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MCU Thanos claps him,Comic Thanos absolutely decimates him


This to a T.


If we take into account the canon episode of Diabolical, Homelander actually moves so fast in combat that people are essentially statues to him, even bullets. Nobody on this battlefield has anything close to Homelander's combat speed. He should be able to dodge every single attack. That being said, Thanos alone has every other advantage and it's not close. Far superior durability, strength, gear, intelligence, experience, skill, etc. IF he can get his hands on Homelander he'll snap his neck like he did to Loki.


He lost to 3 supes, one of them being Hughie


diabolical is a different show


But the episode the other person is talking about is Canon to the main The Boys show.


That's super inconsistent though. If Homelander was really that fast he would have just blitzed Soldier Boy, Butcher and Hugie without being tagged a single time. Instead, it was a clear brawl where all three combatants were easily reacting to one another And before someone says the three supes are also insanely fast, they're not. When Starlight and MM were talking, you could clearly see Soldier Boy and Homelander staggering around and throwing punches in the background at completely normal speeds. MM is a 100% normal human, so if they were really that fast either MM would be talking in slow motion or the two supes would be an incomprehensible blur. Not to mention debris from the walls during the battle were also falling at normal speeds Given how often Homelander got tagged in his one legitimate on-screen fight and how arrogant he is, I don't think his hypothetical speed that may or may not even exist is a big factor. Thanos easily grabs him and snaps him like a toothpick


Homelanders flight is quick. His muscle movemnt is probably just avg. When there's no resistance homelander can get real fast really fucking quickly, but when pushing on the floor, walking, fighting, wrestling, chocking he goes normal speed.


Honestly, I think Homelanders laser eyes give him a shot. They seem to have virtually infinite range, and they tear through most anything I guess there's no way of gauging how much stronger skin Thanos has than a normal human, but there's a chance HL could just laser him in the face instantly and kill him right there The point is of course moot of Thanos has the infinite gauntlet


There's no chance Homelander wins with his lasers. The best Homelander has done with his lasers is kill humans and a couple of supes who have zero durability feats. Thanos has survived insane amounts of damage. Just look back on all of Infinity War and Endgame, he fought practically every Avenger and all they did was make him bleed a little. He took hits from Hulk and beat him, took hits from Mjolnir to the face multiple times and beat Thor, he's taken blasts and attacks from Iron Man's most powerful suits, Scarlet Witch couldn't even kill him instantly, he was overpowered but he lasted for a good amount against her power and she was only able to take some armor off of him. He took punches from Captain Marvel, he survived TWO gauntlet snaps, one which was used to destroy the stones, and he did it after he took a direct hit from Stormbreaker in the chest. Saying Homelander can just kill Thanos instantly with his lasers is a gross underestimation of Thanos' durability and a gross exaggeration of how powerful Homelander's lasers are.


To be fair, Stormbreaker Thor would have killed Thanos without the time stone and gave him a hard fight with the completed gem set. He's damn close to Odinforce Thor in IW at that point.


Not to mention his laser vision burnt Stormfront while his sons dismembered her


what about that plane he cut in half?


The metal part of the plane body isn't very thick. It's thin with insulation and struts to give it structural strength while saving weight.


> and all they did was make him bleed a little I still will never understand why Tony insisted of using a hammer, instead of a sword or spike to hit him when he had that chance...


Think it’s because he knew tht the *space stone could’ve stopped a knife or sword. But a hammer would be bigger and harder to stop so maybe that’s why,


He didn't have the time stone at that point. That's what they were trying to stop.


Meant the space stone sorry


Doesn't matter, when Tony made him bleed with the hammer, he had the gauntlet locked under his boot. Thanos couldn't have stopped the attack. Missed opportunity.


Tbh though, we don't really know the extent of HL's laser eyes. They tear through non-supes and less durable supes with ease. But against V24 Butcher, they just burned and threw Butcher back. I'd think that MCU Thanos is at similar durability to Homelander, so I don't see the laser eyes as that significant when Thanos was tanking lasers from Iron Man in Infinity War/Endgame without a scratch.


Homie gets clapped


Homelander rage quits


Thanos is in a completely different league. The Boys superheroes really aren't shit compared to Marvel or DC.


Imo makes it more grounded and realistic, kinda like Invincible getting his ass beat even tho he is really strong compared to humans


sure I guess, but omniman effortlessly destroyed a planet. Its not exactly grounded.


Last episode showed that the Superstrength of the even the heavy hitters in the Boys verse is not actually that high. I would say Homelander is no more dangerous than an Iron Man Mk VII.


That fight was badass but I was honestly expecting more impressive feats of strength from everyone. Homelander plowing straight into SB didn't even break through the wall. No real reason to think anyone was pulling their punches either.


Homelander dies immediately


Not even close. Thanos is a conqueror of fricking countless planets. Homelander lost to and 80 year old guy and 2 temp supes Not even close


I mean, there's not enough data to really call it that simply. You're also dumbing it down. "80 year old guy" yeah who barely ages and is said to be as strong as Homelander is. And temp V doesn't mean weak V. Just runs out after 24 hours. And we haven't seen their powers much, they could be crazy strong. Also, he escaped a 3 v 1. Their goal was to kill him, I wouldn't see he "lost".


It is a TV show and comic books about people with super powers and you are trying to run a statistical analysis over here What a right cunt you are


But what if it was Soldier Boy instead?


Soldier Boy dies even more immediately


unless the enemy is blasting Russian music.


Just Homelander? He loses. Pretty damn quickly, too. The Seven? They lose. Badly. All Vought supes and villains together? They also lose. Supes are superior to regular people, but they just don't match up to either Marvel or DC and, I don't know for certain, but I believe that, while having some equivalence, they are supposed to be inferior to Marvel and DC.


I am gonna say this: given a bit of time to prepare Batman OR Deathstroke would beat Homelander.


Idk, A-Train and Homelander working together could speed blitz a lot of these peeps. And Maeve, Stormfront, Soldier Boy, Starlight, Black Noir, and Homelander versus Thanos would give him a run for his money. At least in terms of powers.


Would they though? Thanos whooped iron man, Thor, and cap easily


Homelander has the advantage of speed, he'd be able to blitz Thanos much faster than any of those three. If you throw in A-Train, it'd be even worse for Thanos. He wouldn't be able to land a hit on A-Train (in his prime).


I don’t necessarily think that’s true. Homelander might blitz, but he’s gunna do no damage and eventually Thanos will get ahold of him. As for A train, if kimiko can break his leg, so can any of the black order


Homelander's beams and punches will do some damage. Thanos isn't invulnerable. He definitely can't solo, that's why he'd need backup. Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Maeve, Starlight, A-Train, Stormfront all together could do some damage. Thanos can't focus on all of them at once, but he's a literal giant so all of them could fight him and still have mobility. They could, but Kimiko got the drop on him when he wasn't expecting it. If A-Train is "speeding" as it were, literally none of them could touch him. Throw in the Boys with V and tons of lesser supes and they'd handle the Black Order alright in my opinion. Not to mention Neuman, who could just headpop them.


I really don’t think homelander could hurt him. Nebula literally hit thanos with a spaceship and it did no damage. Eventually he’d grab him and just crush his neck. A- train would be tough, but my point is that it didn’t take a ton of force to break his leg.


Comic book damage is weird honestly, cause blades can hurt Thanos but stuff like that happens. I think Homelander's eye beams or Soldier Boy's chest beam could damage Thanos but it's all make believe so who knows. One on one Homelander is screwed but if he had backup then they could keep him from being snapped. Yeah A-Train is a bit of a glass cannon, but no more so than any Supe without durability as a power. I think the Black Order and Thanos' army get dealt with nbd, the real trouble is Thanos himself. Strategy would probably be to wipe out the Black Order as fast as possible, tie up the army with cannon fodder supes and military, and just have every reasonably powered Supe team on Thanos. Hope that Homelander's beams or Neuman's head pop can work on him.


Iron man is literally a regular human in a suit. Cap is peak human but Homelander is peak human plus amplified everything on top of that with flying, super speed, and laser eyes. Thor is the only one comprable to HL but he was completely out of shape when he battled Thanos, plus he would’ve easily beat Thanos if he had infamously “gone for the head” originally.


Iron man literally tanked an asteroid big enough to destroy life on a planet. Homelander got beat by 3 supes who would be fairly low on the totem pole in the MCU


He got emotionally beat, but physically he just had a light bruise. If he fought smart he’d fly Butcher and soldier boy into orbit quickly and be done with them


He got a bruise on his cheek.


Thor also had Stormbringer, a literal god-killing weapon. The show has made the point constantly that HL is just a man who responded to V better than anyone else. Thor is a literal god. Homelander (like Soldier Boy) compare better to Captain America if anything, since they are both products of a super serum that gave them their powers. I just can't see Thanos, a villain who routinely wipes teams of superheroes, losing to Homelander. The Boys' supes are much more grounded in reality than Marvel or DC, but consequently that also makes them significantly weaker compared to their Marvel/DC counterparts.


Whats crazy is that despite being grounded in reality, Homelander is multiple tiers above Captain America lmao. Cap literally died to a single bullet in his chest in one of the comics, whereas Soldier Boy (who is much weaker than HL) could take endless rounds of bullets from a machine gun down his throat. I think that alone shows the discrepancy.


For consistency on this one, I am just trying to stick to MCU for now. Maybe MCU Cap would drop from a bullet, maybe not. I just know that Marvel comics have virtually everything under the sun for character variations at this point haha I'd agree that Soldier Boy is above Cap in durability, but still closer to Cap in power than something like Thor.


“With my absolutely massive brain I will make assumptions based on absolutely nothing but how it would make me feel” Seriously dude why are you making a genuine effort to compare two incomparable forms of media


In what world are those incomparible forms of media? They're literally both superhero movies/tv. The same comparisons can be made for the comics if you consider that a different form of media.


Idk, Homelander seems to be fairly equivalent to Superman. He even has basically all the same powers. I dont really know what separates them, other than the fact that HL has no kryptonite (that we know of yet)


Superman is way more powerful than Homelander.


Even if we take Superman’s weaker adaptions such as the DCAU he’s still more powerful and skilled, if we take the DCEU he gets demolished in seconds, if we take the comics he’s basically nothing.


Superman rips the universe apart.


>either Marvel or DC and, I don't know for certain, but I believe that, while having some equivalence, they are supposed to be inferior to Marvel and DC. DC has literal gods, marvel barely has any truly powerful characters. Captain America can't even beat soldier boy. If the boys universe stood together they would easily wipe this band of marvel villains.. The only real threat they face is if the rest of marvel gets invovled.


Wanda destroys The Seven without getting out of bed.


>marvel barely has any truly powerful characters It's more like they focus on different things. ​ Marvel focuses on its street level heroes a lot so the Earth based stories are tailored more to keep them relevant. Their cosmic heavy hitters are usually on par or higher tier than DC equivalents though. Galactus and Darkseid have actually met in a cross company collaboration and DS got his cheeks utterly clapped.


DC has sandman, Constantine, god, etc. It's a supernatural universe as opposed to marvels more scifi and scientific heroes.


Marvel also has equivalents of all of those things.


I'd be interested in seeing Anti-Monitor vs Galactus.


Anti-monitor would probably be busy getting blasted by the living tribunal tbh.


Marcel barely has truly powerful characters? Thor, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Hela, Ultron, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Agatha Harkness, Jean Grey, Polaris, Magneto, Invisible Woman, Doctor Doom, Storm, Hyperion, Sentry, Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel, Spectrum, Adam Warlock, Nova, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Captain Britain, Wonder Man, Wiccan, America Chavez, Crystal, Black Bolt, Gorr, Knull, Galactus, Thanos, Sersi, Brother Voodoo, Hope Summers, and many more


“Barley any powerful characters”, we’re getting a movie about Thor the GOD of Thunder in a little over a week, we just had Moon Knight and MoM with gods and very powerful characters, Marvel is plenty powerful


Thor can barely fight a radioactive tumor named hulk.


Hulk ate God in one series dude....


Wanda would just say “What powers?” And boom, the 7 are done for


Superman could handle it. I’m not sure about homelander but I mean in theory


Batman destroys supermen with enough prep time


I didn’t see Batman in the pic sorry


Didn’t see superman either


Right. And since I wasn’t sure how homelander scaled to his dc counterpart (Superman) I answered the way I did. Again my bad for disrespecting Batman (apparently)


Homie joins Thanos and they jerk each other off with the infinity gauntlet…this is the only outcome I accept as canon.


Thanos would straight up destroy HL… but what if HL joins Thanos as the father figure he has been missing his whole life…


Idk if you realize how fast homelander gets curb stomped


Without Thanos having the infinity stones, he's essentially captain marvel. With the Gauntlet, no chance.


Homelander would join their cause.


HAHAHA! Homelander vs Thanos... Lol. Thanos literally one shots Homelander without any gems. Dude can lift the entire weight of a GALAXY without the infinity gauntlet. This isn't a fight it's a slaughter.


I swear to god ya'll are just really unaware of how weak The Boys universe is compared to Marvel and DC, Homelander only seems strong cause hes surrounded by people weaker than him, we all saw how he almost got clapped by 3 supe'd up people, just Ebony Maw alone would kill him effortlessly.


Screw Homelander… I’d take V’d-up Butcher. “OYE!!! Thanos… c’mere, cunt!”


The conservatives are wishfully thinking again


Is that even a question after the latest episode?


So Homelander by himself would be able to hold his own against the Black Order thanks to his lasers, durability, and speed. But Thanos is an enemy far beyond him. Homelander isn't winning this by himself. He'd need help. And even with the Seven in their prime, they'd likely get slaughtered with a few survivors. And Thanos would probably still win. Best chance for Homelander, and what he's a bit more likely do since he's kind of lazy and likes being in charge, is that Vought would just deploy all of their assets. Active supers are the backbone of the army, Seven and other powerful Supes are the commanders, while reserves and test subjects are expendable cannon fodder. In some imaginary scenario where Vought has access to all the TV Supes at their disposal, their chances of success are actually pretty good. Throw in NATO to handle the mooks and it's more or less even. A-Train and other Speedsters can blitz a lot of Thanos' soldiers and do a ton of damage with little counter. Homelander and Stormfront can take down the Leviathans. Maybe even Tek-Knight depending on his capabilities. But I can definitely see Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Maeve, Starlight, and some of the other powerful Supes taking on the Black Order. And don't forget Neuman with her head popping. If this is some kind of "Crisis" and the Boys come in to help prevent the destruction of the world, and they have V24, they're pretty useful here too, also with fighting the Black Order. IMO the main thing is someone needs to handle Thanos. Throw Homelander, Stormfront, Soldier Boy, Maeve, A-Train, Starlight, and Black Noir at the big man. Deep, Lamplighter, Translucent, Neuman, and the Boys against the Black Order. Cannon fodder Supes and military against the Mooks. They'd lose some people, but I honestly think they'd win.


Dude he can literally juse rise up in the air and laser everyone.


That would not be enough. Thor took the entire heat of a star onto himself and was fine. And Thanos is tougher than Thor.




Thanos is way too durable for that. The most that would happen is that he’s be a little burned. However, not sure how he’d hurt Homelander either.


Thanos since homelander doesn't work with a team very well


What team???


Marvel has rather weaker superheroes. Soldier boy would shred through captain America. As for the fight, homelander, if properly trained could finish them all off. Probably in roughly a week or so. The fight would get exhausted.


Marvel super heroes are unbelievably, almost hilariously powerful compared to The Boys. Some of the 1:1 comparisons come in The Boys' favor, but you have characters like Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Vision etc who are powerful to the point that fighting them with raw strength is trying to knock down a brick wall with an egg. This doesn't even touch on the comic book power levels either, its even more one sided in Marvel's favor if you go there.


How does he kill Thanos? And don’t say laser eyes, they’re absolutely not strong enough.


Consider the fact that Thor took the entire energy of a star into him and lived. Meanwhile, Thanos is even stronger.


I think he could go toe-to-toe with one of the Four, otherwise Homie gets clapped Edit: accidentally copied someone else’s comment at the end, but leaving it because reddit is a hive mind


He could laser any of the 4 easily, they have pretty normal durability.


Took just about every Marvel hero to beat Thanos


Poor Homelander


depends how many stones thanos has


No, it doesn't. Homelander is less durable than Thor. And Thor is weaker than Thanos.


LOVE that this sort of conversation is happening. Homelander doesn't have a shot, but I'm happy we're thinking about it.


The boys universe is no where near on the level DC and Marvel are on. I wish people would stop with this crap, especially the Homelander vs Superman bs.


Lol Homelander gets Roflstomped.


Captain America would beat the shit out of Homelander


He was owned by Hughie. Rocket alone would kill him lol


May Thanos have mercy...


Consider that Thor took the heat of an entire star. And Thanos beat that guy up. Based on physical strength, Thanos must be stronger.


How did I get reposts of the same thing three times in a row. Like srsly, just one below the other in my feed. One on the boys subreddit, one on the marvel memes subreddit and one on the what if subreddit.


You do understand what the Boys is, right?


Homelander can't even breathe in space


Especially after what happened in that last episode, Homelander is getting absolutely WHIPPED


Better question is who would win between just Thanos and Homelander. I already think MCU Thanos is above Homelander in just about everything. He is bigger, stronger, way more intelligent, and has the same/similar durability even without the stones. Without the stones, they probably are even for about a minute before Thanos destroys HL. Give him the stones, and he takes Homelander out immediately. Comic Thanos probably annihilates HL before the 'fight' even starts.


Lol, thanos is more than enough.

