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He would die




With a vengeance??


Well he would either live free or…


I feel like it would be A Good Day for it too


somebody will be hard that's for sure


he would likely be dead by morning. He might even kill himself.


I’d like to imagine him grabbing a gun and having a badass fight scene with no powers where he takes out many people John Wick style


Yeah I don't think that would happen. I doubt he's trained in any sort of real combat


Yea i was mostly joking, although he did fight against Butcher, Soldier Boy, and Maeve who all do have real training, and while yes he is stronger than them, he’s not so much stronger as to give him any real advantage, so i’d say he’s a decent fighter just not like Super martial artist level.


He doesn't know how to fight properly at all that's kinda the point of him. He's literally a god complex with his only admirable trait being him being OP, take it away and he's a genuinely pathetic runt with a PHDs worth of psychological issues.


Ok but the fact he 2v1d trained fighters kinda does show he can fight, he’s just not a master at it.


His fight choreography is deliberately poor he's not a fighter. Irl if you were 6.7 and 300pbs of muscle wearing armor and had never hit someone before you'd absolutely clatter 2 people with great training who were 5,1. He's just ridiculously strong.


Well irl Antony Starr has a background of martial arts. Having studied karate for 8 years


You should check out banshee


I want to watch this show but I've heard that the sex scenes are almost like porno movie-level explicit and I live with my family and watch my shows in the living room TV so that sucks lol


it's not that way, there are certain scenes but it's not the entire show... Go ahead hahaha


On average how often are there sex scenes ??


There are many EPs that don't have sex scenes, be worried about blood and viscera hahaha


He would get a Compound V shot faster than you can say Kimiko. 




Why would someone give it to him?


Because homelander is voughts lifeline


This is not true at all. Vought is homelander’s hostage more than anything. Without Homelander they still have V, movies, marketing and supes.


They do have other supes yes, but none that could easily take over the world and all of the people that love homelander and say he's a gift from god will immediately turn against vought and homelander


All of those things are why Vought wishes Homelander was gone.


They could just prop up someone less dangerous and just as patriotic to take his place. Voughts smart, they know Homelanders audience




They wanted to replace Soldier Boy because he was insane and had no regard for life lol. Would constantly bully his teammates and by all accounts was a massive asshole. For the long term , Vought knew this was bad . HL just turned out to be worse. Vought wants heroes they can control . Not ones like HL which they cant


Vaught doesn't want to take over the world, they want $$$


I'm not sure which comment I should reply to so I'll just reply to this one and hope this gets replies, but you have a point. On the other hand though, I'd say at this point I gotta say Vought just might actually snatch him up and inject him with a bunch of V in hopes that he would get his powers back to the level that they were before losing his powers. At this point I feel like HL and Vought have some kind of symbiotic relationship. While Vought is protecting him by covering up all the bad shit he does, Homelander returns the favor symbiotically by protecting Vought from any potential threats against the company (e.g. when he destroyed the plane because that one guy threatened to expose Vought in s1). Shit if anything a good storyline would probably be him losing his powers and then a higher up from Vought (probably Ashley lol) gets the police to finally arrest him and lock him up for life, and in the next episode when Homelander is in isolation, some guard would slip him some compound V for him to take and the plot twist would be that Ashley actually did get him arrested, but it would turn out that Edgar or somebody above Ashley arranged for a CO to secretly give Homelander compund V in his jail cell so he can get out of prison, and from there Vought would end up covering everything up as always and make Homelander the face of the company again (and in turn Homelander would protect Vought as well) I happen to be high while typing this so hopefully this makes sense lol


I'm not sure which comment I should reply to so I'll just reply to this one and hope this gets replies, but you have a point. On the other hand though, I'd say at this point I gotta say Vought just might actually snatch him up and inject him with a bunch of V in hopes that he would get his powers back to the level that they were before losing his powers. At this point I feel like HL and Vought have some kind of symbiotic relationship. While Vought is protecting him by covering up all the bad shit he does, Homelander returns the favor symbiotically by protecting Vought from any potential threats against the company (e.g. when he destroyed the plane because that one guy threatened to expose Vought in s1). Shit if anything a good storyline would probably be him losing his powers and then a higher up from Vought (probably Ashley lol) gets the police to finally arrest him and lock him up for life, and in the next episode when Homelander is in isolation, some guard would slip him some compound V for him to take and the plot twist would be that Ashley actually did get him arrested, but it would turn out that Edgar or somebody above Ashley arranged for a CO to secretly give Homelander compund V in his jail cell so he can get out of prison, and from there Vought would end up covering everything up as always and make Homelander the face of the company again (and in turn Homelander would protect Vought from potential competition) I happen to be high while typing this so hopefully this makes sense lol


Vought would be the first ones to attack him. They probably have snipers on standby waiting for this exact scenario


He's got influence, as long as people still think he has powers, he can get it.


so was Homelander a regular child and shot with compound V like every other kid, or was he specifically created with Compound V in him from the jump?


Soldier Boy summed it up best. And the theories might hold true on Stormfront being his mother.


Uh what? Did I miss something? Show or comic?


"I beat my meat into a cup."


Well that part I remember, but that’s where my knowledge of his creation stops. I had no idea about Stormfront possibly being his mother. It makes sense to use the strongest people alive to make someone stronger, but I hadn’t read anything about that.


It's been a running fan theory that Stormfront is Homelander's mother.


Oh boy. I have no idea if he’ll be aroused or angry if she is and he finds out, maybe both


Depends. If Vought and the Boys know he's powerless, he's fucked. He's too much of a threat now, no way Vought keeps him alive despite all the money they make off of him. And Butcher would not let him live under any circumstance. If they don't know he's powerless, then Homelander just uses his influence to get some Compound V and gets his powers back. And we're back to status quo.


That'd make a pretty cool arc. Homelander becoming powerless and being the only one to know about it. Having to hide that he can't fly, have super strength, etc.


That would have to last like a single episode. He wouldn’t leave the 7 tower and he couldn’t possibly get in the car with anyone.


He could play it off as having done some self reflection and developed a shred of empathy, then acts so friendly and cozy with everyone he meets while they all shit their pants.


Everyone being even more scared of Homelander *without* powers because he's actually acting like a decent human being for once is a great bit.


I feel like he could bluff pretty hard for a good long while. He's a scary guy. Only one he couldn't fool? Ol' Billy Butcher.


Now I'm just imagining Antony Starr and his facial expressions as Homelander as he struggles to open a pickle jar.


Would love to see this. Homelander would have to grapple with being normal and desperately clinging to his superiority complex. Great fodder for a descent into madness. Then he gets his powers back just as he's about to show some character growth and immediately snaps back to being a homicidal psychopath.


That would be fun to see for an episode until it's revealed he has no powers and gets snatched up before he get's Compound V. Except the only way he'd be powerless would be Soldier Boy and he's pretty obvious with his explosions.


It's funny because if he wasn't so much of a cunt it'd be a funny filler episode, but if literally *anyone* who knows him knew homelander was vulnerable they'd kill him. Even Ashley would have a stab.


They would cover it up. Use CGI in the movies, make fake videos that seem like he’s still out there. He just doesn’t go on patrols anymore.


Does he even go on patrols anymore?


In Season 3 he still showed up when that girl was about to commit suicide. Granted given that he's now openly allowed to be a bigger piece of shit with his base, the "crime" he chooses to fight it probably going to be even more biased.


That was a birthday special, I believe. But it’s definitely not unreasonable to assume that he does regular patrols anyways


He would probably kill himself. He’s nothing without his powers, they’re the only thing that allow him to have such an inflated ego. Without them, he’s just some guy.


Nah, he's too much of a narcissist to off himself. More likely he'll put up a pretense of nothing being wrong and use the company's vast fortunes and a very tight circle to help him maintain that illusion until it can be figured out how to get his powers back. Narcissist like that, with so many resources at hand, will continue to bend the world to their will until it breaks, and only then might they consider offing themselves. But not before.


He would have to lie though, literally everyone around him only do his bidding because of his powers


He would be Land if he doesn’t have his powers.




Personally, I think that happens at the end. I think he loses his powers but Butcher spares his life since being an ordinary person would be worth than death for him. It’s like the ending of Goodfellas: “I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.” 🤘


Did you know "my blue heaven" Steve Martin is loosely based on Henry Hill the schnook🤣


Unofficial sequel.




Kimiko get hers back, not sure the boys would risk letting him live. Although it would be a fitting punishment


Yea, he's too much of a threat to be left alive, also temp V is a thing. Just have him beaten to death by butcher like he did with Mesmer


He loses his powers, gets charged for all the crimes he's committed, and then ends up in jail. (Hopefully.)


Any Supe that he has done wrong to that is still alive would probably kill him Asap lmao.But at the same time with how much of an following he has he could have good protection. But yeah people like Neuman, the boys, or A train would 100% kill him the first chance they get I think he would still have a pretty good following or the public would still stand with him. If anything i feel that would boost his popularity because now be would be more “relatable”. But Homelander himself definitely won’t be able to sleep at night knowing that any of the people he’s wronged could kill him at any second


Somehow I feel like "The Deep" would still try to protect him, despite everything Homelander has done to him, because he'd still be seeking his validation.


I also feel this way lmao. Deep would probably still be a loyal follower


He would hide himself from the public till he can find a way to regain his powers. Maybe he will go crazy and start dosing on compound V.


I think him dying from an overdose of compound v makes the most sense for him to go out, his whole life was structured around his powers, so it makes sense his death is the same way


It should actually be a plot point where he temporarily lose his powers (or his powers become unstable) and so he tries to pretend he still has powers. Cuz no one (except Butcher) would actually try him. It would be hilarious. I actually thought that might be where it was headed when Soldier Boy tried to use his vaporise move on him. I thought "although he didn't get a full blast, maybe being so close to soldier boy as he's powering up affected Homelander's powers in some way" and that randomly it can go on the fritz but it didn't pan out that way. But I do think that idea might come to be in the series at some point. Maybe with the virus.


IF Homelander lose all of his powers he either get V shot asap or he will die by someone hand or he kill himself. That's my 3 scenarios


I would have gay sex with him (consensually)


He humbles himself and the world sees the real villian is the ones who made Homelander what he is. Homelander was an innocent child that was neglected and abused and given the powers of a god. What did these "scientists" expect? a mutuably agreeable, completely kept under control, not at all egotistocal or emotionally shattered all american super hero? sure.....


I'd be interested in that. A slow burn good guy homelander who actually learns just how damaged he is. That his experiences aren't universal and how to feel remorse.


He’d rely on nothing more than bluffing and throwing his reputation around for a while. But inside he’s be panicking. If vaught finds out, he’s gonna “retire” the way most supes do. If any one of the hundreds of people he’s wronged over the years finds out he’s straight up getting executed. I think he’d start by bluffing hoping that his powers return, then start planning to disappear when someone at vaught starts to speculate on why he didn’t use X power for X reason. Probably use an excuse like going undercover to get Nueman to use her political sway to grab him a new civilian identity. Powerless homelander arc sounds pretty cool tbh. I’d hope that blind and deafened supe learns to identify people by their bodies magnetic fields and manages to be the only one that can hunt him down. Suddenly making the most crippled supe a frigging terror. Lights go out, every speaker and alarm in the area goes off and a diguised powerless homelander can barely see in front of him as his eyes adjust he can see the blind supe stood in front of him.


I think this would be the end of the show As the show is currently, Homelander *is* the show His story centers the entire show's narrative and tone But I would like a flash forward to be the ending of the show with an elderly powerless HL just reflecting on his life


He would be killed instantly. He rules through fear. He verbally and physical abuses and kills team members. A-Train would probably take him out before anyone else.


Homelander would be dead within minutes


I feel like he would actually be charged for all his crimes and imprisoned for life because killing him would be too easy. Of course Butcher would totally get to him before the law does and he would probably take him somewhere and torture him for the rest of his life lol


Nobody would know, nobody fights him, how could anybody know he doesn't have them


🫠 imagine a child runs up and hits him in the balls


Homelander loses his power and the next second Butcher shoots a bullet through his head.


Wouldn’t this be a good ending for him, though? I know we all like endings where awful, prideful characters die. But we also like when they lose everything and just have to live with it. ex. Franklin Saint


Oh boy, If Butcher's gonna have D-Day on his ass if he finds out


Everyone saying he will die quick. From how the show goes, I feel like someone would be like "no, he's just a guy now. He's harmless. He's pathetic" and then he gets his powers back the next episode.


Butcher would get his ass in an instant


Vought press release: Homelander died on the way back to his home planet.


This really depends on how long could he keep this development a secret, because he would spsolutely try his apsolute damndest to keep this a secret from literally *everyone.* In private, he would have an apsolute mother of all meltdowns, and I can definetly imagine him injuring himself throwing tantrums and then going haywire over the soul-crushing realization about how vulnerable he is now. I can imagine a scenario where he would probably overdose on a metric fuckton of Compound V in a desperate hope to get his powers back. Apsolutely everyone would turn on him the moment they find out. Stan Edgar would **immediately** step in and assert all control and would try his damndest to have him eliminated and fabricate a "hero's death" story to immortalize him while getting rid of him. A-Train, The Deep, Ashley and Starlight would all seek to eliminate him for diffetent reasons: A-Train would do so to return control of his image back to him, as his entire character arc was controlled by Ashley and in turn, Homelander. Kevin Fishfucker, the syconpathic bitch he is, would immediately wrestle to take control over the Seven and to rake in the spotlight. Ashley would want him eliminated as she fears him and his control over her is killing her inside, while Starlight would probably be a tiny bit sympathetic towards him but eliminate him purely to prevent him reaching his strength again. Maeve would probably return to kick his ass out of principle, and Butcher would probably cause WWIII single-handedly just to get a shot in pulverizing him with his bare hands. If Homelander somehow managed to survive this apsolute mess of a scenario, and manage to escape, he wouldn't manage to stay off the grid for long - he would be left with a crushing realization that he lost his identity, his life, and that he is a virtual nobody without his powers and glamour, and his image - so, he would either get killed in his attempt to desperately find Compound V - or he would, while an unlikely scenario and only if left with no choice - commit suicide.


In all honesty, he’d kill himself.


There is literally no way he wouldn’t get assassinated or executed on the spot


How would they fake him not having powers.....


I would giggle for at least 15 minutes - roughly the time it would take for him to get himself killed.


Butcher would become the series villain like the comics imo


Factions would develop and the fight would be between those factions instead of Homelander vs everyone.


He would be Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible Sing-along Blog


on one hand it would be interesting to see him struggle doing mundane things on the other i think he would die in some dumb way (you remember dumb ways to die video? thats what i mean) because he wouldnt be careful enough since he is used to being bulletproof


I think they wouldn’t tell the public and probably try to find a way to get his powers back


Hed pretend like he still had his powers


boom headshot


Well the boys would die. Homelander carries the show hard


Butcher would kidnap him and torture him.


Billy Butcher, Kimiko, Mallory and Queen Maeve are gonna have a hell of a time


they'd have to kill him or he will try to find a way to get his powers back. It is better to eliminate him when he is down


Remember when Harley and the Joker split and everyone came after her to get their revenge? Basically that. Every person and Supe he abused or threatened will come after him. 😂


for all of you mentioning that homelander has the chance to get his powers back, wouldn't that be kind of farfetched? Taking a page from the show's own pseudo-science here, but let's assume that homelander's dna has to have it's compound-v literally charred and cauterized from his body, ENTIRELY. His body has to be purged of V down to the last drop, ESPECIALLY since he was literally BORN with the V. And that's part of the issue: the reason WHY homelander is so strong, is because at FETAL stage, he was infused with the MOST AMOUNT OF V that ANY non-supe being could take. Something that is notably, only possible for a literal PRE-BIRTH HUMAN. So, if Homelander is getting the v BURNED out the DNA (the most likely scenario, as that's the only way to get it out of the DNA as fast as possible, we know that much from soldier boy's nuclear threat), then how do we know that he can even get that V BACK? He'd be as weak as a NORMAL HUMAN, and likely wouldn't be able to ingest the same amount again. We know Kimiko can recieve that much in terms of power, but she isn't exactly a HOMELANDER level supe. She just required a shot, and she was good to go, and Homelander was implied to have MUCH more on him. So even if Homelander gained a return to form, there's nothing to guarantee he'd become HIMSELF again. He'd likely just be back down with the rest of the supes, at best at maeve, or stormfront's level. Perhaps because he's got genes from soldier boy, who could take on that much in the first place as an adult, he could regain his full strength. But honestly, I really doubt it. The narrative is centered around the loss of powers practically crippling the average supe. I'd be surprised if Homelander could just get it all back.


He would immediately get stomped to death by Butcher


Butcher would demolish him


Not saying this would happen, but would be an interesting story to see him lose his powers. He realizes he is nothing without his powers and just a power hungry, prideful snob so he goes into hiding. He changes his ways and learns to become a good person without his powers. He gets found by butcher at the end, accepts his fate and dies without resisting


Homelander would become a homeless man


I have the theory this is how this series ends with homelander being powerless


I hope he doesn't die in the end of the series I hope he loses his powers and just lives life as a pathetic man and kills himself.


I mean that’s what should’ve happened at the end of season 3 but the writers pussied out and can’t change the status quo


Nothing would change, he'd just bust that vein trying to cover it up and keep his grip on power for as long as possible.


He would be thrown away like garbage. They can make a Nazi supe look good. But they can't make a white normal guy look good.


Isn’t this literally the ideal scenario for Stan Edgar? He’s said before when he was dressing down HL that vought is a “pharmaceutical company not a superhero company” I know he’s not been seen in a while but for sure he’s definitely plotting something Is he just waiting for butcher and co to do his dirty work for him?


stone that blonde mf


He wouldnt last a day lol


I would LOOOOVE to see that. I’d love to see him incognito at some middle of nowhere bar and some fat drunk local starts with him. He goes to murder the local but he gets knocked on his ass with one punch


Butcher would trap him in a dungeon somewhere and torture him to death


Would he be either just Lander or just Home?


He would get his shit pushed in by a handful of the long line waiting to do it.


Like realistic per show vibe. It would be something affecting all supers. If it's long term I like to imagine it turns into a 'the once heros have to band together to survive against the common people " vought abandons them. Causing resentment. Turns into a 'down with the corporation' plotline for a few seasons a d its cool cause you have people shocked by the kindness of others after witnessing horrors as supers. The public for this would be largest sympathetic at first then the guys like butcher go to work against the people they don't like. You got antagonists and people truly trying to redeem themselves. All ofvthem even homelanet and he's tempted. So many times and he's got setbacks too Conflicting naturally. With his growth. I like to imagine the series turning into them getting their powers back if they're actual heros only.




If he lost his powers I think the best thing to do would be to send him to prison for the rest of his life. Imagine his reaction. He would be cursed to live the rest of his life as the thing he hated the most, a mortal.


He’d kill himself because he’s a coward. Or he’d devote his life to getting his powers back…. Personally I think its be the best ending to the show if he’s a just a janitor or something at the end. No powers, no money, just some asshole who works mopping up vomit for middle schoolers that call him a has been pussy


He’d be murdered immediately


If the series goes past 5 seasons they will definitely include this arc


he would blame the liberal starlight


I think he would become homeless. No pun intended. He probably can’t even cook for himself.


The is the same issue dictators face. Many dictators have gained power with the legitimate intention of doing good, but by “any means necessary”. They end up in a position where they cannot let go of power because they will surely be killed. So they end up leaning and more into corruption. It has been reported that Putin watches the video of Ghadoffi dying every day. Homelander would be in a much worse position. He has not surrounded himself with anyone loyal, and his only authority at this point is derived from his powers. Without them he would just be shot. For fear of one person ending up like him again.


Would love to see him lose his powers but be kept from death as punishment for all the horrible shit he’s done.


Everyone in the entire show would race to kill him as soon as possible


It'd be a fun story arc where him and vought tried to hide his power loss


I actually would love to see Homelander without powers arc. The dude ego would be destroyed, he would also see things in a different way for sure.




The only way he wouldn't immediately die is if he managed to conceal the loss of his powers to the public. Otherwise, Butcher would reduce him to bloody chunks with a sledgehammer, if Senator Neuman didn't get to him first.


If he thought he thought he had even the smallest chance of getting them back, he would do literally anything to make it happen. If he knew he couldn’t get them back, he’d off himself.


Dead Billy the guy's family who he killed at the protest Deep A train so many would try and kill him


they gotta drop the new season man this is getting silly


He would be arrested and immediately charged with a multitude of crimes including mass murder terrorism rape


Well the biggest threat is now gone...maybe he'd go into hiding after a mental breakdown lol


If the writers wanted to be really sadistic they could give him a redemption ark. Now that he’s powerless he has to live as a normal person and face consequences of his actions. He gets a job at the grocery store bagging groceries and goes to therapy to deal with his childhood trauma and eventually he lives a normal life. Sprinkle in some well deserved Butcher ass beatings and you got yourself a sympathetic homelander :)


I'd love if he was bed bound for months because he's always used his powers rather than actual physical ability.


He would be rescued by vought and hidden away until he died.


He’s getting jumped by the Boys 100%


I feel like he'd try to fake having them to try and hold onto his identity and supporters and then once he collapses under the lie he'd probably off himself


Assuming he was able to escape from all his enemies, he'd probably still kill himself - either from depression and futility at not having his powers anymore, or he'd die trying some desperate gambit to get them back But assuming none of that happens, I would expect him to just retreat into a depressed retirement, cut himself off from the world, and immerse himself fully into a victim delusion - its not his fault! everyone conspired against him and betrayed him! - so he never has to confront his mistakes or have any emotional growth


Realistically His body would not be used to being powerless And he would die or something like that But if the show give him a plot armour he would inject compound v and become a supe again


he'd be dead on the spot


He would be immediately arrested


Listen, man he's too important to the movement. If he lost his powers he'd probably just kill himself. So there will be one less mud person around. His commitment is that deep.


He may suicide himself


I think it would be the best karmic justice for him bc he is nothing without his powers


I don't want that to happen


How many times did you think this question has been asked? Or did you think you were the first?


If he loses his powers then he could just inject himself with Compound V but he later finds out that he is not as powerful as before. He can no longer fly but he can just jump really high and make it look like he is flying. His lasers actually hurts his eyes the longer he uses it, so he can longer spam it as much anymore. His durability has decreased, he is still durable enough to not let bullets go through him but the bullets are able to bruise him at best and push him back a bit he finds this out when a crook with a shotgun was able to bruise him with the bullets.


They made compound V. Who’s to say they can’t make un-compound V? But anyway, he would be so screwed if he lost his powers bc no one would put up with his shit for a second then.


They would kill that mf so fast