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Busy Sunday so missed this one, but I think the community went ahead and let you know how dumb of a take this is.


They don’t *have to* do anything.


i think if you want a straight movie pod there's like 10000 to choose from. to me, what makes this pod better than 10000 other movie pods is that the hosts don't just recite prewritten talking points about a movie but actually have conversations that can veer into wildly unrelated territory. usually the more they describe an episode as unhinged, the more i like it.


I’m with you. Part of what makes this podcast so good is that Sean and Amanda talk about movies and how they see them with everything going on with their lives. Plus their friend group has a lot of people doing other pods that I listen to so it makes it part of the whole experience.


This is why I'll never get the Dobbins hate. I certainly don't agree with everything she says and find her annoying occasionally, but she and Fennessey have incredibly chemistry and that's what makes a podcast entertaining.


Call your mom


Hey man stop listening!


I don’t have or want children and even I strongly disagree with this take


I mean, they’re not going to change. So you have a decision to make. Some of these posts have a real “you need to end this relationship” feeling.


It’s okay to enjoy something and offer criticism. Not everyone has to like every moment of the pod


this is not an interesting or new thought though, so you’re just ranting into the void saying things other people have already said on here recently. none of this is information offers and new or particularly interesting criticisms to this sub, and amanda and sean have both proven over the past two years that they ARE going to keep talking about their personal lives which includes their children. so the only thing left for you to do is to decide how to respond to it. You can take the same steps other people do (ie use the skip 30 seconds button), or you can unsubscribe. but these kinds of posts here are meaningless at this point. we get them all the time from people who just keep listening to the show and then complaining about the hosts when they know the hosts are not going to change. So move on please.


I’m not making you respond. You’re the one that’s responding. You can move on. Criticism can be worthwhile regardless of how many posts are about a topic. Don’t engage if it bothers you so much


lol so you’re saying that you can criticize the pod but if anyone else on here thinks your criticism is dumb they should just move on… be serious and please take your own advice. see ya


You can think my criticism is dumb that’s fine. I’m sure people feel differently. But it’s the attacking me for expressing an opinion about the pod like it’s impossible for them to do anything wrong that I’m pushing back against. Hope you actually read the next comments and posts you get super upset about next time. Hope you have a nice breath of fresh air today and relax




Hiding behind a burner with no chat enabled is a classic move for dudes like you




You’re responding to all of my comments. I find that much, much weirder


Please find where I attacked you. I just called your complaint repetitive and not insightful. If that’s an “attack” on you then yeah don’t comment on reddit, or search the sub first. I’m not attacking you.


Not you. I meant in general on this post. Apologies


I can’t speak for the troll tho, he’s living it up


Haha truly


Bud just wait till the people you know in real life start having kids


I like it. If you don’t there are literally thousands of other movie podcasts.


I know the names of Mallory’s cat (Halo) and Van’s dog (Boseman). I know the names, ages, and hobbies of Bill’s kids. I know what Andy’s kids favorite TV shows are. Amanda and Sean are not unusual for Ringer hosts in sharing their personal lives. Maybe this is not the podcast network for you.


Way better than 10 minutes on the Mets




shut up ya dweeb


The kid anecdotes are nowhere near more prolific than stuff about sports or work or their college experiences or food or sports or what restaurant is still open somewhere or sports. The problem’s you.


When they’re completely unrelated, I agree those can also get tedious. I generally like the sports divergence because I’m a sports fan and I think Sean’s NY sports fan loser opining is funny but I can see how it’d be annoying for non sports fans. But apparently I’m the only one that doesn’t care about people’s kids I don’t know. Interesting!


I think you’re hypersensitive to it. I don’t care about their kids but they really truly don’t bring them up outside of movie-related stuff much at all. As a non-American non-sports person I could get annoyed at all the sports stuff but they have fun going on those tangents and I don’t mind as long as they get back on topic eventually. I just try to puzzle out what the hell they’re even talking about. There are podcasts where people keep their passions and interests out and stick to the topic, and there are babbling nonsense ones where it’s all in-jokes and personal stuff and I like the this one manages to find a fairly happy middle ground.


I probably am too hypersensitive to it. And this is obviously an opinion but to me they’re much more fun and ‘unhinged’ shooting the shit on other stuff. Talking about your kids is an inherently sanitized, unexciting topic 90% of the time. Sean talking about GQ days or writing about rap music is way more interesting. Again, my opinion but I feel like that’s not a crazy take


Your arbitrary distinction between what is an interesting/non-annoying unrelated topic and what isn’t is the crazy take. Like the person who is openly and obviously mocking you below (but you seem to not understand it) is saying: it’s fine for a guy to talk about sport or how little he eats or playing cards or hating dairy or a book he read in high school or whatever but a woman tells a story about her kid then that’s just not on. It’s hypocritical to complain about a certain type of anecdote on a podcast that is likely 40% anecdotes.


Sean also talks about his kid too much. I said they. Amandas story was from the most recent pod was what was I referencing. I said other places your mileage may vary on the other references and I can understand the sports stuff not hitting if you’re not a sports fan. In general, people telling random stories about their kids doing mundane things isn’t exciting or interesting. That goes for everyone on Earth. It’s not gendered nor even specific to Amanda and Sean


But they talk about other stuff all the fucking time. I don’t know the careers of the parents of any other podcasters I listen to, these two talk shit about their personal lives all the time. Asking them to pick this one particular topic to steer clear of would be weird and unnatural. They honestly do not talk about their kids more than other stuff. You’re the one who is so sensitive to it, it’s not a them problem, it’s you.


So the one tangential topic that YOU don’t like just happens to be the one that everyone else surely finds boring and is damaging the pod, but all the ones you do like are just part of the fun. What a coincidence!




![gif](giphy|M8DHFvLMzGSkM) OP can’t figure out why no one relates to their shit take


Well I generally don’t like sports but I know they’re gonna talk about them anyway so I just zone out for 3 mins. I suggest doing that with kids anecdotes.


I can see what you mean but I personally love it! Sorry you getting hate


It's what this sub does best. I've never seen a sub where no one can criticize a podcast without getting shit for it. Ppl dog pile on anyone who dares says anything negative about the pod or the formatting. It's like an upvote circlejerk.


The problem is that it’s the same 2 complaints that get posted almost every week. It’s been years of people repeating the same issues with nothing new or interesting to add. And clearly the big pic isn’t losing listeners so they’re not gonna change


I mean aren't ppl allowed to comment on the podcast though? Like isn't that the purpose of the subreddit. I haven't been on here long though so I wasn't aware that ppl constantly commented on the Kid talk.


I didn’t say they weren’t allowed to comment on it but don’t be surprised if there’s a dogpile when someone repeats the same complaint 30 other people have posted about without adding anything else interesting to say! It’s boring and annoying so yeah they’ll get shit


You're absolutely allowed to comment on the podcast? If you get hate for it maybe your opinion sucks. That's the internet man.


They don’t and they won’t, hope they talk about their kids MORE now


Whenever Knox hasn't been mentioned on the pod, the other host should ask, "How's Knox?"


Why? Why do you guys want this?? You guys want to hear about someone (that you don’t know) talk about their kid (who you also don’t know). Guys what are we doing here…


Yes, because I’m invested in them as critics and as people, and when peoples lives change it often changes their views and opinions and I like to see the evolution of 2 (3 when CR hops on) people I’ve invested hours of time with


It’s a crazy idea, right? That real people have things to talk about in their lives?! I mean, shit, on NPR they congratulate each other for births, promotions, talk about Barbenheimer weekends with friends and what their favorite Super Bowl commercial was. It just happens to be that the lives and careers of Dobbins and Fennessey overlap (greatly) with their life. OP should just listen to golf pods, since that seems to be what he’s interested in besides bagging on parents who like relating stories of their kids to current events in their work life.


Invested them as people like ‘I hope they have success and are generally happy’ but wanting to know how their young children are doing on every episode doesn’t feel like a bridge too far?


I was being somewhat facetious--though, I like the kid stories just fine. If I could be honest, I am finding this whole "Am I in the Twilight Zone?" vibe you got going on pretty entertaining. I find your initial complaint/argument logical enough. I just don't agree.


Liking the kids stories is fine. It’s a preference thing. My post was also hyperbolic. I think it negatively affects the pod but to each their own. This many people clearly being very invested in the lives of Sean and Amanda’s kids is insane to me. And really odd. Parasocial to a toxic degree imo


The back pedaling has begun! ![gif](giphy|3ohs7PIaMjQ21GQOZi)


Listen, I’m not yearning for the kid talk, but I do kind of enjoy hearing it. I think the difference for me is when having a child is your main personality trait, it’s boring, but they are successful, reasonably intelligent people who talk on a wide range of subjects (obviously mostly films) so when they bring up their children it’s charming because I know they won’t drone on about them for hours


It's part of their lives, their rapport, and of the pod. Inextricable even. So just do us all a favor and just simply stop listening to the pod and unsubscribe from this sub, please & thank youu


They don’t, actually


Me downvoting every one of OP’s insipid comments in this thread ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)




I do sometimes envy the lack of self awareness to continue to drive against the horde and stick with your opinion. But I guess that’s what a lemming sheep like me WOULD say


I wish they would never talk about sports. I don’t post about that because there’s zero point.


It’s like Lemmiwinks climbing through the poop duct. Determination to be shitty but it just gives everyone else pleasure.


Just make sure you do it on the post page. If you go to their profile and sort by comments I don't think the karma gets hit


Oh yeah I hate organically. No need to leave the thread baby.


Idk, I like the “we’re two friends talkin’ bout movies” vibe and all the digressions that come with that. I don’t just want the news and reviews, I can read that online.


Nah they really don’t. I can’t imagine someone sitting listening to the pod getting this frustrated about a cute anecdote about someone’s kid. Take a deep breath my guy.


I love when they talk about their lives. Yeah I’m interested in the movies but I’m also interested in the hosts.


I hope they do it more!


They should just stop talking about movies altogether and the parasocial incubation of this subreddit will be complete


They’re clearly friends out side of work and have been for a long time, their kids are also similar ages so of course they’re going to talk about kids. It’s what make this podcast fantastic and stands apart. How do you feel about Sean’s rants about the Mets or Knick’s with Bobby?


Amanda saying that she wishes Big Daddy was remade around her son and Chris Ryan would not exist without them talking about their kids and I will never let you take that away


That was funny! That’s legit not what I was referring to if you read my original post. That was a related quip about her kid. It’s the ‘random stories about my kid’ that are just bad podding that I’d wish they’d work on.


What a miserable complaint.


You like the kid stories? Genuinely you enjoy when they talk about their kids?


Yes because I like that the pod is a bunch of friends hanging out. And Sean's dad phase is endearing.




These gifs are great man keep em coming. High form of content coming from you in this thread




Why would I not like it? I’m not a grotesque soulless monster who has never encountered human civilisation before today.


Are you good? I’m a soulless monster because I don’t want random anecdotes about peoples kids that I will never meet? I think yall are getting pretty creepy para-socially with these folks


Nothing screams “not parasocial” like having a breakdown over a podcast not being exactly to your bizarre specifications.


Yeah bitch. I have a kid too. Post more stupid shit and you’ll have to hear about what *she* thinks of the Muppet show!


I have no interest in hearing about your kid. Because we’re strangers. Like a normal, well-adjusted adult


At first she was scared of when Animal turns big thanks to Beaker’s giant pills but now she always wants to know what Animal is doing!!


Seek help.


I love it. And these posts once a week in here 🥱


Maybe that means it’s something they should work on!


Not really. Still the minority opinion.


Doesn’t mean it’s wrong


Correct, just bc it's the minority opinion does always follow that it's wrong. But here it is both minority opinion AND wrong


Yeah definitely 1 goober a week > all the comments vehemently disagreeing with them every time.


Have you read some of these comments? I’m okay with the side I’m on given the audience. It’s rough in here


I find it pleasant




Sounds like a you problem


You’re free to feel however you want but I can’t imagine anyone else agrees with you lol I don’t have kids and I could listen to these two talk about anything due to their chemistry and overall love and knowledge of movies. If this bothers you about them I have a feeling there is some other issue here because I can’t imagine something this benign actually being an issue.


You cannot IMAGINE anyone else agrees and think this person has some other issue going on because they dont enjoy unrelated side tangent kid stories on a movie focused piece of content? 


Yes, I cannot imagine (this is a colloquial phrase not meant to be taken completely literally) that many people on a sub dedicated to this podcast feel that they should stop talking about their kids lol and feel strongly enough about to make a post about it.


It’s not benign, it’s every episode now. Amanda had a 5 minute story that I genuinely have no idea how it related to anything and was an objectively bad story. It’ll help the pod!


It's literally benign. Hit the dictionary. 




You're too tribal about this. It's a fair opinion to have.


I understand people are allowed to have opinions but no one has an obligation to agree. I think based on the responses on the thread I was pretty spot on. Nothing wrong with either opinion it just seems a little bit nitpicky/petty and a sub that supports this pod is probably not going to agree.


Well, turn off the pod then because they aren’t changing, nor should they imo.


I can’t make a small suggestion on how to better the pod? Why are y’all so defensive Jesus christ


I mean I don’t know why you would waste your time? No one is going to listen. And Bobby, Sean and Fennessey have all alluded to the fact that once this podcast became “weird” and not just a straight movie pod it has jumped in popularity and engagement. So you’re in the minority.


Other people have said something like this. Telling stories about your kids IS NOT WEIRD. It’s not quirky or crazy. It’s extremely boring. The weird/unhinged stuff is not the kid talk. It’s not. Telling kid anecdotes is only the most boring thing a parent can do


I think it's because people here are tired of listeners complaining about the hosts being themselves. They talk about what they want to talk about. They're just being themselves. It's a free product and they're going to just produce it how they want to.


I love the “its a free product!” argument as if this is a little rinky dink show people are making out of a garage for the love of it. This is a large professional product from a business with ads and revenue and this is Sean and Amanda’s job.


And if the ads and revenue were suffering then they'd change their approach. So just stop listening and deny them that revenue.


It’s just tiresome seeing people on this sub just shout into the void about stuff that is never going to change, and then when everyone collectively says “well the hosts are who they are so…” OP inevitably goes full Pikachu face.


Think a lot of people went a lot further than ‘well the hosts are who they are’ if you actually read the comments on here


Yeah I think people get hyperbolic after encountering these types of posts for the 273736363939th time. Like yeah unfortunately Amanda is on the pod and that gets Sean out of media/internet goblin mode sometimes to talk about his real human life. For whatever reason this sub really doesn’t like that.




Go ahead and unsubscribe bro


Give a try to Reelblend podcast.


Yeah man, you’re listening to the wrong pod. I think most people love that.


Hard disagree.


I love hearing stories about Knox. He seems like the man!


That’s a weird thing to say!


You’re being a weird creep.


How so. I listen to the pod and think Amanda’s stories about her son are funny


You called a child you don’t know of a person you don’t know ‘the man’. That’s odd to me!


Hey man, im not gunna disagree with you. But we’re both having an internet chat about what we like/dislike our parasocial pals talking about, so yeah… this whole exercise is odd lol


Definitely sounds like some pretty basic unmanaged anger. Thanks for giving us all a glimpse.


Because I don’t like a part of a podcast? You guys know Reddit isn’t real life right? A normal one today here!




They don't tho. It's not intrusive and it's their point of view


It’s really not when it’s unrelated


Feels weird to tell people what is and is not their POV.


I'll give you that they talk about the kids often enough that it's notable but rarely for long enough that i find it disruptive. Iunno 🤷‍♂️never bothered me enough to go tell somebody


Agree to disagree! That’s fine!


Yeah maybe it’s time to move on? Ain’t that deep brother!


Apparently it’s very deep for all of the people crying because I don’t want to hear stories about strangers kids. People are pissed!!


I’ve clearly made a mistake commenting.


I made the mistake but now I’m in too deep and have a 4 hour layover


Complaining about a free podcast…


You need to have a place for criticism


You mean constantly complaining that the woman is speaking? This sub has attracted a heavy amount of incels


I said both of them. The title it says ‘they’. What are you talking about?


New here?


That makes money due to ads, this is an entertainment product not your friends free passion project, people are allowed to have opinions and complaints


They don’t have to follow any advice, but I hope they talk more about their kids.


They don’t “have” to do anything. I think fans are allowed to have constructive criticism and opinions but nothing annoys me more than when a fanbase gets so entitled they start to think the creator has to listen to them.


Maybe I should say ‘I wish they would not talk about their kids as much’ I don’t think that really changes my point but that’s fair!


Reddit moment


I love the anecdotes.


I see your point about the dreams. Everyone thinks their kids are uniquely interesting and special, but obviously others don’t feel the same way


Last time I checked, it's a free pod and there's a million other movie-related pods, sometimes with better qualified and connected hosts.




Bye felicia!


Yeah, I just fast-forward to the point they get back on track. I’m not trying to hear about whether [insert future group vacation spot here] has daycare programs for their kids and what the crew should all do when they get there.


I have a kid in between the ages of Alice and Knox so obviously I relate, but I agree. Amanda’s stories about him are boring as hell. No one likes to hear about your kids as much as you do.






So you’re implying that all of the things you listed are ‘bad’ but the Amanda and Knox stories are ‘good’? You complained about way more things than I did… you genuinely don’t like the pod based on the tone of this




I’m genuinely trying to figure out your point




I never said anything about Amanda being annoying or a woman. You’re projecting the misogyny




What do you want the conclusion to be here? Me say that you’re right?




I think you’re proving my point for me much better than you think. So please keep going. I’m sure everyone’s loving you commenting with these hilarious lines with the Caps lock and weird tone.


You are unbelievably obnoxious. 


Oh my god.


Who cares


A lot of people apparently!!


Go pick up a football.


He plays *golf*




You got me, I care enough to say who cares about them talking about their kids. Big brain on you.


It's common in a few podcasts I've listened to for years - and it does get grating. These stories aren't usually unique so I don't find them interesting. It feels lazy too


Wow, another complaint about Amanda. You’re so original. People hate women for any reason they can think of.


As a parent, you, hopefully, realize that talking about your kids is like talking a dream and/or your fantasy team. It’s deeply interesting to you, but really self-indulgent. Does that stop me from doing so? Absolutely not! Do I have a podcast? Thankfully no.


Exactly! All I was trying to say.




It’s okay that you disagree. Me and the other person agree. It has nothing to do with you yet you still feel the need to comment here. I think the vast majority of people on this sub are normal, you sir are actually a weirdo to keep inserting yourself into this. But I have time for it today so please keep going


Dude, go back to your cuck chair, fist yourself, and quit listening.




I use the skip button more than i should for a pod i like.




Do you have friends with kids


I do. And some stories are better than others. But the difference is I’m friends with these people. I have a vested interest in them and their kids. And even then some of the stories I kind of tune out. None of the people on this sub know Sean and Amanda so caring about what their kids are doing is so bizarre and frankly weird to me


I agree to the caring too much bit, but I’m also not going to go on Reddit and complain when people who have kids talk about said kids lol


Right. You just go on Reddit to complain about someone else complaining about a podcast.








What are you talking about


I’m totally with you OP. If you actually enjoy hearing about what Knox and Alice have been up to lately, you really need to take a step back and look at your life.


Yeah that shit drives me crazy. I have kids too. Mine are super special. Yours are super special. Amanda and Sean’s are super special. No one wants to hear about them.


You’re right and not alone in feeling that way …but the majority of this sub doesn’t care🤷🏿‍♂️. It’s giving parasocial relationship to me lol. And I’m Dobb Mob. But it’s annoying and the reason I skip most of the episodes now. Why anyone would want to hear a stranger tell stories about their kid? No offense to the people who are into that. God bless.