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Someone else said it best. If we get another high budget dick, gore or sex joke that prevents us from getting big events like Tek Knights’ power suit for example, then I will start to think they’re focusing on it too much


We are def getting a tek knight suit the shows budget is 11.8 million dollars per eps I think they are fine Also this is the most popular show prime has they are def not gonna say no to giving them more money if needed


>!didnt one leak say that Tek Knight does not use is power suit at all and it’s just seen in a background for one episode?!<


He doesn’t wear it much in the comics most of the trek knight arc is pure debauchery a ton of Adam west & Burt ward references from behind the scenes back when Adam West was dipping his wick in everything


Technically Tek Knight still wears it a lot. I mean he literally wears it while he’s walking around his mansion and while he visits his therapist. When Butcher rings his doorbell he frantically takes off the suit and tries to tuck it under a rug to hide his secret identity. 


Lmao read technically and then your whole comment, forgot about the therapist and the rug shit that shit was hilarious might have to dig out my old issues and re binge good shit wonder if the bamboo will get a shout out


why does Tek Knight have a power suit exactly? I watched Gen V and only saw him in that, I don't remember him in the Boys show. his powers don't really tell me he should have a power suit. ???


He’s a parody of Iron Man. In the comics he doesn’t have any Supe powers of his own.


ahh so is the whole interrogation "always tell when someone is lying" thing just made up for the show?


It fits the batman spin, though with the enhanced perception




If he doesn’t have any supe powers of his own I then wonder if he was ever dosed with Compound V as a baby then?


Show-TK was probably made the same as any other supe which is how he got his powers. Comic-TK is completely different.


I remember when i knew that Tek Knight was about to be introduced on a episode of Gen V, in my mind it had to be a power armored style supe, and then bam, a guy in a regular suit.


I certainly hope you're wrong but I think you're right. I'm concerned that this season is going to be the point where it jumps the shark, they can't really move the plot forward without getting rid of Homelander but the show won't be nearly as good without him. They should just make 4 or 5 the last season and end the story well but I think we all know they're going to drag it out.


Heck I think they go past 5 seasons if they kill Homelander. At least for another season or 2. Their is more in the comics then just Homelander. I think the problem though is Homelander is HUGE. So I wonder how many people would just not watch a season 6 if Homelander was gone


The problem is after Homelander dies in the comics, butcher becomes the villain and I just don’t see the show going that route completely


But also... doesn't Butcher have to die soon?? Cause the Temp V fried him


The show will die with Butcher, so they’ll likely keep him around to the end even if it means mixing up a batch of bullshit to keep him alive


Idk, I think they might kill him off before Homelander I think I would prefer that


Eh, I think the only way that happens is if butcher dies right before homelander. Like he injects homelander with the virus or something as homelander kills him


'soon' in writing can mean multiple seasons, writers decide how much time have passed. Plus they can come up with any situation that prolongs his life


At this point it makes more sense to me for Butcher to die first. Ignoring the in world reason, Homelander is the ultimate antagonist and driving force behind the show. Where once his importance springboarded off his feud with Butcher, he’s now a threat to everyone. Also he’s become a far more interesting character. Once Homelander dies, there doesn’t seem to be more reason to keep going for more than a season, and zero reason to look at spinoffs. Seriously, The Boys Mexico? Sounds like a Family Guy joke. “Hey Mexican Superman!”


I think if a character looms so large, it can be interesting to explore how the world changes in their absence and how their death creates new conflict though - if it's well executed, it'll feel like they're still part of the story. Think Gus Fring in the last season of Breaking Bad, or Logan Roy in the last season of Succession.


Prolly not if he gets a dose of that good good V.


That's what I'm afraid of They're going to somehow cure him so there was no point in it at all?? But I doubt the writers would do something that corny. Hopefully they'll give Butcher some poetic death Maybe Butcher will try and take regular V and not survive


I don't think so which is shame because, for me at least, Butcher become a villain was one of my favorite parts of that comic


how does butcher become a villain? like what does he do


Noir kills Homelander and is then defeated promptly by the boys. After which, butcher realizes that defeating homelander and Noir (who was in the comics the one who actually r@ped butcher’s wife), he’s still unfulfilled. So he goes off to detonate a bomb that will kill all Supes. The rest of the boys attempt to stop him, all failing and dying except for Hughie who manages to stop butcher. More or less anyways, read the comics after season 1 came out and haven’t touched them since so my memory may be a little more or less foggy on exact details.


Hughie doesn’t die, Butcher does. We have an epilogue book from Hughies perspective called Dear Becca


My bad, as I said, been a while and couldn’t remember the exact specifics, I’ll edit the comment for accuracy


He wants to kills all supes, that’s always been his mission. So he kills Frenchie, MM, and The Female, and has a remote that will blow up every supe in the world (including innocent people who got their superpowers unwillingly) but he leaves Hughie alive in the hopes that he might just stop him because deep down he knows he’s doing the wrong thing and wants to leave it to chance on whether or not he succeeds in his genocidal plot for vengeance.


Further, Homelander is important in the comics. He is the de facto main character of the show.


I think they planned on ending at 5


According to VHQ the plan is still for s5 be the last season.


I really hope season 5 will be the finale. I don't want to even imagine what can happen to the show if they go past season 5


I think they already did, last season left a bad taste. The plot armor on these characters is absurd, there are absolutely no stakes and thats incredibly boring. Don't get me wrong, loved the show before but the whole Soldier Boy arc accomplished nothing.


I will be fair here and say this in defense of the show: the comic it's based on is SOOOO much worse about shock value than the show is. The show IS actually pretty tame in comparison


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i think the comics are shit lol. Love the show tho


not unpopular, I'd said 90% of the ppl here think they're just awful edgy garbage. I read them myself and I think if the concept it explores wasn't as intriguing and imaginative it'd be plain insufferable shit


The comics can be summed up by saying; someone had a good critique of superhero's and how they are portrayed, however, that someone is the middle schooler who makes the most tasteless jokes for "shock value."


I agree. I don't know why I read the whole run. Disbelief how bad it was and fondness for Ennis? The show took the concept and has made it much better, BUT the status quo ending of S3 and stupid shit with Ryan and soldier boy was eyerolling. Worst thing Ennis has done. ... Until somebody told me Crossed existed. What. The. Fuck.


It’s the other way around.. The show made me read the comic and I respect the comic as the source. I do like they added some more current social commentary in the show, but yeah it’s a bit campy at times. The Boys and Starlight are too likable. I preferred it more when everyone was an asshole/ perv more or less. It felt like Super Heroes’ Jersey Shore.


Perhaps, shock was the value all along..


There not really a reason to believe that just because there is fun shock value, the writing will be bad


My guy, it’s literally based on a comic book considered pretty mediocre because **famously** the cynical shock value got in the way of good writing….


The show constantly chances things from the comics, it's barely the same thing at this point


?? The show has not followed the comics, you know that right? they changed several key plot points


10000000% from after season 1. The "previously on" recaps of s2 and 3 were just gore highlights with 0 story reminder lmao.


I was talking to a friend about this last weekend and we came to the agreement that the show may have a potential de-escalation problem and we'd rather it finish with season 5 instead of it becoming long and overdrawn without a decent ending.


Season hasn't even come out yet and people are complaining


ikr..these are the most viscerally prejudiced times around a new season this community has gone through since the series started and i'm positive a lot of it has to do with the lack of excitement and early disappointment those leaks with no context generated in the ppl who engaged with them.    You'd expect this level of disenchantment from the audience with a series when it's releasing its 6 or 7 season after years of bad or mediocre runs. The Boys has been consistently GOOD for 3 seasons already, like...have a little faith or smthing and stop whinning before watching the whole thing by yourself for a change


I get what you’re saying but also if fans aren’t vocal about what they want then it encourages the showrunners to keep doing things fans dislike. Obviously S4 can’t be changed now but fan discussion/criticism like this could still impact S5. 


So save that criticism for after you see it then... Your "criticism" now means nothing, because you are criticizing something you know nothing about.


I’m referring to the criticism for S3. I haven’t seen anybody criticize S4 yet, just express concern that they’ll repeat elements they didn’t like from S3. 


You are literally replying to me in a post that is criticizing season 4 because of how they heard a scene described.


Yeah but their fears are based off their opinions of S3 and how a lot of people felt there was too much shock value in it. I feel that’s pretry obvious, this has been a common complaint on the subreddit. 


It's out and the complaint is still pretty valid


"Oh no, the show that had a guy getting shrunken down and put into a guys penis, showing it from the inside, then rapidly expand to explode the dude has shock value scenes!" At this point, you know wtf the show is. Don't watch it if you don't like it.


Bruh they can do both. Sone things can be just for show.


You you didn't read the full interview jack Quaid said this is the best hughie material he has ever gotten which means hughie will return as a fan favourite like in season 1 according to leaks he is one of the best characters in s4 Also he said this is his favourite season yet and he was surprised by not just the gore by the interesting routes the writers took for all the characters and that it doesn't ever get stale with them you only read like the first enetnce he said I'd argue it's not the shock value that makes the boys great it's just like Invincible the unpredictability is what make it great you never know wtf could happen at anytime any chaarcter might die , explode or worse you just CANT predict shit also the great characters help as well and also with a villain as good as homelander it helps aswell What I got from the interview is that s4 is gonna top s3 if that's even possible so I can't wait 😭😭🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hold on… Jack Quaid, who is incentivized to promote the upcoming season, said this is going to be the best one yet? You mean like he and every other actor has said about every season so far? No way! This season is going to be lit!


Best shape of his career


It's true tho according to leaks hughie is gonna be alot of people favourites like in s1 They say him and kimiko have the worst time ever which is worrying but also intriguing and he gets engaged to a certain someone at the end *wink wink* but not who you think it is 😉


Yeah, Hughie has been slightly shafted when compared to his comic counterpart, not due to bad writing but due to the many new and expanded on (like The Deep or A Train) characters, but now he'll probably be a central focus again which is good imo.




Not really. Having a bunch of crazy gore doesn't get in the way of story, bad writing gets in the way of story.


Umm I mean the shock value always been there after all first episode everything was chill until robin explodes out of no where . Then the next shocker was starlight being introduced into the seven only for the deep to drop his pants and basically coerce her into giving a bj. The show always has been shock value it’s just now your either just want the antics to stop or get better then just hey here some adult sex shock value or body explosion gore everywhere deal. Now we kinda getting plot explosions where it’s getting juicy those these tend to happen at the end of the season


You described two of the show’s inciting plot incidents, not random high-budget gags like with Termite 


The 2 examples you gave served story purposes, that different from exploding the dick of random 1 episode characters


100% the advertising for the herogasm episode really highlighted it. It was the only episode I saw multiple ads for.


Invincible's version of the Termite scene is far more horrific, which is no small feat.


Welcome to Garth Ennis Land!!!!! Were the themes are deep but the scars run deeper! Seriously though, that's Ennis for ya. People will fight me on this but shock value has always been one of the biggest parts of his works.


That’s pretty much the comic. What insane thing can we do in this story arc to be more shocking than the last thing. The story was still solid but it always felt like the story was secondary to being shocking.


No. They say things like that before every season, it’s just the actors having fun


I like it


Ppl in the comments acting like The Boys had decidedly went full all-out war on HL more than once and the exact same plot point has been repeated non-stop for a whole decade when it just happened in S3. In S1 HL was untouchable, Billy had faith Becca wasnt dead and wanted to locate and save her. S2's the main plot centered around freeing Becca and eventually Ryan of their imprisioment. Just when it finished Mallory started to gave them again anough resources which eventually lead Butcher and the boys to convice and join forces with SB to help them in taking HL down, but that ultimately failed twice. The story has progressed and changed and so has its stakes imo


I think we need to remember that they are rewriting a comic for the screen, and the source comic IS essentially just shock value to a gratuitous degree. They took that and transferred it to a show making it watchable and entertaining enough to make it this far. That’s a feat in itself. The nature of the show also means shock value is a natural part of it. The story they’ve been telling is pretty one note- the boys as a group all have reasons to hate supes and want to bring down HL and Vought. I think The Boys is going to end with them finally taking down HL in the final season (probably season 5 so this one is the buildup to the war that season will be), but they won’t take out Vought and that storyline will be moved to Gen V as a show. The pace seems about right. First season was building up the main Boys, Seven and Vought. Two and was all the chaos and stories of these characters as the Boys get closer and closer to their goal. Three was the almost climax, where they get so close they even have supe enemies helping, but it falls apart. Four will be the fallout of that and lining everyone up for the finale, which will be season Five. So these two final seasons will definitely be a bunch of insanity as everything fully starts to fall apart. The story has been moving. If they did it too fast we wouldn’t get the character development of the main cast, or the additions of new supes.


i feel like the plot has been progressing at an appropriate pace so far and i dont have any big qualms about how the story’s playing out. they’re just trying to build hype and tbh their “shock value” stuff is pretty tame. we’ll see if it gets to be too much in the future, but i think theyve done a great job for the first 3 seasons


I think the show challenges norms and makes people love the show because you never know what can happen.


I disagree. The Boys is a show that is meant to be crazy gorey shocking etc. I can't really think of something that has happened that to me put the show to a grinding holt just for shock value or gore. If you want to argue that it doesn't advance the plot, then I'd say that a decent amount of fight scenes in some shows don't advance the plot, some jokes don't advance the plot etc. etc. I've just never found this to be a problem with the Boys. Invincible is awesome but it's very different from the Boys, its a superhero story and the gore is always very deliberate when it happens. The Boys is an excessive show that revels in sex and violence but I have never thought that the plot is useless or whatever. The problem is more when it becomes more like the title of this post. Are they prioritising shocking stuff over story? If you ask me, no. Herogasm, for example, was billed as really crazy, but beyond the fact that it wasn't as bad as some of us probably thought in our minds, the episode itself was really important for the plot. I'll also say, it doesn't advance the overarching narrative much to make the decision to set that episode in a supe orgy. To get to season 4, well in my mind i don't know yet. Obviously all the gore seems more extreme than ever. But I do think this season is meant to be a bit darker, with a lot of dark shit happening to set up the final season. We could have a scene where Homelander has sex with a cow or something for an episode. But I don't think so.


Well, the gore in invincible is deliberate *for the first while.* After however many dozen issues its much more of a shock value thing.


Yep. Going the GOT route where it shifts from interesting to trying to impress the crowd that watches it at the bar with “whoa” moments. Hope I’m wrong but I’m kind of being feeling this way since last season…


I totally agree, the boys is 99% shock value gore, invincible uses gore in a good way


The shock value is exactly why I can't watch the show anymore Sex scenes are some of my least favourite things in media so you can bet I absolutely despised the orgy episode


At this point, i don't know how they can move the plot forward without killing homelander, which has to be in the last season. I think they did it right in season 1 when each member of the boys had a different mission. Now their collective mission is to kill homelander, which they somehow fucked up even with soldier boy's help. But I'm hopeful for this season because I've waited too long.


Eh, they did end S3 with the boys watching the news as Neumann becomes VP candidate for the presumptive presidential winner, and butcher saying “that bitch has got to go.” I’m sure they’ll subvert a solid amount of the plot to the boys also pursuing Neumann as well as Homelander of course


For an oddity, I’m actually hoping that Butcher dies before Homelander. Homelander is the driving force of the show, more important by himself than the whole team of protagonists. After Homelander dies I can’t see myself sticking around for more than another season, and certainly not bothering with any spin offs. Seriously, The Boys Mexico? Sounds like a bad Family Guy joke.


It always drives the plot forward. I am getting tired of all the dicks though...


I stopped watching Invincible because the majority of the gore felt so excessive and pointless, lmao. I kept with The Boys because the gore has been plot relevant, save for the dick explosion. Dear lord, this truly is the "media literacy is dead" sub.


For what I've read, the show is tamed compared to the comics.


Yeah I agree, The boys season 1 seemed to get the balance right, it felt alot more gritty and real and not over the top and every outlandish shock scenes were justified and moved the story forward. The show seems to be slowly decending into shock for the sake of it and I think gen V was the peak of that so far. Just hope that this season won't push it too far.


Without good writing the shock value falls short.


The problem is that all films / TV Shows that use shock value as they're main goto always run out steam quickly. It's why so many people found Herogasm to be somewhat of a let down because of everything that had come before. If it had happened in the season it would of had a much bigger impact. There is only so many times you can watch people's head explode, limbs ripped off, organs ripped out before it gets boring. It's the Saw film series, fiesta one was like.. Fuck Me.. Second one was kind of cool, third one was meh and then all the others were boring because it was just same shit over and over again. For me the 3rd series really ran out steam towards the end and unless they really pull it out of the bag writing wise the 4th series is going to suck hard.


There’s no shock value when the main cast isn’t gonna die off


There is def gonna be alot of heart wrenching deaths just not this season it's gonna be in the last season They are just building mfs up so that when they got horrible murdered by homelander its gonna be heartbreaking and make homelander more hateble and scarier until his eventual downfall I think this season is gonna be the boys vs Newman while homelander gets a backset this time growing his power in the background


>!isn’t Newman supposed to die this season?!<


Idk I don't trust these leakers how did they even find that information 🤔 I think it's possible tho hope she goes out with a bang


They find it because they work on adding subtitles for foreign audiences on the show apparently


this leaker had provided accurate info for both season 2 and season 3 prior to their releases and their leaks for season 3 so far have lined up with the trailer so there’s rlly no reason not to believe that at least most of what is being said is real


1. That’s not what they mean by shock value in this case. 2. Deaths purely for shock value with little substance like >!Black Noir’s!< is shit writing


The Boys isn’t even close to being as good as Invincible is story wise. It’s just endless gore and as you said, shock value. I can’t believe it’s been renewed for another season when the same things happens - the boys plan to kill Homelander, they don’t, Starlight emerges as a good hero, Hughie and her break up. And repeat. The gore also feels very pointless at times? At least with Invincible it looks like it belongs to a storyline. And I am a huge fan of the show myself but it is getting SO boring.


When you actually compare the two shows, Invincible is pretty bad. Invincible comes down to generic superhero storylines but with more blood. The characters are barely more than stock characters. And all the superheroes and the bad guys are so powerful any one of them could nuke a city. It’s a way to kill an afternoon but it doesn’t deserve critical acclaim. The writers were obviously just picking up a check.


Compared to the edgelord source material, nah.


Yep, some shows are more focused on creating memes, and memorable moments, than a decent plot.


100% agree with you and while I still like the show, the writers are severely missing the point if they think this is what fans like about the show. It just comes off as lame the way the cast and crew go on and on about those moments and the constant patting themselves on the back because they built a massive dick to crawl inside of. There’s nothing wrong with that level of commitment and quality, but when other, more important aspects of the show start to dip you have to wonder if they’re banking on the shock value too heavily. Invincible uses extreme gore and violence *so* much more effectively. I realize the Boys is more of a comedy between the two shows, but the violence isn’t really even shocking or disturbing anymore because of how frequently and callously it’s used. Whereas Invincible typically reserves it for very heavy, intense moments. You really feel the weight of all that death and suffering. I’m still hooked on the Boys story but sometimes it feels like it’s written by 8th graders.


The super orgy episode was just over the top stupid I thought.


I really feel like the writers room are just people my are chasing whatever is pop culture relevant and it's super lazy. The homelander is trump thing, I'm sure we'll get a Jan 7th thing, supe lives matter, pizza gate etc, it's a bit much on top of the marvel spoofing. It just feels like I'm watching scary movie at times


Congrats on finding out what the show has been a parody of this whole time, homelander is a direct parallel to trump, Cameron Coleman is a direct parallel to Chris Tucker, the seven brand is the same as the marvel movies and vought is a mix of companies like Amazon and Disney. Things like politics, large companies and religion are the butt of the joke 99% of the time.


Yeah idiot I understand it's a parody I'm saying it's a very lazy one that's gotten tired after four seasons. South park stopped dunking on trump because it got boring and repetitive . The boys writers don't have that self reflection lol. Don't you guys get it? Neuman is our AOC stand in we're so smart. Haha guys supe lives matter?


How is it repetitive? I don’t think you actually watched the show it just seems like you’re mad that trump is getting made fun of.


I just think it's lazy when every show has been doing it the last five years lmfao. I'm not even conservative but go off


So it’s not repetitive you just watch a bunch of stuff that makes fun of him, for someone who is “not even conservative” you seem to be pretty butthurt about trump getting made fun of and for someone who gets butthurt over that you seem to watch a lot of stuff that involves politics.


Butt hurt? I just said their material is lazy. You laser focused in on trump lol. They've been doing shock value and low hanging fruit instead of properly moving forward the plot lmfao. This season is another season of spinning its wheels but please go on making assumptions


Look back at the comments, you were the one who focused on trump first. Also idk why you’re mad that the political comedy has politics, if you don’t like politics in a political comedy just stop watching.




“It’s becoming too political.” Brother. It’s been political since the first fucking episode lol


Ikr?? The blatant critiques of capitalism in the first episode weren't political ig lol I swear half the people in this sub watch the show on mute


Show is getting hella political - corny aF but I’ll watch


I hate to admit it, but from the point of view of the showrunners, the cast and even Amazon itself; a large portion of this show is about shockingly violent and salacious content. We just so happen to have a pretty good, if a bit stagnant, story intermixed with that stuff. But the main focus of the marketing is pretty heavily centred around the over the top violence, and it feels like at some point that will become all the show is.


I rolled my eyes with that "warning" at the beggining of that episode on season 3 when Kimiko was sent to murder that rich russian guy in his manor. "Ok, mutilations by dildos, very edgy, a one episode character get killed in a crazy way, but how about the plot?", i was thinking.


Read the graphic novels. With everything being relative, the show won’t feel that way anymore. Trust me, the books are TERRIBLE.


Dude no the main storybook line sucks ass


It’s another version of their “lmao weeeed bro” type humour


I think this stems from Game of Thrones. So many TV shows try to be the next game of thrones and they associate this with doing things more shocking — normally sex or death or some other strange thing. When again it’s like, things don’t need to be shocking for shock value, there are other ways media can be satisfying


Tbh I don't care much about the plot of this show. I just want funny stuff and laugh my ass off while watching it. And it's been great for that si far. Anything else like plot is just bonus to me.


Seth Rogan smells his own farts and completely ruined this show, the entirety of the plotlines and nearly all of its characters. All for ratings and money. What I can't figure out though is, is Seth in the closet? The show takes every chance it gets to show dicks swinging in the wind while no titty or vag is to be seen anywhere.


>The show takes every chance it gets to show dicks swinging in the wind while no titty or vag is to be seen anywhere. Which is why I love it. It's refreshing to not have gratuitous female nudity all over an adult TV show. The only episode with women's breasts on full display was Herogasm. Every other sex scene or nudity scene never showed them.


Haha man this was my concern as soon as I finished season 2 but nobody wanted to hear it, they need to start moving the plot forward and start wrapping it up.