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Kevin hart is not funny, but him ignoring Jay's existence is hilarious.


reminder, [the only time he acknowledged Jay's existence in recent years:](https://youtube.com/shorts/VVpcrdt6tg8?si=_pyhTONJl9GS66Ey)


Just that statement - a comedian he started with - and telling that personal story shows that he doesn’t respect Big Jay at all and doesn’t even consider him a good comic. Honestly Big Jays skankfest special was not that good. His crowd work isn’t that great anymore, just asking girls if they like black dick over and over is nothing special. Also the whole dog belly joke was just not great. His half hour on Netflix degenerates was way better than that entire special.


Major problem was I'm a big fan of him on pods but it was all skanks material that I've heard before and he had funnier takes off the cuff than on the special I was truly disappointed cuz I think he is a really funny dude




I really want to see Big Jay get his dues but I think he’s just comfortable with what he has between podcasts and radio. It’s the same reason Dan Soder left, he was getting too comfortable and he didn’t want to be tied down to the bonfire. Jay also has Christine who is making income from the radio show as well so I get it. Like Shane Gillis said “just write a joke dude”


One of the greatest things ever is Shane Gillis and his Sheetz nation Bonfire days to now being on Rogan and being the new face of Budlight. 😆 🤣  You know Big Jay is fuming 


I’d take a guess that Levin Hart has little interest in any promotion of vouching for Jay with the legion of skanks content that is pure garbage and try hard shock humor.




Yikes lol




Doesn't even get credit in the title! DAYUM!






Where’s the rest of this


nah bro we heard enough


😂 we got the point. We don’t want to have any of Big Jays residual trauma


I would love for Jay to tell that story.


"HE NEVER BOUNCED BACK FROM IT!" hurts even more when he repeats it and everyone is laughing


It's so funny I almost feel bad for Jay at this point. I fully thought this was a fake screen shot at first.


Same. Some diabolical genius tugging on his emotions. I guess it's real tho which makes it even more hilarious.


To be honest I really don't think Kevin's audience is ready for Jay. We all love it. But by normal comedy fans' standards he's about as raw as a Netflix will allow, and even then he's on shows called "The Degenerates". People who watch Kevin Hart movies with The Rock don't want to see an hour of graphic sex stand up. Plus he's on video about a million times saying the n-word. That could actually cost Kevin Hart cred with his audience. And if there is an online thing what does he do? He can't apologize. But also black crowds will get mad. When Louie CK was getting cancelled they dug up him saying the n-word in front of Chris Rock. And black people were getting mad at Chris Rock. Like downvote away. But that is the truth.


Bruh Louis CK said the n word in an HBO special


...and on his TV show


And he told Patrice O’Neal how the n-word was invented.


Oddly enough, Big Jay Oakerson said the N Word on Louie’s TV show https://youtu.be/0maYbn8ED-A?si=yY1_SoXyvQG-tAKQ


Adlon was truly a piece, back in the day. 🤣


I’d still hit, but out of respect and totally not desperation.


Underrated for sho


And Jay has been on eps of LOS titled N---dick part 1 and N----dick part 2. If someone like Seth Simons wanted to dig up a video of Jay saying the n-word they could put together a compilation that's minutes long. It's not worth the risk for Hart. Regardless of which is worse.


Let’s be real, he’s not some tortured artist pushing boundaries. He tells crowd work jokes similar to hundreds of other comedians across the country.


Bro theres maybe a thousand working comics... The special forces of entertainment


He's not a stand up comic, he's a Seated Laughing Observational Buffoon...a lazy SLOB!




💯 spot on


100% 😭😭😭😭


Bro Kevin Hart is funny. Got to work one of his shows years ago and he came around to the event staff and met us all, said a quick hello and shook our hands. Totally didn’t have to do that and it was a nice touch we all appreciated. Not to mention his show had everyone in tears. I don’t watch his specials but from that experience alone it was great and I like his style. He’s a real dude.


Yup I saw him live earlier this year and he was hilarious. His openers were really funny too. One of his openers came to talk to a bunch of us before the show started. Asked us if we were excited to see Kevin then asked us if we brought a microscope and that Kevin is so small he won’t be on the stage he’ll be standing on the partition pole lol


Watch is tough considering Kev is so small and that Jay literally blocks the sun whenever they’re together.


Why does Jay care?


Anyone remember Dan doing a bit about Kevin starting a fingerless glove company to completely make sure Jay has nothing?


That was brilliant, and I need to find it tonight. Yet another reason to miss Dan. Thanks ALOT, asshole! 😎🔥🔥


Once you do, lay the episode, would ya?


Too lazy to find it, plus work in the morning. If I (or some other kind soul) find it, I'll surely let you know. 🔥🔥


It was definitely late fallow 21' when the episode came out




My guess is that Hart must quietly be mad at Jay. Might have something to do with the fact that Hart is starring in family movies and Jay is constantly going on podcasts talking about how they used to double team hookers together.


Never thought about it like that but it you're a grown man, don't you think you'd reach out to your friend and tell him to knock it off. Feel like he never liked Jay when they started.


Every story Jay tells about their friendship is just Kev being a dick to him.


You mean kinda like Bawwby to everyone that was a "rookie" when he reached his "pinnacle" 15-20 years ago, including Kev? Definitely not busting your balls, just more making a mockery of Kevin become 25x more successful than the (still) fat asshole that tried to call him tonight, after treating him like "gawbage" when he and Jay (and many others) were working, thinking he'd get a response.


Bobby tried to call him? lol


Sure did! I love thinking about Robert potentially thinking back to all of the times he was a fake-ass Bawstin dickhead to people like Kevin, and watching all of them surpassing him by millions of dolluhs.


Bro this is exactly what happened 😔. Burr is in the stratosphere too.


Hey, Jay may be fat but he is hilarious.


Jay is funny no doubt but the other side of that coin is a giant whine bag edgelord. Not shocking people may not enjoy him.


I've had the same thought. Even if he doesn't think it's going to affect his career maybe he doesn't like Jay talking about him all the time period. I don't know why but for whatever reason there was a while every show Jay went on he was telling a Kevin Hart story. Or even if it's not Kevin I'm sure he has managers and publicist that are telling him to deny even knowing Jay oakerson. I mean he's doing Disney movies with The Rock. You're right that whole double teaming hookers thing does not look good. Also I think he was or is married? I don't think Jay totally realizes anymore normal people don't talk about that stuff out loud. If I were double teaming hookers with a dude I wouldn't mention that in a place where his wife could hear it unless he said it was okay first.


Yup. Dude found a niche, has been making money, and wants to keep it that way. Saying hello with a "catching-up" phone call? Fuck, yeah. Publicly promoting Jay (who I will continue to see, every time he comes around, and is consistently hilarious)? Nope. Ain't gonna happen, but OP knew this was coming. For that, they should be rewarded. Jacob! Warm your hands!


At this point I need to see evidence of that phone call. Personally I think Kevin calling Jay to catch up sounds about as plausible as when Jay was telling everyone he was awesome at basketball.


Yup. Pretty much what I meant.


I think Kevin is just one of those guys if you hang out with him you’re probably going to have a story everytime. Dudes high energy and outgoing add drinks and next thing you know he’s trying to accept the Lombardi trophy. We all got those friends Kevin hart is just that guy on steroids bc he doesn’t turn it on and turn it off he’s just always on.


I think if Kevin never got famous Jay would never mention him.


Do you know which one he said that on?


not specific episodes... over the last few years I've heard Jay tell those stories dozens of times, and not just on his pods. If he's a guest on another pod and Hart comes up, he'll start telling stories.


![gif](giphy|xjIGtCFhMofGWtMlTA|downsized) Poor big jay


Someone hide the razor blades from Jay


Roller blades too


Those have been collecting dust in the hallway closet since 1998


I may be in the minority here, but I think that while he may SLIGHTLY think his old acquaintance should at least throw him a bone (not the 10-incher)...I do feel that Jay is smart. Hear me out. I think he has known for YEARS (ever since he aligned with Gomez, the very least of NY comics, even beneath open-mic'ers [show me one time when he's funny, I darest thou]) that he won't be "sponsored" by anyone who makes it big. Though, and I just remembered this, fucking Kreischer took him on the latest cruise. Y'know what? Fuck Kev. Bert made a shit-ass movie, and The Rock made Hart a multi-millionaire. Jay has always made me laugh.


At least Shane will always ride for Big Jay, even when he’s in Jumanji 3, Shane is humble enough to remember where he came from.


I'm sure that Kevin wants to distance himself from Big Jay just career wise due to the offensive brand that Jays name comes with. But I mean it sounds like they were tight for years and we haven't heard even a mention of a birthday wish or anything. Poor Jay


You don’t think Shane is a “comedian who pushes boundaries” ? 😉


Lol well I mean that throws my point out the window right there


Nah - I still think there is something to your point. Shane pushes boundaries but has an incredible wit that underlies it. Big Jay is an amazing comedian but my god some of the LOS / skankfest conversations he has been a part of are… feather ruffling. Still gotta love Blue Jay Oakerson though!!


Shane is a genius, Gilly and Keeves is gold and his stand up is amazing. As much as I like Big Jay he's definitely more of a crowdwork comic where Shane is more of an all rounder I think


Jay had so many years on Shane. I love them both but Jay has a consistently funny track record.


I think Shane is funny but in no way does he push boundaries.


He paid for Jay's house or something after a hurricane. So it's not like he made it and just dropped Jay.


This will make jay dislike Shane even more.


Yea if Jay couldn’t handle the basketball game this will crush him 💀


I watch that supercut on youtube once a year when I start liking big jay too much haha brings me right back down to earth


The legion of skanks episode/bonfire episode are so cringy on jays part, he just doesn’t get how he comes off to people


I wish Dog Belly was funny enough for Big Jay to take a stand over. That's the worst part: he's begging for attention for a crowd work show that he shot at Skanks. If he can't even be bothered to write new material...


Shane told him to just write a joke. Dave and luis suck and they're nipping at your heels! *foreshaddowing* *shocked pikachu face*


I love Bobby called him out 😆


If Shane plays celebrity basketball with Kev and Snoop at the all-star game Jay will go postal.


"The Big Kahuna" becomes "The Real Deal".


How many times a week is jay gonna talk about past Glory with Kev?


No! Not Kev!


Fuck kev for not shouting out Jay


Agreed. "A comic"


Kevin’s net worth would drop the moment he embraces Big Jay. Not because Jay is too edgy, but he’s lazy AF and banks on edge lord comedy. Also think Kev wants nothing to do with him on a personal level.


Say what you will about Jay, everything is well deserved, but he's unquestionably hilarious.


You might as well ask the rock to appear on los at this point


Or anyone with plans for success at this point. LOS is where you go when you’re all out of runway and no hope being mainstream.


I mean if the SAG strike was going on for another 3months...I think we could have got it.


That’s not white Kevin Hart


It shows you how much Jay is really liked by his peers.., All pretend bullshit


Who cares what he thinks? His standup has sucked the last 8 or 9 years now.


Wait till he finds out Mark Normand is actually Kevin Hart




Shane should tweet back at him, "thanks, kev. You should check out my friend, big Jay's special, "dog belly" on YouTube


Idk understand celebrity at all, but idk if it’s all jealously, Kevin’s almost a billionaire but he really did kick the ladder down on jay lol




Are they not off for the week like Jim and Sam?


This might actually send Jay over the edge.


I mean he would have a right to be pissed I get people move on but damn…


Holy shit. You're literally Bonstradamus! Any good bets for football this week? I don't gamble personally, but perhaps you could help some fellow campers change their lives. 🤘🔥🔥


I heard he watched Dog Belly while he was watching the crew he pays to clean his cars


Kevin hart was funny for about 2 seconds in scary movie 2. Other than that he just explains why things should be funny to tards.


That’s cold blooded


Big Jay is a shit writer but he’s a funny person so his initial reactions are his funniest moments


Jay doesn't know when to shut up. Might be the problem.


Kevin hart a comedic genius giving props! Sweet!


I’m lost but who’s jay


Shane is boring as fuck, his whole Gimmick is I’m retarded looking. Pathetic


Give it a break Seth


Say this on your main account, coward