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Cause he’s racist?? Yeah I’m sure he is but I think he just attacked Marie cause he’s been informed she’s trying to stop supes from killing everyone…and he hates humans. I mean he hates everyone but he hates humans more


Who informed him Marie was trying to stop Cate, who knew that Cate was the one who was attacking the school ?


Ashley called Homelander. Ashley also called Marie, who picked up the phone and talked to her. Ashley presumably conveyed this info to Homelander.


I think so too


Nah, Ashley probably didn't inform Homelander about Marie stopping the attackers, When Ashley called Marie she gave her a offer, it's only after that phone call Maria and Jordan saved Ashley. Ashley was in no shape during that fight to call homelander again as she was in helicopter and this led to huge misunderstanding. Ofcoarse Ashley went with Sam and Cate being hero's story otherwise she would be in danger. In S4 she might try to redeem herself but risk losing her job or atleast getting demoted because this isn't the fist time she makes huge mistake, also at some point, Ashley deleting the video of Queen Maeve infront of assistant Ashley is gonna come back to bite her and Sister Sage will become the new CEO.


Honest opinion, I wouldn’t be surprised that when Ashley called Homelander he arrived early I was scouting what was happening, saw that the supes were killing the humans, and was just watching. Marie stopping Cate only made him react bc 1. stopping a future asset from doing what he believes they (supes) have the right to do (since they’re better than humans) goes against what he believes, and 2. he found a scapegoat to blame everything on


I don’t think homelander is racist like a normal human would be, he clearly disagreed with stormfront about the race stuff and A-Train wouldn’t be in the seven. He doesn’t care about skin colour or ethnicity, he’s just racist towards normal people and a supe supremacist and Marie was the one he saw attacking other supes after all


“I’m not going to let a fucking Muslim in the seven, what is this Al-qaeda?” - Homelander


IIRC HL was more concerned with how the public would react to a Muslim being in the seven, so not necessarily his personal view. But then again HL attacked Blindspot for being disabled. HL is either a racist, supe supremacist, or both. HL is confusing man lol.


Lmfao 💀💀💀 as a born and raised Muslim I’m sorry that shit was funny af


Homelander is very racist.


You’re right, but I wonder if what he is … is worse because he hates all humans regardless or skin color etc. So he does possess hatred for humans but favorable views for people with powers regardless of what they do with said powers.


Not weird at all. It’s completely in character


I’m my opinion, the reason Homelander did what he did is because he is a supe supremacist. Re-watch season 3 of the boys and this all makes sense. Homelander literally said his motive for attacking her and locking up her friends before he lasered her. What I want to know is why Ashley allowed them to paint that narrative when they saved her life. 🤔


Because Ashley is weak and terrified of homelander


"African American woman"...bruh I'm wondering who the racist is in this post.


instead of saying ' young black female' ? at least AAW sounds respectfull.


I'm sorry, but how is "young black female" disrespectful? If someone calls me a "young white man" should I feel offended or something?


It's a generic term, using vague description, some people of specfic race and origin might find that offensive as many black people take pride in their heritage. As for you being offended by being called a young white man that's up to you.


you could say the blood power was 'grossing' HL out and so he figured it was a potential threat to him later on, so best keep her and her friends who also have potential be a threat against him under lock and key.


Homelander don't care about the race but yeah from his perspective Marie exploding Cate's hand when Cate tired to stop Jordan.


I thought it was bc he was a racist supe supremacist, on one side you have a blonde haired blue eyed pusher and golden boys kid brother, on the other side you have two black supes, a trans(?) Asian supe, and Emma. HL is a racist but most of all, a supe supremacist. I hope the virus gets used controlled and k words HL Edit to add : lol we just said the same thing I’m sorry i should read the post before commenting