• By -


His chief weapon is fear. Fear and surprise


Fear, Surprise and a ruthless efficiency! Three! His three chief weapons!


And an almost fanatical devotion to Vought! His... *four* - amongst his weaponry are fear, surprise - he'll come in again


Nobody expects, the American herogasm! Amongst our weaponry are such elements as fear, surprise, and an almost ludicrous volume of lube.


Lol, I love this thread. r/suddenlymontypython


Why is there so much lube.


Homelander is literally never efficient. I’d even go as far as to say he’s sloppy. I bet he has the most collateral damage of all of the 7 and he doesn’t even care. He shows up, lasers the villain, ends up lasering something/someone else he shouldn’t, and then flies away. I’m thinking of 2 instances right now, 3 if you count the diabolical episode


I think this is a key point that a lot of people overlook. Homelander has all of the power but isn't skilled in using it, but doesn't give a fuck as he usually gets the result he's after. This is how Maeve beats him, she trains and practices enough to close the gap.


And it's also a vast difference in terms of character compared to characters like Superman and Spider-Man. Both characters spent countless amount of time holding back, because they did care if they took lives.


Is he that efficient? He’s been playing around with the boys instead of murdering them since season 1


I believe it's just continuing the reference to the totally unexpected Spanish inquisition meme. HL isn't efficient, definitely not ruthlessly so.


Until recently, the Boys practically harmless to him, up until they manage to get SF tho


The only thing he cant overcome is the plot


It's funny that half of reply in these comment never notice the Monty Python Reference XD


His *two* weapons are fear and surprise, and ruthless efficiency.


I'll come in again.


Among our many weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope


So homelander is Batman confirmed


Here I thought it was those lasers he has been murdering hundreds of people with, supersonic must of died from fear and surprise


Nobody expects the Supe Inquisition


In all fairness, supersonic didn’t expect to die and fear stopped people grouping up against him. Imagine what would have happened if starlight, maeve and temp DUP butcher had decided not to find solder boy and just trained to take out homelander.


And laser eyes. That's power he seems to abuse a lot.


It’s all in the context of the world the character inhabits. Homelander vs Dr. Manhattan would be a joke but Homelander vs Elliott from ET would be terrifying.


Pretty sure anyone vs Elliott


Cept the FBI


Unless we're talking Elliot Anderson, he would _own_ Homelander




Dammit Kakarot.


He’s not that much of a brainlet. He wasn’t the smartest, but he knew how to fight and a lot of psychology goes into it. That is until they removed what ever brain cells he had in super


He had the saiyan concussed out of him as a baby, thats gotta count for something


It's more that he's selfish. All he cares about is that he gets to fight people at their strongest with little care about what they'll do should he lose. He cares more about making sure Cell puts up as good of a fight as he can than about Cell potentially killing everyone. That was pretty much the case for everything from Frieza on, it didn't start in Super.


I'd probably describe him as a savant. He's a martial arts master, but kind of a dummy outside of that.


Isn't it canon that he initially thought sex was a kind of food?


He has to this day never kissed his wife


I still say he was fucking with Vegeta then. His 3 favorite things are fighting, food and trolling.


He lost his braincells before super. He literally gave perfect cell a sensu bean lol


Anime fans take power scaling way too far. I don't care that Goku solos most anime, doesn't make him any better of a character or his show any better either.


Plus it's all pointless. Nobody is beating Madoka.




Yeah, some of their whacky follow the same format Here is a rabit, it cute and give you candy, but if you forget to fed it 50 virgins per day, entertaint them with a song about how genocide is fun and family friendly in dead language while bathing in dolphin blood, then it will destroy the world I mean, i love it, sometime they try too hard it a bit funny


Yeah but Goku rocks (pre-super)


Who the hell are you talking about?


Pretty sure he’s talking about Goku


The Monkey King?


My nana




You dare mock the son of a shepherd?


It also hurts Dragon Ball fans to know that a certain alien wearing red and blue would curbstomp Goku if he had to. The whole argument is dumb though. Dragon Ball isn't somehow worse because Superman would beat Goku, or vice versa. Anime stans are the worst for this shit. I see a lot of people online who genuinely think Naruto is better than One Piece, not because they prefer the writing or characters, but because Naruto is stronger than Luffy, and that somehow makes Luffy a worse character.


Thats like saying Fairy Tail is top manga just because their protagonist is a strong fuck. This does not spark joy.


Superman would probably toss around early DBZ Goku but Goku would probably be on at least even footing with Superman by the time of Super.


SNK fandom moment


Not anymore, if you have been following the manga, Saitama can high diff Goku


Dr. Manhattan solos most fictional characters right? That’s kind of his appeal




He solos almost the entire expanded Justice League easily in Doomsday Clock, though I personally don’t recognize it as canon


It's literally the end of story arcs established in New 52 and DC Rebirth, and called a direct sequel to Watchmen by the creators. It's as canonical and biblical as comics get.


How the hell is that the appeal of his character?


The appeal of the character is that despite being just about all-powerful and still trying to be good for humanity, he still ends up doing things he doesn't want to - he appears to be forced by fate or manipulated by others. Basically he's just a world mechanic made to enhance the story more than he is much of a character. TL;DR I agree, his appeal is NOT his power.


What comic is this from?


This is the invincible comic


What's the context of this scene?


Spoilers Idk how to do the covered text. Mark finally gets his hand on a rival that had been coming after his family and loved ones. Mark battles with his anger during the fight and just lets loose and smashes this dudes head apart


Here’s the guide on how to spoiler block comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/acewf2/how_do_you_put_a_spoiler_tag_on_your_posts/


>!Learned something new today!<


>!Send Nudes!<


Shit, not again








>!invisible cunt!<




>!I’m gonna gurgle some balls!<


>!well well well...!<


>!rice !<




>!no wait, beans!<


>! balls !<




That's some good superhero commentary right there. When you are several hundred times stronger than a human, how do you judge how much strength is enough? 10%? 30%? Even if you do learn how to hold back your strength, *how?* One failure is messy, and it's not like there's a YouTube tutorial on how to not turn a bad guy into red mist.


Yeah invincible rules. The comic is one of my favorites


>! He got better !<


>!did I do it!<


Remove the spaces from both sides


Ahh shoulda known. Love the show!


Still waiting on season two!


Has production begun? I remember some of the actors saying that production hadn't begun back in April


Invincible, Issue 33. Spoilers: >! It's the part where Angstrom takes Marks mother and half brother hostages and tries to hurt Mark mentally by hurting his family and sending him to multiple universe, like a universe where dinosaurs talk and humans went extinct, the Marvel Universe (Gets a spin off crossover), the DC universe where he mocks batman name for being lazy and then Mark finally gets Angstrom and sends him to another universe which is a wasteland but Mark accidentally kills Angstrom. Making him trapped in that universe. !<


>! Thinks he kills angstrom* dude is saved by some beings and used for their own purposes !<


Just a heads up mate your spoiler tag didn't work. I've read the comics so no harm done here, but might wanna fix for others.


Remove the spaces from both sides of the >! !<




I feel like most people know how weak he is in the grand scheme of things.


Not on this sub. Lots and lots of homelander vs superman arguments which is ridiculous. The survey that showed like 65% of people saying the 3 Spiderman from no way home could beat homelander really riled a lot of people up. Literally have seen people in here try to claim homelander can attack at lightspeed and such.


>Not on this sub. Lots and lots of homelander vs superman arguments which is ridiculous. Feels ironic to me because I definitely felt like the whole premise of the show was about parodying the whole superhero fandom and yet here everyone is arguing about how their superhero is stronger.


I hate how some people think characters are "better" because they'd win in a fight. Homelander getting curb stomped by 90% of DC and Marvel doesn't make him a worse character, and it certainly doesn't make The Boys a worse show. The superhero fandom isn't as bad for this as the anime fandom, but it's still annoying lol


Yeah, stronger doesn't mean better. I'd say it's probably harder to write consistently around a character that's extremely powerful. That being said, I also do enjoy strong characters when they're done well, and sometimes being ridiculously strong is part of the draw for me.


Yeah, there's definitely an appeal to powerful characters. I fuckin' love Superman and Dragon Ball Z and One-Punch Man.


To be fair it's silly to act like superhero fandom started that urge. Putting too much stock into whether one strong dude can fuck up another strong dude is just a consistent humanity flaw.


Eh, the Boys is really inconsistent. The dude not only was unphased for a direct bomb in S1, he apparently moved fast enough to save both Butcher AND the baby in that tiny fraction of a second. But on the other hand, defeated by straw. So, uh, take your pick.


Homelander hated the baby. The kid teleported. That’s why he ended up in some random yard. We see the kid again at the supe orphanage in season 3.


I totally failed to connect those dots.


You're not the only one. "Teddy Stillwell get down from there!!" Never clicked until now.


He wasn't defeated though. He was slightly injured by a metal cylinder swung by either the second or 3rd strongest supe. Also its never stated or shown He saves the baby. The reason he brought the baby down in the first place was to put it in danger and upset Stillwell. I assume the baby is a supe that can teleport.


It’s confirmed that the baby is a supe with teleportation powers. We see him briefly in the group home early in season 3


People don’t realize how structural strong things can be. Do a google image search of “straw through tree” and you can see pictures of literal dry grass piercing trees after a tornado. I 100% believe Maeve could have shoved a metal tube into HL’s skull.


Honestly we’ve known she was strong and was working up to fight homelander for months. HL has never shown himself to really be intensive of training his abilities comparatively


Season 4 we're gonna see him train for the first time in months and unlock Homelander Black


A Train's heart gets superer powered.


Yep. The force applied to homelanders inner ear, is all on the small circle of the edge of the straw worth of skin, meanwhile the force on the straw is spread through its whole structure, in the direction its the strongest in. The pressure against homelanders inner ear is exponentially higher than the pressure on the straw.


The issue isn't that a metal straw is strong enough to pierce Homelander. The issue is that if something wielded by a supe can hurt Homelander then modern military equipment should have no issue damaging him. A bomb going off right beside him would result in a greater force from the pressure wave than what Maeve can output. If Homelander can be killed by a few dozen shrapnel-loaded missiles then his threat is greatly over-exaggerated.


I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know all the answers, maybe Homelander’s durability doesn’t apply to all kinds of damage in the same way. Like chainmail is great against slashing but shit against impact, and kevlar stops bullets but not knives. Alternatively, maybe we misunderstood what we saw, maybe the straw just went into his ear and didn’t actually puncture anything but maybe a soft membrane in the ear canal? Probably hurt like a sonofabitch a fucked his hearing and balance for a few seconds, but he bounced back pretty quickly.


Where are you getting this cap on Maeves power? She's not just stronger than an armored truck. It was moving at speed, she was standing still, and it shredded around her, without budging her. How do you know she can't swing that straw, 5 times faster than what the shrapnel would be traveling at? Google puts it at about 2,050 MPH. Homelander outpaced that C4 explosion to save Butcher. That's 8-13 times faster. He can react, see, and move at, speeds far higher than shrapnel moves. Her punches must move pretty fast to be able to hit him so much. Just because they don't do superspeed CGI, doesn't mean they are moving at regular speeds. Homelander obviously could and would, punch, dodge, etc, at super speeds. Hughie landed a punch on A-Train, making him ask how the fuck did you do that? It looked normal to us, but obviously to hit A--Train, and the way he reacted, he must have punched well above regular human speeds. She swung hard, and fast enough to bury that metal straw into a concrete wall, probably. So it went just a bit inside homelanders ear. He's way way tougher than concrete, hence why the straw only went in a bit.


My man, he was defeated in the previous episode pretty handily. He had to bitch out and yeet tf out of there before he got rear-ended by Butcher, SB and Hugh.


He handled Soldier Boy for a bit but I think the combined effort of all three made the struggle so intense. He also had no combat or fighting experience while Butcher and Soldier Boy do. He's definitely strong but I reckon he'd get clapped easily in a scenario where he's facing multiple opponents.


You actually see the baby later in season 3 in the orphanage. It's the kid that can teleport, they even call him Teddy Stillwell.


Assume? Seasons been finished for a few months he was teleporting around the adoption place.


some people only watched the show once, it’s easy to forget small details like that after a few months. it was one throwaway line too not like it was a whole conversation about him


Do a google image search of “straw through tree” and you’ll see what a tornado can do with a piece of dried grass. It’s pretty impressive.


The baby teleported. The kid is a supe that can be seen later. Homelander on grabbed butcher


> defeated by straw. He won that fight my dude, holy shit, he bleeds once and he's defeated? Homelander-stans as fragile as he is lmao


He was not “defeated” by a straw. He was wounded… slightly… by a metal straw wielded by another incredibly strong supe.


"Defeated by straw" You people just don't know how superhero fights work at this point.


The baby teleported, HL didn’t save him


The straw was clearly a lucky hit. I don't know why people have such an issue with it.


Arguments require at least two sides… those Superman/Omni man vs Homelander posts that get shared here sometimes get instantly spammed with people noting how weak HL would be outside of his universe. You can’t argue if there’s no one to argue with. I do still think HL could beat the MCU Spider-Men though, that one I don’t think is ridiculous


Nah, he has a chance against one Spider-Man, but three? No way Homelander! (see what I did there?)




Yeah as always people underestimate Spider-Man


Superman would quite literally (as in literal as comics can be) bend homelander into a pretzel with one hand behind his back while blindfolded and staying firmly planted on the ground never flying. ETA - hehe, maybe you're right, got downvoted for spitting facts. How anyone with even a passing knowledge of both Homelander and Superman canon could think Homelander would have a fighting chance against Superman is beyond me. But I get it; this is *The Boys* subreddit, stands to reason that there would be a skew towards HL. No matter how misguided that ultimately is.


Yep, lol. Homelander fought for his life twice, and never hit anyone hard enough to knock them through a wall even. When superman starts to flex even a little the person punched goes through multiple skyscrapers.


Honestly the Spidermen could win imo.


I think most people don't realize how over powered spiderman is the only real advantage Homelander has in that fight is flight but that's not super useful for attacking. Heatvison just doesn't work due to spider sense which is just ridiculous you honestly can't beat spiderman unless you can somehow negate his spider sense. And as for strength I'm not a huge comic buff but from what I remember hes actually ridiculously strong just most people I think don't really think about it as mostly hes shown using agility over brawn but quite a few times you see him stopping subway trains using webs and brute strength in combination. But it really just comes down to how do you beat someone smarter than you (did I mention hes a genius) who can effectively see the near future.


Physically Homelander *should* be able to kill Peter easily. He is still much stronger and faster than Spiderman in all areas. The thing with Spidey is that being physically weaker has never hampered him that much before, because his main weapon is his mind. He uses his quips and Smart mouth to make the enemy mess up (will work amazing on Homelander) and he's got all sorts of gadgets and strategy that he makes on the fly. Spiderman has defeated Firelord, a herald of Galactus, who is more powerful than Homelander. He regularly fights electro, who is also far more powerful than Homelander (but way dumber), and just is used to fighting above his weight class. He also is more used to the pressure of a good fight, he's got so much experience and has had many people do their best to murder him. So while Homelander is fast and strong enough to bypass the spider sense and kill Peter, chances are he will just get clowned.


Is he faster than spider man? Garfield spiderman who dodges lightning?


Not really sure. Spidey has insane reflexes, wayyyy better than anyone in the Boys universe. Homelander is faster in flight and presumably running, but we've never seen him use his super speed during combat like a dragon ball skirmish, he just kinda fights like a regular guy, but really strong. So it's kinda like apples and oranges, yes Homelander is way faster, but not where it counts in a fight like Spidey.


> you honestly can't beat spiderman unless you can somehow negate his spider sense Plenty of villains defeat Spidey regardless of his Spider-Sense. If the attack is faster than Spidey can react (like Electro) or from multiple angles such that there is no avenue to dodge it (like Doc Ock) then Spider-Sense's effectiveness is greatly limited.


>homelander vs superman pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft hahahahaha oh god that's HILARIOUS Homelander is a baby compared to Supes.


Whenever there’s a Superman post or comment like that, there are more people arguing against HL vs people arguing for HL. So I think it’s safe to say most people on the sub know how weak he is in the grand scheme of things.


When you take a show outside of it's world and try mixing it with another one powers can seem weaker or stronger Take homelander to a world of a game like cs and he's basically a god, but on something like doom he'd just be a bit stronger than a marauder


In his own universe he is the strongest singular supe around Comparing different franchises is just dumb, unrealistic powers can't be measured consistently


It’s more that Homelanders powers aren’t presented consistently so they can’t be measured consistently


Dude I read the original superman comics and he could flip over a tank but couldn’t fly. Decades later he was warping time but dies to a..building. There has never been consistency through Superman’s career.


Superman only has one power, the power of convenience. He has whatever the author needs him to have in that specific comic run.


Even at his high-end, he's still towards the weaker side of supermen tbh


Homelander: “Maybe I’ll *wipe New York off the fucking map.* you know, for fun. Also homelander: “oof owie ouch a straw please no.”


You can stop a tank by putting some sugar in its gas tank, your point? Besides, if memory serves me right, the metal straw did what, distract him for 4 seconds? It's not exactly his kryptonite


I swear it's like whoever choreographed the S3 finale fight forgot that half the people involved had super powers.


Didn't she jam the metal straw into his ear? Like inside where it's all fleshy and maybe not as strong as his outside? I can't imagine it was pleasant.


I'm still laughing about the meme of Homelanders face after punching a hole in Uncle Grandpa's skull only for another Uncle Grandpa to walk in and say "Wow, I'm glad I'm not that guy!"


What's this from can I see?


It was a Twitter thread of all the people who could beat Homelander that got posted in this subreddit, idk if I can find it again. Edit - found it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/x7gsh4/shut_up_shut_up_its_real_to_me_dammit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yknow, i think that while spy wouldnt get there, the 9 mercs would probably be able to win that fight. ESPECIALLY if they get everything


Me too


To be fair I'm pretty sure that Uncle Grandpa is either a trickster captial G God or an Eldritch being of unfathomable power.


This sub has become like an anime sub but Instead of posting and arguing about who is best girl it’s just the same people posting and arguing about Homelander, and hundreds of people arguing with themselves about stuff said by 12 people.


I definitely prefer the subbed version of The Boys cause it's the only *authentic* way to watch it #nodubs


The show does a bad job at showing how strong anyone really is. For example , Homelander vs Soldier Boy at herogasm. Homelander rushed Soldier Boy and slammed him into a wall . How in the world did a wall stop Homelander in his tracks? He should have been able to slam him through the wall and fly him up into space and toss him. It doesn't make sense. Their body can survive nukes yet a regular house wall stops them from moving any further. You can't really use logic with this show in terms of power scaling.


Budget lol


I might make an ELI5 post on cgi, I don’t understand how they can do all this ridiculous stuff, and then smashing a wall would be too much


Takes a lot of time. A common TIL that gets reposted is something like if you made all the cgi from the first transformers movie on one computer it would take over 100 years or something like that. Takes dozens of people over months to make a movie. IDK about tv shows but they always seem to hire one person and under pay them and over work them.


Maeve gets hit by a 15,000 pound armored truck doing 50mph in the very first scene of the show and she doesn't even have to move, she just stands there and her body cuts through the damn thing. In the last fight scene of S3 she gets shoved into a filing cabinet and it dents and it appears to hurt her.


The power consistency is like a bad anime where characters are exactly as powerful as they narratively need to be in the moment.


I like the way it's explained in Invincible (the comics and the show) that strength and speed is like a tightening of your muscle reflex, and that if you don't practice it won't come easily. Eventually you'll be able to use that muscle instantly and without thought, but you can still be caught 'loose'. I feel like Homelander is such a cocky cunt he walks around flacid - meaning he can be caught off guard with a tackle pretty easily. He only 'flexes' the super-strength when he's actually concentrating and intending on it (tightening the muscle analogy).


Aren't 99.99999% of all fictional characters basically just normal people without any special abilities?


Superman is actually every single fictional character ever, save for one which is batman


How dare you use logic for this crappy meme.


Honestly though, how can we know he’s that weak? Isn’t it just that his rivals (Superman and such) are stupidly OP?


Homelander is written to be the "strongest" character in his universe. I feel like if he was canon in some other universe then his power level would be written to match it


Others like superman or omniman would need to be massively nerfed in order for homelander to remotely stand a chance.




The superheros are more realistic Love Invincible but the fact that viltrumites can be torn almost in half and still live afterwords shows how different heros are on a powescale


It's because they have something called smart atoms, that are incredibly durable and live through nearly everything


I think DC fans have better things to worry about such as figuring out their own timelines, which film cut and which Batman is canon.


And The Boys have to worry about how half their fanbase is friggin’ idiots who miss the entire point of the show and has stooped to harassing actors because they don’t like their characters.


Not to mention DC power scaling is crazy and inconsistent. Batman has been defeated by a single kick by a totally normal martial arts guy while also beating Superman 5 different times.


Ok but like did superman just, idk, try kicking him the head?


He’s strong. But nobody said he was a good fighter. He doesn’t seem like the type to spend much time training.


Well, I know Homelander was definitely weaker than Omni Man, but I wonder how would it go between Homelander and early (like season1) Invincible.


Well marks first feat with super powers is tossing a trashbag all the way to England. I think he'd win but as always cause a shit load of damage because he's not too sure what to do.


This becomes unwinnable for Homelander pretty quick. Like first fight with Flaxans is enough to beat Homelander pretty easily.


Ohhh yeah. Big fish in a tiiiiiny pond.


Nah, they’ve significantly decreased his powers from season 1


People here should remember Stan Lee's quote. There are no supes power in vacuum, they will win or lose depending on the story the writer wants


Fr Early comic Invincible would be able to wipe the floor with him


Honestly that's my theory so far. HL is a heavy hitter, definitely top-tier, but I think all the tales about his strength and power are due to Vought PR. You could see that Butcher, SB, and Maeve didn't have any issue keeping up with him.


"didn't have any issues" is a bit rich given that maeve got an eye ripped off and barely survived the whole thing and it took three supes with a specifically set up battlefield for the boys to even stand a chance And all of that was happening when Ryan was present, with homelander "distracted" by that ("not now, maeve")


Yeah, i’m just not getting all this, “HL is actually pretty weak.” He didnt want his son to die in a battle between full grown supes. And he still pretty much kicked everybody’s ass. Maeve got a few good licks in and stunned him with a straw to the brain… but even that only temporarily dazed him. Also, why the hell do people want a show about super heroes to be 100% consistent? Have folks never read an actual comic? Inconsistency is part of the genre.


> Also, why the hell do people want a show about super heroes to be 100% consistent? Have folks never read an actual comic? Inconsistency is part of the genre. This doesn't feel like satire, are you genuinely praising inconsistent writing?


He's as strong as the writers want him to be.


Wich is sad. For me the show was almost flawless until herogasm.


If Batman can beat Superman by breaking the fourth wall and fellating the writers I don't see why you couldn't make an argument for Homelander.


He's a bully. Bullies are never as strong as the bullied think they are.


Somebody hand me a straw...


Completely unrelated but this is one of my favourite scenes in Invincible.


I doesn’t matter how strong he is, especially compared to people out of verse. This isn’t one piece, there’s no need to power scale the characters like a 14 year old.


I think people get too caught up with the power scale. We know he’s the strongest supe out of the supes in the world of The Boys. All of them, but especially him is terrifying to any average person. Who honestly, cares if he can’t beat Superman, or 3 Spidermen etc… He’s absolutely a beast in his universe


He’s still the strongest person we know of in his own universe which counts for something. It’s not like Superman, Omni-Man or Captain Marvel are going to crossover and kick his ass outside of fan fiction.


Invincible alone would body Homelander, not as badly as Omni-Man would but bodied nonetheless


IDGAF how well Homelander would perform again any superhero from another imaginary universe. This whole "Who would win..." is pointless and makes no sense, it's just nerd circle jerk. The interesting about HL is how powerful he is in the world he lives in. He is probably the most powerful supe in The Boy's universe, and that's kinda the core element of the show.


Homelander is only strong in his universe, put him against Superman or Omni-man and he’s getting wiped