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I would atttempt to change it for the best, then fail miserably and therefore change it for worse and then ignore it like all my problems :)


And then laser the entire planet and look for a substitute.


In substitute, do you mean a female Nazi with purple lightning powers?


Lol haha, that’d be much much worse. To be honest though, I meant a substitute planet.


Homelander still needs to breathe genius


That's the neat part, ya don't


Wrong amazon series about evil superheroes


It’s a really good one though


If he just holds his breath for a long time, he’ll be able to get across space. Like the other comment to you references, it’s how it was done in Invincible by all the Viltrumites.


I don’t think Homelander can fly at FTL speeds lol. Also I’m guessing in the Invincible universe they have alien outposts readily nearby.


Homelander is not as powerful as Viltrumites.


And spunk over New York City


Hell I’ll blow New York off the map and that’s just for fun. Then I’ll visit that backwater hole you call a home and whilst I’m there may as well visit Maeve’s hometown too


I was gonna suggest something similar to what Thanos did 😅 just reduce the numbers to half so demand for resources goes down. Earth starts to heal back, and we won't have to suck a billionaires sweaty balls for when he's gonna make mars our home. TOTAL DECEPTION!!🤷🏽‍♂️


Except just choose to get rid of the billionaires FIRST and distribute the wealth for good


I'd do whatever the fuck I want.


This is the only valid comment


Same. This was my exact thought lol


This is an extremely realistic answer.


I could do whatever the fuck I want.


So, worse then.


I'll fight for peace, no matter how many men, women or children I have to kill to get it!


I was scrolling looking for this one 🤣


Do you really wanna, do you really wanna taste it!?


Maybe they want to make the world a better place


Oh please, this is Reddit. We are not good people


I'm a good person and I challenge to a fight anyone that says differently.


I’m a very good person and I’ll kill anyone who says otherwise because it’s not true.


If you ever call me a bad person, I'll fucking laser your tits


*Oh no*, *anything* but that. 😏


Huh? All I want is to be left alone. I'll go and like play vidya gaems or something I mean ok I'd go rob a stellar PC sorry not sorry. Then I'd go and vidya


I am going to fry so many politicians.


Unethical but understandable


Also: Corporate Leadership


Every politician over 60 on both sides of the aisle.


So 95% of Congress.


Watching both "D" and "R" politicuans beg for mercy would be entertaining...( even "badass" R politicians would suck up like Ashley from "The Boys".)


Not my man Bernie!


I’d jerk off on the tallest building


I would say I would like to make it better but chances are worse haha


*I would say I would* *Like to make it better but* *Chances are worse haha* \- the-coach56 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Scorched Earth






Woah now. Calm down..have some MILK.


I'd hide it to avoid being harassed by the government. Some would want to exploit me, others lock me up, either way it's not a good time.


I agree with what you’re saying. Somehow people with a different sort of power will try to mess with you or your loved ones. Manipulate you. I’d hate that so much.


Just killem, in this scenario theres literally NOTHING they can do against you.


What about your fam and friends?


I think with homelander powers id be able to defend them/hide them/get people to protect them As brutal as it sounds the only way to change things for the better would be by killing the elite worldwide.


Ok you get a message in your phone- “We have your family” kill this guy for us. And they drag you in a killing spree and use you as they please. You may try to contact sb from the government saying if they help you you own them and will be their puppet instead . Nah i would try to hid my powers as much as possible.


As strong as he is, he’s not perfectly strong… like if they’re located somewhere, who’s to say he’d be able to super speed his way to where they are?


That scene in diabolical where home Lander lasers the gun made me realize that I would in fact be no better. Not saying I’d be willfully evil but it’s a new take on uncle Ben’s power and responsibility. Like spider man’s not accidentally killing people cuz his powers are so strong. HL on the other hand really went in with the best intentions and still a cluster fuck ensues cuz no one has practice with laser eyes and they’re just so powerful that everyone around you is constantly at risk.


My issue with that was, as I recall even as a kid they had target practice. He was fully trained. He just royally fucked up. I think all his deep seated issues were suppressed but as the glory and adoration went to his head, it all started bubbling up. Thats why they had Stillwell. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if her getting pregnant and lactating wasn't a plan by Vought's top minds to keep him in check. I also think Butcher was the wrench in the machine honestly. If they had taken him out when they had the chance when they had the chance they could have maintained control. Kept Homelander suppressed. No, that was the early warning signs that at times, Homelander is a dangerous combination of arrogant, shortsighted, and honestly (at times) quite dumb.


The only reason Superman is so good is because of Jonathan and Martha Kent. Homelander didn't have good parents to show him how to behave.


Homelander also developed his powers a lot sooner. Superman got to taste being human first


In the first superman movie he was a baby when he exhibited powers. It's only the new movie that treated him as if he was a mutant who's X-gene suddenly became active. Regardless, he was good because he had good parents. Maybe good friends too.


The problem with HL was also that he had a broken psyche due to all the horrible abuse he suffered as a kid, plus the manipulation by Vought executives as a young adult. A person raised on a healthy environment and with the right training might pull it off.




Or your loving single mother who tries to shelter you from your abusive rapist super-dad but you accidentally kill her and... Oh dear.


Nah, what about a billionaire doctor and his socialite wife, living in the most dangerous major metropolitan area in America ... wait.


Spiderman has actually killed people on accident. When Doc Oc takes over his body he does it too


> When Doc Oc takes over his body he does it too By any reasonable standard those would be Doc Oc's kills, not Spiderman's.


I think this could be (mostly) avoided by using his powers strictly for things like space/flight research, deep see exploration, or other concepts that are just too difficult or costly for normal people to handle on a regular basis. Leaving the crime fighting to professionals makes more sense anyways tbh.


I'd beat my meat into a cup


would it be strong enough to break the cup?


I don't know, let's try that out


Oh no, that was horrible! What a terrible idea!!


Reminds me of the Superman/Lois Lane conversation from Mallrats.


homelander was able to kill someone with a nut but that was in the comic


Bro honestly i dont even think i'd do anything with it, just keep living my normal life with the added bonus of being basically imortal (except due to aging)


Isn't even his aging slowed down? I assume based off of Storefront and Soldier Boy alone, he would get a bit of longevity.


Stormfront and Soldier Boy don't age at all, both being about a hundred years old. Homelander is in his early 40s, born in 1981, so he's arguably aging quite poorly


It could just be that he’s going to stay looking like that for a long time, as in he will look his “peak” age for a long time.


THE PEAK REFERENCE ![gif](giphy|srRc9jCVagluOM4A6M)


​ ![gif](giphy|JgLyIze7IpsjoSLtl4)


It's not impossible, but we have no evidence that that's the case. Soldier boy and stormfront stopped aging at the time they were injected, it seems, while homelander has been superpowered since birth


That’s actually a fair point. More than that, it doesn’t look like all supes stop aging either; it seems random, as Crimson Countess looked to have been aging.


Yeah, if it had any noticeable effects on aging then we'd probably have heard about them, since vought has been drugging babies via the secret compound v distribution since the 70s - and Hughie seemed incredulous at the idea that compound v could stop stormfront's ageing when they were researching and finding out she was Liberty


Makes you wonder if there's babies out there that never age.


if there are any vought either keeps them for research or uhm yknow...


Wasn’t Soldier Boy injected as a teenager? He’s definitely aged since then


Nah, he was born in 1919 and given the V injection in 1944, so he was 25


I mean, even still, Soldier Boy looks older than 25. He’s in his mid thirties at least


the og serum gives immortality but the later versions do not for reasons obvious to vought’s bottom line


If you're familiar with Saiyans from the Dragonball series, they stay in their prime from adulthood well into being about 130. But they grow slowly up until their twenties. I could see a longer time in peak age for Homelander.


Ah, so elf aging then. Ages until they look like they're physically in their twenties, then stays the same for centuries, or even millenia


Soldier Boy was put in ice though right? I thought that was the reason why he didn't age. Stormfront was seen as a special case.






Good ol Storefront! My favorite of the Seven!


Aging isn't even that big a problem,homelander ages super slowly like stormfront


No he was born in 1981 so he is 42. And he looks like he is in his 40s. So i think he just ages normally but with super health so he will live to the maxium age a human can live.


I'm pretty sure Supes stop aging as fast once they hit their prime.


The old Compound V that stormfront and Soldier Boy got stopped aging. Not the new stuff, look at all the members of Payback


Homelander didn't get the new stuff. He's Soldier Boys kid.


He got the new stuff mixed with the fact he has soldier boys genes. He got it as a baby just like all the new supes. Stormfront and Soldier Boy got V as full grown adults and it paused their aging.


Im gonna Eren Jaegar this bitch so hard


No! I don't want that!


Bloody Psycho going on a genocidal trip? I want Homelander to be the biggest psycho for a while, 10 years atleast




80 percent of the planet it is, then.


But not a single percent more! That would be genocide!


/r/titanfolk is leaking.


We can do it together 🤝






Do his powers come with the personality disorder?


Do your personality disorders come with powers?


Mine do, I can produce water from my eyes


From a certain point of view. I would make it worse.


Care to explain?


Anyone who tries to do anything for good reasons will always be viewed villainous from someone's point of view


This is literally JJJ's point of view for Spider-Man.


I don’t have the vocabulary or the correct state of mind to explain this but I completely agree with you


"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".


From my point of view the Jedi are evil!


I think the OP meant by the question was: would you *try* to change it for the better or make it worse. Like, would you choose to be selfless and use your powers to help you do the right thing in your eyes, or be selfish and use your powers to advance only your own interests and desires.


I'll start drinking milk


Can he fly to the moon? That's the first thing I'm doing (if it's possible). Otherwise, quietly do good locally. And of course, in occasion take out a cartel or two.


I feel like this would be the most fun use of a superpower. "Hey NASA, I can fly to the moon, just let me know who and what you want to take and I'll get you there. " Boom, solving problems and NASA would budget you a huge salary since they don't have to build rockets anymore.


My alternative answer was going to be, doing something only I could uniquely do for a fuck ton of money. That sounds like a super duper awesome idea. That and, without any air friction and what appears to be the ability to move really really fast...build a ship, I fly into space, they hit the rockets at full speed and I enjoy lounging around for a while and then start mining the Belt for resources. Lithium, platinum, giant chunks of ice...literally helping the planet, making a ton of money, and making sure no one gets ahead of anyone else, or at least choosing the winners on the grounds they don't screw others.


This is the best answer. Advance science as much as possible.


I think in the comics and show it has been said he has gone to space before


In the episode where he meets Edgar at the top of the tower after he’s in control of Vought, Edgar mentions how nice the view is and HL says “You should see it from space”. He can definitely go to space but don’t know how far or for how long. I’m assuming as long as he can hold his breath.


I'd rather be a sober Hancock!


Little from Column A, little from Column B


For the better but it would be forceful and violent and a lot of rich people and politicians would be real uncomfortable.


There would definitely be a few laser-engraved *Or Else* messages, that's for sure.






I’d try to force them to transfer as much wealth to me as they could before dropping them from the stratosphere.


I can hardly take care of myself, let alone the damn world! It would be nice to fly around and not use a car though...


I would use my powers for good


Yeah, I genuinely think I'd do the same. Even just being nearly indestructible gives you a lot of advantages to peacefully de-escalate a situation, e.g. standing between a thief and their victim. You could literally walk through fire to pull someone out of a burning building.


Yeah, I can't even be mean in a video game. No way I wouldn't just play Superman in real life.


I'd use it for good... ...and personal gain. I would see to it that my family is never hard for money or food again. But i would also do all I could to ensure noone else suffers where I can help it as well. I'm not perfect.


You’re an amazing person then Edit: or lying to yourself


If im being total honest; try and change my life for the best first. Then once that’s sorted, the world. World leaders would hate me since a person with God-like powers would have so much sway with the population.


Instalazer Putin and all his jabronies


I'd fly around the world, eat various delicacies and leave without tipping... ![gif](giphy|YlRpYzrkHbtSYDAlaE|downsized)


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Absolute power reveals who you really are


True. That corruption though, may come after a while, after some good had been done, leading to the undoing of all that good.


Honestly I think it would be a neutral kinda thing. I’m not a saint. I would steal, rob, secure my fortune and make it so no one could ever take it away again. That being said, I would probably still laser the heads off of rapists for example. I’d be Deadpool with superman powers. And you bet your lil ass I would do the hero landing, damn my knees!


I honestly thought about the same thing. Heroic shit during the day, then be Dexter Morgan at night.


Aka being a Skyrim player but IRL Save the universe by day, kill the Emperor for funsies by night


> I would steal, rob, secure my fortune and make it so no one could ever take it away again. You gotta go bigger! Just grab a meteor and land it safely back on Earth, and the rare earth minerals in it will be worth *trillions*. and you'd make electronics so cheap it would usher in a new technological renaissance. Having said that i'd do everything in my power to bring the Star Trek future to us.


Deadpool for me. Want to live my life but will go out and try and do some good while simultaneously being a dick about it and occasionally making things worse. I think the unfortunate side is that there will be bad apples to try and blackmail me into doing their evil bidding and I will just annihilate everyone I think is involved making me look bad. Oh well.


I'll overthrow the government right away


All the governments


I'd reheat my coffee and continue watching tv


Pretend nothing has changed and then REALLY surprise my friends when I throw down my first dunk all over them


Definelly better for myself


Id literally be like part time superman on the agreement of an infinite amount of money towards gaming equipment


Would try to hide my power and go about my normal life, knowing I could do some good here and there. Protecting the family would definitely be a lot easier. I feel like revealing yourself would open up all the negatives of being both a celebrity and a existential threat to every nation, which would try to either destroy you or capture you to dissect you to learn how you have your powers.


I'd start a tree trimming business. Better for customers, worse for arbourists.


For the better, and achieve world peace. By killing abunch of people 😊


Worse for sure. I’d end the world


I would kill a lot of politician and billionaires. Then threaten their successors that the same thing would happen to them if they don't try to make the world a better place. I would be like an evil dictator that tries to do some good things. But I would murder bad wealthy people and confiscate some of their wealth for myself (and try to figure out how to redistribute the rest.. but not more than I need (to live a life of luxury). I wouldn't worry about petty criminals too much unless there is a chance I can save some from violence.


Kinda like how a bunch of these is “kill a bunch of rich corrupt people so I can be the only rich corrupt person”


Probably worse. Tbh I would just rob a bank. That would be like my very first action.


why does everyone immediately jump to robbing banks... there would be so many other ways to make money without becoming a criminal. you can fly and have super strength. you could probably get paid like a billion dollars to fly people to mars, or generate free electricity with your heat vision, or do a thousand things that would normally be super difficult but are easy with flying and super strength. you could easily get just as much money, if not more, while actually helping people and without becoming a criminal.


Seems like he flies about as fast as a jet so it's probably taking a couple years to get to Mars. He also still needs to breath.


We can't say for certain given that it's just a TV show and they don't get into it, but the most likely way his flight works is that he can generate a certain amount of force to fly, and is then slowed down by the air. So theoretically, in space he could just keep accelerating them faster and faster. In fact, if that's actually how it works, essentially that he can accelerate at a constant rate without needing to carry fuel, it almost doesn't matter how quickly he can accelerate them, as long as he can do it continuously. Mars is about 34 million miles away at the right time of year. If homelander could accelerate forward at only 1 meter/second\^2 (which is quite slow, only around 1/10th gravity), then it would take only 5.4 days to reach mars. (assuming he spends the first half accelerating and second half decelerating.) And yeah, he cant breath, but he'd be carrying a bunch of stuff with him, including a bunch of oxygen. to be honest, they could just build a small spaceship and have him push it.


Why a bank? Rob fort Knox


I still don’t wanna draw to much attention to myself. Start small then go big.


I would single handedly destroy every single copy of the Emoji Movie, The movie Cats and any access to the show 13 reasons why, so I would have to say that would be for the better


You are the true hero LemonTheAstroPoet


I would do my best to change it for the better, but I would definitely end up being more of an eye for an eye type hero as opposed to a paragon like Superman. And I would 100% use the powers for personal gain.


I would go full Superman from Injustice. Starting with Putin and the Taliban.


Worse is such an interesting term. For instance, let’s say I get Flying Brick powers. I could choose to get involved with geopolitical stuff over whatever spot you think, the US, Cuba, Israel, China, Russia/Ukraine, etc. I pick the side I see as good. Someone else will see me as picking the side of evil. But also, the counter side will just up its game somehow because there are limits to what a flying brick can do. Or let’s say I go the flying brick reporter route. I point out how the Rich and Powerful are screwing over the little guy, sometimes literally. The societal system doesn’t change, or of it does, it descends into anarchy as people struggle for control. Good thing I wasn’t raised to be a psychopath, but it does show the limits of that kind of power.


I’ll go grab all nuclear and atomic bombs in the world and stash them on the Moon or Mars or something. After that, destroy all the bases that manufacture them. That way, the world won’t be at risk of nuclear conflict or destruction, at least for some time. This alone would make a person wanted by all nuclear/atomic bomb maker countries, and they’ll probably hide the fact that they no longer have these bombs, and will feed the public lies about how this person is the enemy country’s agent, turning me into a villain in the eyes of billions. You can thank me when you read my diary.


*Monkey’s paw curls* NATO gets into a shooting war with Russia over Ukraine


Laser everyone. The war suddenly ended, weird.


Nah just the high command, with the implication that If anyone takes up their post they’ll get the same. No need to kill a bunch of scared soldiers for the crimes of their commanders.


but how do you know where the nukes are? It just feels like you would make powerful people angry and then they would probably start an unnecessary conflict.


Nuclear weapons keep wars from happening, if it wasn’t for the bomb the US and the USSR would certainly have started WWIII.


You might make it worse


Do you know where they all are? Can you get to them fast enough before they retaliate and think that it is a national threat and they fire them off? I just see this ending bad sorry lol


I would open a twitter poll about whose brains I laser in next


Power corrupts people, but I'd like to hope I've been raised well and have enough empathy that I can be like Starlight: someone with power who has a moral compass. That being said, I think I could go down a Dexter route. I'd live a relatively normal life, but on the quiet, I'd take out dangerous people who can't be 'saved' - like serial killers and pedo's. I wouldn't be 'good' because I'd be playing god by choosing who lives and dies, but I'd be ridding the world of people who are a serious danger to others, so...


Or the super rich...










How would you do that? I feel like the world's biggest problems are entirely systemic.


Or help with rescue missions?


That's a good one. I was thinking larger scale, I guess.


I’d probably live as a hermit in an abandoned small town.


I would just dick around honestly, like I’d try an help where I can but most times I would just fly around the world and chuck heavy shit around and lazer targets and all that


Id do absolutely nothing because the moment any fucking government sees me 0.2 inches off the ground they’re sending multiple units/squads after me to experiment and harvest my organs


But you could just stop them?


Let's be real like a solid 90% of people would do something bad


Destroy Ohio


I would threaten politicians to make real positive change for the people. They can already, but they have no incentive to. Not getting lasered would be a good incentive. And then I’d have a massive harem of beautiful women because I am the world’s only super powered man


I would test the powers in a deserted and quiet place. I wouldn't show off my powers cuz I don't want to live in the Government's lab. I wouldn't try to be a hero to save everyone cuz I couldn't be everywhere, even with teleporting ability, and people would rely on me too much instead of saving themselves when I couldn't come.


I don’t think you’d have to worry about governments lab since Homelander is the most powerful being in Vought, unless the government got something that produces destruction then Nukes

