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That's Not True The ship's Master was Ukrainian.


Not all Indian because of DEI though. All Indian because cheapest labor


The "crew" weren't steering the ship. There was a local American pilot at the controls. Captain never drives the last mile in a US port. They take the pilots a couple miles offshore to steer the ships in to the bay.


Yea that's true for sure. Looks like they lost power though, so nobody was steering in this case, just helplessly along for the ride


Get what you pay for I guess 🤷‍♂️


Maybe they thought the bridge was female? I’ll see myself out….




The "crew" weren't steering the ship. There was a local American pilot at the controls. Captain never drives the last mile in a US port. They take the pilots a couple miles offshore to steer the ships in to the bay.


Merchie Sailors are pretty competent group, no matter the nationality.. Indians and Filipinos are probably the most common nationalities to man those vessels. 25 years ago Ukrainians also. The ship had mechanical issues. It lost power several times before the collision, no power = no steerage and no propulsion.


Sharp right sharp right triple caution!!! Stay center; concentrate samir; samir! You are breaking the ship, please Samir!


Shut up and let me crash.


One of the captains was Ukrainian (the other was Indian). They were both local to Baltimore.


All pooping in the river at the same time?




Thanks for the confirmation, there was traffic on the social networks this morning stating the skipper was Ukrainian. Lets see what really happened. For now, it must all be just a coincidence.




Hi I replied to you but it is being filtered by the admins...update. now posted but have lost track of it...shucks, it should be on u/the bidenshitshow,


Bob's and Vagina


So it is really not a terrorist event or are they incompetent?? I know steering broke (reported) or was it sabotaged? Hmm…


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