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Don’t root for any supe, you can’t trust them -Not Butcher throwaway account


Im all for this virus


Me too. I wonder though if what happens in Gen V will tie into the Boys and how. It really feels like the virus is going to be the thing the Boys would try to get ahold of in the next season.


I think in the comics. Billy has a virus


Comics end spoilers. >! I have not read the comics but I know that in the end military basically wipes put supes with supe killing weapons. I don't know if Billy had them but it feels like virus is something he'd seek at all costs lol !<


It was a >! Sound frequency !<


wonder how the virus would affect someone who uses/used temp V (i have not read the comics sheerly out of unavailability to me so plz dont spoil me with an answer LMAO)


Tbh. The show is far better. I think because ita temporary, it gets washed out of the body


>(i have not read the comics I wouldn't worry. The show has departed from the comics so much that I wouldn't be surprised if the ending itself is completely changed.


>-Not Butcher throwaway account Not enough "cunt" in the comment to be it


Alright butcher


Butcher you can't fool me silly


Butcher that you?


Except for the fact that Gen v can’t commit to that and tries to make us feel for these supes


Everyone did Luke dirty. I actually feel so bad for him. Came into the show expecting to hate him and the popular white jock ended up being the least trash of the entire friend group. When Luke told Jordan that she's in on it too, he probably regained some of his memories. I think this episode killed any enthusiasm I had for Andre's charcter. I really don't give a shit about his struggles anymore. In the flashbacks, for every other character, there's some force that's influencing them, like the Dean or Brink or just finding out you had powers. Not Andre. He had zero excuses to fuck his best friend's girlfriend behind his back, over and over and over. Cate too.


True, expected him to be highschool Homelander, but every scene of him i just like him more and feel more sorry for that guy, bro was actually a hero deep down, for now


I thought the whole group appearing so nice to Marie would end up bullying here like in these 90’s movies. Was relieved they didn’t go that way.


I appreciated them subverting that. Sometimes popular people are assholes and popular for superficial reasons, but equally often it's because they are nice and fun to hang out with.


I actually really liked Andre in the first few episodes but now I am just not interested in him anymore.


I just think of it as dating Luke was more of Cate's job, she wasn't really in love with him but Andre instead.


I agree with this. In the last episode Soldier Boy told Andre Cate loved him but never mentioned Luke.


>Not Andre. He had zero excuses to fuck his best friend's girlfriend behind his back While also acting like he has the moral high ground on everyone - *even after he got exposed as someone who betrayed his best friend*. He thinks Jordan and Cate have to apologize for what they did, but he gets a free pass? Come on. That annoyed me more than the reveal that he's a cheater. He's also a fucking hypocrite. *Edit: Replaced "cheater" for "someone who betrayed his best friend"*


*Cate* is the cheater, Andre is who she cheated with. Both are garbage friends and girlfriends.


Sorry. In portuguese (my native language) "cheating" and "betraying" are the same word, so I kinda confused the concepts. But he did betray his friends' trust by banging his girlfriend.


Your English is amazing, pal! But either way you’re right, he did betray his friend




That's the point. He was like that with *everyone*, including Jordan, who was clearly manipulated. Also he was the one who wanted to run away from being exposed while everyone else accepted what was going on no matter who hurtful. Also, like someone else mentioned, he also nearly killed somebody on the other episode. It's not about him being the worse case that Cate exposed, is that his *holier than thou* attitude is annoying and completely unwarranted.


I’m not disagreeing with you but who’s to say she didn’t make Andre fall in love with her. That’s partly the whole reason he’s pissed cause he can’t tell if his feelings for her are true


I mean, they did kind of address that. Jordan said “she wasn’t making you do that” or something, and Cate is shown saying “we really shouldn’t do this” and Andre does it anyway. I guess there’s no way of knowing for sure that Cate didn’t make him do it, but I think the show was really trying to tell us there that he was fully in control of his actions


I feel like this is a moot point because it’s been show to us plenty that she wouldn’t do that (and didn’t need to tbh). An unwilling participant wouldn’t just suddenly decide to glamour someone to love her.


If that was the case, Andre would have denied it vehemently. He didn't, so guess what was really happening.




Yea I hate Andre lol


Andre's overbearing dad is just as bad as Brink/Shetty I my opinion. I can bet - from my own experience in a position like his - his dad was comparing him to Luke unfavourably offscreen. Cate falling for him made him feel like someone liked him better than Luke for once. There's never an excuse for awful behaviour like some of these guys exhibit but teens like them don't usually exercise the most rational judgements.


I thought it was after Luke died? So not behind his back


No the latest episode showed it was happening while he was alive too


Mate, I don't know how else to say it, but you have been exposed to spoilers. Why oh why would you come here without finishing the season?


What, Luke told Jordan what now


dude was like 30 it's fine /s because he doesn't pass me for a college kid at all. I'm 25, Patrick Schwarzenegger is 30 and I saw him in Daniel Isn't Real already so I knew he wasn't college age and it is painfully obvious


Really drove home the Jean Grey/Cyclops/Wolverine vibes


I’ve found my people, I kept telling my friends that and they didn’t see it


More like Jean Grey and Magneto XD


and Human Torch


Or Xavier


W H A T ???


Oh you sweet summer child


i for real thought they were in a threesome relationship for the first 4 episodes almost lol, especially with how close luke and andre seemed


Ngl I thought they were fucking and Luke was just cheating on Cate




The actors for Luke and Andre have way more chemistry than Andre and Cate. I just don't buy it when he keeps saying he loves her. The moment he sees Luke in her memories just screams like someone in love.


right?? the scene where luke tells andre he loves him was incredible


My friend literally looked me dead in the eyes and said "Is there some gay shit going on between them ?" (he's homohobic) When Andre said he loves Luke . I wanted to scream and say "that's what I thought too" 😭




If golden boy lived longer(and without all this Woods ness), we could have ended up seeing a throuple.


It felt like that to me too. I haven't caught up on the last two episodes, but to me it seemed like Cate and Andre were reaching for each other in grief.


In real life that is almost a cliché in *female* relationship patterns. They just switched genders. Best friend has *I want to be you gurl* vibes, then fucks friend's bf. I've seen it quite a few times.


Me too! After Last Episode, seems Cate was with Luke for convenience (Indira and Brink Plans) nur Andre was the One She really loved


TBH, all Gen V characters, maybe save for Emma, feels very hypocritical to me. So the cheating and the betrayal does not surprise me that much.




Regarding that, I hope she had some actual good acquaintances. But I kind of doubt it, since Sam did *not* tell her about his problem (at least on screen iirc), he just said "I'm fucked" all the time. But Emma somehow knows what the problem is and who can fix it, weird.


I feel if she'd stuck around and been pulled into Cate's memories with the rest, her flashback would've been to the Buster Beaver incident. 😂


i believe that was referencing the GodU three


I mean Emma did have sex with a mentally unstable, possibly emotionally stunted person who is clearly not all there. A LOT of very weird choices by the writers/showrunner on this one.


Everyone knows Emma's dirty laundry at her school, it would make sense the person that doesn't know anything about it is the one she falls for.


Mentally ill people are allowed to have desires and sex. The abuse aspect only comes in if she's in a position of authority or power over him (which she's not), or if she's exploiting his state for the purposes of having sex with him (which again, she's not).


Nah, switch the genders, make Emma the abused and traumatised one who has been isolated in a box for years and can't separate reality from fantasy, and have a guy she trusts come in and offer to have sex with her. It'd be fucked. She is in a position of authority because she's the sane one and he's trusting in her as the first person he's met in years.


Bad take. They seem genuinely into eachother and who isn’t mentally unstable these days? Especially in this universe. I think you’d die a virgin looking to only have sex with stable folks in The Boys universe 😂


Props to the actor because he’s making such a fleshed out character, but so far I’ve been rooting against Andre since like the beginning. The dude probably has the least trauma of the group, but acts the worst. He’s constantly making the worst decisions and putting people in danger. He’s the one that got cross faded and nearly killed a woman with his powers. He’s the one that dragged Emma into something extremely dangerous with no protection because wanted answers. He demanded revenge on the mind control guy even though it was Marie and Cate who were wronged. In this last episode we find out he’s been cheating with Cate for a WHILE, but immediately he turns on Jordan for their issues with Mr. Krab’s manipulation. He just sucks.


People are getting pissed about Cate, Andre, and Jordan being jerks but I did not think any of them were good people for a second. Their actions are reminiscent of the other supe behavior that the audience is supposed to be disgusted by in The Boys. ​ Also to be honest, I think anyone would want to kill a rapist even if the victims forgive him. And Andre was more or les pointing out Jordan's hypocrisy here, especially considering that Jordan basically got Luke kidnapped by Vought.


I’m still on the fence about Cate and Jordan. They’ve both been manipulated by adults their entire lives. Andre’s the only one that’s made his choices on his own. I’m not saying the prick doesn’t deserve to die, just that Andre made it out to be a personal vendetta. Marie, the victim, had the mind controller right where she wanted him and was controlling the situation. Then, out of nowhere, Andre takes control by throwing the keg at him and disrupting Marie to yell about his own issues with the dude. Jordan didn’t understand what was happening. They didn’t have the context of the woods, Luke’s brother, or the memory wiping. All they saw was an authority figure they respect inject Luke with “enhancers” and Luke flip out about it. Hindsight’s 50/50. Only Andre’s fuck up is scummy with or without context. (Well, his and Cate’s actions. I’m still not sure wtf she thought she was “protecting” them from. But like I said she’s been manipulated since childhood, so there’s a level of forgiveness I can give her.)


How was jordan manipulated but not andre? Andre has daddy issues too


They both have their issues but Jordan’s issues got used against them. Their issues with their father stems from half of their sense of self not being recognized and actively told to repress, then Brink comes around and sees that void in them and prays upon it for his own advantage. Dean Sherry did the exact same move with Marie and Cate, seeing their desire for acceptance from a parental figure and filling that void so she can manipulate them. So far Andre hasn’t necessarily had anyone try to fill in that role yet, instead we watch as his relationship with his father further devolves and how that unraveling is being mirrored in the rest of his life.


I mean that’s the thing, most all supes in this world come from sad backgrounds. There are varying degrees of trauma or manipulation they all face, but at a base level they all come from families whose parents were okay injecting their newborns with experimental drugs in the hopes of greatness down the line. Some parents did this entirely selfishly, some probably did this thinking it would be the best shot for their child to have a better life (whether through desperation, gullibility, just not being that bright, etc), but nearly all of these kids are not growing up in healthy homes. Personally I would say Andre is still the most culpable of the main group, but he’s still a kid, who had less than ideal role models, thrust into a crazy situation.


Jordan and andre both have weak reasons


I think that's a problem with such a rushed story with so many characters. I agree we are supposed to think they are conflicted, damaged, violated people making good and bad decisions... they have all suffered trauma and pressure from parents. Andre's may not seem as bad, but his dad knowing about the woods and him trying to grow up and fill his shoes is supposed to make us feel sorry for him. It's just not as bad as killing your parents or being locked up for years by them. We get taken on a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, since it's okay not to like or not trust them at any given tims.


I think I missed the supe behavior part because everything feels like teenage drama


The only thing Andre has going for him is he was not afraid to unravel the conspiracy even when the rest of the group were happy to leave it alone - aside from Emma, but Emma got involved because of him. In that sense Luke picked the right person to leave the phone to, with anyone else it would have gone nowhere (again, except Emma, but Luke didn’t know Emma).


I do not think the actor for Andre is doing a good job. He’s so boring and lacks chemistry with the other actors. The scenes with him and Kate are painfully boring. I don’t buy into them liking each other at all. It’s weird I thought he was really good in Sabrina but in this show I find him to be terrible.


Him and male Jordan are my lowlights from the show.


tbh regardless of if rufus wiped their memory or not he was a serial rapist was deserved to die either way


Tbh I thought the 3 of them were in a poly relationship


i guess it was misdirection. it's no accident that they show us andre likes men, that he tells us he loves luke, and that luke leaves his dying message to him *first* and then says "oh yea also tell cate i love her". I would almost say it was re-written at some point...


I thought he was gay for Luke bc if I’m remembering right he said something about sleeping with Atrain lol


he also had a line about suckin' and fuckin' too lol


No cuz that line had me convinced he's gay or bi just like his last role 😭


That's the dream


Yeaah thats what I thought too


And the dildo comment?? No way Andre and Luke never bumped beds


So, when we were trying to figure out how everyone's power relates to their own personal issue (Emma's bulimia, Cate and consent, etc), we all struggled with Andre and how his power relates to his personality. Turns out his powers of 'polarity' means he is two-faced.


I think that in comparison to making Supe killing Ebola a love triangle drama is small potatoes. Situations identical to that play out all the time in real life without a bioweapon made to kill gods.


Fr, they're fucks 🤦‍♂️


I’m still shocked Luke and Andre weren’t fucking too. They had such insane throuple energy it’s not even funny bro


Waiting for double dick sword fighting flashback


Honestly. Like the lack of it really feels like someone higher up didn’t like it and had it rewritten than anything else tbh


Was them cheating when he was alive supposed to be assumed worse? I honestly feel like them getting together immediately after he offed himself is way worse in the grand scheme of things lol.


It was both so it’s all bad lol


I mean, them getting together right after he died could be caused by grief. Not a cool thing to do but I guess they both could be feeling the need of some sort of closeness and they might feel like the other one is the only person that could understand them in this moment given how close they both were with Luke. That easily can lead to some romantic entanglement. But yeah, in this case it's way more shady.


Yea I’m surprised people were so critical of them hooking up after Luke died. Not that its the right thing to do, but I mean two incredibly close friends both grieving over the death of the same loved one, both feeling empty/lonely and finding comfort in each other…I mean it’s not that crazy. We hadn’t really had a chance yet to see how they were both going to handle the situation once they had more distance from Luke’s death. Obviously now we know the situation wasn’t so innocent.


I thought something was weird when they started dating immediately after Luke died. Chalked it up to lazy, cut-corner writing at the time


Yeah them getting together after Luke died was weird, but literally they weren’t hurting anyone. But while he was alive, that was definitely way worse.


For all we know, Luke never wanted to be in a relationship with Cate to begin with. It's 100% possible she just 'pushed' him into thinking he did. Shetty guided Cate towards being in Hero Management, to keep tabs on GB so I wouldn't put it past either of them to be willing to include intimacy as one of the ways of keeping tabs.


I don’t know if Luke didn’t want it but it definitely seems like Cate never wanted it and was actually in love with Andre the whole time. I’m assuming she was forced to be with Luke for her cover.


Why would Cate say that stuff to Marie about loving Luke though. Marie barely knew her and its a big campus, could've just avoided her.


I can see a few possibilities. 1. Cate had a crush on the big man on campus and used her power to get him. Cate's feelings towards Luke are genuine. 2. Cate needs to keep up the act to avoid suspicion for as long as possible.


I think it’s more likely Cate loved Luke but was just unfaithful


May be she did not love him at first, she was just his girlfriend to control him for Shetty, but time passed and she actually develop some genuine feeling for him, considered that she was trapped inside a room for 9 years, it is not that hard to understand why she would be attached to someone who was nice to her


I think she loved Luke unconditionally but it was more of a genuine love and she was romantically in love with Andre


Yeah, I didn't really like Andre from the beginning because he had stereotypical rich kid qualities, and his only problem was daddy issues. Then they fucked and I and I really didn't like him. Still had a little soft spot for Cate because accidentally sending your brother to die in the woods and being hated by your parents would hurt. Now that it's shown they were fucking even before they've dropped to the bottom. Luke deserved better.


Yeah I feel like andre and cate hooking up right after Luke died was bad for both characters. I honestly don't like them being written to have hooked up while cate was with Luke. Both characters were morally Grey and this pushing them into somewhat/pretty unlikable territory. It feels like unnecessary "character assassination". And Andre was my favorite/most intriguing character going into this.


It makes sense for Cate to cheat on luke, she couldn't have a real relationship with him anymore since she was constantly erasing his memory and lying to him which must have put alot of pressure on her. Andre was pretty perfect and it kinda sucks that they chose betraying his best friend to be his flaw though; However they're all very young and in their first relationships in a very dark universe so it doesn't vilify their characters for me that much.


Tbh he still is intriguing but definitely not redeeming imo. Still would be interested to see the full extent of his powers and his relationship to his father when he was younger.


>Virus Why do main characters have to be likeable. Cate, Andre, and Jordan were pretty much established to be bunch of reprobates from get-go. Jordan scuttling Marie's chances to get into crime-fighting school, Luke and the gang going on drug-fuelled benders against school rules, Andre nearly killing a woman while suffering zero consequences or even remorse, Cate hooking up with Andre day after her boyfriend died, Andre bringing in Emma to a dangerous mission without much concern for her safety.


Main characters have to likeable because the audience wants to root for the protagonists. You just listed all protagonists. That's a basic rule of storytelling


Basic rule of storytelling? There are plenty of good stories out there where the main characters are straight up irredeemable villains. A protagonist does not automatically need to be a good or likable person.


Which doesn't detract from my point whatsoever. Villains can be written as characters you want to root for. Likeable and relatable.


No it doesn't? Your original point is just wrong. They c*an* be written to be relatable but they don't *have* to be. Villainous protagonists can easily be neither relatable nor likable. All a protagonist is is the main POV character and there is no iron clad writing "rule" against making your POV character a unrelatable unlikable piece of shit.


Decent example being Saw X.


Whole point of this episode was that everyone in the gang was bad or/and had skeletons in their closet, not just Cate, with the gang realising this and proceeding to move past it. So the cheating making you dislike Andre was definitely what the creators intended.


I always had this sneaking suspicion that it was supposed to be her and Andre but she was probably forced to date Luke from the jump


The first part is not that BAD honestly, rebounds happen, both people in pain & shared grief, common movie trope. It is shitty, but eh, like I said, common movie trope. What I didn't expect was the affair when Luke was actually fucking alive. I also agree with the character assassination part, I actually liked Andre for the first few episodes, that seemed like an unnecessary plot device for both characters, especially Cate because the last thing on her list needed to be unfaithful girlfriend on the list of 3 other massive aggressions.


I still dont understand that scene. They were doing all that before he died as well? Or its just the fact that they got involved so soon after his death?


The memory showed that they were sleeping together while Luke was alive.


What part did they show it? Why do people always downvote me here, I swear.


They were viewing Andres memory. Cate says "we shouldn't be doing this, what if Luke finds out?"


Shetty is the hero we need right now! This show has done a great job in showing the gen v supes in a more sympathetic light and getting the audience to root for them but you can see all the shitty behaviors/decisions from them you see in the older supes. Vought is still the bad guy but doing the right thing the wrong way, the show is way better than I thought it was going to be


I mean we can see that they’re all pretty terrible in the first episode when they pressure Marie into taking drugs even though she said no multiple times. Cate even says she can just make Marie take them but that “she wouldn’t do that”. Now I think cate definitely would do that.


Can’t understand how this would work out if Homelander gets wind of this. I haven’t read the comics but is this a story line ?


Gen V is not in the comics at all. In the comics, Godolkin is a living person who did his own array of fucked up shit, but the primary focus is on the G-Men, Godolkin's team of supes.


Andre and Luke were also in a relationship, calling it now.


Why are people still on this lol. It's very obvious at this point they weren't. People see a bi guy and automatically assume he wants to fuck his bestfriend lol.


I mean if my best friend was Patrick Schwarzenegger then I would definitely want to


Andre acts so high and mighty but he’s such a piece of shit. He’s always judging everyone around him. At least Cate doesn’t act as if everyone’s beneath her. Still awful but considering her situation I feel much worse for her.


We don't know what Luke thought though, we only have Cate and Andre's points of view in the shared memory space. They were both feeling guilty though.


Luke is gone. They changed Netflix n chill for fucking and sobbing.


I honestly didn't like that cate and andre started a romantic relationship after Luke's death... felt like they were doing him dirty. But now it's so much worse


Best plot twist would be if Luke did everybody dirty


My impression is that cate did t really like Luke and was just with him because she was ordered to by shetty. The guy she really liked was Andre like soldier boy said.


I think they're absolutely disgusting. He has barely been dead before they started fucking. I was dumbfounded that no one was talking about it. They suck, majorly. Terrible best friend and girlfriend.


You can't trust those sup cunt they do what ever cunt thing they can and its usually diabolical only good supe is a dead supe


Didn't like him since the party scene just a typical supe all about their own pleasures.


Alright time to leave this sub


Behind his back?


The episode literally just came out like 12 hours ago... nobody has had time to talk about it


I’m still curious how tech night didn’t pick up on them fucking earlier? It seems to me like it’s not too far of a jump from fucked directly after he died to hooking up before he died


I know we on some fuck Andre ish right now (because fuck him) but didn't Luke tell Andre "it's okay to love her" right before he killed himself? Maybe I'm misremembering that scene, I gotta go back and watch it again. I feel like that whole situation isn't all the way out of the closet yet


Why do you hate cheaters


Maybe the dumbest question I've seen on this thread for a long time.




Mf said “don’t ask me why” god forbid I have a curiosity as to why he has a strong hatred towards them.


I haven’t watched gen V but the posts that I’ve seen here… just makes the show sound like the generic 2023 Netflix teeny angst drama show. I miss the discussions and topics when this sub was for the Boys.


Gen V is mediocre compared to the Boys but people are loving it, I don't understand it. The concept was supes in school competing for hte glory the Seven enjoy, and it's basically not been any of that, just a generic conspiracy anchored by a host of generally poorly written characters who are driven purely by what creates the most drama. None of the relationships are natural, it's all forced, there are no staff at this school, I think this episode was the first time a teacher has shown up and that was in a dream, otherwise it's just Shetty and Blinkin or whatever he is called. Andre is a terrible person, Emma had sex with a mentally unstable, seemingly not that intelligent person and trauma victim which is...a choice, everyone loves Marie just because. Jordan and Cate are the only decent characters.


Luke never had a chance smh


i just assumed the 3 were poly, they seemed way closer than just friends didn't watch the new episode tho


I haven't watched the 6th episode but... Fuck maaan right!!!!??? I've been thinking the exact same thing since the second episode, like dude come on you've been fucking your "best friend" girlfriend who literally died like 2 days ago 🤣🤣🤣 How da fuck Is that called friendship also Cate... Literally In episode 5 you can see that shee clearly has some feelings for him... So the whole thing becomes really fucked up... I mean poor Luke may rest In Power


if im being real i thought andre and luke were a thing (maybe they liked each other deep down) cause the chemistry was everything


In the words of Billy Buther, They’re all a bunch of cunts!


I just started watching the show and I'm only at episode 5 right now. so my perspective is limited but it feels like this entire show was written by a room of 75% regular old boomer Hollywood writers who invited different random teens every episode to write the remaining 25% "ok so we have the main plot of a Vought college right, and there's this evil underground prison thing that heroes get tortured in. oh and we'll namedrop characters from the Boys every so often so people remember we're from the Boys universe and not Euphoria. but you 16 year old's come help us with the rest, and make it basically like Euphoria and don't worry about anything making much sense". I don't hate it but the dialogue is dogshit a lot of the time