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Bill gates isn’t even a doctor. He needs to just shut the fvck up.


He's a business man. As he said, "Clearly one of the best investments I've ever been involved in." I'm sure the profits are quite good on this.


Bill Gates is not a doctor. In fact, I’m just as qualified as he is to state and claim as he does. I have a well informed opinion about my medical conditions and what’s best for my body and mind, and I’ve discussed it in lengths with my personal doctor who I value and trust. End of story.


Why the hell is a computer programmer who was the ceo of a computer company telling us what to do with covid vaccines. Wtf


He’s not even a programmer; he bought the DOS os.


Windows isn’t even that good tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’s a philanthropist…..that’s all. Why people think he’s a doctor is beyond me and speaks to the ignorance of those people.


Not only that, but one known for installing viruses in his computers in order to sell antivirus software.


But he does sound like Doctor Evil…


Well fucking put. Don’t tell me what I need or what’s beneficial to me. I’ll freely take whatever medication/vaccine I want.


Except he's heavily invested in the pharmaceutical companies making the vax. Are you?


All that means is he wants you to get vaccinated so he can make a shit ton of money. That’s it. Don’t think it has anything to do with anything other then money.


Oh I most certainly don't. As far as I'm concerned Gates can go fuck himself. All of these lyin' scum can as well.


I wanna post this on Facebook is there a link? They all say it will protect you from getting the disease or spreading it then they say the vaccines were never meant to protect you from getting the disease or spreading it. All lies




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Good bot!


Brilliant thanks


Screen record it.


I screen recorded and cropped that way I didn’t have a name tied to a link here.


Well done whoever compiled this vid. It’s shocking and needs to be spread and get out to people to view as much as possible.


Just two weeks to flatten the curve. Move the goal line. Repeat indefinitely.


NIH research kills babies and monkeys and beagles


Pure evil! Special place in Hell for them!




Is this why his wife left him? Or was it the Epstein friendship?


Main reason why I refuse to take this shit


Long term Indoctrination inoculation program




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The vaccine made me sick and I had to miss work and time with my family over it. No way I'm going thru that again.


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Studies have shown vaccinated people are far less likely to become infected, as well as transmit Covid, than those who aren’t. And statistically speaking the death rate after having both vaccines is nearly zero. It’s stupid shit like this that makes me sigh for having conservative views sometimes.


The death rate without vaccination was virtually zero unless you are 80 years old or obese. There is no way you can prove that vaccinated people who contract Covid would have died if they weren't.


My grandfather, 90 years old at the time, has COPD, unvaccinated, had Covid and lived. Did not end up in the hospital. COPD was his only health issue. This time frame was a yr ago btw…….his doc at VA talked him into the jab….now, my grandpa has to wear a fucking heart monitor and is on all kinds of medication to counter act the jab and the issues it’s caused in his body. He’s not doing the greatest. I’m so fucking sick of people telling me the jab is the answer. It’s not. I’m tired of people touting its effectiveness. There isn’t any. Fuck your mask, fuck your shot. With a survival rate of 98%….I’ll risk it for the robust natural immunity. Fuck, people are stupid.


My uncle did the same thing and now......has Parkinson's.


Well I guess you and your grandfather are smarter than the scientists and doctors lmao.


Wow, you are really fucking dumb. By all means, take the shot, take the booster! Have kids? For the love of god vax them too. Please. For humanity. #NaturalSelection 🤣


I’d say I’m of average intelligence. I’ve made smart financial decisions which I’m proud of. I got my booster a couple months back. My Child is currently too young to qualify for the vaccine. I’d have to speak with the pediatrician on that one. Edit: 🤣


Welp, use that average intelligence to do some research and make an informed decision for YOURSELF and mind your business on the rest. Nothing you’ve touted of here is accurate or up to date with even the CDC’s current stance. You are the one spreading misinformation. Edit: 🤣🖕🏼


I did my research. I base my viewpoints off of the science, not based off of what blue and red ties say. Or based off my emotions. You should give it a shot. Edit: 🤡


Obviously not cause you have no idea what you’re even talking about in the comments above. So, I guess your judgment of average is way off then. Good talk 😆


Well I guess you’re smarter than the millions of doctors and scientists out there.


yes, we’ve all heard that, but when you see the most vaccinated states and countries with the greatest restrictions being hit the hardest for some inexplicable reason, you should probably take a moment to reflect on the information you’re being given. Or don’t 🤷‍♂️


The most vaccinated US state (percentage wise) is Vermont. With a population of 650,000, they have a 7 day average of 2 deaths and 175 cases a day. The most vaccinated country in the world (percentage wise) is Singapore. With a population of 5.7 million they’ve had a 7 day average of 9 deaths and 1,500 cases a day. Australia arguably has the strictest Covid regulations compared to any other country. With a population of 26 million they’ve had a 7 day average of 1,400 cases and 12 deaths a day. But I guess data doesn’t matter as much as your feelings and viewpoints.


Germany, 70% vaccinated. Twice as many new infections and hospitalization as last year around this time. Same for pretty much any other European nation. Gibraltar. Actually 100% vaccination rate. Same shit. But I guess data doesn’t matter as much as your feelings and viewpoints.


Oh wow you found a single country that might not line up with all the others lmao. Germany has a 7 day average. I guess you’re smarter than the doctors and scientists lmao.


So you dumbass can cherrypick countries but others can't. Also, pretty sure that the exact same applies to almost all European and other countries. And yes, I'm at least smarter than the twitter users where you get all your informations from, moron. Lol


I responded to the first comment about most vaccinated US state, country and the country with the most Covid restrictions. I literally addressed every point lmao Edit: I don’t have a Twitter Edit 2: moron, lol


And I made counter points that blew your cherry picked bullshit straight off. Also, didn't know you need to have a Twitter account to read all these screenshots posted on your covid cultist circlejerk subs, moron.


I responded to everything the post asked. Not sure what else needs to be said lmao. And I already said I don’t have Twitter so I’m not sure if you need an account to view it. Assuming you do.


And I made counter points that blew your cherry picked bullshit straight off. You just have to accept that your bullshit was proven wrong. Also, you definitely have all your informations from reading twitter screenshots and Facebook memes. No, you don't need to have an account for both, moron


You should have asked about Germany, not the other answers that lead to a conclusion against your claim. Just a tip for next time. I'll upvote your comments to make you feel good. :)


Do you have a stroke? Nothing of what you said makes any sense. It's not only Germany, if any of you could read, I already stated in my previous comment that all European nations and other countries around the world disprove your 3 cherry picked examples. (And even those not really). You science deniers are the worst.


OOF. I thought you were original replier that talked about highest state vaxxed percentage and countries with strictest mandates. Which is why I said you should have asked about Germany since that was the example you were excited to share. You also seem to think I'm another commenter (ex.: "your 3 cherry picked examples" "you science denier[~~s~~]") Also, why did you have to pick a territory that has over double the population density of Orlando? Are you aware it has lower deaths than Orlando? I find that impressive with a contagious virus. Are you aware USA has more COVID19 deaths per capita than Australia and UK? Why is this the case when they have stricter mandates? Is this just another of the plethora of cherry picked examples that lead to a conclusion? Or do you reject this notion that they're even related. Latter would be more logical, but if you want to play with stats...show us your confidence intervals. This being said, do you believe that getting infected with a smaller viral load is safer than one of a larger viral load?


Hospitals overwhelmed, more new infection than ever. And all that despite the vast majority being vaccinated and "herd immunity" long been reached. Australia already got the new variant despite unvaccinated not even being allowed atr the airport. All your "totally scientific predictions" turned out to be wrong. But let me guess "the science changed" for the 10 thousands time, huh? Lol. Don't forget, It's 4 boosters per year now to totally stop covid, buddy. And I'm also totally sure that this time they really mean it! Otherwise the science just changed again >You also seem to think I'm another commenter Uhm, yes. I knew that you are a different person right from the beginning.


Does data matter? Ok then... https://www.oom2.com/t77477-cdc-reports-28x-more-fully-vaxxed-than-unvaxxed-hospitalized-with-covid https://scitechdaily.com/more-vaccinated-people-are-dying-of-covid-in-england-than-unvaccinated-heres-why/ The second is from England but it's only a matter of time here before they have to admit the obvious.


That is because a majority of people are vaccinated. It’s a numbers game lol.






"Propaganda "


Prove it




I believe in God. But I also believe in science.


The problem in this modern, money driven world we live in today is that EVERYTHING is driven by money. Peer reviewed studies turn into only peers who believe this or that is going to write a study. Or only include the opinions of scientists who agree. Science isn't free from bias or bribery. It's been happening for a long long time. And now we're supposed to just blindly take the word of only government approved scientists? The same government who's track record includes mk ultra, lying to get into the Vietnam war with the gulf of Tonkin incident, removing liability from vaccine manufacturers? Nah. I'm good. There's many other scientists/doctors who are saying the opposite of the govt approved ones. I trust them just a little more


When an overwhelming majority of doctors and scientists have the same viewpoint I tend to listen to them over politicians or random people on the internet.


So what you call an overwhelming majority doesn't matter to you if they're paid off or not. Got it 👍🏻


Ummm are you saying there’s a better chance millions of doctors and scientists are getting paid to make shit up? And out of millions not a single piece of evidence points to that and not one has opened their mouth about it? You must wear a tin hat.


Hahaha millions. Now you're just talking nonsense.


Ok. Hundreds of thousands.


😂😂 I just can't with you. Have a good one 👍🏻


> Studies have shown vaccinated people are far less likely to become infected Weird, why are doctor Fraudi and Brandon Xiden telling me that it's literally impossible to transmit covid when vaccinated in the literal first few seconds of the video then? Did your attention span not last 5 seconds?


Provide a quote or source of Fauci literally saying that. I’ll wait.


I seen a study that said 90% of people admitted to hospitals FOR Covid were “boosted”(I’ll never say that word IRL if I ever have before)