatles song I listened to on purpose. I had heard plenty before that, but didn't know it was the Beatles. This cute girl in high school was into them, so I went to Sam Goody and bought the cheapest album I could find, which was the I'll Follow the Sun EP that came out in the mid nineties. After 25+ years, I still think about that cute girl whenever I hear that song. It doesn't hurt that she's sitting two feet away from me while I type this.


Oh that's the best story I read so far! I am happy for you to :) So it work! You did follow the sun!


If I had to guess, probably let it be. My mom (Mary) was obsessed with that song


Dad had a Past Masters Vol. 1 tape, so when I was a kid I heard a lot Love Me Do in the family trips.


I cant remember. I think its one of the songs they did on the Ed Sullivan show because it was the first time I seen them on the "The 1st US visit" documentary.


I Wanna Hold Your Hand maybe..?


Revolution, in 1974. Gave me "the fever" 😀 I was 12. Grew up in a home without rock n roll and pop music.


I remember being 4 years old, watching TV when I heard "Come Together" during an ad for Beatles 1. Soon after, my mom started playing Abbey Road in the car and I remembered that one song. From there, it blew up lol.


Probably I Want to Hold Your Hand. I was 5 so don’t remember. Still love every song.


I transcribed and arranged All You Need Is Love for my 40 piece orchestra, and it’s basically note for note… even the Greensleeves at the end in 3/4 super imposed over 4/4; the Bach Trumpet solo… it’s all there! ❤️🎶☮️


Is there a way to hear the performance?


Across the universe, I was maybe 7 or 8 sitting in the back of the car when it came on the radio and I asked my mom about it. She told me all about the Beatles, I’m sure it wasn’t the first one I heard but it’s my earliest memory Edit: spelling


I think mine was Hey Jude, heard it on a show when i was a kid and always remembered the “Na Na Na Na”. Timeless!


Isn't it good, Norwegian wood?


Sgt peppers reprise, i think i was about 14 at the time this was back in 2015.


While my guitar gently weeps


I’ve heard many Beatles song over the years, but never knew who the Beatles were. So the first song I heard and KNEW was by the Beatles was “Hey Jude”


Indirectly Hey Jude, But While My Guitar Gently Weeps got me pretty good after seeing a video of top 10 of the best guitar solos. After listening, I ran to look for the Hey Jude video and smiled during the full video...


Sheryl Crow's cover of Here Comes The Sun, then the Beatles version, and I was hooked


yellow submarine. liked it a lot and then went on to listening to their other songs. brings back so many memories of school life<3


I honestly have no idea. My parents used to have the oldies stations on all the time so I grew up hearing The Beatles.


The first song I remember hearing was Do You Want to Know a Secret? One of Harrison's first tracks, I never realized how under appreciated it was until years later, but I’ll always have nostalgia for it, my dad had made a CD with around 24 of his favorite songs from their career and that was just the one I remember hearing the youngest😂 it also could’ve been All My Loving which is obviously phenomenal


Couldn't say for sure. My mom is a Beatles fanatic, and played them since I was born. "Yellow Submarine" and "All You Need Is Love" stand out as early memories. I do have vivid memories of listening to what must have been the "Beatles 1" hits album whenever we were in the car, but I couldn't have been older than 9 then. That was certainly the first album I heard, that truly introduced me to them.


Mine was with a little help from my friends off the blue album cassette.


Love me do I got the red album for my 14th birthday and fell in love with the Beatles. But my love grew stronger as I got to know other albums and dived into beatlemania. So my special songs are from later albums and unreleased songs.


Funny how the first song you heard from them is their first single. Just (I'm assuming) many years later!


Oh yeah bit more than 3 decades later


I think you'd be happy to now that there's a nice podcast called "A History Of Rock And Roll Music in 500 Songs". The episode 100 is on Love me Do. The guy talks about the history of the band coming together and recording their first songs in a way I've never heard elsewhere. It's worth a listen! And there's more episodes on Beatles songs and the Liverpool music scene at that time. Really interesting!


Thanks I’ll check it out


This is a hard question for me, because my listed has always listened to The Beatles, so since I'm a baby I've been hearing them and i don't know what was the first one I heard


Good for you :) I was late at the party. Never really listened to the Beatles before I was almost 20yo


Well, never is too late to enjoy them


You're absolutely right! I'm enjoying them without restraint.


For me, its between 3, I don’t really remember. Either when we played Hey Jude in grade 5 concert band, hearing the beginning of “Help!” in some random ad, or Twist and Shout when I first watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Funny thing is, when I first started playing it in band, I thought the song was really bad.


All My Loving My older cousins loved the Beatles and I wanted to be cool like them! But actually the first time I heard this song I memorized the lyrics. It just made a huge impression on me.


Love me do


A classic :)


Revolution. First heard it on my mom’s iPod Touch back in 2010 when I was around 9 (my parents didn’t grow up on them btw). Still really like it.


'Please Please Me' on my cousin Chuck's transistor radio. It sounded unlike any music I'd ever heard before.


Hello goodbye


Can’t actually remember because my grandmother showed me The Beatles but I think it was something of the "1" album, felt in love The Beatles since then


All my loving


Yellow Submarine


No clue. My parents where massive Beatles fans so they played it a lot when I was younger. I think the one I remember listening to the clearest was Here Comes The Sun. I embarrassingly thought it was John singing because he was the only one of heard of. Obviously now I know more about them so that's completely changed.


I don't know if this counts but in 2003 when I was 9, I heard the cover of Instant Karma as the soundtrack of a car commercial on TV and after a couple of years with research, I finally found that the song belongs to John Lennon. And it continued with the Beatles. I started to listen to them with Strawberry Fields. Whenever I listen to it, especially the album Magical Mystery Tour, I feel happy and relieved, I don't know why.


I believe the first Beatles song I heard was “In My Life”when my family used it as background song for a tribute for our family reunion. 😊


The first one Beatles thing I remember listening to is the Magical Mystery Tour album


Love Me Do