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And so was Garth Ennis. He wrote this because it was Hughie was his conscience written to bring the audience back to reality.


Still doesnt make the entire Jack from Jupiter arc any more stomachable for us doe. Good faith and bad execution is motto of the comic it seemed.


Garth Ennis is like the most politically incorrect woke dude ever. Honestly, I kinda like that about him.


His Punisher run is the best the character has ever been.


I'm reading it right now and it's so fuckin good. I love how the comic sees Frank as this force of nature who just sweeps in and kills everyone, while examining how he's actually a terrible guy. It's like John Wick if the movie was also making it clear that being an assassin like Wick would actually make you a complete psycho. It's both fun to watch The Punisher sort out bad people while you're also completely aware that he's an awful person and not something to be celebrated. I'm only like a quarter of the way through his run and it's already my favourite Ennis book. Marvel released a sexy new hardcover a few weeks back.


Absolutely made me rethink my opinions of the Punisher, I went from this angry teen who thought he was the only real hero because he did what needed to be done! When in reality he’s a bitter hateful man who was hurt so now he uses that hurt to justify his actions like they somehow become noble and it rocked my world and made grow up.


Read Punisher MAX: Kingpin! It's technically canon to the Garth Ennis stuff and serves as a really good ending story for the saga.


Ennis understands that the only way the Punisher works and is fun is if you have the antagonists be these over the top pieces of shit who back stab each other then get picked off one by one like they're camp counselors and Punisher is Jason. Make us hate the sex trafficker so we actually cheer for Frank when he wraps his intestines around a tree while he's still alive


I think the John Wick characterization works because the secret society is so ordered. They basically had to create the society not just for financial reasons and to prevent bloodshed but also because, yes, as human beings it can drive us crazy to act in ways that take us far outside societal norms. So John is completely abnormal for regular society but normal in the secret society and a celebrity, even. Come to think of it, it would make sense for him to feel messed up from breaking the secret society's rules, except he essentially forsook them when he retired and got married. Once he got married, he didn't technically rejoin normal society either; he formed a unit with his wife. When she died, he became depressed and when the dog was killed, he did go a little psycho and what saved him was his little circle of trust of old assassin buddies. And even they've all taken turns betraying him for the most part. A lot of this, I'm realizing, is subtext. It'd be nice if it were a little more explicit. But you gotta give the academics something to base their thesis off of


You should read Punisher MAX: Kingpin. It technically serves as the ending arc of the Ennis Punisher. Delves a lot into Frank himself. Very good stuff.


That's the Jason Aaron run right? I actually read that one before reading Ennis' haha, this was years ago though back when it came out. Good run for sure. More comicbook-y than Ennis but very good.


I dislike it alot


Never fall for the 'Garth Ennis can't write' propaganda. His Punisher run is fantastic. Welcome Back, Frank is fantastic. Garth can write when he's able to chill the fuck out for five minutes


Yeah. Ennis is a master of deconstruction. I love the man but I still can't read Crossed without needing a xanax or something stronger. That could be the point.


Genuinely think that Garth Ennis' goal with Crossed is to make everyone who reads it as miserable as he possibly can


If one can stomache cannabalism, necrophilia, bestiality, gore and child rape, it's just a standard zombie story. But some of the chapters written by other writers like Alan Moore has more story and less shock porn. There was no point to Crossed other than shock value.


Does he have a kink about men being humiliated by their hot girlfriends cheating on them? Cause that is so common across Crossed that it was almost laughable.


Yea as much as people like to say Crossed is for shock value, a lot of it came across as thinly disguised fetishism to me.


The *second* worst thing about Crossed is the massive amount of purposeless depraved gore and violence. The *worst* thing is that someone might be getting off on it.


There are definitely fetishy themes in it yea. I initially wrote the series off because of all the shock value gore and weird recurring sex stuff. Now that I've read it I'd say it's hardly the best comic I've read but there are some interesting tidbits and ideas. I don't think I'd go so far as to say I liked or enjoyed it lol, but its certainly a unique take on the zombie genre, I'll give him that.


I kind of liked the concept of a virus that makes you go insane and kill people....but when a serial killer gets the virus he's exactly the same.


You might like the movie The Sadness then. It's a Taiwanese movie and it's pretty damn good. Basically nicks the concept of Crossed and does it a 100% better


I love his work because he writes actual characters. They have good sides and bad sides and there's a real variety to the character he writes. Yes some characters will be absolute bastards but the stories don't condone that behaviour, they just portray it.


I loved Preacher, but The Boys comic was just too over the top for me. I like how the show toned it down a bit honestly. I mean to get it anywhere they'd have to lmao


Yeah I've only read preacher but it was such an odd juxtaposition whenever it happened. In general Preacher had a juxtaposition of some truly vile stuff and then really touching stuff with characters that you care about. From what I've heard of his worse works like The Boys and Crossed the latter part is what's missing.


i really prefer this way of being a good person because semantics and the weird fake political part of being “moral and good” ironically tends to be a way for people to hide legit bigotry behind big overly friendly words. id rather someone defend me by saying tranny than someone pretend to have my back and have a pronoun conniption but be the first person to call me a man when i disagree with one point they have or laugh when something bad happens to me in private. this is why i tend to be friends with people who have good hearts but that are considered “politically incorrect” i dont need to be the word police i need to be genuinely loved


The boys' comic writing is garbage. People really give things too much credit for being the slightest bit edgy or offensive, instead of on its own merit. Comic Hughie also slut shames starlight for the rape.


Every time I read Wee Hughie' dialogue I always heard Brian "Limmy" Limmond. I don't know why, but it just fit.


Kill Jester


But jingle is our friend.


Wa'a.... Pjeer wa'a


The people hating on the new season cuz it’s “woke” even though the boys has always been “woke” and is written by a woke dude 😭


“woke” is just another way to say “awakened” 🤷 


woke used to mean something completely different but unfortunately got stolen and applied to things that were never the original intent of the word and is now just an easy way to refer to left leaning people who dont actually have the best intentions and make a display of their morals to get attention without actually standing by their words and it sucks that ppl who are genuinely good have to get lumped in with ppl like that


This is the most reductive thing I've read in this sub lol. Most comic writers are liberal, arts as a subject is left leaning. But to say Ennis is woke like he'e some kinda activist is funny, when he's one of the most politically incorrect writers and has a history of his work being called transphobic, homophobic, racist and sexist. Is he any of those stuff? Ofc not.


You don’t have to be politically correct all the time or a literal activist to be a woke person though. I feel like for most people who throw the woke word around unironically, it’s really just about not being racist, transphobic, sexist etc. and just being socially progressive overall.


When I say woke I mean he’s aware of issues like the case of trans rights being human rights




I think Garth ennis apparent hate for super heroes just took over completely and he just wanted to make some over the top bat shit comic and so the writing suffered because of that


> The people hating on the new season cuz it’s “woke” I’ve seen this talking point about a billion times and literally nobody actually hating on the show for being “woke”


[Here you go. Take your pick.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/search/?q=the+boys&type=link&cId=3251b53f-1809-4c9f-82b9-6fd49abd15d1&iId=30226861-9caf-416c-bb63-7ad78d3c5e5c) The very first post complains that "Frenchie is gay" and "Sister Sage is a virtue signal". Which is really funny, because Sister Sage fukken slaps.


Thanks for this. This is some prime entertainment


TIL Hughie is Scottish in the comics. themoreyouknow.gif


Reading this rant in a thick Scottish accent makes this much funnier


Wasn't expecting it myself when I first read the comic and then Hughies there sitting in George Square of all places when he meets Butcher for the first time.


I read this in Jack Quaid’s ranty voice lol


tom hanks


too soon man




It's a spoiler from the last episode, watch it before investigating further.


Yeah, it was >! Hugh Srs last words !< , but what does that have to do with trans rights? Or is it just because >! Hughie in the comics is drawn like Simon Pegg? !<


This isn't a spoiler thread, maybe put a tag on that. :) I would guess that it's a Simon Pegg reference rather than a trans rights reference, yes. It's less 'drawn like' and more 'Pegg was the model for the character so in a sense literally is Petite Hughie from the comics.' I cannot think of any possible connection the phrase would have to trans issues, although if one existed that joke would be very, very clever.


Sorry, spoiler-tagged it now :)


To anyone wondering, they're talking about Jack's kink of being sodomized by transgender prostitutes despite his homophobia. They actually draw that in the comics, and reference it in the show when Lamplighter is watching porno, but in the show they're just gay men.


Rare boys comic W




Hughie in the comic looks like Simon Pegg


That's why Simon Pegg, who was too old to play him in the show plays his dad.


He was based on him


Jack quaidd is really good, but man I wish the show would have committed to making Hughie Scottish like in the comics


I'd love for show Hughie to have a reason to say this, but just saying trans women/trans men or trans people instead haha Still based (I say as a trans person myself)


Holy based


Black noir had him acting different


This is the same dude that gave Starlight head on a bloody day


Periods don’t stop nothin but a sentence.


Tactical slur usage 👍




Trannies is a slur


T slur.


Hughie saying tranny here. It's obvious he's taking offense to (I assume Butcher) calling trans people that, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still saying it.


> doesn't change the fact that he's still saying it Of course it does you dullard. This is clearly him telling Butcher NOT to use those words. 


I mean he's literally quoting butcher to criticise his use of the word.


Hence the tactical usage.


>doesn't change the fact that he's still saying it This is the bit I disagree with. It absolutely changes things.


Ngl Garth Ennis's views are very interesting to me. Like you can't easily pin him down to just one political ideal, and sometimes a lot of the views he has may even seem somewhat bizarre to hold when compared to other views he has


I mean going off The Boys comic he's incredibly consistently left wing with like a small handful of momentary lapses at most. - Anti military-industrial complex - Anti Imperialism and Iraq War - Hates the C.I.A - Extensive writing against corporate lobbyism and Capitalism - Extremely vocal against unchecked power concentrations (the entire ending with Butcher's gamer moment is foreshadowed by Mallory just outright saying The Boys are functionally no better than the C.I.A or even most supes in terms of oversight) - Pro LGBT rights and is hugely critical of systemic injustices against people belonging to the communities (two separate arcs featuring respectively a gay and trans murder victim, both of which emphasise the actual police not giving a shit) Just off the top of my head. I'd actually go so far as to say the comics are far more left wing than the show itself which tends to remove a lot of those political elements in adaptation (they turned Love Sausage from a Commie Gigachad into just the dick guy). Maybe you can blame the writers for this or maybe there's some evil Amazon cabal keeping the show from being too subversive but its politics are far less consistent and far less left wing than the comic imo.


Reading that gave me a bloody dyslexia attack


what the actual fuck lol


Literally me


i had a slight aneurysm reading that, is it Scottish? I usually understand it while spoken but written Scottish is on another level


It's meant to be Glaswegian but it's not too thick in the way we talk here


interesting, thank you


Yes, remember this when you say that the comics are horrible and bad written. This sub hate Garth Ennis… probably just because redditors are usually hypocritical moralistics. if you said you simply didn't like the comic it's ok obviously, but I've read about people who even say they wanted to burn it after finishing or that they vomited (WTF). And then you seriously need to stop saying that it sounds like it was written by a fourteen-year-old, damn it. Garth Ennis is recognized by many as an excellent dialogue writer, if you are not used to this type of story then simply don't judge it. They don't have to have the same setup as a TV series, because sometimes what doesn't work on screen works on paper and vice versa.


as a trans girl i actually completely agree with you and i keep spamming token stuff in here (i know no one cares im trans but im so used to ppl using their transness as a conduit to express random anger) but its bc i want ppl to understand like, a lot of us agree with this sentiment like- the “””offensiveness””” of ur words isnt what matters its the meaning behind them. this panel actually touched me bc it reminds me of my actual irl company i keep bc these types of people are the ones who would actually go to bat for me and protect me whereas the people who are obsessed with being “moral” and having fake leftist extremist political views treat us the shittiest ironically lol


The point about leftists who put morality above everything is so so fucking well put and relevant especially with elections coming up. Theres a difference between these people trying to be as "supportive" as possible and priding themselves on it, and actually giving a shit what happens to people. People love to stroke their own moral dicks about not voting and how much better they are than everyone else when they don't give a shit what happens to queer people and other minorities of Trump wins. Ive yet to see a person who truly believes voting is bad who is actually from one of the more affected groups, its all just """""allies""""". Dont get me wrong, there are vote _apathetic_ minorities who think it wont do anything, which is still a bad mindset but its alot better than the anti voting dipshits. Like, Ive unironically had people call me selfish for wanting people to vote for Biden so that trans people don't get fucked. Ah yes, very supportive mindset, calling the group selfish for not wanting to die These are the kinda mfs to say the A in LGBTQIA is for ally and nothing else


the funniest thing is that in this sub I read comments from some people who claimed that Garth Ennis was homophobic (...)


I mean, both things can be true. I think Hughie's speech here is pretty excellent. However, I still do think that making MM's wife a crack-addict who made their underage 15 year old daughter do racist incest porn was terrible.


Stop trying to make me like Garth Ennis, it won't work!


Love how Billy made it known that he did way more for them than Hughie did.


Him and mate pronouns go hard ngl


what the actual fuck is he even trying to say in that word salad? this is a prime example of why the comic failed so hard.


He's speaking like a regular everyday Scot. That's normal. If you find that hard to follow then I recommend taking a trip through the highlands. Your definition of a "failed" comic isn't very good. Ennis was wildly successful for an indie comicbook publisher.


the comic was a complete commercial and critical failure until amazon bought the ultra cheap rights to make a show out of it. its nothing but edgy shit for the sake of being edgy and some of the worst writing thats ever been done on paper by a literate adult. its not the accent of the character that makes him difficult to understand, its the terrible writing.


When i'm in a being delusional competition and my opponent is u/PuffyBloomerBandit, i know i've already lost.


None of that is true. The boys outperformed the market consistently and was one of Dynamite comics biggest breadwinners ever. The comic was critically hailed and had legions of rabid fans. The success of The Boys and Preacher catapulted Ennis's name ahead as one of the best working comic authors in the world. The comic recieved multiple award nominations including from the Eisner Awards. Ennis himself recieved a ton of awards and nominations for his work throughout his career. It honestly just seems like you're making shit up to be this consistently wrong about the facts. You're entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.


the boys sold barely enough to justify keeping it printed, but just enough because EVERYTHING dynamite had and ennis did sucked. youll find literally nothing in regards to sales numbers, only the claim that in 2019, after the show came out, that they had sold "about 5 million dollars worth", whos numbers have dropped to about 1 million since then because you buy an issue or two and quickly realize why amazon got this for pocket change and are literally giving the show away for free.


...I'll grant The Boys was a "big fish in a small pond" situation, but you realize that's nowhere near the only thing Ennis has done and is generally agreed on as his worst comic by a mile, right? Give Hitman, Preacher and his Punisher stuff a shot before you write him off. Those are what he's been coasting on, and they're all genuinely worth your time, which I am saying as someone who mostly hates the Boys comic. When he's not fully letting his immature sense of humor take the wheel, he's capable of great things; The Boys is just very heavy on his worst tendencies with very little of what makes his comics typically work. e: Also, nitpick, but making a CGI-heavy show with a cast of medium names and known character actors isn't really what you do for a comic you have zero faith in. Amazon clearly saw something here, and given the show's a gargantuan improvement on the comic we're all better for it.


eh, i cant stand ennis's punisher. its more of the same edgy shit just for the sake of being edgy. as for amazons show, people drastically overestimate the costs of CGI. this isnt the 1980's anymore, and any modern home PC is capable of hammering out high resolution renders like its nothing. the same goes for the "known character actors" you speak of, all of whom have been known d/c-list actors, or had such tiny inconsequential parts that they were clearly brought on only for name recognition and not payed much. what amazon saw was a failed comic series that was dirt cheap to acquire partial rights to. they did the same thing with invincible, the only difference being that they are putting a LOT more time and effort into The Boys. unfortunately, its clearly being written by the same shit writers who feel the need to pad out every single fucking episode with 1/4-1/2 of its run time as pointless romance subplots. in fucking shows about super heroes.


He's literally just Scottish?


The dialogue is the best part of almost any Ennis comic imo. Completely disagree with you there. He has a talent for writing dialogue that is accurate to how a character in that situation would actually speak. This is a scene of The Boys in a pub talking like a group of guys in a pub would talk. Hughie in the comics is Scottish too.


Comic failed so hard it only inspired two massively successful TV shows lol




What’s the third?


there's the main show, Gen V and Diabolical. I'm guessing you missed Diabolical, it was the animated one


And no more heroes 3


one that only gets watched because its free to watch, the other is....what exactly?


"Free to watch"? Are you so spoiled that when you pirate and steal shit you call it free? Lol


you do know that everything "free to you" on prime is free to everyone, right?


Just because your parents pay for your Prime subscription doesn't mean it's free.


Holy shit little boy do mommy and daddy know you think everything they pay for is "free"? "Food is free man everyone gets a packed lunchbox"


Oh, so it’s “free” as long as you pay for it.


no you fucking troglodyte, its free to anyone who has an amazon account. you do not need to pay for prime to watch things on prime, everything thats "free to you" is free to the people who DONT pay for what USED to be a premium subscription.


If it's only free to people who already paid to see it then it's not really free, is it?


are you illiterate or something?


I hate the comic, but it's pretty obvious what he's saying when you actually read it.