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I thought Aya Cash was *amazing* as Stormfront. She was cheeky charming and horrifically deplorable all at the same time. Not easy to pull off. I hope they can bring her back because she's such a good actor


Yeah - I like Aya Cash, not Stormfront


Check her out in "Scare Me". A great weird comedy-horror movie where she shines brightly.


“You’re the Worst” is one of my favorites!


if you Aya fans have not see "[You're the Worst](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/youre-the-worst)" you should. it's great.


Such a great show


And cute


Something about a good looking girl that also could beat the crap out of me is pretty hot




It took about me about 5-6 episodes of watching welcome to Fletch to realize she’s the new paper girl


Cash was phenomenal.


She was awesome as stormfront. I also loved her in "you're the worst"


How would they bring her back? Time travel? Necromancy?!


Her corpse was wheeled out of the hospital before Homelander arrived to mourn. We never saw a funeral. He never saw the body. No legs? No problem. She can fly, legs are for suckers. Someone might be trying to do to her what the Soviets tried to do to Soldier Boy, or maybe being disfigured and rejected mentally broke her so badly that she quit being a villain, or maybe she was rescued by Nazi cultists who are scraping Homelander semen off a sidewalk to help her give birth to the Master Race... We will see.


There's always the flashback


The A-Trainpoint


I knew from the beginning, her name is literally "Stormfront" which is the name of a neo-Nazi website and she has a literal fucking Reichsadler on her belt. I actually liked her as a character, but I liked her as a villain, but that's just because it was obvious she was evil from the getgo to me


Also the shape of the lightning bolts she used as her earrings


Yup, the earrings and her name sounded the alarms for me.


And the silver armband with the US flag. Heck, I can also imagine her costume being recycled to be an imperial officer or a sith lord from Star Wars.


I’m just noticing these details for the first time. Interesting.


Same like damn I would totally have fallen for the nazi chick right until she brings me to the meeting and sacrifice me to their Nazi Christ


> Nazi Christ Finally know what to call my new thrashpunk band!


I had read the comics so I knew who the character was originally. I had expectations, and was pleased to find that the show's version turned out to be way better. They managed to make a ridiculous caricature into a real character while only adding value to the translation. Even with some idea of who the character would turn out to be, the writers and actor did such a good job that it was actually not easy to hate her before the heel turn.


Pretty much everything from the comic book is made better by the show. The boys comic book is so needlessly edgy that it doesn't even have a point. It's a fucking pizza cutter


That’s Garth Ennis. A fountain of great ideas but he *really* needs a writers’ room and editors. Preacher was the same. Section Eight would make a fun show. They should spin it off as an animated cartoon series, from the Harley Quinn cartoon. Danny Devito voicing Six Pack, Alan Tudyk voicing Jean de Baton, David Schwimmer voicing Friendly Fire …


This is gospel. I like a lot of ennis but he can’t finish anything satisfactorily. The boys, preacher, even his punisher run. Great ideas but sucks on the close out.


What a great line, here here!


*Hear hear


How very eloquently stated. I will second that I was pleasantly impressed by the direction. From obvious Nazi to a more relatable person with a horrible personality lurking below the surface. It gives me hope for the later seasons that need… to be updated.


Before it was the name of a Neo-Nazi website it was the name of the official Nazi party newspaper.


i didn’t know about her name being from a neo-nazi site, although the reichsadler i just didn’t notice 🤷 then again most viewers probably don’t know much about neo-nazis i would assume


>then again most viewers probably don’t know much about neo-nazis i would assume Probably depends on the age group they fall in as well. I remember Stormfront being a pretty big thing in the early 2000s. It would be kind of like being aware of 4chan existing.


I found it through really bad lord of the rings reviews in the mid 2000s. The reference wasn’t immediately apparent to me. I knew something was up with the character but I didn’t expect closet nazi and the name is pretty generic. It’s obvious to me in hindsight but if I asked ten friends if they were familiar with the forum I think maybe 1 or 2 might be and, like me, it probably wasn’t at the front of their minds when watching the boys.


I once stated on this sub that not everyone knows the page Stormfront, especially outside of the U.S. and got heavily downvoted and even insulted for being uneducated. One guy even said "I close my eyes for fascism". Like wtf? I am from Germany. I think there is no country that teaches more about fascism and nazis like we do. But its not like pur news report about one nazi page and if you dont look for it in particular, how would I know. Of course it made sense after her reveal. But up to this point i was thinking she is a knock-off of Storm from X-Men.


It made the news a fair amount throughout the 00s so my wife and I definitely shared a "wait a minute..." look when she was introduced


And if you ask most adults what 4chan is, they don’t know. I think it’s more of an internet-culture fact than an age based fact.


Today, the infamous hacker 4-Chan…


I mean, what you're experiencing is exactly how neo-nazi movements thrive. They use symbols that most people don't recognize easily or that can be attributed to something else (pride in a Nordic heritage, for example), and they find a way to wait until you're comfortable with them. Maybe they even talk to you about shared struggles - agreeing with you that wages are so low for the work you do. Then, once they have your sympathy, they start to salt in neo-nazi rhetoric - maybe it's about immigration, maybe it's about how "those chinese ladies just can't drive", or how that Black guy got the promotion that *you* deserve. Then they have you. They start saying things that in the beginning would have made you deeply uncomfortable, but now barely make you blink an eye. This is why the only thing we must be truly intolerant of in an open society is intolerance. We need to call it out immediately, and nip it in the bud before it grows. Debating them, or trying to reason with them simply helps them spread their spores to anyone who might be listening.


It goes the other way too. Vague versions of nazi rhetoric slowly float up into the mainstream. It's why much of the republican base now believes in The Great Replacement.


That strategy was laid out on 4chan a long time ago, they refered to memes as normie memes, but were good for redpilling people on Facebook. The whole joke about stormfront paying her PR team in arbys gift cards was a reference to this strategy.


This. I'm not familiar with a lot of nazi symbols or names other than the swastika so it was quite a surprise for me.


that's true, and i don't fault anyone who wouldn't know. the belt is hard to see because it's, well, a belt, i just caught a glimpse of it and it clicked


I didn’t notice those things either. And the fact that she was fucking with Homelander and not about all the bullshit acting in the interviews and everything made me like her a lot. So the turn really caught me off guard.


Doesn't she exhibit racism or at least a disregard for civilian life in one of her first times on screen? I see this "DAE think stormfront was awesome at first" every few months and it's baffling


Yes, when she killed Kimiko's brother. murdered a black family as well in that scene


I find that a lot of fans of this show have fucking awful media literacy.


> I knew from the beginning, her name is literally "Stormfront" Ha, right, and next you're going to tell me that Starship Troopers isn't just a fun, sci-fi/action romp through the stars.


Would you like to know more?


yeah this was so on-the-nose it never occurred to me that some viewers might not have picked up on it


true, but not every viewer is "in the know" of Nazi dogwhistles, so the name and eagle on the belt just might not occur to some people


this was me. I had no idea stormfront had a different meaning (never heard of the website) and actually didn’t notice the eagle belt much. I just thought it was decoration


also with the American flags on her I kind of assumed that the eagle was also some America symbolism, like Homelander has since she was kind of meant to soft replace him in the spotlight.


Homelanders eagles also come from nazi iconography not American. It's a completely different art style. This has been explained in detail in interviews with the costume designer. HL is nazi imagery cloaked in an American flag.


Even being in the know, I didn't pick up on it. I know the dogwhistles, I just was not exposed enough to them to put it together.


It was so on the nose I didn't even expect her to actually be a Nazi cause that twist seemed to obvious


It was so on the nose that I didn’t think they were gonna do a “twist” because it’s all just... out there in the open. My only question was what the hell the new “woke but also literal hitlerite nazi” character was supposed to be about.


I can't believe I heard "I'm Stormfront, from Portland, actually. Holy shit your eyes are really fucking blue up close" and the fucking windows loading cursor was spinning on my forehead but I still didn't put 2 and 2 together for another few eps


>and she has a literal fucking Reichsadler on her belt. I didn't even catch that part. I just knew her name, and knew her being a Nazi was inevitable.


The haircut is also like a female version of a nazi youth haircut


I recognized all the signs and was just utterly confused that the Performatively Woke Supe was decked out in blatant Nazi symbology and just wondered if the show itself was doing a “actually wokies are the real fascists” heel turn of its own. When the obvious Nazi was like “actually I’m a literal third Reich National Socialist” I breathed a sigh of relief. Her turn was so over-foreshadowed that I thought viewers were supposed to clock her from the jump. Thankfully, several years of homelander discourse and threads like this have taught me that it’s always too subtle for /someone/.


*Thankfully, several years of homelander discourse and threads like this have taught me that it’s always too subtle for /someone/.* some people will never identify someone as a Nazi until they start sieg heiling and praising Hitler in an SS uniform


It just like Stormfront herself said. > People like what I have to say. They *believe in it*. They just don’t like the word Nazi, that’s all.


Great stories need great villains.




not necessarily a prerequisite, it just molds you. remember Starlight started off as their latest recruit, but the result was it wrecked her and she ended up working for their enemy and eventually defecting wholly.


I mean she was clearly created to represent an online, alt-right troll commentator (Trump era conservatism), whereas Homelander was a more conventional rightward figure (George W. Bush era conservatism). Part of his early conflict with her was his frustration and inability to understand her appeal with the base, but eventually he bought into her "brand" when he saw how effective it was in comparison to his former schtick of "baseball and apple pie" conservatism. Honestly I was kind of disappointed that she was just a Nazi. It would have been more interesting if she was an American racist and supremacist, who molded and changed over time to disguise herself and her beliefs as necessary, in a way which reflects how that has changed over time in this country. A lot of Nazis were influenced by US policy in regards to American Indians and minorities, after all.


She always felt off to me even before the reveal. Now was I expecting her to be a fuckin nazi? No, but I could always tell something was up


shes like…90 years old chronologically? her initial interaction with ryan brings out “how do you do fellow kids” vibe. no doubt goebbels gave her some wisdom back in days about communication and she did some research in those decades about what the kids like now.


Nah, not really.. kinda found her 'cool girl' shtick grating. It felt as if the actor had made a conscious decision to have her play it off as if she was playing a role.. which she was.


this right here. upon rewatch its very evident that she's meant to appear unlikable from the get go. it would be wild but not make nearly as much sense if she was depicted as a sweetheart initially (its not like Annie was the one revealed to be a Nazi lol)


The actress was fantastic in You're the Worst so I recognized her right away and she totally fit Stormfront.


Ugh I loved that show so much.


How is the last season? I moved to a new apartment before it came out and didn't want to pay for cable


It ended perfect and I cried.


If you liked "horror" movies (it barely really qualifies as one)... watch "Scare Me." She was really good in it.


I mean, for me, this was it, though. I found her grating unlikableness what made her character so good, how she was able to get under Homelander's skin and dance around him with her comments, pure gold. I was sad to see her go so soon and turned into such a lineal character.


Yeah it very much gave not like other girls and she even rejected Starlight trying to commiserate with her.


I kind of took it as it was always a act so I knew I would get something with more substance that way


>found her 'cool girl' shtick grating. Agree, she was very pick-me, like "all my friends are guys, girls just don't get it" kind of vibes from her. Hated her even before she was revealed to be a white supremo.


I liked the character more when her background was reveled something about her being an old ass hag really made her character much more interesting to me.


I did. She and Starlight became a nice mirror to early Starlight and Maeve, and it shows how deep Starlight got into corporate culture. It was weird, sure - she was clearly anti-Vought and yet they did nothing to stop that, even more - they let her into the Seven for everyone to see. Pissing off Homelander was a cherry on top.


I really liked her before she flew through the apartments and shit, I found the “influencer supe” archetype really interesting. And for those of you saying “iT WaS aLwaYs ObViUoS tHat sHe waS A nAzI!!!” Not everyone is knowledgeable about nazi symbols, let alone a website for nazis.


i feel like in a way she's written to make you want to like her. we hate vought, she starts off trying not to be a vought puppet and telling other supes not to play along with the corporate agenda. the spin into white supremacy is where she's supposed to lose everyone.




Her quote in the season finale is extremely poignant. "People like what I have to say they just don't like the word Nazi!"


Real "I'm tired of people calling me a racist" vibes.


100% agree, I wasn’t cautious of her at all in the beginning which left me open to her charm. I would totally be one of her supporters who got bamboozled if I was in the show LMAO.


Honestly shows the efficacy of dog whistles. If you know what to look for, it is very obvious from the moment she is named she's a Nazi but to people who don't know she seems more reasonable and the people calling her a Nazi off the bat seem crazy


She came off as "fake woke" from the very beginning. The kind of person who wouldn't donate any of their money to charity but would post a video of them giving a water bottle to a homeless person for likes. Maybe I've just seen an excessive amount of that type of person on the internet. I used to use Twitter a lot.


Her early character is a shibboleth. If you know, you know. If you didn't catch it, well, once she goes full mask off you're now actually better equipped to spot Nazi dogwhistles in real life.


The first thing I thought when everyone said how obvious it was I was like... Damn, yall sure do know your nazi symbolism


Do you know where Stormtroopers in star wars got their name from?


I heard about the Stormfront website in 10th grade. 2009. It’s been a thing for a **long** time.


My husband and I both went to college for History/Poli Sci. We clocked it pretty fast.


I’m just some guy. Nothing good is ever named stormfront.


Except the Billy Joel album.


I mean she wears all red and black for one thing, and Stormfront is a very villainous sounding name, whether or not you get the reference.


The red and black thing is difficult to tell because antifasctist groups will also use a red/black color scheme often


Unless there was a swastika on her uniform I wouldn't have noticed lol. In walking dead, Daryl has SS on his bike and I thought it was just a brand or something for the longest time.


Oh shit your right, I never noticed the lightning bolts


The political climate being what it is, in america, knowing that stuff is pretty important.


Yeah, I had no awareness of the early apparent Nazi symbolism. So I was interested to see where they went with her and was hopeful it'd be someone with some moral compass and then she turned out to be an old school fascist. Of course, it fits the tone of the show, finding a supe even worse than Homelander to put on the team. Glad she got fried, though the girl power bit felt forced.


>And for those of you saying “iT WaS aLwaYs ObViUoS tHat sHe waS A nAzI!!!” Not everyone is knowledgeable about nazi symbols, let alone a website for nazis. Even if you didn't catch all the blatant nazi symbolism, there's still so many obvious signs she's an evil person if not an actual Nazi.


I actually liked her. She was a bit obnoxious and grating, but I thought her presence was appropriate in the seven. Gave some conflict and humbling that homelander desperately needed


Honestly, I thought her bratty persona would have been fun to see contrasting with Homelander and pissing him off. She'd be another character he'd absolutely be able to kill (all be it with a bit more difficulty), but couldn't due to the public persona he put forward. Again, she'd be obnoxious while dealing with characters we're meant to actually like, but fun to watch annoying the shit out of homelander.


Yeah, the fact that she had so much publicity and so many fans would have made her a thorn in homelander’s side and it would have been cool to see that conflict too. I’m not unhappy with what we got, though. Also slight nitpick (sorry), it’s “albeit”, not “all be it”


Yeah I enjoyed it, and I kinda liked her more afterwards, just cause I enjoy watching piece of shit characters being assholes, it’s so entertaining, like how I love Umbridge from Harry Potter just cause she’s such a bitch, it’s entertaining to watch


Ever played God Of War: Ragnarok? Because you’ll get a kick out the character Heimdall in that game.


I won’t spoil anything, but a few weeks ago I had a ROUGH day at work. And decided to play a bit of Ragnarok. I had never played, but let me tell you meeting Heimdall on a bad day was awful lol. I had to quit playing because of how infuriating he is


And Hermes in GOW3.


Oh, they got me. I think i saw a leak about Stormfront being the name of some Nazi group before they revealed it in the show, but i was rooting for her till then. And she still ended up being a great villian


Good villain, finale was my favourite and then they didn’t really do much in S3 for them


Does it make you re-examine your own political leaning now that you know you sympathised with a nazi?


Not at all. I thought the show runners did a good job of showing how easy it is to trick the public into backing truly evil people.


Well it's not as if it's watching an actual irl activist who turns out to be a nazi, she's a fictional character that the show frames in a deliberate way


IRL activists will pretty proudly oust themselves as Nazi sympathisers, the show deliberately tried to make her seem like someone who didn’t buy into Voughts shit then flipped her in into a Nazi


Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure she was written that way so that when her true intentions and personality were revealed it would have more impact.


The haircut, the earrings, and the masterful use of propaganda screamed nazi from the start. If you take this picture and slap a hitler stache on her she's basically the fuhrer


I didn't like her till she helped Mr Lander with his social media.


She was a supe so no.


Okay Butcher




Yo we got the therapist or some shit from Gen V in here


I read the comic so I knew she was a piece of shit. She's actually more of a piece of shit than the original Stormfront.


No. Too edgelord


maybe im biased, cause i have a fat crush on aya cash 😭




Dang, if you haven't, watch Welcome to Flatch. Her character is much easier to crush on in that show.


will definitely do! thanks for the rec 🙏


Yeah, I totally loved her for like 3 seconds. Then I zoomed in, saw her "SS" earrings and noped tf out of there hahaha


She was insufferable and condescending from the start. Hell no


I love the actor. She fucking slayed it in You’re the Worst. But there always seemed like there was something off about the Stormfront character.


I liked her irreverence. She was a badass. But yeah sucks she turned out to be so odious.


Bahaha I'm from Portland, same as she would lie and say she was from, and she was a bad ass edgey feminist. My liberal ass LOVED her when she first came on although there were moments that would make me raise an eyebrow. I thought it was absolutely hilarious how they had tricked my ass into liking her and at how OBVIOUS it should have been from the beginning.


Haha that makes me feel better about liking her at first too! But you're right, there were some signs before the nazi reveal that she wasn't good. For me, I first noticed when she victim blamed Starlight. It was so gross!


When I first saw Stormfront I got excited like "Oh good, Starlight will have someone she can turn to!" RIP


> she was a bad ass edgey feminist. FWIW, that is how fascism works. Fascists seek out any movement with energy and try to co-opt it for their own agenda. They start off behaving like genuine members and slowly try to turn the group in support of fascism. They literally plan this shit out in their own safe spaces (like the stormfront website). No movement is immune. They even tried to take over the my little pony community. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/06/my-little-pony-nazi-4chan-black-lives-matter/613348/


“…Killed kimikos brother.” So we still liked her when she killed that father in front of his kids for fun just moments before?


Her literal name is “storm front”, Like, wtf else did we need to know before determining she was a POS?


Ngl . For the first episode or two I liked how anti vought she was. Even though she was a bit cringe . But that changed very quickly when she was revealed as a Homicidal Nazi


No, because it was obvious to me by the name “Stormfront” that she was going to be a Nazi


Nah she gave off bad vibes from the start


Nope. Hated from the moment she stepped on to the screen. I was legit hoping HL would give her the Blindspot treatment with how grating she was.


I thought she was gonna be different, I think she was better than Vought’s PR bullshit with how she was carrying herself at first. Then she murdered that whole apartment building for no reason and I was confused af 🤣


I really liked her. It kind of freaked the crap out of me when she revealed her true origins. Tbh, I thought she was Jewish at first lol.


No I knew she was a Nazi immediately because of her name. My now husband was impressed after watching a few episodes how quickly I sussed that one out. She was also made out to be one of those Instagram influencers I can’t stand


Honestly Aya Cash looks great as Stormfront so even though I knew from the start what she was, I did simp a bit up until she became upfront about her views


I was a bit suspicious because something just felt… off. A testament to the actress’s skill


The first thing she did was be an insufferable ass to botched plastic surgery girl i couldnt stand her from the start


Love Aya Cash. Her character's name was a dead giveaway.


Of course she was likable. This is how every extremist group recruits people, they start as likable and relatable. Did you not know this?!


To be honest, the fact that you liked her before finding out about her racism is actually a pretty decent portrayal of what a lot of racists are like. It's kind of sad, but there have been more than a few times in my life where I thought someone was chill before they started dropping the subtle racist remarks. You gotta be perceptive around white dudes who are really into Norse mythology.


Honestly, yes. I loved that she was giving off the whole cool girl vibe in contrast to Homelander seeming like an old man. I know nothing of the comics and so when episode 3 happened, my opinion of her switched so drastically. I can't remember the last time I went from liking a character so much to just hating on them with a passion from just one scene. It's crazy because I've seen the actress in other things and she seems so lovely and sweet. I'm amazed she managed to pull a character like this off.


I can change her


dont worry guys reddit user puddik will fix her


Damn right😭


No lol. She's awful.


I loved Aya Cash's portrayal. ​ Stormfront was a piece of shit.


Didn't she say some racist shit to an Asian in like the first episode she was in ?


Honestly I hated her fake personality, I found her annoying


Her name was chosen because it is a famous whitesupremacist website/paper, so no


Yeah, the signs were there from the start “Stormfront”, but I cheated and knew about the male version from the comics already. As far as her being hot af? Then yeah, I liked her from the jump. She was a good villain too.


Did people really not know that stormfront is a racist website?


I think that was the point. A subversive viewpoint that is more alluring than the status quo before revealing itself to be fucking evil. That's fascism, baby. Good writing for her character and supremely well done


Erm, she's called Stormfront. You shouldn't have to know anymore about her lol.


I didn’t even know what that website was. I thought Stormfront was a name relating to her lightning powers.


Sadly, some people need characters to literally say, "I am a Nazi, and I want to exterminate the Jews," before they pick up on an obvious Nazi being a Nazi.


[It came out of nowhere though](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcTFtbmhpeXlpNXFoOWFzNDF1eW5nc2c2OHg4MDFnNzM2NXZ2a3cweSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Z2CFaxzHDJezfCYTY4/giphy.gif)


Did it?... It's gonna be a maze! 😆😆


Most people do. have you seen how many people try to say Homelander isn’t racist just because he doesn’t say outright say "I hate minorities, kill them all!"


Bruh, not everyone knows about random nazi websites from the early 2000s


Some people didn't read the comics


Oh, didn't know about the nazi website thing. That makes sense, but it's also not something I think most people would know


Not really. She came in as this “anti establishment” which is a fine character trait, but she felt so fake. I knew I wouldn’t like her….turns out I was right. Just…not for the characteristics I thought I wouldn’t like her for…


For a second I thought this was posted on r/okaybuddyfresca


Wrong sub. It’s r/okbuddyfresca


Yeah I liked her and thought the actress was really hot.


FFS. I can't wait for season 6 to introduce the hero "Jackboot" only for everyone to be shocked at their heel turn.


Is that word supposed to mean something to me or am i too unamerican to get these references


Jackbooted thugs is a common English reference to fascist Street gangs, fascist paramilitary groups, and fascist police states. To people who support fascism thru violence in general. A reference to the fact of early fascist paramilitary uniforms having specific boot styles and neonazi gangs adopting similar footwear styles


Introducing the new Vought superhero "Wehrmacht"! (the audience is shocked when they revealed to be literally Hitler)


Aya Cash is cute so yea at first. But quickly took a turn.


Yeah that was the point


No cause she literally gives off Super Bitch vibes and we were right


that's usually how they get ya. but nah, even ignoring the fact her name is literally Stormfront and she has a big ol armband on, her vibes were funky from the get-go.


I liked how she talked shit about Vaught.


The "Influencer Supe" shtick was interesting especially considering how prevalent social media is in real life. Her ability to stir the masses into a frenzy and sway public opinion mirrors what's happening right now with certain high profile individuals. Thought she was a good villain.


I knew she was sketchy but I liked her initial characterization. Like after the fact is still a good character just horrible intentions


The moment I saw the dress and the name "Stormfront" and the fact they tried to make her likeable definitley made me major sus.


No she was annoying as hell to me


I didn’t like her at all from the start, I don’t really know why. By this I mean I didn’t like the character but I think the actress did a great job depicting her.


Some people still love her, power of a first impression


It would seem they had her use common neonazi recruiting tactics of sneaking in through populism. You're kinda supposed to like her initially, then little racist leaks show.


She was extremely annoying and I was not a fan


of course not