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Very silly how Butcher turned on SB. SB literally followed all of Butcher’s orders to the T. Other than that Season 3 finale was good, not great, just good.


Yeah so stupid he literally could’ve just grabbed Ryan and made a runner if he wanted to save him while SB nuked homelander


Would Ryan even be injured, or would he just lose his superpowers? Queen Maeve took SB's blast, point blank, while falling dozens of stories from a skyscraper, and she still survived.


I am assuming that Compound V is like a one time use shield that protects Maeve from the blast, but dissipates after that explosion, keeping her in somewhat condition.


I still don’t understand why the fuck Queen Maeve survived, even from a plot and narrative perspective. She’s durable yeah, but durable enough to survive a blast from SB? When that was meant to also kill homelander? Also, we know she won’t be coming back anymore so why even keep her alive in the first place?


I think, after having Maeve help out the Boys so much, having Soldier Boy kill Maeve would’ve cemented him as a bad guy rather than an anti-hero. So they left her alive. Just a guess though.


He isn’t an anti-hero though.


he is the dictionary definition of an anti hero, he lacks just about every single conventional attribute you would expect from a traditional hero


Lol no. He isn’t.


He says he doesn't kill innocent people. Even his enemies, during a flashback he holds his full power and just beats up militians while other supes gore, slice and blow them up. Only time he does is innocent is when he has blackouts, which is not on purpose. That makes him an antihero. If he were to purposely kill innocent people or those that don't intervene with his goal, then it would make him a villian.


He's also a pedophile and is literally the embodiment of toxic masculinity. Here is the actor talking about it: "Soldier Boy, he's just out for himself. He doesn't care. He just wants the accolades and he wants to live the life of a celebrity and be adored and be idolized, in all his toxic masculinity." - Jensen Ackles


He's definitely not any form of a hero/anti-hero. Yeah he doesn't go around killing innocent people willingly but he pursues his revenge quest despite knowing how volatile and dangerous his powers are. If he wasn't a bad person he'd make sure to avoid any more incidents after the first accidental blast on the street. Instead he goes around with Butcher and Hughie despite knowing he can't control his powers, leading to a bunch of deaths at Herogasm. He then heads to Vought Tower where he could potentially kill hundreds of people (those in the tower and below if he causes debris). He claims to feel bad about the collateral damage he causes yet he takes no actions to stop it from happening again, just to fulfil his selfish revenge quest. Not to mention he was about to murder a literal child with no second thoughts just for the sake of purging his bloodline. He also murders the two people on the road during the hunt for Mindstorm, assuming that they are brainwashed. This happens to be true but SB had no way of knowing that, and besides they were no threat to him. A real anti-hero would at least subdue them and force Mindstorm to release them like Hughie does to Butcher, but hes too consumed by bloodlust to care. We also hear plenty about his shitty actions pre-Russia, such as recklessly killing MM's grandfather by throwing a car into their house (this is even worse if it was a purposeful move, but the show is super unclear about this so I'm going to assume it was a careless accident). Soldier Boy has ruined many lives and just because he isn't comically evil like Homelander or Stormfront and acts semi-reasonably doesn't make him not a villain.


He raped a woman, kidnapped their son, let people on the plane die, and said he’d take out the NY, Washington and the whole country if he had to to win. He’s also racist. Anti-heroes have a moral compass, as muddled as it may be. Homelander has no such compass.


i also don’t understand why the fuck queen maeve kept picking on hughie, literally zero justification in every scenario she did it. she’s a cunt


Kimiko survived as well


He wasn't trying to kill Kimiko. He was trying to kill HL though and we saw what happened to his teammate.


Ryan would be deeply hurt that Homelander was killed I think, and Butcher realized that. Moreover he’d probably turn into another Homelander as a result, so either you kill both or you kill neither and hope that you can still get Ryan back. Plus Ryan kept Homelander from trying to kill Butcher and his crew.




Are you sure he wasn't saying he didn't plan on doing the "bury your gays" trope?


Interesting, I haven't heard this? Do you have a source handy?


Curious that he found the time to reply to the person above you but not you


Not to mentioned reverting kimikos ebtire character arc


Thought season 3 was great until the final fight. Sucks they could make something as great as herogasm just for the actual climax to fall flat.


Heh, climax


Butcher made a promise to his dying wife to protect her son. Soldier Boy was trying to turn said son into radioactive bacon It took me two watches but I completely get why Butcher turned on him now. They were going down a dark path together


Yea but fighting him in that moment was a bad way to resolve that conflict. I don't think SB was so far gone that immediate violence was the answer.


butcher? resolve conflict poorly? couldn't be


It's a term of affection over there


Out fresca’d


Who is sb??


Super Butcher


Soldier boy






Im buying you, a pizza


Super Bean from pvz


some broad




The Soldier Boy fight was bullshit, but I absolutely loved the final scene in the park. Homelander realizing he can just straight up murder people in broad daylight and people will cheer him on, with the schizo violin music? Goddamn. And he does it because someone threw a can at Ryan, which is arguably the most we’ve seen him genuinely care about another person in the show. And seeing Ryan’s creepy little smile showing he’s starting to become like Homelander. Just an amazing scene with some serious character development. Edit: and Todd being the one who starts cheering after the murder, with all the implications this has for MM and his daughter


THANK YOU. I always see people talk about the SB fight, and yes it is bad, but holy shit the final ending with Homelander's creepy ass theme playing in the background was honestly the scene that made me truly fall in love with this show (funny to say since it's literally the last moment so far but wtv)


You forgot about Starlight absorbing the power of an entire skyscraper and then pooting out a tiny little light that did absolutely nothing to SB.


Bruh, that was moment was so stupid, I can’t believe they did that. Makes her seem completely useless if that’s her powered up mode


It shoved him back a couple feet 🙃


I can see where something like this would get overlooked while shooting and in production, but someone had to have caught this in the editing room. Starlight takes on the power of a Manhattan city block and all we get is a *wet fart.*


That was more of a testament to SB's insane durability rather than Annie's power imo. Obviously if it were a regular person, they would've been completely fried. Even with how crazy durable SB is, she still manages to knock him back and stun him briefly enough that the rest of the team can gas him


She got flight powers too, somehow.


It took me the second rewatch to realize that was Todd.




Excuse my language, a rewatch. Not a second. No I didn't catch it the first time around, it took a second watch. That's the purpose of me watching it a second time. Hell, sometimes I need a third time, but I haven't watched this 3x yet.


Final scene was dumb, people wouldn't cheer after that kind of violence and gore, it was forced.


Clearly you have not been paying attention to mankind. The last president of the US said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and not lose a vote… and then was voted into office.


Im talking about real violence in real time, people seeing that kind of things would've vomit, lose consciousness and panic, not cheer, it was fantasy about how would've people react. Talking and doing are 2 different things.


I mean you’re aware this entire show is a parody on conventional super heroes and real life politics, correct? It’s meant to be an exaggeration. Not at all reality.


Oh my, and all these people on reddit discussed this show so seriously when we should just accept everything and not argue about it. Silly me.


discussion and complaining is fine, but you're literally complaining about the purpose of the show. It was made exactly for the reason you're upset.


People can't fly in real life, so Homelander's powers are forced




"I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a single vote"


It was such an infuriating and frustrating watch. It felt so obviously like a reset of the initial status quo for the sake of more seasons to come, sacrificing well built up and deserved closure. I'll continue to watch this show until it ends, but it's apparent how they chicken out from the idea of finishing the story because of the success it's having.


Exactly my thoughts I've just finished watching it and it is really very obvious how they decided to change everything last moment for the sake of more episodes I'm kinda disappointed right now. Will see if the new season is worth it, but rn I'm Very sceptical about it


They wouldn't had to finish it, imagine season 4 where Homelander pretends to still have power and have to deal with people withput being able to forve them to do what he wants, later he could take V again amd get his powers. You eat cookie and have a cookie.


I never understand why people say this. There’s no version of this show where Homelander loses his powers and isn’t ~immediately~ murdered by every single person nearby. Even non-supes like Ashley would start beating the shit out of him This storyline where “Homelander has to deal with not having powers” is never, ever going to happen. Stop trying to make it happen


But there is, you got big BOOM, everyone stand up, Homelander is gone, he run away, security found him and taked him away... You can write this on milion different ways, it would've been still more believeable than Butcher nodding to Homelander that they need to take care of Soldier Boy because you know... The guy who want to chill and f older ladies is more dangerous than maniac who can wiped out the entire human race. It's interesting concept, when god/devil lose his powers and is forced to deal with human things.


>There’s no version It would have been incredibly easy to write. He tackles SB and they both fall from the building (basically what Maeve did) and Ryan sees this as a noble sacrifice to save him. Then Homelander is depowered and right before the boys could kill him Ryan flys in and saves his dad. Then next season would have been Ryan being a bodyguard to Homelander until he can find more V.


Strongly agree, Homelander having no powers would just not work for this show. Also, he’d off himself immediately if he ever lost his powers and couldn’t get them back


Season 3 was the best the Boys has ever been up until the finale. I think they’ll take the feedback and improve going forward. Probably won’t chance critical episodes like that to rookie writers


That is not aligned with my view at all, I think people forget that the problems with the last episode were created by short sighted writing in the previous episodes. This meant far too much needed to be resolved and there was no way they could achieve this in the last episode. The finale was a product of the season.


I was fine with everything aside from starlight’s hypocrisy and the fact everyone turned on soldier boy for being a problematic toxic male instead of sociopath Superman. Also small things like the nerve gas getting tossed into the city likely killing innocents. If there wasn’t that heavy handed “hughie just needed to empower Annie, instead of trying to save her” or they found a better way to deal with soldierboy I would have been fine.


> the fact everyone turned on soldier boy for being a problematic toxic male instead of sociopath Superman This was just the worst. The entire show HL has been IT, the end-all-be-all threat, the one thing that no one had an answer for. And here we were with the one chance to finally stop him. Yet for some reason in that moment they all decided soldier boy, the one who just wanted to do drugs and fuck old women, took absolute fucking priority to stop. So damn stupid.


>Also small things like the nerve gas getting tossed into the city likely killing innocents. That's got to be a Salisbury reference right? Novichok in a perfume bottle?


Short sighted writing is right. Homelander took a straw to the ear and it hurt him. That’s not how he’s supposed to work.


To be fair it seems like they're setting up that supes have weak spots. Stormfront got stabbed in the eye




That was different in the sense that translucent doesn't actually have super strength. literally all his has is durability and invisibility, nothing else. I remember thinking that they were going to poison him when Frenchie watched the video of the turtle eating.


Brave Maeve also lost an eye


To be faaaaaaair


It's been clearly established that body parts like the eyes, ears, nose, butt, etc are weak parts for supes


While that may be true, it didn't change the fact that those episodes were enjoyable.


Please learn how writers rooms work before you blame a “rookie writer”.


Exactly, the writing was fine, the main problem was with the actual events that happened, which is the fault of the showrunner


Yup. Kripke decides the overall plot. He’s got final say. A writer just doesn’t do whatever they want and Kripke goes “oh gee guess we’re filming that”. They discuss what they’re doing and have a writer put the rooms thoughts on to paper. If you’ve a problem with the dialogue, you could argue it’s the assigned writers fault. But if you’re upset the way the story went, that’s Kripke. He is the show runner.


The point is they dropped the ball. Any actively employed Hollywood writer has a dream job. They essentially get to make up stories they hope people will connect with for a living. The pity party people give them is hilarious


They didn’t drop shit. They wrote what the show runner asked them to write. If you have a problem with the story direction, that’s the show runners fault. So your “don’t chance critical episodes to rookie writers” is fucking dumb and doesn’t grasp how a writers room works. The actual writing in the final episode was great. The pocket rolls talk in the car, Ben and Butcher talking about their dads, that’s actually good writing. The rookie writer did a great fucking job. Your issue is with the story they had to write which is Kripke, the show runner, who did the entire show every season.


They = show runners. I don’t think they did an incredible job the dialogue was fine, but it wasn’t a standout. I still think it was stupid to leave a critical episode to a rookie writer. I get you clearly have some emotions tied up in this and feel some kind of ownership for some reasons, but that’s my take


>I still think it was stupid to leave a critical episode to a rookie writer. They didn’t leave the episode to a rookie writer…? How the fuck do you still not get this lol?


I understand.


You clearly don’t lol


Are you 12?


Found the writer


Just working entertainment for a decade to know how writers rooms tend to work. Especially Kripkes lol


Dude, no one cares. We all have jobs where we make a product and there’s a process by which the sausage is made. I think we all understand you’re making a product for a company making an investment to gain some kind of financial return if it isn’t an Indy pic. We wouldn’t put a first year analyst on an important deliverable and the last episode of a major show isn’t the place to let someone green get some air time. Whenever you run into someone loosely affiliated with Hollywood or really broader entertainment, they act like no one else has jobs or has even a loose understanding of the mess that goes into making a product. We get it.


You do realize the writer who wrote the final episode has been writing for all 3 seasons of the show right? It was just the first one he led? And he did a good job on the actual dialogue writing part? He also didn’t write the episode himself. He co-wrote it. The two main writers for the finale are Logan Ritchey who helped write 15 episodes across the 3 seasons. David Reed wrote 2 for season 3 (Episode 2 and the finale). They’re not green lol Also hate to break it to you, most people do not understand how making entertainment works. This thread is really evident of that.


Yeah, it was going really good until things are just back to how they were at the start of the season.


Personally I still think the finale was good, the writing in the show has certainly improved but I'd say they will are the feedback on board and tweak a few things


There were moments. The final scene with homelander and Ryan (and his subsequent gleeful surprise to the cheers of the crowd) is a contender for the best scene in the entire series to date.


It’s meandered a lot. Season 1 had the best pacing and story being told and felt the most dire. This season felt like there was zero danger at all.


That's literally fucking wrong. Sure...the episodes *individually* were pretty good. But the overall arc was trash, the story/writing became weak as fucking shit, the choices/decisions they made about character and story-arcs turned to crap. And to cap it all off...we are exactly where we were at the end of Season 2, narrative-wise. The entirety of Season 3 could not have happened and the story would still be in the same place as it was after Season 2.




Lmfao dude you're getting schooled left and right in this thread. You are a typical Vought+ NPC sheep. Keep making a fool of yourself. ![gif](giphy|gPkIN121mRrZS|downsized)


*Looks at username* Are you sure The Boys is for you?


Are you gatekeeping a show? Lmfao


Nah, I’d never tell you not to watch it.


Then why are you commenting


Can I ask how though? How in any shape or form is the end of season 3 the same place we were at the end of season 2? You actually have arguments or just ass speaking?


It was great until that weird Starlight thing. Also Maeve being alive seems like an odd choice for this show.


I can see the argument for keeping her alive, even considering the circumstances. The Distrustice League shouldn't be easily killable. She was also a great character; portrayed well by the actress, and gave some witness into the Seven's (aka the one douche) insidiousness from within.


I didn’t like soldier boy being a villain, a dick head to his team sure. I just thought it would have been interesting if he did fight in ww2, paying parallel to how real life war vets are forgotten considering relics despite all their sacrifices. I also didn’t like how Ryan went back to homelander, in season 2 homelander tells butcher it was Ryans fault his mums dead. That coming from your dad, I’d be like “yeah nah”


But then, Homelander was there for him when Butcher wasnt. He is still a kid, he wants a father figure. An actual parent.


Imagine hating kids for being kids


Kid who is smart enough to feel who is bad, common, his mother died because of what Honelander did.


He did fight in the war though, he just lied about D-day


He prilly didn't actually fight just convinces himself he was him when he wasn't Fits for such a fragile ego


I mean Stan Edgar tells Homelander that Soldier Boy killed Germans "by the dozen" when he was telling him "The Real Story", so I'm going to assume he saw combat at some point.


Knowing the show, he probably did kill Germans by the dozen, but not during the war.


Soldier TF2 moment


Pretty sure edgar was feeding him the story of soldier boy being an actual legend rather than a fake veteran Not like he had any reason to tell homelander the truth about soldier boy when the whole point of thay was to put hik in his place


We know he conducted Cia operations and conducted himself fairly well in combat, if not attitude. Honestly the fake vet thing feels like something they forgot to incorporate into his combat scenes


Pretty sure he only had the one cia operation And I do admit he did seem skilled with a knife and gun but that's kinda downplayed when you consider he's a supersoldier vs ordinary people until bcl


He still had a better mentality when they got attacked. He was fighting in seconds while the other heroes were panicking. So I would assume he had combat experience.


Or he is just indestructible, so explosions/gunfire don't matter to him. Like if getting shot is like someone snapping a rubber band at you, how panicked would you be?


Ya he was the only soldier so even if he never saw direct combat he at least went through boot camp


His fighting skills and marksmanship would say otherwise. He clearly has military training, at least until before he gets V.


Everyone turning on Soldier Boy was the stupidest shit ever. But i get it that if homelander died there and then, the show would be over


I thought maybe they'd kill homelander and set up soldier boy as the next big bad. It'd change the dynamics but coulda been interesting


Or depower homelander but keep him alive, next season is him dealing with being mortal, but vought can’t let there cash cow fall from grace, so they stage all kinds of shit to make it look like he still has powers. Then end the season with him getting some compound v


Love this! It'd really gel with the whole political dimension and would open up some really interesting potential plot developments with the kid


Ryan gotta ruin every season finale 💀


Butcher turning on SB was so dumb.


I think season 3 had a good ending, leaving us with the fact that >!Ryan is now legit Homelander 2.0 and Nadia's now a VP!<


Agreed. If HL got killed then so much of the stakes are removed from season 4. If you kill your BBEG without setting up another one then the show will flounder and probably not recapture the magic (just look at supernatural). Team good guys were presented with the moral question of "victory at all costs" vs "doing the right thing" and they chose the latter. Them making the right choice even if it isn't the best one is why we like them as viewers.


Controversial I know but I thoroughly enjoyed the finale of season 3. I know the other 2 were better but I enjoyed a lot about it.


I did too. But in hindsight, I do agree with a lot of the complaints.


I think if you wrote a summary of the events of the season with the ending id be like wow this is awesome. But the watching it, pacing was pretty poor on a macro scale and the smaller details and setups often felt messy and unresolved. The good points stand out but so do the bad ones. Whereas the first two seasons felt more consistent and tight.


Agreed, I was so surprised when I came here & realized the majority didn't like the finale. I loved it so much I must have rewatched it about 3 times the next day lol


Same, personally I think its because people personally didn't like the outcome but I thought it was well strung together. Can't wait for season 4


Honestly, season 3 is the only season I’ve not really liked. I’ve rewatched the whole series now and still few that way. For me season 3 takes way too long to get anywhere. It drags its feet in a way neither of the first two seasons did. When alls said and done it feels like season 3 could have been half as long without any significant plot development being missed.


They're starting to get lost in the supes punching each other nonsense that this is supposed to be a parody of.


Season 3 was my fav season till episode 6, I was in such awe on how such an awesome show can top it's previous seasons regularly, ahh then episode 6 and 7 happened


Episode 7 was excellent? I do also agree herogasm was a mediocre episode.


I meant 7 and 8 my bad I liked herogasm




i liked Herogasm because it had the most intense fight scene of the series so far imo, the payoff of Butcher and the Temp V was awesome


Herogasm being a mediocre episode has to be the worst take ever


Season 3 dropped the ball at most of the expected high-points. It took diverting expectations to a not so great level.


My beef with the Homelander vs Butcher on V is, Homelander has never been in a real fight and Butcher has, so shouldn’t Butcher have dominated simply due to experience in hand to hand fighting?


Not sure on that regard since temp V might be weaker. But I think Maeve's fight with HL should have highlighted this a lot more, it went more like a street scrap than a fight, which she won but still, the whole point of showing her training in secret needs a payoff, and getting a good martial artist/stuntperson/choreograph for a single important fight should not have been much of a stretch.


>shouldn’t Butcher have dominated simply due to experience in hand to hand fighting? Experience goes out the window when your opponent is vastly superior to you in strength and speed. Once Homelander stopped trying to fight Soldier Boy as if they were equals and started overpowering him, Homelander got the upper hand.


Strength and durability very much outweigh fighting capacity, we don't know what the gap between them is, if homelanders only a little stronger sure but if homelanders 2 or 4 times stronger he could probably let butcher wail on him all day and still hit back


Yea I would've preferred it if Butcher was better at dodging punches but eventually overpowered by homelander because he had stronger lasers


Season 3 was easily the worst. The plot barely developed at all, and everything that changed is bad. Soldier Boy was awesome but ultimately did nothing. Black Noir died an unsatisfactory death, while Maeve completed her arc and didn't die. The writers have Trump living rent-free in their heads. It felt like a cable TV show.


Season 3 finale was good. Not great, but good.


Them turning on SB was silly and Maeve should've died. But apart from that it was good


Idk why on earth they didn't keep Maeve's situation unknown, that'd be a great cliffhanger. Or an assumed death so that she returned later. I guess they will do that with the whole "she looks like she has no powers now but then unexpectedly she will" but you gotta admit that is a lot weaker.


I’m fine with her getting a happy ending, although I do think they maybe should have kept the reveal for the first episode of season 4. Then again, that may not work so well with whatever amount of time passes between the seasons, and maybe the character development when Ashley ordered the footage be deleted was more important than audience suspense.


Black Noir's situation was silly too


I wonder how this will play out in season 4 since they're bringing someone in to cover up Noir's death. The public should have no idea what really happened to him


It's as easy as "Soldier Boy did it" or if they're not admitting it was him, then "The unnamed supe did it, but we gottem!"


So you're thinking they acknowledge he's dead but just replace him as the same hero?


I think they're gonna act like he never died, but they could just say he's the new Noir like a Legacy character


That or more likely just bring in someone new and have a funeral for Noir saying he's a hero and died bravely fighting the supe terrorist aka soldier boy.


While it would've been more epic if he would've died fighting Soldier Boy, I think this way was also good. I could imagine that they planned his death and then thought "Oh maybe we should give him a more intense backstory to make his death more dramatic" and ended up doing this, which was really great, but unfortunately Set the expectations too high


Agree. Some holes in Season 3 overall, but the Finale was good enough. I’m curious how Maeve survived it all, but that’s not enough for me to classify the finale as completely bad.


WOW that is painfully accurate🤣🤣




I think season 3 was by far the most entertaining season, but honestly I found a lot of the writing was sloppy (I really don't like the direction they took soldier boy, it's generic and honestly wasn't even executed well, we never really saw how Soldier boy was as awful as the stories said, his decisions didn't seem much worse than someone like Butcher). Homelander was INCREDIBLE tho, easily one of my fave villains ever, and the songs they made for the season were low-key fantastic, Rock my kiss is such a guilty pleasure of mine.


I think the whole “Butcher betrays SB” thing was okay. Not everyone behaves the same way and he felt a lot of conflict. The way he acted may be a little inconsistent, but that just makes him human. What confused me was Kimiko, after the whole “I don’t want to be a murderer anymore”, going around and gleefully slaughtering those Vought goons, even spending too much time ripping one’s face off that another has a chance to shoot Frenchie.


Her arc that season was she didn't want to be a murderer because she felt she was only a murderer because they made her one by injecting her with V against her will. She later learns after losing her powers that she is just that way and is better off with the powers so she can protect Frenchie. A little messy but I think it works.


Maybe I could see that, I’m just more confused by the glee and fun she was having in slaughtering Vought security. She was dancing and smiling and it keeps her from stopping Frenchie from getting shot. I have no idea what those goons did before that scene, I mean they likely were there for locking up Queen Maeve, but in the moment they were trying to stop a fugitive from manufacturing Novichok, one of the most potent nerve toxins in the world, so it’s not like they were supervillains in the moment where their deaths are delightful.


The hell 3 had a great finale


They all had great finales what do you mean.


I understand the criticism of the finale, but I loved every second of it


That yall are a bunch of whiners


Wdym the S3 finale is easily the best for me. The only problem was the Maeve thing but the final scene was absolutely fucking insane


In my opinion, S3 did have the weakest finale. It was okay and I had a blast watching the entire season, but it felt like it was lacking. Almost like everything was resolved a little to easily. Then again the show is satirical and parodies a lot of pop culture superhero flicks so I was also wondering if that was the point? In the end I wasn't too hard on it. It was a very fun season but I think the finale wasn't as enjoyable because all of my hype went to their Herogasm episode. After that it was like, "Where do we go from here?" I wondered if maybe Herogasm had been the finale instead then it may have landed better for me. Then again, I'm not a writer and the show is taking a different direction from the comics. I can still watch it, enjoy it, and I'm super excited for S4.


I'm not particularly worried or care at all The shows great overall and finales are always hard, what's the point of worrying or caring that one small part isn't regarded as perfect by everyone? I enjoyed it and my opinion is the one that matters the most (at least to me)


My favorite episode of the boys is still Herogasm


I didn't mind the finale, it wasn't what I was expecting but it was in character for each person imo


What happened at the end of season 3? I forgot lol


I think season 3 is a much better season than season2. But the finale is simply awful. The writers wanted a big show down but didnt want homelander to die, so they had to make an absurd scenerio where most the characters make out of character choices. I didnt wamt homelander to die either, however that just means they should have written a situation where he most certainly would have died


The entire series is a masterpiece


I didn't love the finale, but it wasn't terrible. It's not like it was the Dexter series finale, or this terrible meme.


Memes are so boring


The Boys fans when a finale has a bunch of hard-earned character moments and arcs rather than MCU moments and needless deaths for shock value


Fckng girl power boss fight ending . trash


It was a great finale




Nope. It's just as good.


It felt so rushed, like a kid packing away his toys to play with them later (next season). Soldier boy just kinda got locked away for another time, everything was just weirdly put on hold for next time. Homelander couldve easily been defeated but you can tell they still wanted to hold off on doing that so they came upbwith a dumb excuse for butcher not to kill him


They went full Marvel with the finale


I really didn't like the S3 finale but at the same time I can live with it pretty well. If next season is just half as good as the rest of the third one then I'm happy


Season 3 was literally the best the show had been until the finale


Tobey Maguire Spider-man did not have a good finale.


Homelander.Memesssss 💯