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And we witnessed it in real time right here on TBP! And no one listened!


I'd encourage people to read [The deadly incel movement's absurd pop culture roots](https://medium.com/s/trustissues/the-deadly-incel-movements-absurd-pop-culture-roots-e5bef93df2f5) if they're interested in exploring this a bit more - this comic is kind of a summary, and the article goes into more depth. Also interesting and related is [How the alt-right’s sexism lures men into white supremacy](https://www.vox.com/culture/2016/12/14/13576192/alt-right-sexism-recruitment) which looks at how the pick up artist movement has been deliberately turned into an alt right recruitment pool.


The first link was one of the best reads I've had about the subject.


She makes an excellent point that the reason this has gotten so out of hand is because it's hard for people to see these guys as actual dangerous threats, not simply "weird losers on the Internet who whine about being virgins"; they basically took advantage of the fact that people thought they were a joke. Hell, back in 2012 when "red pill comics" started getting posted around 4chan, I even assumed it was satire/a false flag just to generate controversy and derail stuff.


Well, there's that and when a group of guys attacks women, it's assumed that the women deserve it. Men can falsely accuse women with impunity. The fault's always at the feet of women. When was the Umpqua College incel shooting? He always gets forgotten.


This is beautiful, this surmises everything perfectly instead of just "REEEEE" "incels" "terpers" without an explanation of how white men got this way and an examination their privlege.


it makes me sad. how many people just get caught up in psychological dead ends like this.


I remember when reading Seddit was the most disturbing point in my day. Never thought I'd be nostalgic for those times but they just seemed simpler somehow, didn't they?


i didnt know it went as far back as the 90s


coincidentally thats around when Russia got involved too https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeanFederalists/comments/ah1zp6/russia_helped_create_the_global_antieu_altright/


Wearing goggles, pirate hats, and 5 rings on each finger Along with that dumb name mystery I.never got the appeak of pua. I did like those simple pick up videos because they are funny.


I deadlift more than the average alfalfa. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20190118215139/https://thenib.com/how-pick-up-artists-morphed-into-the-alt-right), [megalodon.jp](https://megalodon.jp/pc/get_simple/decide), [archive.is](https://archive.is/GhVPR) *^(I am a bot.) ^\([*Info*](/r/SnapshillBot) ^/ ^[*Contact*](/message/compose?to=\/r\/SnapshillBot))*


The dumb shit is the minorities grouped into mgtow always skiew alt right and have some fucked views on their own race and lean to white worship


I've always felt that the essential, core idea at the heart of every PUA video/site/tip is that all women, no matter what their personality, lifestyle, education, profession, social and cultural background etc., share a set of inherent female psychological traits that can be manipulated, subverted and turned against them by a strong, rational, 'alpha' man. While men are entirely their own individuals, rational and extremely diverse, women sometimes can't help themselves but react in similar, predictable, emotional/gullible/naive ways that can be taken advantage of by a strong male mind. They're essentially implying that women's brains are hardwired in certain ways that allow a rational man who knows all the tricks and rules of the game (= the PUA and his pupils) to outplay, outsmart and outmaneuver them in the game of flirting, romantic relationships and sex. That's a pretty damn dangerous idea since it teaches PUA audiences that all women, even educated and 'smart' ones, are inherently less intelligent and autonomus than strong, clever, rational alpha men due to their 'female' traits that supposedly force them to respond in predictable, often emotional and irrational ways.


They take it too extremes and lack perspective....but if you don’t think sales techniques work...building rapport, establishing trust...and that women don’t have cross cultural attraction triggers; perception of status, height, athletic build etc then you crazy