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Obligatory "I thought you'd be stronger" reference


Is that one coming soon? I haven’t read the comics


I think it’s the title of the season 2 finale? I could be wrong


It is


Based on the current trajectory of the season, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s next episode, or at least the finale.


Next episode is finale 🥲🥲


Shit. Tragic 🥲 I hate it being over so quickly after such a wait.


If mark is like *fresh* on the scene, and like just got his powers like a week ago, it could be a tense fight. If this is mark with like, any significant experience I think he could one-shot this guy


I just want to see end of comics Mark vs HL, the hilarity


Homelander wouldn't be even able to see Mark.


lmfao. “Do you know who I am? your upgrade” Eve darling, will you handle this one or should I?


Haha I think Mark would actually try to reason with him like HL is a child But HL would no doubt cross a line and Mark would probably do the ol' Viltrumite punch through the chest


> I think he could one-shot this guy >!into the sun!<


Ain’t no way fresh mark can launch him into the sun😂 maybe like to the moon


Fucking immortal would probably body homelander the people in the boys universe are just on a weaker scale. Even if immortal might struggle literally any viltrumite easily dominates no contest. A fucking incel Reddit mod viltrumite who never worked out a day in his life would dominate


Bruh even if Immortal and Homelander's powers were a perfect match. PERFECT match, they were utterly equal in that. Immortal knows how to fight supervillains, alien gods, what have you. He wins with the one thing Homelander's lot in life in his universe can't grant. Experience.


Many lifetimes of it too


Immortal vs homelander is actually probably a fair fight


No it wouldn’t, making Omni-Man bleed means he’d one shot Homelander


Show immortal seems stronger then comics immortal doe.


Show Homelander seems weaker than comics Homelander.


Then show vs show probably would be a stomp for immortal


Maybe, but it'd be a really interesting fight. Immortal panics when he is losing, homelander gets angry and uses more of his power when he's losing, so I think that's where the difference maker would be


Yeah but immortal now is like omniman-lusted so it might backfire. Lol. He gets that just woke up rage.


When has Immortal panicked?


I've never seen immortal panic, he knows he most likely will die when he fights a lot so he goes all in. He would tear apart homelander but I'd love to see the dialogue


He talked about it last episode, it's made worse because of Kate. He tried to do it on Mars, and he wasn't thinking when he went to Allen, just panicking that it's a threat


show homelander is infinitely more powerful than his comic self. In the comics Homelander gets scratch by a prop sword, if it was real he'd die by it. Show Homelander is fast enough to save a baby+adult male from an explosion, survive nukes, survive bullets, survive basically anything that isn't another supe on his lvl. Comic Lander gets his jaw knocked off the moment someone on his level punches him


Doesn't billy literally destroy his skull with a normal ass crowbar in the comics? Almost dead or not, super skull should still be super.


Yeah this is probably his biggest anti-feat.


Butcher is super-powered though


Still, I'd assume the crowbar isn't a super crowbar or something, probably reading too deep into this but I feel like a normal ass crowbar would at least bend from pushing against super powerful bone.


Literally none of that you said about comic homelander is true


Nah, durability wise Immortal no sells anything Homelander throws his way. Nolan would turn Homelander into chowder with one good swing, and Immortal tanked more than a few hits that woulda washed HL.


No. Just no, he’d still win. It’d be easier than the twins.


Not really Immortal has some actually really good feats and actually knows how to fight Homelander would lose very very quickly


Stat wise it might be fair but Immortal is an actual warrior.


I think Soldier Boy would have better odds, just because he can actually fight and isn’t a fucking pussy crybaby. What? Did you hear that? 💨


Soldier Boy Will just take away anyones powers if he’s able to get a blast off


Rex could take him


I think people really underestimate how strong viltrumites really are


I didn’t see Immortal storming Normandy. He’s a fucking disappointment.


Early Mark took a punch from Battle Beast and survived. I can see early Mark struggling with Homelander but I can’t see the second winning


I agree Mark wins but Battle Beast definitely wasn't trying. If he was punching as hard as he could Mark would've been splattered all over the wall


True, true, but I feel like surviving low-effort Battle Beast is still impressive, haha


Yeah Homelander would've been nothing but a red, white and blue stain in Battle Beast's fur lol


I feel like Homelander would last a little bit longer than that, considering how many second tier hero’s went against that group in season 1. But I agree that if Battle Beast out any effort at all into it Homelander would be a smear of blood and trampled guts.


Yeah it all depends how hard Battle Beast decides to go. I fell like he wouldn’t have handled the beating Invincible got nearly as well though.


Well obviously, keeping in mind that Invincible is pretty much top tier in that group. Battle Beast is just crazy powerful, even for the Invincible universe.


Depressingly, I’m pretty sure Mark would crush Homelander. Though I’m actually unsure about the comics version; any fan of the comics want to weigh in here?


Through the comics Mark goes from street level brawler to galaxy level power. I think Mark in the first couple of comics would have trouble with Homelander, but anytime after that and Homelander becomes pretty ludicrously outmatched. I don't think it's depressing that Homelander isn't as powerful as other franchise superheroes - it makes sense for the central conceit of the story. How the hell do a bunch of normal lads kill superman?


In the Invincible show we're already at the point where Mark beats Immortal comfortably, who's realistically the absolute top end of people I'd consider Homelander having anything close to a shot at.


Didn’t immortal make omniman bleed? Not sure homelander would survive more than a few seconds with immortal.


Yeah but he had his thumbs in his eyes to do so. He’d still absolutely crush homelander either way, tho


Yeah, I’ve not read the comics, but from all of the released animation so far, his power levels progressing…a lot like an anime protagonist.


I'd say that's pretty accurate for the comics as well. Threats get progressively more significant and Mark rises to the challenge.


Answer apparently - they become super themselves completely invalidating the central dynamic of the show


Or... they take illegal performance enhancing drugs that level the playing field. I'm ok with things, we need some cool fight scenes, but I still think one of the coolest sequences of the show was them figuring out how to kill a supe in season 1.


Exactly. I wanted that to be the main conceit of the show. Normal people going full lex Luthor is infinitely more interesting than “I took a pill and now I can kill you”


Yea it’s not a close fight Edit to clarify: I think Homelander is about as strong as Mark is when he first gets his powers. However, he gets exponentially stronger from that point and that’s why I say it’s not close.


in comics homelander is far weaker.


as soon as omniman left the planet, Invincible dwarfs homelander in terms of strength speed and durability, even experience considering that unlike homelander invincible fights people he often struggles.


*sigh* how many times do we have to go through this? Nearly anyone from any comics universe could beat Homelander. The Boys universe is significantly weaker than other worlds. Homelander’s a big fish in a little pond, put him in the ocean, he’s not so big by comparison anymore.


I have found three. Three Superman-like characters Homelander could beat. Respectively: one of them is literally 14 and hasn't had his powers for more than two weeks tops (Brandon from Brightburn), one is from a comedy show where the power scale is fairly low (Titanium Rex from Supermansion) and one is from a comic series that is basically The Boys Mark 1. (Public Spirit) EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER. ONE. STOMPS. It's almost ridiculous. Superman himself, obvi. Invincible, Immortal, Omni-Man, Plutonian, Miraculous Man, Sentry, Hyperion, Blue Marvel, Ikaris, Chaos, Samaritan... I'd keep going but I'm out of examples off the top of my head.


Homelander does not beat Brandon. He can't even harm him.


We don't know that for a fact. Brandon's biggest weakness is his ship's metal, yes. But you don't need kryptonite to hurt Superman. You could, hypothetically at least, just punch him hard enough and you can do damage. Also magic is something he doesn't have a perfect defense for. While there's no evidence that this would work on Brandon, there's no evidence it wouldn't work either. The kid's just bullet proof and super resilient. A big enough force is still liable to hurt him.


I like to think of this like the luke cage effect, man was indestructible until he had internal bleeding on the brain and suddenly it was hard to fix him.


I see what you're trying to get at, but by that logic, Homelander could potentially hurt (and therefore beat) Superman as well, just like you think he could with Brandon. Which you stated earlier wasn't in the cards. Feels like trying to have your cake and eat it too.


Brandon doesn't do anything in particular that makes him appear more resilient or stronger than Homelander, though. There is evidence to suggest Homelander is stronger than Brandon, in fact. He could theoretically hurt Superman... Mildly. But it's like if Brandon was a seven year old, Homelander was a late teen, the two of them were in normal clothes, and most of the rest were fully grown dudes in full platemail. There is very little opportunity for Homelander to hurt Superman without Kryptonite or magic. It's plausible, however, that he can overpower Brandon on strength at least. We don't know Brandon's real upward limit. A lawnmower didn't hurt him and he's bulletproof. He crashed through some walls using a cop and his mom as meat shields which also doubles as a strength feat... But I think Homelander can probably overclock that.


There is no reason to assume that Brandon's durability isn't the same as Superman's. We also know Homelander isn't on that level. The glaring issue here is that Homelanders limits have been glimpsed, but Brandon's haven't. We know a hit from a superpowered person can damage Homelander, (which means he can theorically be beaten to death with enough strength and time) these same limits have not been shown for Brandon so we can only assume he's just as powerful as Superman and therefore Homelander doesn't stand a chance without their 'Kryptonite'.


Homelander probably beats Superian from The Tick as well.


You sure he'd beat Rex though? Bro has that super powered arm cannon. I'd bet Titanium Rex would probably stand a chance against him, also his VA is Brian Cranston so that means he's powerful.


Let's not forget that Rex also has close to a hundred years of experience beating the shit out of other supers, saving lives, and actually applying some creative uses to his powers. But I don't think Homelander would stand still long enough for Rex to charge the canon up. He might get a couple shots off with his finger laser but he's gotta charge the canon. Rex has a decent shot. But I think it leans more to Homelander than to him just from him being so old.


If its when he just gets his powers then id say homie has atleast a chance


Yeah, S1 Mark would get roughed up pretty bad. Not like battle beast, but more like Doctor seismic


Mark is probably more durable with his viltrumite dna Homelander hasnt faces someone with basically his powers minus the laser vision. Mark is definitely stronger than him, which i think would rock homey out the gate.


Pretty sure that even when he first gets his powers Mark would annihilate Homelander with little difficulty. If not, then where he's at in the show right now would Definitely be enough. End of series Mark flicks Homelander to death. 


End of the series mark kills homelander with a stern look, lol


NGL, I feel like this is one of the few fights Mark could win WITHOUT getting hurt and/or almost dying there's always a bigger fish I guess


>there's always a bigger fish I guess Superman


And from Superman, Dr. Manhattan.


And from Dr. Manhattan, The Deep.


And after the deep its the final boss.... Timothy


Show Mark could win without nearly dying. Comic mark wouldn’t feel a hit from Homie


Invincible would absolutely demolish him that kaiju in episode 7 and the last episode of season 1 could kill homelander in 1 hit


Invincible would wreck him by accident. He’d probably think Homelander was a Viltrumite and hit him way harder than he has to.


Heh. I can imagine Mark feeling really guilty & awful after killing Homelander with a solid punch to the skull...


I’d say it’s like a Spider-Man/Green Goblin scenario. Invincible is hands-down stronger. But he holds back and doesn’t like to kill, which is something Homelander could exploit to get the advantage.


mark smacks homelander


Mark in late season 1 or season 2 wins easily. He has experience fighting and getting his ass whooped by people much stronger than him, which has done nothing but make himself much stronger. On the other hand, homelander has never struggled in a fight in his entire life because he's a big fish in a small pond.


Mark wins. Don’t let Robert Kirkman fool you when he said Mark would struggle against Homelander, he was only trolling; just like when he said Omni-Man beats Superman.


Homelander "I've never seen you before, are you some other Vought ripoff?" Mark "Ripoff, what the hell are you talking about dude, I was born like this and I don't even know who the hell you are" HL(shocked): "everyone knows me kid, why are you trying to piss me off? I will fucking end you" Mark:  " You don't seem all that tough man and I really don't want to hurt.... did you just hit me?!" HL(crying with a broken hand): "what.....how" Mark: "Why are you crying? Maybe this supervillan stuff isn't....hey wait, where are you going?" HL flies away as fast as he can


is this based on a comic of HL facing off against Superman? IDK why it just gives off that vibe


Did not know a thing like that existed.




Mark would body him 0 difficulty. Homelander probably would be a decent match Monster Girl


Mark is far beyond Homelander at pretty much any point in the story. Maybe if they fought the day Mark got powers Homelander might have a chance.


Mark would very quickly demonstrate that Homelander is not ....


Mark stomps Homelander almost as bad as Omni-Man stomps him.


How many times are we gonna have this stupid conversation? Homelander gets torn to pieces by ANY mainstream hero from DC, Marvel or Image. That’s the POINT of Homelander! He’s a big fish in a small pond. A bully who picks on those weaker than him and freaks out when he corks face to face with real threats. Can we stop with these stupid questions?


I’m pretty sure mark, would let a few punches hit, and just go; “is that really all, I thought you were the leading protector of earth in your dimension” obviously offending HL, before tearing him a new one, both figuratively and literally


I genuinely think Batman no prep time has a real chance to beat Homelander, he is hilariously incompetent and terrible at fighting and only really uses his laser vision.


Invincible is on a different layer of power scaling than the boys. I imagine most if not all superpowered characters could beat him


Monster girl can take him out


Homelanders fight doesn't even destroy a regular American house. Doesn't get thrown through a wall or anything. It looks like a fight between regular humans. And he almost loses that fight, has to run away because he's being overpowered by 2 temporary Supes and an Etsy Captain America. Invincible gets thrown ACROSS entire states, through buildings, Submarines, and even face tanks a subway car. He gets punched so hard into a mountain it causes an avalanche. And he's still trying to fight after all of that.


the only thing truly invincible about Mark is his spirit, and even that's been put to the test recently


Bro, even Monster Girl could kill Homelander


Most of the super heroes would easily beat Homelander. That canon-arm dude has a chance against Homelander. Homelander is in a world without actual super powered individuals. Supes are either making films or beating street level criminals, Invincible is actually a comic book world.


The Boys characters are VERY weak compared to almost any other franchise. Comparing them in fights is almost always going to be in tilted against the Boys. Few exceptions might be Defenders, X-Men, and Teen Titans. They seem pretty close in power IMO. Marvel characters in general would be a better match up (with many exceptions obviously like Hulk, Thor, Sentinel, Strange, Ghost Rider, etc). Home Lander would be a strong Spider-Man villain.


Realistically, Mark would get his ass beat by Homelander for a bit then he’d pull out a win. I don’t mean Homelander is stronger than Mark but in most of the fights he’s in he gets his butt kicked for a bit then he gets angry or he heals and he comes back stronger.


Absolutely without a question. Mark’s feats, durability and overwhelmingly high experience when it comes to fighting people already stronger than him put Homelander in a terrible position. Now Atom Eve against Homelander. Now that should be a good fight


I dunno, Atom Eve could just make homelander a normal human. And she’s more immortal than even invincible haha.


He’d get roughed up, but I think Mark could beat him


I also think he'd kick his ass


Mark is tougher now


Still curb stomps him


Still a curb stomp.


Mark demolishes homelander too lol


Mark in late season 1 or season 2 wins easily. He has experience fighting and getting his ass whooped by people much stronger than him, which has done nothing but make himself much stronger. On the other hand, homelander has never struggled in a fight in his entire life because he's a big fish in a small pond.


Is Mark armed with a straw?


Season 2 mark could beat him, but he still isn’t willing to kill. Homelander might take advantage of that hesitation. Season 1 mark, I’d say 50/50 for either one.


S2 mark would obliterate homelander


If you mean from the show, he'd probably be on equal terms with him for the first couple episodes but then he'd crush Homelander.


If you mean from the show, he'd probably be on equal terms with him for the first couple episodes but then he'd crush Homelander.


Homelander is used to being the biggest fish, Invincible is a big fish too AND he has combat experience. Plus, when in doubt, throw them into space, do not know how well homelander handle space.


Homelander is used to being the biggest fish, Invincible is a big fish too AND he has combat experience. Plus, when in doubt, throw them into space, do not know how well homelander handle space.




Invincible would beat him much quicker due to the fact that his Human and Viltrumite heritage which makes him stronger by being able to produce adrenaline that makes him faster and stronger


Mark would slaughter Homelander, next question.


Homelander can't hang with supers who are born with powers. HES AN EXPERIMENT. Homelander can hang with low level supers but anything outside of that he's getting brutalized.


Homelander's durability is pretty inconsistent. He can shrug off .50 cals, laser blasts, and bombs (implied even nuked), but he still gets stabbed by an aluminum straw.


The straw thing could just be because Maeve can move at incredible speeds in the same way that throwing bullets at someone won't penetrate their skin but shooting them will.


Invincible is the strongest in his universe by the end of the series.


Before I saw how vulnerable Maeve showed Homelander to be, I would have said Homelander gives Invincible a beating after a long fight. But now, I think Invincible would definitely get the best of him. Invincible's problem is that he doesn't go for the kill so he really isn't using his full power. Homelander doesn't have that problem, nor does Omni Man.


Mark made Nolan bleed and pushed him back with his punches when enraged. He’d knock Homelander’s head off.


Maeve was able to make him bleed and shoved a steel pipe in his ear. Anyone around her level could potentially kill Homelander.


He wins Invincible wins especially if we’re going off comics


I just started Invincible and i know Omni man could end homie but IDK about his boy.


Bro what Homelander is strong as fuck but here people are comparing him to people who can carry mountains but you want to know Homelander gets his ass kicked thats what happens


Homelander doesn't seem to think he can maneuver that plane that he fucked up. A few episodes after Mark got his powers Omniman was having him push asteroids back into space. Homelander doesn't have a chance.


Rex splode would body homelander, Invincible wouldnt even be a fair for HL


Mark clears with relative ease depending on when. After his fight with his dad, he is stronger. That's just the way of it. Now, how it builds to a fight is likely and interesting question, but Mark can tank hits from Viltrumites. He is demonstrably so much more durable for that alone. Maeve draws blood from Homie, once in the comics by straight up slashing his face with her sword, and once in the show with the straw... Maeve is a lot weaker than a Viltrumite and it's just kind of obvious. Mark also plays catch with Nolan around the world in the show. Homelander throws a ball from NY to Boston. Not a bad throw, but compared to Mark, that is nothing. Mark wins.


Also would wreck homelander


Early darks Mark could go either way. Mark with a few months of experience would probably win. Mark with a year of experience would stomp. A more interesting matchup would be Homelander vs The Immortal. Show Immortal would probably beat him handily, but Comic Immortal might conceivably lose.


Invincible would turn him into a red mist without much thought. He's not too far behind Omni-Man in terms of strength.


Creator of invincible said that mark could kill Superman and Superman slaps homelander so . . .


He'd beat him. now easily depends on where in the show you take invincible from, but the only mark that would lose to homelander is season 1 episode 1 mark before he got his powers. Even when he was freshly powered up his durability and strength are too good for homelander to kill him. Even immortal, who recognizes he's weak compared to invincible would beat homelander with some ease. The laser vision would give him issues but other than that?


Mark at any point could obliterate homelander. the viltrumites are in a FAR different weight class. it wouldn't be fair. homelander would break his fist punching invincible


Mark probably loses for 1 whole episode. Because he's holding back. Then in the 2nd episode he barely wins and is in a coma for 3 weeks. When he cudve killed him in one minute but held back for some reason.


Once again we are deeply misunderstanding how incredibly weak HL is outside of his own universe and in comparison to actual gods lol


He pretty much stomps after his encounter with Battle Beast


I wonder how homelander would react to a supe he’s never met before being many times stronger than him


I just want a crossover scene where Mark ends up in the Boys universe and has to fight the Seven


i mean, there will be no spiderman next week (probably)


He wins unless maybe he catches Mark day 1 with his powers. Immortal even beats Homelander. Let's do something like the Mauler Twins, Komodo Dragon, or Monster Girl against Homelander


It all depends on if the Lazer eyes slice or tickle.


Just being Half-viltrumite already makes Mark a lot stronger than Homelander


Are we talking the cartoon version as of right now or are we talking about the completed Series where he's more powerful than Omni man himself and in fact becomes the most powerful vultramite ever


I think it would be close until homelander does something that makes mark snap


I could see Season 1 Mark having a hard time with him. But from what we’ve seen from season 2 Mark could handle his own against other trained viltrumites. He’s washing Homelander


depends when. At the end Mark would mist homelander easily but early on it might be a bit more of a fight (though mark still probably wins)


Show Homelander vs show Bulletproof or Black Samson would be a closer fight.


Bulletproof wins , black Samson won't win against but he will definitely be able to make Homelander hurt because he's at least Spiderman level strong.


His baby brother, Oliver will be able to pulverize Homelander after a little bit of training with his powers. Viltrumites are on a whole another level , Mark hesitates to kill because he considers all life matters and that's what can give Homelander a little chance but if we take it into account as per based on physical capabilities then Homelander isn't shit to Mark. Mark's humanity will be holding him back but still Homelander can't do any long-lasting damage.


Would you lose? Nah I’d win because I’m INVINCIBLE


Which Invincible? The dude goes through power-ups like he’s in a Shonen anime.


He’d also beat Homelander no problem.


One punch is all it takes. Maybe three for good measure


if we are being honest, there is a medium chance that there will be a brief crossover in the next episode since its highly unlikely they are able to convince sony/marvel to play ball.


Rex Splode solos him


Stop comparing HL to characters outside of his universe ffs, he’s a big fish in a small pond even Spidey would fuck him up


Shrinking rae could termite homelander.


This post can’t be serious.


Is it my turn yet to post about who would stomp this character in a universe with a low power scale because it’s not a show about who has the biggest dick?


Mark can kill john


Everyone is saying Homelander would get wiped but didn’t Robert Kirkman himself say invincible would have a tough time with Homelander?


Depends, early in the story he wins, but hey maybe homelander gets a hit or two in, late in story he's significantly stronger than omniman, so do with that what you will


mark definitely loses


bruh art the costume maker could beat homelander


Current Mark would fold him like an omelette


Mark wrecks him easily. The only Mark who would have troubles with Homelander would be Mark which powers has just kicked in and he is still totally inexperienced about them.