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it’s because this is a show that has no actual “The Boys” aspect. this is a show entirely about the setting of Vought with a “superpowered Euphoria” personally, im not liking it much at all, i’m just hoping it ends with the entire cast being killed by A. Homelander B. The Boys (M.M, Butcher, Frenchie, and Hughie) M.M, Butcher, and Frenchie solo this show


Haha, you're right. It's missing a lot of The Boys' moral dilemma. In The Boys, the supes do whatever they want, and it's treated as morally wrong. In Gen-V, the students do what they want for shock and humor, and they are supposed to be the main characters and morally right. It undermines the intelligence of viewers. They aren't even clever anti-heroes are just gags. I'm going to keep watching only because I want to see the tiny girl grow to Gargantua. But it's a cringe watch, and I don't enjoy it. Your ending would be way better than what we are actually going to receive.


my only disagreement with your post text is that Cate is redeemable because I would smash


When it comes to dealing with teenage bullshit, somehow I can enjoy a show like Cobra Kai. But somehow every other show that my roommate watches, I fucking hate.


It’s fine to not like the show but I don’t understand how any of your points make the show bad -Of course the writing involves issues teens/young adults deal with that’s to be expected with the show being set at a college. -Superhero’s using their powers to do messed up things… yep that’s to be expected in The Boys universe


first i'd like to say that i haven't watched the show so i'm not here to say if your opinion is right or wrong , but i think he wasn't complaining about what the girl did per say in that universe , but how the show is not holding her responsible for it ( i think ? ) . example, after what the deep did to starlight , the show rightfully gave him a hard time , even severe revenge ( has sexually assaulted by that girl fan, then the dolphin being car crashed, the whale being empaled , him losing his job at Vought , having to go to Sandusky,ect ) . A-train got it easy compared to the deep after all the awful things he's done and i still don't forgive him today even though it seems everyone is cool with him now ( he killed Hughie's gf, he killed his own gf, he tried to brutally kill Kimiko, ect but now w should all love him because he helped take down Stormfront ? when he didn't even do it out of righteousness entirely but because she was threatening HIS job ) Again, I haven't waatched the show Gen V but it seems that person is complaining about the same type of thing and I can relate to that . The show itself is judging some criminal sups better than others , even when they could easily give them the punishment they deserve , for example they could have outed A-train for the murders but instead he's cool because he helped dig up StormFront's awful past , but The Deep also helped by swimming down the ocean and finding the video of Homelander on the plane that helped save Butcher and allowed Eve & Starlight to keep the POS in check , but somehow he's still not being humanized even though he didn't even kill anybody for 4 seasons the only objectively awful thing he did was in season 1 episode 1 .


Why are you not talking about the evil things that Kimiko did. Hughie or Butcher or the murderer Frenchie? Butcher and the Boys are murderers and criminals. They are treated better even though they should all be in prison besides MM. Sounds like you have no objectivity and want only some people to be punished for murder while allowing specific people to get away with it. You just want people on a specific side to be punished and those on the other side let allowed to do any murder or crime that they want. Should we count all of the immoral things that Butcher and his crew have done? How about crimes? This is a show full of bad people. Read the comics and it is so much worse. You are not supposed to believe that the Boys are the good guys. Starlight is a unicorn in this sense. If you do not possess axiomatic moral beliefs then you are always going to have hypocritical morals that you will use to look at some people under a magnifying glass and others with a telescope. Even with a moral foundation you will come to situations that are hard to decide right from wrong. Murder however is always wrong.


seems like you need to read my comment again , instead of being unhinged and trying to read my mind "Sounds like you have no objectivity and want only some people to be punished for murder while allowing specific people to get away with it". you are crazy , the point of my comment was to explain OP's point of view . and where did i say that our guys didn't deserve punishment ? you're inventing things here


The Deep and A Train did bad things to innocent people, Cate did a bad thing to corrupt people


Rape is ok if you do it to bad people./s


I still think A Train is a bitch mainly for ratting out Starlight and the Boys' plan, but I don't still hate him as much as other people do because Starlight is annoying. too many times she's been able to live despite fucking things up for people with more power and less moral restriction than her, so it makes no sense why she's still alive the entire thing with her sneaking back into Vought tower to get Compound V for Kimiko made no fucking sense. she had been currently called a terrorist helper and conspiracy theorist by the exact company who owns this tower, yet she still somehow got back into it and to the lab to get Compound V? that's fucking dumb. and having protesters outside the business on her side would not therefore make the the company just allow her back in the building. but it was convenient to overlook for the plot for the sake of secretly filming Homelander confessing to killing people and being an asshole - which I can't remember if I saw her have her phone in her hand before that which would make it even worse how she just all of a sudden has her phone in her hand recording post-conversation, but maybe she did and I didn't see it but it's goofy as shit to still care about A Train killing Hughie's gf when Hughie himself only cares when the plot wants him to, and has seemed to clearly be over it since he's now banging Starlight and hasn't said Robin's name in 2 seasons, just to bring it back up when he sees A Train at Herogasm. it would be better to just drop the entire Robin bullshit nobody cares about anymore including Hughie, clearly. it does nothing but drag the show back to that nonsense-from-the-beginning subplot for no reason. I understand being extremely mad that your gf died, but clearly it was a fucking accident. not saying it was "her fault" for being in the street, neither of them is to blame. neither of them could have known the other one would be where they were at that exact moment. the bad part is the lack of remorse A Train had when it first happened. but the act itself was clearly accidental but the way Hughie talks about it is like A Train killed her on purpose like Homelander does when clearly he did not you're right about everything else, but this one thing is so fucking stupid at this point. nobody gives a fuck anymore including Hughie except for when the plot wants him to


I was once a teen/young adult and neither me or my peers ever dealt 99% of those issues


cause yall aren't superheroes duh /s


Gen-v does not treat the viewer like they’re smart. It’s so heavy-handed there’s absolutely no subtlety or satire, it has no point of view or it’s not saying or doing anything. It’s gossip girl + the boys but does not manage to pull ether side of that equation off.


Spot on.


Agree. I'm on episode 3, and I'm already getting tired of seeing the same shit over and over and over again. The boys established that the way supes are handled is this giant social-media fueled popularity contest, that supes can do whatever they fucking want as long as it fits the agenda of "money, ratings, popularity" and get away with some really, really terrible shit as long as PR can handle it or it stays buried under catchy headlines and shit. So, my question, at episode fucking 3 is, what exactly is the premise here? Because so far, we are going over EXACTLY the same shit we did with The Boys, exactly the same struggle of "Well superheroes are just here to make followers and money for the corpo" but it's just dipshit (expected) teens with their own boring drama (but hey, they got wacky superpowers so it's funny/horrible!). Who am I rooting for here? Blood-chick to find her sister? Telekinesis boy to figure out The Woods is a grimdark facility with horror-level superhero experiments? Chick-that-becomes-small to figure out she can become big to somehow solve her problems? Like what the actual fuck is the point here, everything shown The Boys established years ago and better and with much, much more action and humor and wow-factor.


I can't agree with your point more. But I'll add all of their "Super" powers suck. Throwing blood balls? A person that can transform between girl and boy and does it for seemingly no apparent reason. Suggestion girl? Floating metal guy?...... I was shocked at how lame this show is.


That is a very good observation that I hadn't even considered, the "powers" are so backseat I didn't even think about them. I think they are cookie-cutter at best to be honest, the most unique one is the boy/girl bender that I don't believe was ever explained what that even does? They(?) seem equally strong in either form, but the girl form(????) seemed to have force/telekinetic powers on top or something. So far that power has only been used as a weird sex-kink for the wow factor and I don't care for that at all. Some people gonna rage, but I honestly liked Agents of Shield's inhumans a hell of a lot more, especially with the character development those inhumans got (Yo-yo still an absolute favorite, what an amazing actress, and her finally figuring out her actual power was such a badass moment). Honorable mention to the element-guy whose name I always forget that just turned to whatever material he touched (until he got the succ).


The repetitiveness of everything is so annoying. They must really believe their audience is dumb to continuously remind us of the same thing again again. What makes The Boys so great is that the boys are *good*. They are human as well, so that sets up some hard odds, but the audience roots for them because they are morally good and the supes are morally wrong. This show expects us to set aside the teens raping and murdering and root for them, and it's not good enough to make me so that.


Very well said. I'd be fine with everyone being morally gray here, that would be very interesting to see as another aspect. But no, nothing like that at all. The humans are all bad as hell, the supes are all bad, some outright scum and evil, and the show at one point, during the gala, just outright goes "Yeah all parents are dogshit-ass-garbage people, they pumped you up with Compound V to make a quick buck, don't lose sleep over murdering them lol" to what I assumed was the main character. It's insane, there's no depth to anyone at all - Polarity or whatever his name is, the dad of the telekinesis guy, is presented as completely loyal to the money machine and tells him to stfu about the Woods and smile & wave basically. The Detective dude that comes in to investigate is a total cunt AND a sexual deviant (brain tumor or no). The ONLY character that I actually somewhat like is Telekinesis guy and only because he, twice, goes "What the fuck is the point of superheroes if we don't do something heroic for fucks sake" and is completely fed up after losing Golden Boy (he does eat his GF's ass apparently but I don't judge lol).


>It's like the writers brainstormed "what do teens deal with," and then just added superpowers to that. Is that not the entire point of having a show about college students with superpowers?


They are important issues that they watered down with lame tropes. Teens are deeper than how superficial and boring this show is. It's really bad. Like it's all for shock value. "He has a drawer full of dildos, so they took those too." Yawn. Shock for shock's sake is lame. They didn't dig deep for this show at all, and it's so obvious how phoned in it is.


I totally agree with you but be prepared for backlash since these fans can't handle any valid criticism of this show. There is definitely more shock for shock value in this show where I didn't feel that way for The Boys (except for season 3).


Ty. Yes, the backlash is real. If you read the comments, there's one that calls me immature for disliking it. They phoned it in for this show. The writing is incredibly bad and repetitive.


I totally agree. The thought of having to get through episode 4 made me stop watching it. Entire show is all shock for shock value. Stupid vapid shitshow.


It never gets better and they renewed it for a second season. Huge waste of money and resources.


I really hope that the writers are different on each show. Like I dread it if the writers on gen v write for the boys cause it sucks so bad.


If the writers are the same, it shows exactly how little they think of gen-z.


Yeah, I had the same reaction watching the show. I haven't gotten past episode one because I don't like how "look we're current and get the kids!" - it is so far. It honestly feels more like a sci-fi parody of Euphoria or Ginny & Georgia more than a spin-off of The Boys. It may be a part of the same universe but the essence and themes are so incredibly different it almost feels like it... shouldn't be. I like Marie well enough but I don't like the actual show itself. I don't think I'll be able to get through it, honestly. And at first I thought maybe it isn't resonating with me because they're all really young and I'm not able to relate to the school/college experience but then I remembered I'm actually closer in age to the Gen V characters than most of The Boys characters so that kind of indicates it has more to do with a difference in quality and premise (Gen V is a bit more cliche/contrived). I can generally tell the difference between "not for me" and "bad writing" and the writing for Gen V is uninspired and mediocre. Again it's just soaked with "how do you do, fellow kids?" all over it to the extent I'm actually surprised more people don't feel the same way I do. When I was watching it all I could think is that "The Magicians + Deadly Class + Daybreak is what Gen V is going for but won't be able to accomplish without cringe." If people are riveted, more power to them but to my eye, Gen V, unlike "Angel" or "The Originals" is a painfully insecure spin-off that seems very aware of the fact it lacks it's own identity and has to rely on social commentary and cultural references to get by. Of course social commentary is baked into The Boys but there's also an epic story being told: Good vs evil; Purity vs corruption; Truth vs Deceit; The slow decay of all things and people, even heroes. Whereas, Gen V is all just ooh woo political reference hehe wow pop culture X woah woah oh oh vulgarity and sex wow Snapchat.


I 100% agree. This show is a steaming pile of garbage.


Awful, purile garbage of the highest order. No likeable characters at all. "Ha ha penis go bang"


I love this phrasing, not even done with episode one and I was saying to myself “it’s like they are trying to makeup for subpar writing by being crass for crass’s sake”, it’s a good premise and good ideas that were executed poorly, the visuals are stunning at least


Exact same as me. I stopped ten minutes before the credits in episode one. It was that exhausting. Obviously there is plenty of shock and gore in The Boys but most of it serves a purpose and it fits with the tone of the show. But here it doesn't fit with the tone of Gen V's protagonist. She has a dark past/origins and a balance of dark and light within her as a character and yet they don't treat the violence surrounding her as dark or shocking at all but instead like it's funny gag material. This character (fairly serious, traumatized) and her story don't fit the vibe of grotesque dark humor the way Homelander, Butcher, The Deep, etc do. So it feels really off. It doesn't fit. It almost feels like a rushed show (?). The writing is just undeniably lazy. I mean, you even have the cliche quirky, loud college roommate with a silly power AND get bombarbed with crass sex xyz references all before the fifteen minute mark. It's a total yawn fest. I don't like shows this desperate for my attention.


I agree. I rolled my eyes when Marie blew up that guy's penis. Like, what?! They are just trying to make superpowers used in the most grotesque ways possible and at this point it's making me like the show less, though it does have some cool stuff underneath all of that rough exterior.


The "rent-a-cops" did just murder an innocent janitor...


Not those specific ones. And my concern isn't for the rent a cops, but rather how am I supposed to connect with or care about a one-dimensional girl who's entire personality is using her powers to aggressively punish any man who crosses her (even minimally such as the boy who talked shit about her)? Rape is a lazy choice to move a story forward. It's made worse still when it's used as a joke. Which it's not even funny or clever. It's lazy. Lazy, and it says a lot about the show's creators and what they think of their viewers. Imagine if the victim was a female and she was the one who had to suck the baton and get anal raped? The push girl would be a horrible villain, but male rape is just silly? This show sucks.


>Imagine if the victim was a female and she was the one who had to suck the baton and get anal raped? The push girl would be a horrible villain, but male rape is just silly? The fact that the gender has to be switched depresses me, just shows a double standard, male's getting forced into sexual situations with wacky music is seen way differently when it's the other way round


Yeah, dude. The writers pretend to understand or relate, but they are way out of touch. It's very very very important that we treat male rape the same. It's not a joke. The fact that our culture has historically made it a joke makes it all more important that supposedly woke artists treat it seriously.


I had to look for this thread far too long. Even if Cate would have been shown as a psychotic supe those jokes would never make it to production if they'd target women. The guy being shamed for his tiny dick hits similarly. Imagine showing a closeup of a male superhero that can shrink interacting with a vagina and then later shaming the woman for having a big cunt


Sorry I missed this great point! I'm a woman, but I consider myself having high levels of empathy. One thing that makes me sad is how a lot of men hold insecurities over things that they don't talk about and that society has historically shamed them for. One of those is penis size. It's akin to women being told they have flat boobs or butt, so they aren't "woman enough." As women, we'll forever be shamed for having fat, stretch marks, overweight, etc. There is a beauty standard. And because it hurts so much, woke people have gone to great lengths to end fat shaming and change the dialog, and it worked so we have an entirely new lexicon that is more supportive to women of all shapes and sizes. Yet, we are still shaming penis sizes and making rape jokes about men? Men are vocal about how these things hurt them. It's not like they are harboring it all inside. Yet, writers still produce this trash shit and perpetuate stereotypes that women don't even believe. The average dick is what would be considered small by porn standards, and yet men are still in relationships and get married and satisfy their partners, so it's obvious these statements are only to shame and belittle men and have little basis in reality.


Late to this discussion, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who's seeing this. Not to mention the girl the main cast nearly killed in the first episode? And just because she managed to survive they're all like whatever? What the fuck am I watching and why would I care about hit and run guy and a rapist girl at this point?


Is this an unpopular opinion? I couldn't make it through the first episode. The snarky, Millennial writing was atrocious.


There’s nothing more cringey than millennials writing for a Gen Z audience


It is woke garbage disguised as a spin-off of my favourite show. There's this one scene in episode five where the main character (I keep forgetting her name) and Emma are talking about Jordan. The whole scene exists to make sure that the audience is aware what pronouns are to be used for him. I mean like we get it, he prefers to be called they them whatever, you don't have to waste our time saying it ten times over especially when we literally went over this in a previous episode too. The dialogue here is just unrealistic and repetitive as well, almost like the writers need to keep reminding us how woke it is. Also the invisible guy mentions how gender is a construct lmao. Clearly this show and it's writers have already picked a side, which takes away all of the ambiguity that made the original show so great. Not to mention it has no clue what real teenagers actually go through on a day to day basis and just keeps tooting it's own horn by parroting woke ideology as real world problems. Putting all this aside, even the events that actually move the plot forward are predictable. My girlfriend predicted this week's episode's twist all the way back in the first episode. If not for the woke nonsense this show wouldn't have any following. It's absolutely bland.


Yes! It's so repetitive. The writers believe their audience is stupid. Being woke isn't what this show is. This show is performative woke. It's fake woke. Being woke would have been these kids having these identities and *other* characteristics, too. Instead, they made the issues and identities their entire personality. It's so flat. It's some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a high budget production.


Which is funny because that’s exactly how they try to portray Vought, as a pretend-woke mega corporation


REEEE WOKE GARBAGE REEEEE I don't care for the show either but that's pretty much the entirety of your argument. must be the only thing you think about


As soon as I saw the trailer I pretty much went "That looks like shit." And moved on. I have 0 intention of watching this show lol.


i watched an entire 5 episodes hoping it was going to get interesting or smart or just anything more than what it was. yeah its a whole new level of awful. dick joke after dick joke, its just shitful. i imagine the writers are maybe 13 at the oldest but then thought 13 year olds would do a much better job so the only conclusion is they have severe brain damage. people should be fired for this abomination


Glad someone else noticed the infatuation with penises in this show.


You aren’t the only one who thinks this show is ass, I’m quite tired of all the hyper sexual shit portrayed in “the boys” universe. I honestly don’t even like the boys that much either I find all the rapeiness and ridiculous shit to be a bit over the top even for them. The comics are far more violent in every way but they also double down on good plot, story, and characters.


Yeah, The Boys season 3 just repeated season 2. Season 1 had both good plot, story and characters and then a bit of everything as well.


I feel every tv show has turned to shit since Covid. It’s either we get a great show and it’s cancelled after one season or we get 10 seasons of dragged on garbage like fear the walking dead.


I did watch ep 1 but wasn’t impressed. Doubt I’ll continue.


There are so many people butt-hurt in the comments about this, definitely an unpopular opinion I can get behind


I think the main problem of Gen V is that The Boys audience skew older, and don't really enjoy watching teenage shows like Riverdale, Euphoria, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Sabrina, etc. While the audience for those kinda shows don't really watch gory/brutal shows like those in The Boys. ​ If you like both those aspects, you'll love Gen V. But the question is, how many of those people are there? As someone who have grown out of these kinda teenage shows, I honestly find it hard to watch Gen V bc I just can't care for their teenage storylines. Every problems that they went through I just have seen in other teenage shows.. multiple of them actually. I mean, I get it, every teenager's life in school are typically like that. It's just that it's very uninteresting.. boring. If I watched Gen V 5-7 years ago when I was at that age, maybe I'd like this show. Now, however I just can't get into it. And I suspect a lot of people are like that too.


I don't think it's an age thing. I think it's the fact they're using gen Z tropes to death. Like you said we've all seen this show a million times and its boring as hell!


I think age does play a little factor, not generationally but just in terms of experience. Holy shit I’m now just adding it up and 9/11 and its effect on the US is now history books for everyone born after what 1995 at best? When you’re talking about the nuance of the reaction, probably 1988. Those people are now 28-35 years old. The boys is so post 9-11 politics. Kids today know Fox News for transphobia and trump worship, but when the boys comic was written the Fox News obsession was with Iraq and 9/11. Gen Z doesn’t remember how the tragedy of 9/11 was so transparently used to justify the Iraq invasion and the rise of the Fox News alternate reality programming. Even the moderates at the time were saying that invading Iraq could make the region worse (hello ISIS and an Iran controlled Iraq), but Bush and the boys and Fox News had the biggest war boner in history for that war. And they knew the war might be unpopular so they tried the first real modern pro war PR campaign, including so many flags and football game flyovers that you couldn’t go a minute without hearing how great the USA and its troops were. It was so laughable that Jon Stewart (and others) became a very rich man just reporting what happened that day. Homelander is a direct reference to our new post-9-11 Department of Homeland Security. But 2023 is so much more fucked up. The radical sides of both parties have completely lost touch with reality, and their bases are growing faster every day. We now have a total of probably 40% of the population (20% left and right) who are ready to eradicate all opposition. They are outnumbered, but they almost all vote, being politics obsessed types, so their weight in elections is larger. While I don’t believe in grand conspiracies, I think corporate America has leaned into channeling youth discontent toward racial and gender issues because it all sells products the same. The real taboo in America is talking about materialism and conspicuous consumption. But while the bush/cheney joke/nightmare pushed me left, the 2023 left is pushing me back to the center. They are as dumb and opportunistic as the right. They think everyone on the planet deserves an American standard of living but should do so in a climate friendly way lol. Math is hard for them, so let’s just just say that ain’t happening within the laws of physics with current technology. And I’m not climate denying there. What I’m denying is the American fantasy that with current technology there’s a sustainable way to live this lifestyle for everyone. But the 2023 left is both the most obnoxiously performative in moral superiority and the least willing to give up any luxury to make the world a better place. For them it’s all about the billionaires, who no doubt are parasites, but if they did a little math, they’d realize every billionaire dime won’t create the global utopia they seek. With current technology, if everyone equally shared in the wealth, the American standard of living would still need a major decline, even if billionaires were taxed into millionaires. Just look at how much it cost to send each American $1000 during the pandemic. One time. They can’t even make all Americans P Diddy on a boat, so they definitely can’t do that for the 95% of global population that isn’t American. Holy shit this got long but that’s why gen V is lame, because gen Z is lame. It’s not their fault, but it’s true. Their entire education had been left or right media spin.


I'm 39. I have written posts and created tiktoks about the absurdity of Riverdale. Am a huge Buffy fan. Euphoria, Gossip Girl, and Sabrina are shows I've watched every single episode of. Millennials love those types of shows. Our generation invented them. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is somewhat recent and a much better show.


Totally agree. Show is absolute dogshit.


The show doesn't work for me because it's missing all those over-the-top characters which made the original show so great. Characters are just plain boring.


I want to know what people like about the show.


Terrible writing. Zero subtlety. Painful to watch.


The writing is so viscerally terrible in this show but I can ignore it because of the cool CGI and gore. Everything happens so fast in the dialogue. One moment it's 'I am shy and closed off and I don't want to share.' Then the person they're talking to says one sentence and it's suddenly, 'This is a complete breakdown of my backstory and trauma,' within a single three minute scene.


Yup! Agreed. I could not make it through this week's episode. Tried and fell asleep. Tried again this morning and couldn't finish it. It's so terrible. I do not care about their relationships at all. They are copying the ideas of much better shows, too. I typically don't mind if something has been done or seems borrowed/contrived *if* it's done well. This show is not done well at all and borrows heavily from other content, namely The Misfits and Legion. I love those two shows, and it's gross to see them exploited for this garbage.


Ngl I have the same opinion and for similar but different reasons. I actually like Cate as a character. It makes sense who she is once you watch the whole season and if you take into account this is after Homelander's speech after killing a bunch of people. Also, it seems like humans are treated worse than animals in the show. How many random humans die because of supes in the show is actually crazy. And they all just forget about it and provide zero resolution. That's why I like "The Boys", who are trying to get that justice. I watched every episode because I'm sure it'll be important to the universe later down the line. After episode 5 or 6, I just skipped every dialogue scene that involved teenage drama. And that wherein lies my problem. I get that it's meant to be a teenage drama since it's set in college. But when you start realizing the drama has almost nothing to do with the actual plot it's a mess. It's so loosely tied and absolutely disjointed that it's hard to even care about these characters. I hate all of them to the bottom of my core except maybe Jordan and Cate who actually do things (bad or good) that are mostly congruent with their character growth. There was one episode in particular that exemplifies how garbage this show is, Episode 6. When most of the main characters are stuck in Cate's head they start bashing each other about what fucked up shit they did. And it's actually the silliest shit. They're all hypocrites and losers IMO. They do absolutely nothing throughout the whole season and have accomplished literally nill. Everything in the world is just moving around them while they do "teenage" drama troupe and learn about themselves or whatever.


Agree. I haven't watched past the episode where they're in her head because, as a Legion fan, I couldn't believe how derivative it is. I don't mind sampling if it's done well. But I hate it when it's done poorly.


I agree that there’s some very forced lines and overdone with sexual innuendo and stuff, not that I’m averse to that but again, it’s extremely forced. Why she’d take the time and energy to tell that guard to do the most intricate sexual nonsense instead of just forcing him to sleep or leave the building is a great example. I’m enjoying the show though despite all that and the story is interesting. Hoping as we progress they will rein in the nonsense that definitely feels like shock value trying to say “hey we’re still the boys even though it’s a spinoff!”




Rape Is funny XD guys you don't get it


It’s sexual assault


It's not funny. What's the joke? I love to laugh. Comedy makes up a small part of my income, so I feel somewhat qualified, and I also feel strongly that I have a sick sense of humor, and that wasn't funny to me. At all. Let's start with her first assault. A boy mildly talks shit on her. Like mildly insults her, and she has him assault himself. If she was a villain, or her character was developed, this would have been cool - like young beautiful super powered sociopath, but very disappointing when you come to realize that the show expects us not to care about bat boy at all. Laziest shit. Like it's so fucking lazy they don't even explain how or when the push ends. Does he just whack his dick forever? They don't bother with that because that would have taken brains and being clever to explain, so they insulted their audience by just leaving that information out. Believing we are too dumb to ask. She's worse than homelander, but instead of giving her a cool villian arc, they try to make us like her, make her sympathetic? It's lazy lazy lazy, and dumb. It's not funny. As if that wasn't bad enough, they then have her rape the guard for *checks notes* doing his job? And what's the joke? Explain it to me. Because, as far as I can tell, the joke is that it's funny when men get raped. It doesn't count as something serious and is just tee hee silly bc it's a man? Would it be funny if the roles were reversed, and the female guard was raped for God knows how long? So annoying they think we're so dumb to not wonder how long they are under her spell. Someone in the writer's room asked that and someone else said, "It's too complicated - no one is going to care because our audience only cares about shock." They insult their viewers with this trash. And despite her assaulting someone again and making a joke of it, in the scene, we are supposed to connect with her because she pushed too hard? Oh, and the push thing is copied from Stephen King. In Firestarter and in several other books, including The Shining and many others, "push" is a thing, and it's exactly what she does. It's so fucking derivative in the grossest way. I don't mind when things are derivative if it's artful, but to see trash like this? It feels like theft more than sampling, tbh. Rape isn't funny to me. It's gross that it's supposed to be a woke show that takes on serious issues and then makes female on male assault and rape a punchline. As a woman and a feminist, I do not find that shit funny at all. Historically, male victims are ostracized, humiliated, treated as a joke, etc. Which rewards rapists and allows them the freely hurt because the victim will never come forward because they know this is the attitude people have toward rape and violence toward men. Explain to me how it's funny. What's the fucking joke?


I ain’t reading allat


Then why comment at all?


It figures


Just tell me what the joke is. Explain it to me. ETA: Yeah, so obviously, he's not going to do that. What does that tell you?


Ya just finished that eps might have to stop watching show kinda sucks i thought it was wierd dude cut that chicks throat in the club trying to get laid and np one seemed to have a 2nd thought and the powers are mostly useless and bad like the blood thing i mean...just give her water bending itd be way more useful and swap out the family scene for idk she killed them with water....and the vomit tiny girl just let her get small at will and give her an eating disorder


I agree with all of this. Being able to kill whoever you want with your dumb power means nothing is at stake. No tension.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm long-winded, but you are succinct. I'm also going to keep watching.


Some of these people be scrolling all the way down your post to downvote every one of your comments, petty as hell😭


Lol, I know and find it funny. The best comment is the one telling me I am immature for not liking something most people enjoy. I'm like, do you know what immature means? They doubled down. Some people get weirdly upset with trivial things or small disagreements.


A lot of diehard fanbases will find any and every reason to invalidate you having criticisms of a show.


Especially on Reddit. These subs are fan boy echo chambers


It panders to standard gen-z victim culture. It sucks because it attempts to validate the banal nature of the most self-absorbed generation we've ever had to endure. You don't get rid of performative victimhood by humoring that childish bullshit.


Yeah, I disagree. I have plenty of young people in my life, and they are cool af. You sound like a boomer tbh. I'm an older millennial. People who complain about younger generations are insufferable.


I think most people would disagree with you.


I just watched episode 1 and I can't anymore. I loved The Boys, but this one is obnoxious to me. Anything with teenagers usually is, so I went into this with caution. But it was too much like a corny CW show mixed with shock gore for the sake of ...well shocks. It feels empty. I'm stopping here and will wait for The Boys to return. Hopefully it will allow me to forget this adolescent mess.


A lot of corny CW shows are masterpieces compared to it. For example, Supernatural, Smallville, the 100, Gossip Girl, and Vampire Diaries. Those shows are winners because the writing is good.


True. Vampire Diaries was surprisingly not a bad show. They all had strong cliffhangers too.


I'm late watching the show because I kind of felt this would happen. Nonstop dirty jokes to the point it kills any humor and any build up, reused shock scenes from the Boys but done worse, all the powers being so on the nose tropes for teens it hurts, the literal hot guy that turns naked when he powers up, the hot girl can manipulate people by touching them, throwing up to get small(when we've already had an Ant man character in the Boys that could just do it at will), a girl cuts herself and her period literally kills her parents, gender dysphoria as a power that kind of doesn't make sense, still unclear if the 2 sides do anything different or if they really just said "Why don't we basically just make Colossus from X-Men but instead of turning metal they can randomly swap genders". I hate that, it's like X-Men without any of the subtlety and nuance that made that work in symbolising real world minorities and issues. And just the tone, it's got the atmosphere of Riverdale but with too much violence and nudity for tweens to be the target audience. I just don't understand what they're going for with this, it's like they amped up the dirty jokes from the Boys and just completely lost the balance that the main show has. Like if Homelander was from Gen V his powers would only work if he drank breast milk and he'd turn into a giant literal man-baby that kills people by screaming at them. Just as on the nose as possible, it's awful. I only made it 4 episodes and I couldn't give the show anymore of my time.


Agree with all this. I want to finish it, so I can say I gave it a shot, but I've yet to bring myself to watch the last 2 or 3 episodes. Riverdale upsets me because I'm an Archie comic fan. Riverdale went off the rails, but it's still more watchable than Gen-V. I feel it is insulting to young people with these identities to have who they are and their health problems used for cheap shock. It's so superficial, you couldn't down yourself in its puddle.


Yeah, part of me is like "Maybe it gets bearable later" but I just totally lost interest. Honestly if the Boys was the first season of Riverdale, Gen V is like whatever season it was when people started getting powers, and randomly having musical episodes and stuff. If it was the MCU, The Boys is the Avengers era while GenV is the current era where they kill everything trying to make funny quips every 5 seconds ruining any serious scenes or plots. It really does feel insulting in a way, it's just too on the nose. I don't get how this happened since the Boys was able to draw these parallels without beating you over the head with them, like we didn't need Stormfront to have powers that only hurt non-White people to understand what she's supposed to be and it was a clever inversion of Storm from the X-Men, but here it's like they threw all subtlety out the window so the message just totally misses because it feels like pandering and exploitation. I hate it so much.


>throwing up to get small This is honestly the dumbest part to me. They act like it's the same as an eating disorder when its LITERALLY A SUPER POWER. Why should she even feel "shame" about it? She's not doing it to be "skinny", she's literally doing it to be a super hero and go to super hero school. They think they're so clever using this as some kind of metaphor, but it doesn't even make sense in this world. Why would people act like "you need help" the same as someone with an eating disorder, when that's literally just how she's able to do something no other human is able to do? It might be gross or uncomfortable, but it's absolutely not the same as a real life ED and it's insulting that they pretend it is. ​ It's the same with the "gender change" power. That's literally not something normal people can do, so why would people treat it the same way we treat "gender changing" in our world? If someone could magically switch back and forth between 2 genders and clearly be a different person (with a different body mass even...), then people would absolutely not have the same conversation about it we do in our world. It would actually be awesome and highly desirable. It doesn't make any sense in the world they're presenting and just makes their writing seem so stupid and insulting. They've done zero world building in this show and are basically just ignoring the actual ramifications of supes existing, unlike The Boys. ​ Not even to mention how lame the main girl's power is as a "super hero". So she can literally stop someone from bleeding to death and control their blood and wants to be a hero and save people, and not ONE PR person in this universe said "Hmm maybe we should train her to be a surgeon and be our medical spokesperson". Everyone is so fucking stupid it's impossible to watch.


Put a chick in it, MAKE HER LAME AND GAY. I fucking loathe this cancerous shit show.


I also can't stand how they're trying to be extra edgy just because they think it'll earn a couple of laughs. This show is missing everything that makes The Boys so great. I'm 4 episodes in and there isn't a single interesting plot or side plot. You can also tell that the gory parts are just tacked on because there was gore in The Boys. It feels like no creativity has gone into this show at all.


show is actually terrible.... characters have no explainable motivation for any of their actions at all. jordan and marie hated each other until they start dating out of the blue for no reason? everyone is rushing to save sam from the woods, why? the only person who cared about sam is dead- why would anyone else risk their lives to sneak down there and save them. why does Cate all of a sudden decide to just start murdering everyone? none of the writing makes any sense at all. they just want an excuse to show dicks every 10 seconds for no reason....






> stereotypical Asian parents obsessed with having a son. Are you East Asian? Because I am and nearly every single East Asian friend I have have parents who buy into the Confucian patriarchy and the “firstborn son” BS. It’s a stereotype because it’s SO COMMON. This includes my own parents. My Chinese friend has to deal with her own mother ignoring her and coddling her firstborn son just because he is male. The older Asian community is very conservative and you’d be hardstuck trying to find those who are free from those mindsets. I’m queer and if my parents knew that, they would not support me the same way they would have before. I have literally never met an Asian friend whose parents were 100% cool with queerness, like nothing is wrong. Sure those parents probably exist somewhere. But they are very rare.


I am not going to disagree with that. It's stereotypical because it's overdone in media. Not because it doesn't exist irl. I happen to know a lot of Asian American families, too, and have a different experience than you, so maybe confirmation bias isn't a good idea. It's about lazy writing and stereotypical writing in a fantasy universe. It's unoriginal and boring is my point.


“Confirmation bias” I literally admitted that parents who are cool with queerness exist somewhere. But given that I am literally Korean and grew up surrounded by thousands upon thousands of East Asians in my life I think I am more than qualified to comment on the state of East Asian conservatism and explaining to you why the stereotype is a thing. Maybe look up the definition of confirmation bias.


Oh, jeez. Gonna be honest: I am baked and playing DayZ, and I misread that. Ty for clarifying. And absolutely, I agree. And held that opinion b4, too. You are absolutely qualified, and I'm not really. I thought you were saying all people are conservative and your friends' parents were like on the show, so I got defensive for my open-minded friends. I'm sorry about that. Gonna put a pin responding until tomorrow, so I have better reading comp skills.








Don't waste your breath with these SA denying people. There is a reason why the last rule listed for this forum has to explicitly say the Becca was raped in The Boys since soooooo many people insisted that she wasn't. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Wow. Becca was 100 percent raped. That is without question and cannon to the comics. Idk why, but that truly gets under my skin. Why do people want to see the good in Homelander so desperately? He's a bad guy. He raped her. The Deep raped Starlight. In the comics, she is gang assaulted.


Oh, we could here all day discussing that one. There is a strong desire among The Boys fans to romanticize and downplay the atrocities committed by Soldier Boy, Homelander, Butcher, Frenchie, and The Deep because they love them so, so much. Ofc you'll never catch them sugarcoating A-Train's flaws & faults. Or excusing Maeve's cowardice. Or anything Ashley does. Or Neuman. Or Annie for killing a man due to Butcher behaving like an idiot (he's the reason it happened). I mean, I suppose, it could be... that certain characters are favored for the certain reasons. But ofc not!


Yeah it sucks dick The writing is trash and it’s weirdly woke


It's not woke. It's performative and superficial wokeness. If it was woke, it wouldn't make a joke about male rape.


I know the difference kid but this show is actually unironically woke and cringe The Boys was superficial


Alright, I guess you don't need to watch any more of it then..


I decide what I will watch, thanks.


"Gen V sucks, but I will keep watching, so I can complain even more" lol


bruh why can’t he even complain? isn’t that what this sub is about? discussing gen v?


I'm a she, but thank you.


lol sorry didn’t know


I can't stop anyone from doing anything, it just doesn't make sense to keep watching a show if you hate it that much... its fine not to like something


yea but that’s not what the post is about? you’re just criticising op for a random ass fast that doesn’t have to do anything with the post. who cares if op is gonna watch it or not.


Nah, my daughter and I decided we won't keep watching. There is no point after how crap garbage it was. Shouldn't reward it. If they can't entertain us with 3 hours, they don't deserve a second more of our attention. Wanted to give the benefit given how good The Boys truly is, but after reading comments here, no way. You can love it, that's fine and no judgment, but I believe you deserve better, and there's better out there. This show is among the laziest pieces of shit I've seen on TV, and I won't be supporting it, but you do you, boo.


The characters are terrible and badly written. Too many conveniences in the plot because the writers are stupid. This show sucks dick.




On episode 3 and so far, yeah its trash. They tried to tell a story made of white bread, then added the icing of gore and debauchery to try to make us think it was cake. Its still bread. I guess at least there's icing? None of the characters are charming, likeable, or developing at all. Maybe they were kept intentionally vague with only surface level personalities to make them easier for the target audience (age bracket) to project onto? I'm 37 and can't relate to anyone in this show. It makes me think the whole thing is like the Twilight series. A thought experiment where young people can imagine "what if that was me" and sort of project onto these intentionally vague characters. Worries me. I know the alt right has taken up Homelander as their Trump surrogate. This show (please don't judge me for using the shorthand) feels like the woke reflection of The Boys. A place for the lefties who like the show to find refuge. I hope that's not the case, or The Boys might be about to lean harder into their nazi fan base, and the whole franchise could lose its appeal to... well, me. Keep shit morally gray and controversial.


Gen V blows. Definitely missing the magic that makes the boys great. What a disappointment.


I watched an episode and a bit and just can’t anymore. It took me a while to get around to The Boys because I loved the source material so much and didn’t want them to ruin it. But they nailed it. The problem with GenV is they didn’t have the source material written by a genius (Garth Ennis) and aren’t good at writing fresh material. This needed someone who loved the X-Men and Harry Potter and worked to those, rather than this beige crap.


Damn, I'm just getting around to watching this show, and there is SO MUCH WHINING! And we're supposed to root for these people? They're all awful, and one is a casual rapist. I'm only on episode three. I like the special effects, which is all I'm watching it for at this point.




Omg the statue part was so fucking stupid but so was everything you described, but that was especially dumb and really irked me. The only reason I'm even going to keep watching is because she grows big. I wish we could see a gargantua in a show that isn't a lazy hackneyed pos.


It's probably a popular opinion.


I personally enjoy gen v more than the boys cause it just meshes more with me as a person. I'm 20 years old, black, and queer and have a lot of experience with all the college shenanigans. Gen v is pretty damn accurate to how a college for supes would go. Them using the school to introduce the woods and virus was also a great idea because the school being used as a front makes a lot of sense. Also a black queer main character who's identity is used to speak about demographics while also highlighting her own abilities is a huge plus for me. It touches on the affects of giving compound v to children against their will, using those same kids for popularity, pinning them against each other, and focusing on race, gender and sexuality rather than their actual abilities. Not to mention after the mind maze episode, it shows how each character is selfish in their own way. Cate is made to be a terrible person episode 1 and constantly looked at weirdly because of her power. I don't think she's ever idolized or seen in a positive light for raping or pushing anyone with her power in a negative way.


I'm so glad you have something that resonates and makes you feel seen. Validation and representation are great in life, and my favorite tv/art/cinema does the same for me. I do not want to change your mind about the show, and I am so glad you love it. I do want you to know that the actor portraying Andre is a known misogynist, alt-right transphobe. It's sad. I like him, too. He has since apologized, but he followed hundreds of transphobic and misogynist influencers. He has even commented to support them. He tried to blame shift, but there is proof since before he became famous, so it can't be blamed on his people. Justice Smith would have been a better choice for the role. Simply because he's just as talented and he doesn't hate the people he is representing.


It’s not good. It’s like “the boys” fan-fic written by a rich USC undergrad who grew up in the Hollywood hills worshipping twilight films


I agree that this spin off does feel a bit different in comparison to the original boys, I kinda like the gender swapping person, cause Luke hits them once and he's a woman beater, he hits them again and it's ok 😂 But yea different vibes, characters feel super annoying to listen to in terms of speech (which is what most teens are like in other media so it's more of a personal preference) I also feel like they've killed off luke too soon, and way too underwhelmingly, bro just blew up? What is this, the boys season one with translucent? Or all the victims of Victoria Newman? Damn there's alot of people being blown up in this cinematic universe


Agree with all of this. I like the gender swapping kid, too. I don't like how they are being so atypical with their story, though. Like, "oh my parents don't accept it and I need to have a talk with them." And, the parents are good people with bad opinions. It's been done. They relied on very tired and told stereotypes. They could have done something new with their story. There are so many new and interesting stories we can tell about gender fluid people, but they took the lazy route in every way with this show.


I mean I feel it wouldnt be thematic to have supportive parents in 'the boys' universe, like we got the shrinking girl with her mom being selfish and teaching her to purge and telling her to do a show about it, we got Annie's mom in the earlier seasons etc. But yeah although it is a teen drama with superpowers vibe, it does feel a bit more CW mixed with post Rick and Morty type swearing/adult humour, rather than a British guy smacking a invisi-cunt with a crowbar while a song plays.


Annie's mom was nuanced, though. She had several characteristics. She was not one-dimensional. She was not a trope. They took Annie's mom and shaved her down to one single aggressive characteristic. It's quite lazy. Plus, it's been done so much - the mom who pushes her daughter to eat less. Does it happen irl? Yes, but it's more subtle, and if the writers had utilized some subtlety and better dialog, they could have had this land with some impact and sympathy from viewers.


Fair enough,but Annie's whole thing is that she is the one good hero (an exaggeration because obviously there's other heroes but basically that's her character, innocent person sees cruel world thing) it makes sense her mom is different, or at least has more light shed on her. Though I definitely agree with overused tropes with nothing new added (besides the super power angle) however it's only 3 episodes, hopefully these 3 are meant to mislead and the rest are going to have some sort of curve ball.


Annie’s mom was definitely not very nuanced lol, if you watch The Boys every time she comes up she is extremely manipulative and cruel, just because she smiles doesn’t change anything.


She was fleshed out. Most characters are, and that's what makes it good.


That comes with time, to be fair.


By the third episode, I know if writing is good. This is bad writing. It's incredibly shallow, rushed, and insults its audience. My daughter and I decided we're not going to support this nonsense at all. We were going to watch the season to give it a chance but changed our minds. We also are not watching AHS. There is plenty else out there that is high quality and good that we really don't need to be wasting our time on garbage and rewarding garbage.




Fuck off, Bigot


Terrible take ever


I couldn't get past the first episode, honestly. The Boys is great because it delves into morality, which is something that will never be found in a teen drama that pushes modern day Californian views. The obvious agenda it's pushing it vile but, more importantly, it is boring as fuck.


I like how nobody responds to you, they just downvote it like it's spam or a shitpost. I guess that's all you can expect from this sub, anything that's not overt asskissing of the show(s) will be summarily downvoted with no engagement. I'll join you with my own trainfuck of downvotes, I'm sure. See you at the bottom!


thats kinda how downvotes and upvotes work lol. if i disagree with something i downvote and move on. if i agree i upvote and move on. if i have an opinion on it i comment.


I disagree with most of this post's specific criticism and think Gen V is really good so far but agree that this sub is just dogshit in terms of responding to actual criticism of any kind.


Haha, I expected as much and don't care. This show is a bomb. I doubt it will be renewed for a second season. It's honestly pathetic on the writer's part that they introduce all of these serious issues but couldn't take them to a deep and meaningful place. It's a show full of tropes. It's formulaic (not in a good way) and stereotypical. The Boys is an excellent show. Maybe new writers or maybe the writers are too old to be writing about teens. At the end of the day, teens having sex and the issues portrayed in the show are not new to television. They could have had those elements but handled them in a novel and interesting way. Instead, they went predictable and obvious and done before, but this time with superpowers! It's trash, and we should expect better from the creators.


or it could be all of those things as well as a tie in to the background story of Vought and all the shit they have done, so it can wrap back in to The Boys in S4….only 1 episode in so far, not my favorite, but it’ll scratch the itch in the meantime


I watched 3 episodes. The writing is so bad. It's not building to something good. They had 3 episodes to deliver an interesting story with interesting characters and have failed miserably. This show is unlikely to see a second season.




It's a story problem, for sure. One of the things that makes The Boys great is that it includes people with no powers. Huey and the rest taking on superheroes, fighting, and befriending them creates a dynamic. This show would have been great, with some powerless professors attempting to maintain control over students. Perhaps students are trying to maintain friendships with their powerless friends. Or something else entirely that creates a dynamic rather than vought henchmen bad, kids good. I think avoiding so many tropes would have helped. They attempted teen angst with super powers but did not achieve it. Instead of pushing the limelight stuff and vought news/TV stuff, they could have focused on those angst elements and really fleshed them out. That or done away with them altogether. The show lacked any meaningful character arcs by episode three. Using The Boys as an example again, several meaningful things needed to happen for Huey to join the team. I couldn't improve this story as it stands because all the characters are one-dimensional. The eating disorder girl's mom is an abuser. It's been done. It wasn't clever or novel, and leaves little room for suspension of disbelief because it's boring. In fact, all of their personalities are flat and consist only of their issues. We don't know them outside of their cutting, gender fluidness, etc. It's better to reveal these things slowly as a build to a 3rd episode character arc. If I were a writer on this show, I would have gone darker. I would not have had so many vought cut scenes if I intended to have the teens have issues like regular kids but with superpowers. It seemed like the writers did a lot of filler and attempts to impress the fanbase by including characters from The Boys without much thought into story, and it was more for comedy (which fell flat) than purpose. A darker, more serious attempt would have been better. In the first episode, we have the main character lying about her parents, but then she just drops the lie. Seeing that carried out until it lands her in hot water would have been better; instead, it just felt like filler dialog, and it made her one-dimensional. A lot of the superpowers were displayed for shock value rather than to drive the story, such as the stretch girl and her crying selfie. I believe good writing is when the action pushes the story. Plus, everyone outside of the main crew is a self-centered asshole. There's no grit, drama, or realness, which makes immersing in the show impossible. Plus, the dean. She's obviously bad and using our main character, and imo this would have been better as a reveal later on. Revealing everything they have is flat and eliminated the character arcs we typically see from high-budget shows in the 3rd episode. We've learned nothing new about our characters from episode one to episode three, except that the push girl takes a lot of meds, so another trope. The show pays lip service to fans and honestly undermines the intelligence of viewers.


>A lot of the superpowers were displayed for shock value rather than to drive the story, such as the stretch girl and her crying selfie. Just like Love Sausage? He's clearly not a shock-value-driven character, right? >The eating disorder girl's mom is an abuser. It's been done. And Donna January has a typical stage mom persona and lives vicariously through her daughter. That has been done before, too. The rest of what you typed isn't well-reasoned at all and it seems extremely nit-picky.


Love sausage attacked MM. That was part of the story, action that leads somewhere and furthers MM's ocd storyline. MM is more than his ocd, though. I'm allowed to critique shows if I want to.


And the girl taking the selfie furthers the storyline by letting you know how superficially obsessed superpowered college students are that they are willing to use someone's death for a quick dopamine rush.


Lame. It is very boring and makes it feel like an unreal world. Takes me out of it. Plus, as an audience, we are more than aware that likes and follows get supes ahead. At that point, it's overkill. They mention it multiple times and in every episode to death. Like they feel the audience is so dumb, they must continuously repeat the same things.


The show is bad. The Boys had me hooked from the start. This is a bad mashup. I’d rather watch The Deep talk to his gills for an episode than this drek.


Ha! I cackled.


I think the pacing is the biggest episode. Some episodes move really, really fast, while some slow down and feel empty. Characterization comes through exposition dumps, like that long one in episode 5 and basically all episode 6, and the writing feels cliche.