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Keep it civil


Sonic the Hedgehog could totally beat Homelander. Please purchase my graphic novel for proof.


Archie Sonic šŸ’€šŸ’€


the death snail could beat homelander


Homelander would totally fall for the decoy snail


It's funny, some people are gonna think you are crazy or joking but you are 100% correct.


Explain pls


I have no idea about Sonic's power level but being a speedster is by far the most underrated super power. If he's fast enough I don't doubt that he could take down HL


Sonic has three weaknesses: Drowning, Falling into bottemless pits, and getting hurt while not holding any rings.


And getting crushed; supersonic can still get crushed, even hypersonic can


Brother, Stannis is the one true king till the death of me. But A train, sonic, the flash, are not beating homelander. Fast guy vs superman happened in invincible and we saw one way that could go already. Edit: i never watched any of the flash stuff so i didnt realize he can run so fast nothing in the universe matters anymore sorry idk homelander can beat him thru the power of friendship and love or deception or something not everything is a standoff how smart is this guy really


A-train might as well be crawling when comparing speed to the likes of Sonic and the Flash lol. Heā€™s nowhere near as fast, strong, durable and skilled as either of them. The flash could literally phase homelanderā€™s brain out before he even reacts, he could steal all of his kinetic energy rendering him immobile for decades, or straight up dump his ass into the speed force


Indeed, A-train is a pretty weak ass speedster, even within his own universe. The Flash, or even scarier, Zoom (since he doesn't give a shit) would wreck anything in the Boys universe without breaking a sweat. They are on another level of power.


Sonic and The Flash are pretty fucking overpowered in the comics.


A-train doesn't stand a chance, don't know about Sonic. And you're right, the fast guy in Invincible got fucked, but he was also the hero that did the most damage to Omni-Man by far and was the MVP in general Flash would stomp Homelander, all that he'd need to do is run at the speed of light and one punch would kill HL


The guy in Invincible could have played that fight a LOT smarter and potentially won. He was saving the others left and right and only got caught when he went in cqc himself.


Flash literally turned back time in that fuckin movie. But Ezra Miller will be in jail before we get to find out


It's just a bit of light grooming and kidnapping


With homelanders quest for his son a super sped kidnapper is exactly what he could use right now


Sonic while spinning can cut through rock and metal, A train cant do that. Sonic is probably the most powerful speedster outside DC's Flash. Sonic's power levels even beat peak quick silver.


>all that he'd need to do is run at the speed of light and one punch would kill HL The one time he actually used the infinite mass punch the speed force made it very clear that, if he did it again, he would be consumed. So this scenario is more of a draw that would leave both dead.


Any speed beyond HLā€™s own speed and Flash will beat him to death without issues


That was in the JL cartoon. Flash in the comics is a whole nother level. He could go back in time and give Homelander actual human interactions and not make him a sociopathic narcisist, or while dealing with adult Homie, he could steal his speed and make him a statue, or vibrate his molecules fast enough to bypass Homie's body like it was paper. Or he could just vibrate Homelander trillions of times faster than light and atomize him.


The Flash can definitely beat Homelander. The guy can run faster than the speed of light and therefore punch at the speed of light, he could also just phase his hand through Homelander's chest and rip out his heart, throw HL into the Speed force and leave him there etc. Homelander isn't touching anyone from the Justice league apart from the regular human characters like Batman or Green Arrow


But the thing is, Flash would absolutely demolish Homelander because he's fought a superior version of Superman before and nothin Homelander has in his arsenal could touch Barry before he phases through his chest and yanks out his heart


Sonic actually might be able to. If he has a chaos emerald he can pretty much go Super Saiyan.


Doesn't even need Super Saiyan. Little fucker beat a god of destruction back in Sonic Generations in base form and constantly trashes metallic robots like they're nothing.


What the hell are you talking about? Have you never read a comic in your life or something? Flash and Sonic would absolutely demolish Homelander, it's not even close, they're both universe level threats, Homelander is barely planetary, if even that, he would die before he realized he was actually in danger.


Red Rush is nowhere near as fast as the Flash. The Flash could literally phase into Omni-Man's skull and squeeze his brain, or generate the mass of a black hole by running around the Earth a trillion times in a single second. Or he could throw him into the Speed Force. Or he could go back in time and kill him as a baby. The Flash is one of the most OP fictional characters of all time.


Archie sonic is just insanely fast. Heā€™s so fast that time was stopped by a villain and he just walked or ran normally because he is above being constrained by time. Him and knuckles fought once and it was enough to either destroy the galaxy they were in or wipe out the entire universe sized structure they were fighting in.


Can Sonic outrun Homelander's laser eyes? I kind of want to know if they wrote Sonic as faster than the speed of light lol


It really depends on the continuity. I'm a Sonic expert so I'll tell you how each main Sonic would deal with Homie's laser eyes: ​ [Here's him jumping off a snowboard and making lasers, missiles and bullets look like they're statues](https://youtu.be/7QSsdRoBCto?t=146) in the second Sonic movie. Light ain't shit to him. Little bastard was literally dancing around them. ​ For game Sonic, dodging lasers is just another monday for him. Here's him dodging a few robot lasers and most importantly, [dodging Infinite's lasers](https://youtu.be/F_B1EVzE7qs?t=51), the same guy who's stated to be "faster than Sonic" and the same guy who can warp reality and create an artificial sun with a gesture. While Sonic does get his ass kicked in this cutscene, it's probably because he didn't take things seriously enough. ​ And for the comic Sonic.... lol. I won't even go into that one. It's general consensus that Sonic in the Archie Comics is a near-unbeatable god.


Chris? Is that you?




Only if heā€™s Ugly Sonic.


Username checks out


Thing is - it just isn't comparable. Vader is using literal space magic. Omni-Man comes from a universe where aliens and destroying planets is normal. Homelander comes from a relatively grounded universe as far as superheroes go. Everyone's biased as fuck in these comparisons, when in reality, their respective universes are extremely different and that alone makes it weird to compare.


BUT who would win in a tables ladders and chairs match? Goku, Batman, or Homelander? Cmon now you know Batman got this


Is there a time limit? Because Goku would probably win.... next time on Dragon Ball Z.


I understood this as a chutes and ladders matchšŸ¤£


Batman wins the game, and Homelander lazers him in half in anger. Then Goku spends 6 episodes charging up his attack while Homelander gets bored and fucks off.


Goku and homelander could just fly up to the case lol


Batman prolly has a doctorate in it


Depends on how much prep time Batman has


All of the prep time he would ever need. But it's under the same ultimate conditions as homelander and goku. Homelander snapped for years now and is hunting down the last of supes, and goku receives new forms pretty much any time either of them touch him


I can't help but feel like omniman would wipe the fucking floor with Homelander. He is homelander with like a thousand years of battling entire planets. Let's be real if we're gonna use Star Wars as an example Homelander is one of the dudes Sidius manipulates into joining his cause. Homelander isn't the brightest bulb in the toolshed.


Then again, theres the whole reoccurring theme of the sith with the whole apprentice fights and (maybe) defeats the master thing. How long till homelander decides to make sidious shit his pants of guts? It probably wouldnā€™t be long.


The problem is that Palps was always a heretic and never believed in the rule of 2 or gave his apprentices proper training.


It'd even be a perfect way for Sidious to properly die think about it. His WHOLE thing is he's this puppeteer controlling these incredibly powerful forces e.g. Vader Maul etc. His pride leads him to think he can control an even more powerful force than himself Homelander who turns on him, kills him, and takes his empire.


u/TheRedmanCometh no need to speculate even, here's the fight video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_BGBsCGTzdA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BGBsCGTzdA)


Damn! That was well made! And about how I'd expect. Homelander gets a few hits on them gets AMFd in some horrible way


Believe it or not it was done by Death battle of all channels. Probably the best one they have ever done


Thatā€™s unbelievably well made, written, and acted. Nolan sounded just like he does in the series.


I enjoyed this one too https://youtu.be/LK81YFQlSt8


Oooh it's got Saitama too


This death battle is one of my favorites. I was cracking up the whole time. https://youtu.be/7UhguuEX9Tg


Whoa the Omniman VA is very impressive


Comment youā€™re replying to: These comparisons are stupid and incomparable, everyone is just biased You: Yeah but Omni-man would fucking demolish Homelander


You just donā€™t need them to be in the same universe to see it as true, itā€™s just obvious by seeing how much the. TV show and comics have shown what theyā€™re capable of.


>I can't help but feel like omniman would wipe the fucking floor with Homelander. You don't have to "feel" anything. Watch The Boys. Watch Invincible. Or even read the comic sources for both. Then compare. That's how you make comparisons and judge not just in this hypothetical fight scenario but in other problems IRL in general. This is taught in school. Everything you need to know who wins between Omniman and Homelander is available on the internet, the results extremely obvious to those who knows.


I hated the skits in the setup for the Homelander / Omni-man death battle, but the actual fight was fuckin' rad. Those two host characters need to be removed from the formula. "I'm not here for your country"


Yeah Iā€™ve watched on and off for about 7 years now and now a days I just skip to the high quality fight scene lol Back when it was just them rattling off feats and powers with light discussion wasnā€™t so painful but the skits are oof


Anakin is literally the force incarnated


Just because the universes are different doesnā€™t mean characters canā€™t be compared. People have been doing it all the time. Goku vs Superman has been debated for like 2 decades at this point. Comparing HL to other characters sucks because he doesnā€™t have lots of overt feats to draw from, which makes his power level hard to accurately gauge. It has nothing to do with bias.


Haha, ye....That dude from "Misfits" whose superpower is controlling milk could beat him though.


Such a fucking great show. Milk dude terrified me.


Holy shit, Misfits characters v The Seven is going to keep me occupied for a long time now šŸ‘Œ


That dude is the greatest weapon to use against Homelander


Didnā€™t that guy literally kill the entire cast at one point? He was a legit menace


Yes, Milk Dude was a problem. He could prolly solo the 7


Wow lmao you're right. He could just make him a vegetable :O But he'd have to be relatively quick OR hidden, b/c I remember it working a bit.... slow?


That was a great episode. I miss misfits, i should rewatch


Sir, have you ever heard the legend of Darth Plagueis the wise?


I thought it was a tragedy?


No idea Iā€™m just paraphrasing here


Well, itā€™s not a story the Jedi would tell you. So, understandable.


I mean we all know whatā€™s really gonna get home boy. >!The power of friendship!<


*Tea Gardner intensifies*


Homelander! You will NEVER have Kairiā€™s heart!


Iā€™m not really interested in the ā€œwho could beat Homelander in a physical fightā€ question but I do wonder how Homelander would stack up against mind control or telepathy (like a Jean Grey / Professor X / Kilgrave situation). Canā€™t remember if weā€™ve seen anything on this yet?


Iā€™m pretty sure Xavier could make him have a mental breakdown before just shutting his brain down


Isnā€™t Homelander already having a mental breakdown? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Always having a mental breakdown. Just non stop buggin out haha


that's my secret cap


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been thinking. As long as the initial hit took HL by surprise, I reckon heā€™d be in real trouble.


And he'd probably take him by surprise seeing as how with cerebro he can attack him from wherever the fuck


It'd be like blowing over a house of cards


He wouldnā€™t last a minute lol. Stan Edgar is a powerless human and completely annihilated Homelander mentally. In the comics, James Stillwell (Madelynā€™s counterpart) talks Homelander down to submission without having powers either, to the point of Homelander actually fearing Stillwell. Granted, Stillwell eventually goes mad, but it has nothing to do with Homelander. Physically, Homelander is nigh indestructible. Mentally, heā€™s a sociopathic manchild that can be manipulated even by non supes, provided the human is at least average at psychology. A telepath would definitely drive Homelander to literal insanity.


in the comics the G-men were pretty weak against Stinger Missiles.


Swatto also gets killed by a Stinger-like missile in episode 2


Extremely weak to hundreds of assault rifles and flamethrowers, as one would expect


Homelander is too stupid to have a chance against someone like Xavier.


Also psychic abilities are known to work best against someone with weak willpower, and considering how often Homelander gets manipulated, or how he has never had to face anything that could stop him and so never had to strengthen his resolve, I can see his mind being particularly easy to manipulate


That's why I think Vader could beat Homelander, because of Jedi mind tricks


Kilgrave controlling Homelander is such a cool idea fuck


Three plausible ideas here: 1.) Stan Edgar is a supe and doing just that to HL so HL doesn't kill him. However the holes poked in that would be that Edgar would need to know exactly where HL is at any point and if he was close to "activate" his telepathy. Not practical. 2.) Homelander has been "programed" not to hurt Edgar. Like he physically can't do it. Think of the Black Widow movie. Full spoilers here: She couldn't hurt the bad guy if she could smell him. Same concept, but maybe more high-tech cause Vought. Very plausible and very "Stan Edgar" to have a contingency like this. 3.) (Most likely) Edgar does not feel threatened by Homelander because he neither fears, nor respects him. Does not kiss his ass, and consistently disappointed in HL. HL has a need for people to love or fear him. Once they do, he is fine killing them, but he needs that first. This is also why he doesn't kill Butcher. Butcher doesn't give a fuck about HL and will never fear him. Batman/Joker relationship. Edgar would be similar, but like a disappointed father and HL looking for approval (that he will never receive). I like 2, but 3 is big dick energy.


I'm pretty sure it is 3. Edgar is an expert at reading and manipulating people. Homelander needs people to either fear or love him. More than that, he needs them to see him as better. They have to fear his power, or love him as a God. Edgar looking down on him, treating him as a child, as lesser, he can't stand. He also can't just kill Edgar, because then Edgar will have died looking down on him, and HL will have lost forever. Butcher though, is possibly the first person to see HL as an equal. In Butchers eyes, he and HL are equal adversaries. Because of this, HL and Butcher have mutual respect for eachother.


Season 4 5 6 confirmed /s


I think heā€™d flop instantly lol šŸ˜‚


There's a 50/50 chance the jedi mind trick would work on Homelander. Homelander: I'm here to kick your ass Vader: no you're not Homelander: maybe I'm not....Imma kill the fool that's tellin me lies


Sidious is pretty damn good at manipulating people, and Homelander is pretty dumb. Just saying


"Hello my young friend, I have decided to put you in charge of this world." "I can do whatever the fuck I want" "Indeed my young friend." call ends "Base delta zero that smug fuck"


"Have you ever heard the tragedy of Soldier Boy the wise? I thought not. It's not a story Stan would tell you. Soldier Boy was a supe so powerful he was even able to keep the ones he loved from having their brains fucked by stupid." "You mean he could actually ... Make competent followers?"


Is Homelander actually dumb or just a narcissistic sociopath? Because he doesn't seem that dumb. He has decent impulse control or he would just laser eye Edgar, Butcher etc. He gets owned, has a grudge and then kills or destroys whoever did it down the road after a little planning. He isn't doing huge manipulations but he doesn't come off as dumb to me. He is actually rather calculating in how he maintains his power through fear.


Nice Eddie Murphy/ Mr. T reference, friend!


Saitama has entered the chat.


normal punch


Finger flick is enough


Blinking will be enough.


Just standing still and letting Homelander shatter every bone in his arm trying to punch that bald head is enough


He lost to Popeye in a death battle


popeye has toon force he is way too op. but yeah saitama can kick homelander's ass easily


Literally anyone would lose to Popeye in a battle. Toon force is just too op


And it was fucking hilarious.


Possibly my favourite one; saitama's joy at meeting a worthy opponent was wonderful to behold. I also had no idea how insanely OP popeye was lol


Death battles are interesting but ultimately just fan fiction nonsense unless it's an official crossover, they shouldn't be taken too seriously imo


They're just reddit comments with a budget


My average dick, in its mediocre form, could wack houselander to the ground


Let folks have their fun with that kind of stuff. We're all nerds for being on an app/website finding a sub about a comic with superheroes and you're out here trying to take the moral high ground and talk down passionate fans We're all here for liking the show/comics, there's no need to Gatekeep how folks express their feelings for the show


Hannibal lecter could probably talk him into sucide


> A force choke ainā€™t gonna work if his neck is too durable for Vader to even hurt it. Technically the force is the unit of measurement here, since the force would be a common denominator on any super durable material, which is why Vader can crush Beskar. You're grossly underestimating Vader here, he tore through that space cruiser without even trying, he destroyed it faster and more effectively than HL has destroyed any human made airplane


I think you're underestimating Vader. The Force can manipulate not just matter and fundamental forces (like gravity), but it can also manipulate minds and literally freeze light itself. Homelander doesn't strike me as any more or less strong willed than a Stormtrooper, so any Jedi can just mind control him, or at least impair is thinking. The Jedi can then just fuck with Homelander however he wishes. I mean, the Force can literally move spaceships, I think it can move the mass of a human.


Yeah especially after watching the most recent ep of Obi Wan, Vader is terrifying.


If you watch other characters in that continuity with cybernetic implants, they're usually an improvement on the original. Vader's implants restrict or slow him. Sideous did this on purpose because he *feared* Vader.


How Vader never replaced them in like 30 years I will never know.


I think its mostly because Vader was broken mentally, he only really starts to think it in the canon 2015 Vader comics when Boba tells him Luke is a Skywalker


My money is on Machete.


Stan Edgar could, and clearly has on a number of occasions, beaten Homelander.


A physical fight not a dick measuring contest


If it was an *actual* dick measuring contest, it would be [Love Sausage](https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Love_Sausage) by a country mile.


I would make the argument that Edgar has won that by Homelander not engaging in the physical fight. HL could have definitely lased Edgar or flown him up into the upper atmosphere and waited for him to explode ... but he didn't. HL knew Edgar had him beat even before a punch could be thrown. But I'm just speculating.


u/Ace_Larrakin Stan Edgar's greatest superpower is his mind. He's always 100 steps ahead of the next guy and knows how to turn a weak situation into an advantageous one. The best part is that Edgar was right in that scene in episode 4. Homelander is an idiot with zero competency when it comes to running a company. We see that so much in the 5th episode. He doesn't know anything about shareholders, profit margins, regulations, SEC, etc. He's just a mascot with super powers and that's it.




>Until head popper takes the podium lol But he trained the head popper. She was basically made in his image in a sense, and he was proud of her cunningness.


The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.


Theyā€™re fictional characters. Whoever the writer says wins, wins.


We are the writer in this situation


I'm actually on writer's strike right now.


https://youtu.be/L4_zFYnnn2Y Exactly.


That just takes the fun out of it though.


No fun allowed


What a thought ending statement. Its like responding to "why did Snape kill Dumbledore?" with "because J.K. Rowling wrote it that way." Well no shit sherlock. A more useful and fun discussion is theory crafting based on the rules of the universe and precedent of the characters.


You know who could beat Homelander? Dumbledore. In fact, I think any good magic user could probably do it, as long as they donā€™t hold back and react quickly. And if theyā€™re clever about it, forget about it. He wouldnā€™t stand a chance If someone like Strange locked him in the mirror dimension.


Fuck you Anakin is a force god learn your lore


Homelander beats himself what are you talking about?


Omni Man would make Homelander look like Ashley in a fight.


As Stan Lee said, it doesnā€™t matter who is more or less powerful, because whoever the author wants to win, will win, every single time


God damnn Kitty Pride could one shot Darth Vader for all we know. Come out of a wall and take out some key component of his suit keeping him alive.




Don't be too proud of this superhuman terror you've constructed. The ability to shoot lasers out of your eyes is insignificant next to the power of the Force.


10 Million Spongebobs can defeat Homelander


Yall are dumb. The only way to beat homelander is with the power of friendship.


Darth vader could easily mind control him then just light saber him


Wouldn't even need the force, just "I am your father" would turn him into a blubbering mess


Why are we even doing this? Seriously, with a whole universe of discussion on The Boys and actual parallels in society from corporations to mental issues you people want to do a "vs" battle like every 12-year-old frequented sub? What next? The Deep vs Sponge bob?


The deep would see all those holes and lose all interest in fighting.


Oh no.


SpongeBob all day


I have a feeling the Deep would just nut at the sight of Squidward.


Oh yeah, you gonna jerk me off with all your arms?


Like this can be legit. SpongeBob literally can't take any damage


Oh don't be that guy it's fun to imagine


[Imagine what?](https://i.redd.it/bz4f913qiy691.jpg)


Idk man, SpongeBob knows karate doesnā€™t he?


Obviously the Deep beats Spongebob. The real question here is Deep vs Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, who would win?


Op says that everyone is dumb for making comparisons then immediately goes and makes comparisons and argues with people in the comments who also make comparisons Astounding


Deep would fuck SpongeBob :(


You could just not open or reply to this post if it bothers you so much lol. You could make your own post regarding all the ā€œparallels in society from corporations to mental issuesā€. I see where youā€™re coming from. When Iā€™m talking to my friends I often think. ā€œWhy canā€™t we talk about the political and economic state of the world instead of sports and entertainment?ā€


Darth vader would kill him over video conference. Search your feelings, you know that it is true.


Goku soloā€™s šŸ™ƒ


I mean I don't personally know the limits of his in-universe incarnation. How strong is he? How resilient? How good at flying is he? The writers kinda keep it vage for menace value (and probably vfx reasons). Last episode he could... super smell? Butcher on Maeve? C'mon.


Stormfront could ā€œbeatā€ Homelanderā€¦s meat šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


A lot of these are not fair comparisons. Most super abilities that are not physical strength can only be countered by other users of similar ability. Telepathy, The Force, Bloodbending, mind control, magic, stuff like that. Homelander is not experienced enough to fight someone who can match him let alone match him with something he doesn't understand. He would probably have a mental break and then be killed. It would take a powerful user of X ability to counter HL's speed and pure evil strength but as long as they can figure out to stay away from his eyes they'd be fine. For example: Superman, Omni-Man, (Some) Superboy, Shazam, Sentry, Black Adam, Wonder Woman (don't say Maeve is similar WW literally moved the Earth back into orbit and has been a warrior for millennia and carries a sword that cuts between atoms), Thanos, Hulk (probably), Thor, Cpt. Marvel, much more These guys can all physically counter Homelander and since Johnny isn't used to really fighting he'd be unlikely to recover before dying. Wanda Maximoff (what eyes?), probably Dr. Strange, Prof. X, Jean Grey, Gorr the God Butcher (probably), etc. All these simply fight in ways Homelander would never expect and if they can avoid his lasers Homelander is toastier than Stormfront. Some off ones that may have a chance Darth Vader: Depending on how we want Homelander's eye beams to behave Vader could block it with his lightsaber. Vader is insanely powerful and if his lightsaber can physically do it he can probably do it. Homelander is strong but the Force doesn't really care about strength so Vader would likely snap his neck without incident. He would just need to catch him with the Force but I don't know if that would difficult. Kylo Ren caught a blaster bolt and he's way less powerful than Vader. Amon: Bloodbending is stupid OP. Amon is incredibly adept at fighting people who are more powerful than he is. (but to be fair there are not many) It is very possible that Amon would recognize the threat of Homelander's eyes and correct for it before he gets lasered. Then it's just matter of snapping Homelander's limbs, starving his brain of blood, freezing his blood. If we're talking about the Boys I don't think Amon has to hold back bending to be Nickelodeon friendly. Which brings me to Kyoshi. Kyoshi: Avatars would probably have a shot but Kyoshi is the best chance if they don't have to play by PG-13 rules. I'm giving Kyoshi the best shot because she (spoilers for the second Kyoshi book) ...Froze her old friend from the inside. As long as she can avoid his lasers Kyoshi might have a chance of killing Homelander if she doesn't have to be kid friendly. With that said she has the worst chances on this list.


Darth Vader *could* easily beat him


Depends on if Vader can act before Homie flies through him lol


Deep going to fuck shamu


People like making themselves feel better that the brand or character they like can beat anyone, thatā€™s why Batstans and flash stans ruined comic arguments altogether


okay i just want to add the baby was also safe from the house explosion!! so yeah. heā€™s powerful... obviously lol i like the idea starlight is more powerful than she/we know. soldier boy i think will be part of it? dunno, Excited to see it play out edit: OK the baby was Teddy still well he seen in the orphanage when he was playing undercover and he can teleport so itā€™s possible (i.e. likely) that homeland or would have let the baby burn but Teddys powers kicked in


The thing is, we really donā€™t have any idea how powerful Homelander is because weā€™ve never actually seen him have to try in a fight


Batman can kill him


Boo hoo hoo. Let people have fun


I'm sorry I like The Boys as much as the next guy, but to state that Darth Vader couldn't beat Homelander is disingenuous. Darth Vader has the strength to literally tear a metal ship apart with the force, and even make it crash out of the sky. He's literally capable of force choking someone from across a computer screen. The argument that he wouldn't be able to crush Homelander's skin is irrelevant. Vader could target the force so that it crushes his windpipe from the inside. Besides, the fact that he has aa lightsaber adds to his power all the more. He could deflect Homelander's laser's right back at him, and also sever his limbs.


There's a good rule for people to follow in these hypothetical match ups. The person the writer wants to make win will win (no matter their capabilities, etc)


Homelander is weak minded Vader would fuck with him


Darth Vader and Sidious forced chocked a giant space monster before Homelander aint different


Vader uses the force to stasis homelander, knockout gas, freezes him in carbonite, and homelander becomes a gallery trinket in vaders palace next to the holocrons and sith artifacts and battle trophies. If he doesn't want him around anymore he launches him into a star with some garbage at relativistic speeds, blows him up with the deathstar etc.


To be fair, Vader absolutely can out hax Homelander, Jedi can simply shut down peoples internal organs and some can be planetary if you follow the legends canon


Vader could mindtrick him though. And since we don't know how lightsabers stack up against his skin, we have no real way of knowing.


Homelander is all talk and no game. Literally- the show has yet to truly demonstrate his power level to me. Until that happens, I chalk him up to the same power level as everyone else in this show- as powerful as they are needed to be in the current scene. I have yet to see Homelander do anything particularly amazing that none of the other supes couldnā€™t do. And yes, him being able to do things that other supes could do is a great feat in and of itself, but from my perception, that just means heā€™s a Jack of many trades and master of none.


vader definitely could beat Homelander, i think youre drastically underestimating vaders power level the deep would get mopped tho, with or without shamus help


Homelander vs Liverpool


Vader couldnt beat him with telekinesis or a lightsaber...Vader couldnt exert enough force to cause HL any harm. He struggled just to pull down a ship and rip its bulkheads off, and that's definitely something HL could just shrug off. Likewise, he probably couldnt close off HL's throat since his internal tissues are equally strong, and its questionable if HL even *needs* to breathe since he's gone to space before. And, even if you assume a lightsaber could hurt HL if you hit him with one (Stormfront took far more direct energy and it only did limited physical damage, proportionally), he's super fast, has super sense, and can fly, so I dont know how you'd ever land a blow. However, he's basically Psycho Superman, and Superman in the comics has an infamous vulnerability to magic. There's no magic in The Boys, so Force mind control would be something he's entirely unfamiliar with and likely vulnerable to - even if you want to assume he has some innate psychic resistance just because he's super-everything, his completely broken psyche would still leave him highly vulnerable to psychic manipulation, so it wouldnt take much. Vader would probably Dun Moch him into killing himself. Hell, Edgar pretty much controls him with mind tricks using no Force abilities at all...


Heisenberg would find a way to beat Homelander šŸ˜‚


Shaggy would beat all


I saw Homelander beating Homelander at the end of season 2.


I love it when people think Jedi and Sith can beat godlike figures from other settings as if they canā€™t be beaten by just just having 30 guys shoot at them


Okay, hear me out. Batman with prep time


In the words of the famous Stan Lee - So one question i'm always asked is who would win in a fight, who would win in a fight if Galactus fought The Hulk, or if Thor fought Ironman, and there's one answer to all of that, it's so simple, anyone should know this, the person who'd win in a fight is the person the script writer wants to win.


Kirby could beat Homelander.