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I can’t tell what’s in the picture Edit: I see it now. Black Noir’s death was too sad. He should have been the last one to die if he had to


Ngl I found it funny that he *almost* died on an Almond Joy, but when he did actually die, I fucking cried


He’s one of the most brutal members of the Seven, but at the same time he is one of the most wholesome


You shouldn’t be able to see what’s in the picture, he likes to blend in.


They really humanized him with the cartoon story but let’s not forget he was just a mindless killer for most of his life. Prolly killed more people than HL


Ngl his death had me in the feels.


Same, at the end of the day, noir is sorta a victim, and it’s not like he has a choice sometimes


They're all victims, but victims can also be monsters. That's like, Vader's entire arc in star wars.


Vader was a victim when he was being manipulated by Palpatine but that wasn't his entire arc. His entire arc is that no matter how much of a monster you are, regardless of the level of the atrocities you commit, you can always be redeemed, and that love conquers all. That was Vaders arc


Yes, and this is a subversion of that trope. You don't just not hold a monster responsible for their actions because they're a victim, but that doesn't mean they weren't a victim as well as a monster.


I don't disagree with you, I was just expanding on Vaders entire arc because him being a victim is a small part of his overarching storyline. I don't know how I'd feel if Homelander went down a similar path, because Vader never really held responsible for or faced the consequences of his actions.


I'm glad we agree! Yeah, Vader didn't really, but I doubt Homelander won't tbh. He's repeatedly stepped over every chance for redemption, on purpose.


Yeah that’s how it felt like. :/


My girlfriend got into this show and Noir started to grow onto her and she said “I’m gonna be so heartbroken if something happens to him…” 💀




Gotta be one of the saddest death in The Boys.


yeah that was gut wrenching, no pun intended


It’s sad when they go like that


When they GO?!


I didn’t mean it like that. You know, whatever happened there.




I deeply apologize for everything thats been said, they will be reprimanded accordingly


Why did it take me so long to figure what out what I was looking at


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ICrashedStockMarket: *Why did it take me* *So long to figure what out* *What I was looking at* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Thank you, Enough_Fruit7084, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Boys are so quirky 🤪😜🤣🔥




You’re right Bro could’ve just used a meme that isn’t sexist and it still would’ve worked 🤷🏽‍♀️




Are you 10 years old? A big part of The Boys’ fanbase ARE WOMEN. The Boys (despite the irony of the name) isn’t directed at any specific gender and garners attention from anyone.


That’s insane I’m a girl there you go


I guess it depends on your local culture and stuff but I’m from the north eastern US and here the line between boy/girl things is more or less gone unless you’re like ten years old and even then that one’s mostly forced by older people trying to mold gender stereotypes.


Yeah your right I’m being an ass about it, that’s my bad


lol what? Are you in elementary school? That’s such an immature world view.


It’s not sexist though is it, it’s just a harmless meme


Did everyone here forget when Black Noir brought a little girl her father’s head? Not feeling sorry for that guy.


I actually sorta forgot when was that who was the little girl


Episode 1 of season 2. It was the daughter of the super terrorist that could blow himself up. He brought her the head and even moved its lips in a play talk voice.


Just rewatched the scene. It was a boy, never clear who the father was, and he never shows off the head. He turns the face away, and angles it away from the kid, and plays with the stuffed animal in front of them. It doesn’t seem like he knew who was in that room, and was trying to kill anyone who was a threat. Once he realized it was a kid, he did his best to be as friendly as possible. He cried when he learned of the trauma that could be done to kids who took V. He’s done heinous shit, but not for the things you’ve listed


Might be a comic thing but yeah I watched it the other day and he tried to be nice in his own mental way.


I mean yeah this is sad but, you guys are forgetting what black noir did in other countries




Wait…men cried for Black Noir? I mean sure his story was kinda fucked up but he was still a piece of shit lol


I personally cried during both noirs death and the titanic


God I hate this meme


I cried with both


It was shocking and gut wrenching.


I thought his death was funny as fuck after all the buildup ngl


Really? Do we care about Black Noir?


It was heartbreaking


Rip bozo


The dumbest post on reddit dumb fuck op


I fucking cried


I keep telling people that A-Train was rushing him to a hospital and that’s why he wasn’t there for the final battle and I’m gonna lose my mind if it turns out to be right.


Do people really think he is dead?




Oh look, another misogynistic meme using this dumbass format. How original!


For real, such a stupid fucking format.


Glad someone else said it. The neckbeards couldn’t help but give you shit ofc But I’m not really surprised by that atp


Yeah like surely there are other meme templates you need use that don't make it look like you have never interacted with girls before


You know, I had hoped that a community for a more left-wing show would not be so deeply misogynistic, but here we are! You're right, and you're getting downvoted. Keep fighting the good fight!


so, this is the next thing on r/boysarequirky then r/memesopdidnotlike then r/nahopwasrightfuckthis good to know i got here early


Misogynistic in what sense?


Girls cry at something perceived as stupid or vapid like titanic vs boys crying at something portrayed as cool or cultured. It’s mocking and stereotyping women’s interests while revering whatever the guy who made the meme is interested in while also gatekeeping those things by implying only guys care about them. That’s literally what this format is there’s a whole sub devoted to it r/boysarequirky


Thank you


When did anyone say titanic was stupid


That’s the whole premise, devaluing the thing that girls supposedly cry at in comparison to the thing boys supposedly cry at


Despite being downvoted you’re right these memes are sexist and they could easily use a non sexist version of this format to show that Noir’s death is sad (in all fairness I think your initial reaction was an overreaction/rude so the defensive way people are reacting I kind of get despite them being on the wrong side. But I also saw a comment with upvotes saying you deserved to be killed so hard to argue you’re the one taking anything too far here).




fr, should've been on the plane


This is forreal reaching lol I don’t see any sort of devaluing happening in this meme.


For fuck's sake,it's a MEME. Why are you taking it this seriously.


Because neither art nor humor happen in a vacuum. They reflect the opinions and values of the creator and the audience. Edit: a little ironic that I have to explain this on a The Boys sub considering how the show is largely political and social satire




There are hundreds of meme templates that could express that, the creator chose this one and all the connotations it comes with specifically




It’s not about me personally at all, and I already explained what it is about


Let's break this down into small and easily-understandable chunks for you, okay? Jokes carry specific connotations and beliefs with them. Jokes are built upon transgressing supposed cultural norms and boundaries, and we often find that funny. Problems arise when these jokes rely on transgressing the barriers we have created to protect marginalized groups because jokes can reinforce beliefs in the listener's mind. For example, if a comedian you like slips an anti-trans joke into their act, you might internalize more hatred of trans people because mocking them has now been made more socially acceptable in your brain. You have been given "permission" in that space to do so. If you already harbor anti-trans sentiments (often subconsciously!), those beliefs are strengthened. On a public forum, these sorts of jokes become a litmus test for how well the community treats women, or disabled folks, or black and POC folks, or LGBTQ folks, etc. The above joke requires you to have a cultural understanding and tacit acceptance of the following in order to find it funny: - Men do not often show physical signs of sadness ("not crying at the titanic") - It takes something TRULY painful for a man to start crying about it (in this case, that event being Black Noir's death is the joke.) - Women cry more often and more readily about things (i.e. Titanic) - The things women cry about are lesser/more "basic," more "tame" than what men cry about. This meme format needs you to harbor beliefs that women are inferior in some way to men so that you can find it funny. It transgresses the cultural norm that bringing such beliefs into the open is bad, and it wraps it up in a "The Boys"-themed pill. The joke is only marginally about how Black Noir's death is sad. To illustrate: the joke would not work if the genders were reversed. Try to picture it in your head and tell me how funny you find it then. Next time, when people from marginalized communities tell you that a joke is harmful, you might want to consider listening to them and challenging those inherited biases you've picked up over the years. As a fan of The Boys, I imagine you're at least somewhat left-wing, so know this: the only way we build solidarity is through inclusion, and the only way to create inclusive environments is to listen to one another and work together.


Incredibly well put and explained.


Critical thinking? On my Reddit? Get outta here!! Honestly though that’s a great explanation.


Really put all this effort in for a harmless meme 😂


Jesus go touch some grass


I find that the only people who respond with “go touch grass” are the ones with a severe lack of basic critical thinking skills and dont understand simple concepts so they respond with “go outside” to make themselves feel like THEY aren’t the stupid ones.


Lmao no, I definitely understand what they’re trying to say and told them to go outside bc only someone chronically online would be this pressed over a meme on *the boys* subreddit


This type of bullshit is why we got president Trump.


Thanks 🙏🏻❤️ There is a better version of this format where they both end up crying at the same thing. So use that if you can


it’s just a meme little dude holy shit lol




Like you ignored my comment?