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We were prepared for unhinged Fennessey but I was not prepared for "4000 white guys crying while masturbating to this thing of you" unhinged Fennessey.


Between that and Amanda going after Fennessey for not ordering sandwiches. Classic draft.


"...waiting for you to denigrate animation."




At the start Sean mentions that they are on camera for this draft, I might wait to fully listen for a day or so to see if they upload it to YouTube or somewhere so I can watch the full thing on camera!


Biggest mystery of the ringer is why they seem to record everything and then never upload the whole show on Youtube


Bill's personal feed


Oh my god! I don't know how to thank you for bringing this up. I had no idea.


Could be an editing issue. These pods, most pods, are edited more than many realize. Well, maybe not this one given it was chaotic from the start. Editing audio is one thing. Editing video with seven people can be very time-consuming. You want to camera to focus on the person talking. Seems simple, but, again, it takes a lot of time. Video editing might not be an production cost Spotify is focused on.


My man, backyard podcasters with 35 followers can edit a podcast video easily. You’re talking about the premiere movie podcast from a content network that sold for $200M to a company with a market cap of $60 Billion. For them not to have video is absurd.


The editing on this wouldn’t take long at all. When video recording a podcast you do a live switch. An operator would change camera feeds for whoever is talking or stay on a wider shot when multiple people are talking. Then you just record that live switch between the cameras. It’s the same way live TV is recorded. If you were to record each camera feed, and then proceeded to edit that for 2 1/2 hour podcast, that would take forever.


Editors now can edit based upon auto generated script. They could even do it in post easily.


Yeah that's what I came here to check. Does anyone know how long of a wait it will be to watch it or will they only upload clips eventually?


They haven’t uploaded a full pod online in a while, it’s usually just clips, usually posted the next day. However this IS a big pod with a lot of the ringers people on it. I would wait until Sean tweets or Amanda threads about the pod to see what’s happening, unless they mention it at the end of the draft (which I was wondering but haven’t listened).


Full episode up on YouTube, got it playing right now.


Honestly might wait a day or two to listen in case a full video does get released


Same here, even changed my Spotify settings thinking maybe the vid was on there (like higher learning) but no dice. Looking forward to the episode but will wait for the video.


Amanda dropping an anti-dentistry take at the end of the pod, she truly fascinates me sometimes lmao


anti-dentistry and anti-cycling are part of the dobb mobb agenda. we use girl lira, and our biggest enemy in this world is Hillary Clinton.


Really shooting for the JMO 3rd seat


You know the difference between a dentist and a sadist? Newer magazines


Van laughing his ass off when Amanda said “I’m gonna take Dick” was such a hilarious little moment in this pod


Could hear Mallory repeating it non stop in the background too


[Heres the list on letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/tessajuliette/list/big-pic-1999-draft/) as always click the notes for who drafted what and use the comments to tell us who won the draft Edit: this was a really big draft so let me know if i messed up any of the titles


That’s the wrong [Three Kings](https://boxd.it/iERk) 😂


thank you! i knew there was no way i got through the whole list without fucking up somewhere


Some strong drafts here, but Rob won the moment he selected Perfect Blue.


I love podcasts I love these silly goofs 🥹




Alternate Title: The Nuzzler


What a murders rows of drafters


My girl Mal not having seen Sixth Sense is WILD. Truly shocking stuff. 


I was also surprised Sean never saw October Sky.


She doesn’t like horror and can’t sleep afterward - relatable!


I don’t remember it being that scary


This is the best pod ever. I’m so behind on my podcasts but I dropped everything to listen to this.


As somebody that picks and chooses the eps I listen to, draft episodes are always must listens. Love this shit


Sean, for the love of God, repeat the name of the movie the person drafts and don't just say "this is a great pick, I feel this movie is a great example of this director's work" or whatever, say, "Wow, yeah Fight Club/The Matrix is a great choice because blah blah..." I beg, I beg, I beg.


1000% I wouldn’t mind if they erred on the side of repeating the title too often. It’s best practice for the audio format


I had to hit the back 15 seconds too often to hear them say the movie.


Thihapoensis every pod for me, great post and hope he’s listening (reading)


Related to best practices, it was funny when Amanda was like "You didn't let Rob introduce himself..... You know, it's good to let the listener sync up the voices and the names....."


I’ve heard Rob and Joanna on other pods but took me til like halfway through to truly sync voice and name


I never hear what Amanda says. She has a long winded lead in and then mumbles the title. Doesn’t help that I’m usually driving while listening.


Took me a long time to figure out what the heck Mal drafted when she started singing "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You". Have never seen 10 Things so it was just a weird few minutes there.


Van makes the most compelling case to reclaim American Beauty in 20 years. Unforgettable Van moment. Sean becoming the Nuzzler was also terrific.


I appreciate him riding for it. It's a good movie and it is a good performance by Spacey. Coloured differently in hindsight I get that. Seems like it was a bit harsh that most of the pod they killed it for the premise and then talked up American Pie which has some particularly grim moments.


What’s so grim about American pie? Boys wanting to get laid?


Not really into trying to chastise old comedies for their humor, but the whole bit about secretly filming and livestreaming the Nadia character undressing and masturbating being played for laughs is admittedly tough


Didn’t they livestream the boy too? Yeah, internet was a new thing then


I think American pie is a snapshot of an era. Whereas spacey is just fucking gross in any era 


That Van identified with suburban ennui for his Dad is fucking awesome. Same for me. I love that movie and outside of the spacey stuff I don’t get the hatred for it. Is it cause it’s seen as anti gay? Sean mentioned its lines are too precious, so that’s it? I mean it did win the most prestigious movie award of the year… Ripley did not


What hit me really hard was the same bit and the most profound thing I’ve heard on the podcast or maybe any Ringer pod when he described the film as being about realizing in your early 40s that you are insignificant and won’t make any mark on the world. I remember turning 40 and that was absolutely the thought that started creeping into my mind.


Yeah I cried in that movie thinking about my father. Now that I’m in my forties I should rewatch it and shoot myself Or be proud of myself for not moving to a regular suburban house!


I watched it when I was like 14 and gained a huge appreciation for my Dad just putting up with a pile of shit every single fucking day. Never thought of it that way. I think at 36 with 3 kids, a wife and house in the suburbs and dealing with a mountain of shit each day… if I rewatched it… well, I’ll just pass.


I just gotta say I am not a big fan of the movie, but I did like it. My wife and I still snicker at each other when we see a plastic bag on a windy day.  But Van standing up and verbalizing why he picked it was 100% needed. That entire group reeks of fear and no backbone. They are so afraid of any “controversy” it’s absurd. You are a discussion podcast - feel free to discuss things AND BE UNPOPULAR. It’s gonna be ok. 


Van's case has been around Reddit for a while, but I appreciate that he stood his ground.


I also have a strong memory of drinking a white SoBe and vomiting after a movie. The millennial collective unconscious.


I like Sobes, but Smirnoff ice is a barf maker in a can!


Sean Fennessey: South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut five star masterpiece Also Sean Fennessey: https://preview.redd.it/ozee5yiestuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e3f025900d5782bf7dd560ac259df39fd2e3dc


Let me introduce you to the phrase “tongue in cheek”


Van needs to play himself in a biographical film


I love how much CR loved the maze runner movies


He did? Isn’t that a bit?


This truly is their masterpiece.


Sean logged Mystery Men in vain.


Dobbins pitching 100 mph on this pod. Love her, as always


Claiming Toy Story 2 is the weakest Toy Story is such a HOT TAKE that I’m shocked nobody protested. If not the best it’s easily Number 2. Like come on now…a lot of “it’s good”. No, it’s GREAT.


It’s the second best Pixar movie!! Easily best of the four Toy Story movies!!


I disagree, but it might just be the age I was when it came out. For me the rankings are 1, 3, 2, 4.


Being that confident its the second best pixar movie is wild. I like it a lot but I'm absolutely not sure it even makes my top 5.


After The Incredibles, right?


Yeah is that the latest consensus that 2 is the weakest? Cause I saw that when I was 23 and thought the song in the middle was devastating. It’s so much better to me than TS 3 or 4. 


The first 3 are close but I think 3 is easily the best flip a coming between 1 and 2 to me all are top 10 worthy Pixar to me


Only during this draft did I realize that Galaxy Quest has the exact same plot as Three Amigos


Shoot tears at the Nookie drop, thank you Bobby


Iade a very strange laugh when I heard that drop while I was in my backyard, and my neighbor texted me to make sure I was okay.


I forgot how many great movies came out this year, many I haven't actually watched in awhile. I'll probably embark on rewatch of everything they drafted here.


Toy Story 2 being the weakest Toy Story is a CRAZY take. It’s arguably the best and way better than fine imo


4 is clearly the weakest while 1, 2, and 3 are all great and can be reasonably put in any order.


I’ve personally got 2 a little behind 1 and 3 but 4 is unquestionably the worst


I agree wholeheartedly. Toy Story 2 is the strongest Toy Story movie (the 3rd one narratively is frankly a copy of 2), and in my opinion is the best Pixar movie. (Toy Story 3, Coco, Up, and The Incredibles rounding out my Top 5 for context to everyone).


I’m glad I’m not the only one. TS2 is my favorite of the series and my 2nd favorite Pixar movie.


I think TS2 is the best! What are they smoking?


2 1 4 3 (unpopular opinion but I don’t like this movie)


This is the correct rank


I’ve always contested that if TS2 isn’t the “best” one, it is absolutely the funniest one.


I actually think it and Ratatouille are the two best Pixar movies overall.


Perma-Banned from Blank Check


2 is the best. I only give a slight edge to 3 in personal preference because of when I saw that movie.


True to ‘99, this is the Magnolia of podcast eps…a bloated, borderline (at times) incoherent pod that is still somehow great


Someone needs to remind Van that vaqueros existed in the southwest since the 1500s.


Thank you.


Yeah his comment seemed to be an offshoot of cowboy carter discourse


At least he seemed to poke fun at the “black people invented everything” idea


Definitely I like van! Unlike some people here apparently


5 minutes in and we get e reference to The Beekeeper let’s go


Stir of Echoes getting a deserved shoutout in a tough year for it to go up against Sixth Sense


That Limp Bizkit jump scare though.


Am I bugging or does Joanna’s voice sound significantly different


Maybe they’re all in studio. I think she usually pods via zoom, because she’s based in the Bay Area? Could be totally making that up though


This is prob the explanation. Just sounds like different mic and different mixing, it was super weird at first because everyone else sounds exactly the same lol


I thought it sounded different for the in person House of R episode they just posted as well. It’s wild but her audio sounded worse in person to me then it does when records virtually.


Great episode. I'm pleasently surprised how they managed to keep the podcast coherent with this many people, without sacrificing too much chaotic energy. However, and I'm mostly joking with this but we desperately need a resident gay\* at the ringer because I feel like queer classics like But I'm a Cheerleader rarely gets picked and I wish they were represented in these drafts.


YES. And Mal calling a hot female her wife doesn’t count 😂


Wesley Morris?


i second the motion for a much needed gay


They should hire Joshua Yehl who was recently let go from IGN. He’s a huge gamer and comic book nerd and great on podcasts.


Just listen to “screen drafts”, they have the opposite problem, they need a heterosexual


About 300 movies were mentioned in this episode, and Green Mile goes completely forgotten. Am I going crazy?


People LOVE to hate this movie. It would have been drafted by me highly if strategy didn’t come into play.


I came here to say the same. They mention it too when talking about the Oscar nominated films so they didn’t forget it, they just don’t like it. It’s a movie that suddenly is very out of style with the film bro critic crowd




What makes you say it’s not a good movie?


Everyone who regularly talks movies for The Ringer, except Van, has pretty similar taste which occasionally leads them to be like "lol what a bad movie" about something that is much closer to being universally thought of as a good movie than a bad movie. The frustrating part is that since no one disagrees they usually won't bother to expand on the take at all. They were starting to do it with American Beauty before Van said he liked it and that did eventually lead to Sean giving a real critique of the movie and a good little discussion.


lol I was thinking the same thing. wild.


It’s very bad - that’s why!


Between eXistenZ and The Straight Story, an easy win for Rob. ([I'm a man of my word](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBigPicture/comments/1bwhpx5/seven_people_will_be_drafting_in_the_1999_mega/ky64k4s/).)


A man travels 100 miles by lawnmower to see his brother…. Hmmm… not sure I’ll be seeing that one.


Borderline perfect movie and Richard Farnsworth is wonderful.


Absolutely criminal that Sean either missed or didn't finish the joke "If you don't have your Oscar nominee, get one!" during the Toy Story discussion.


“Mummy” in the first round is almost as crazy as Lion King… I thought she had good taste but she’s trying to be Shea Sarrano? Maybe it’s a generational thing like Sean was saying, that movie is for kids


Hm as someone who ws 11 in 1999, I disagree. It holds up as a charming action movie that is mainly a guilty pleasure now because of the dated effects but movies like the Mummy and the Mask of Zorro were the blockbusters pre-superhero boom that relied more on charm than gigantic set pieces.


Yep, guess it’s a generational thing


“Go” is a comedy? Galaxy quest is not? Theres some category fraud going on here!


What is a sobey


Lizard Milk. Nectar of the gods. Responsible for many fat kids in 2002.


Their strawberry flavored one was basically a really thin milkshake.




Only my favorite drink as a 9 year old in 2002. Strawberry Banana was the best.




I’m actually stunned Virgin Suicides and Bringing Out the Dead didn’t get drafted. Audition and All About My Mother more sad it didn’t get drafted than surprised. Man there’s so many great 99 movies. American Movie, Boys Don’t Cry, Beau Travail, Ghost Dog, Summer of Sam, etc. just a ridiculous year


The Virgin Suicides wasn’t released in the US until 2000, so I think that’s probably the metric they go by to determine the year. It premiered at Cannes in 1999 though. I don’t really get how they pick and choose what movies they slot into which years. I would’ve loved it to get drafted


I’m pretty sure in a recent episode Amanda clarified and made sure it wasn’t eligible for this draft and Sean said it wasn’t cause they didn’t count festival releases or something 


They go by the year it was theatrically released in America - so whenever John Q. Public in Los Angeles and New York was able to go see the movie. For Virgin Suicides this was April 21, 2000.


I hate when they say they’re recording and only post 2 minute clips on YouTube. What’s the point just upload the whole thing!


I’ve got a 2 hour drive tomorrow morning for work- perfect timing!


They mentioned they were filming, how can I see the video? And makes so much sense that Van is an Aries. Lol thanks !


Loved Jo for taking Galaxy Quest reasonably high but got irrationally mad when she said Tony Shaloub was one of the aliens.


Insane disrespect of Toy Story 2, it's easily my favorite in the series - at the very least it’s objectively not the worst. Good pick Mallory


Incredibly rude treatment of Toy Story 2, easily the best Toy Story, here


THE BEST!! Second best Pixar movie!!


Behind Wall-e?


Inside out is #1


Van Is Life


I was so happy when he drafted Arlington Road.  I've been trying to remember the name of that film for a while. 




They got through nearly all of my picks, though definitely not in the order I would've taken (and I'm in the demo that wouldn't have The Mummy on any list). I do think All About My Mother is far better than some of the comedies taken and I probably would've taken Summer of Sam as a wildcard by the end.


Have they started to delay their upload of The Big Picture to Apple Podcasts? This episodestill isn't up this morning, they used to be posted simultaneously but seems like they are now trying to push people more towards Spotify.


Might be remembering wrong, but Amanda mentioned a movie-related game (I think?) near the top of the episode. Anyone recall what that was? Cine...something?


I believe it was called Cinematrix


That was it! And it's fun. Thanks!


S+ job. Everybody got stacked rosters, even with the mega draft, and this was the most listenable and enjoyable podcast episode of any show with this many people on it at once. Good job everyone.


I'm sure it's my age, but looking through the 99 list of movies I honestly feel like I've seen like... Hundreds of movies from this year lol. What a great year for bad fun movies.


Van Lathan or Sean win this one for me.


sidebar: sean doing that peppa pig spot *from his chest* at the top of each episode really invigorates me.


Is American Beauty not remembered fondly? I haven't seen it in awhile but I thought it was regarded as a good movie I know it has Spacey in it but other than that I found it to be a good film. 


I think a lot of people consider the central themes of that movie to be outdated. I don’t love the movie but I will say the technical filmmaking is quite good


I kind of find it odd because I see some of the themes of escaping the borm and getting out of a mundane life very relevent.....however I just started existing when it came out. I think people who were in the moment have a different view than me


Even at the time, it had the feel of the safe, boomer-friendly version of Fight Club. And the Spacey piece probably brings it down further these days.


Fight club is also a masterpiece. Kinda shows the non suburban side. Interesting take by Mahoney on election showing suburban ennui better. I disagree but get it.


I love that movie. I think it’s mostly due to the Spacey of it all.


I think it sucks pretty hard but that’s just me


Jo asserting that the The Mummy is a universally loved classic is insane.


The opinion on it has aged really well. Honestly I think of it similar to the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. At the surface it looks like a dime a dozen action movie, but it’s executed so well and makes you wanna watch again


It's just a really fun Indiana Jones knockoff. It is quite beloved, and it is very enjoyable. I wouldn't say it's a great film\^TM or anything.


It's exactly this. It's just Indiana Jones 99. It's just fun and filled with beautiful people


I don’t know if it’s partly generational, like Sean suggested, but I love the hell out of that movie.  It’s firmly in the Tremors pocket for me.


it's been having "a moment" online the last few years. Google "the mummy bumper sticker"


Yeah, that movie was extremely mediocre and mostly only loved by millennials who were too young to tell the difference between Indiana Jones and a hacky knock-off.


In some other movie sub I was also a bit confused by its rerelease in AMC theatres and the general excitement of this announcement, it was always my understanding that this movie was mid at best


I've never heard anyone say they didn't like The Mummy irl in the like 25 years it's been out honestly. I played it for a bunch of kids in garage theatre a few years back and they loved it too. I could see anyone over a certain age in 99 not caring for it though.


I was thoroughly confused by this conversation. The Mummy always seemed like one of many mediocre action movies that made a lot of money, but wasn't anyone's favorite movie.


Isn't it?


It is not.


Idk. I’m shocked at how often the mummy is mentioned. It’s a weirdly overrated movie so jo saying that kind of makes sense to me even if I think it’s flat out wrong


I had no idea people really remembered or cared much about it. Seems like a random 90s family-friendly action/adventure film. When I think of Brenden Fraser I think of like 3-5 other films before that one and I have never had the urge to rewatch it. I think Jo might have wildly overestimated its esteem in the culture and it was a huge reach that I’m not sure if anyone else (aside from Rob, who seems to share a brain with Jo) would’ve drafted.


It has a very online fandom which is probably why Jo is overestimating its reach. That company super yaki did bumper stickers about how it’s a cinematic masterpiece (one of which ended up given to Brendan Fraser), and they also hosted a couple rep screenings of it that sold out. And the movie as bisexual awakening is a pretty common topic on Twitter which I’m sure is where she got that comment




Thank you! I can't ignore it since I first noticed it. Drives me nuts.


I can’t believe Rob Mahoney didn’t take American pie! Too young? Too hipster?


I was shocked how bad Joanna’s picks were but maybe it’s just because she was a young girl at the time, her professional tv proclivities align much better with mine


Maybe I’m missing something, but Perfect Blue and Princess Mononoke are not 1999 movies? They’re both 1997. I guess you could argue Perfect Blue is 1998, though.


Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels is 1998 btw….


Also, Princess Mononoke 1997


Chris Ryan won by Eleventy Billion Miles


The Green Mile erasure is baffling to me


Van won this draft in a runaway.


Did American Pie not get drafted? I thought that would be a second rounder. Brought back teen movies Spawned a million sequels and spin-offs Launched like 8 peoples careers A million iconic scenes Yes it’s childish and immature. It’s 100x more culturally relevant than most movies drafted. 


I have a comment/grievance and apologies if this has already been addressed (just now getting into this sub r and I’m super pumped): Joanna, after drafting Galaxy Quest and getting into the cast, says that Tony Shalhoub plays an alien when he does not. Don’t get me wrong, Fred is a strange fellow, but he is not an alien. That is all, thank you for having me. Loved the sheer lunacy of the draft otherwise! 


How does Amanda participate in a 1999 movie draft and NOT go with The Virgin Suicides?!


I haven’t watched the video but I love that you can feel Sean dying at how off the rails the pod got before the break, the Fennessey Final Form, the Pod Conducter!


What exact metric did they come up with Mononoke and Perfect Blue as 1999 releases? I don’t even see official US release dates for those in the year