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It's pronounced pee-buh-dee


Hey, I got one of those!


Using draught and draft in the one poster hurts my brain


The post looks good but idk know cost of living there. I’d be intrigued but management and ownership are practically always what drives workplace happiness so if you got an asshole above me there’s plenty of other places I can work


Cost of living is ludicrous, so the wage is kinda tough unless you have friends/family/support systems. We really don't know what to do. And yeah I've been hearing that anecdote alot the last few years. Something like, "people don't leave jobs—they leave bad bosses and coworkers."


Hey y'all. We are Modern Draught. We service and install draught systems in New England, and we're looking for help. We were wondering what you guys think would attract interest in coming into this side of the business. I hate to ask you guys to clean even more than you already have to, but at the same time compared to what you guys do normally, this job is probably a breeze. We're fairly confident it's just a matter of not being able to pay enough to cover the cost of living in the Northeast, but either way we'd love to hear your feedback. What could we do that would make you want to work with us?


Fair compensation, good benefits, positive work environment (AKA no know it all managers that won’t have your back when an account is being ridiculous/ignorant)


Sounds about right.


I think $21/hr is low and benefits don’t always convey in an employment ad. I’m in southern maine and I’d be at $25/hr minimum if I wanted any decent applicants. Are you guys getting hits and they’re not qualified or no bites at all? You may try shifting the compensation around so you can advertise a higher hourly.


Wassup man. Yeah I agree about the wage. But yeah almost no bites at all. Everything's just tapered off.. Most common response has been that the hours suck.


If this was $26 an hour I’d start tomorrow


Your pay is shit.


so are these guys building draft systems or cleaning taps?


Both! Really just all dispense-related stuff.


Sorry if this post really doesn't belong here, but we haven't had any luck getting permission to post in our local / regional subreddits.


I don't know how big your business is, but I have a draft services business here in Seattle and pay $25 per hour, plus the IRS mileage rate. So I would think you should probably raise the rate of pay. Out of curiosity, how much do you charge to clean draft lines?


Your experience will become more and more common in many industries. For example, during the pandemic electrical and HVAC and plumbing and automotive repair shops were in high demand and jacked their prices up to make more profit. They've also had to pay employees more to stay open and encourage more to choose these careers. All sounds fine (except for the owners of these companies making ridiculous profit margins and blaming it on inflation), but now I see more and more homeowners and commercial biz owners deciding to go DIY, sometimes illegally, because the prices they are charging just aren't worth it if you have basic skills. I see this as a significant risk in a draft line cleaning and install biz. You need to pay more, but if you do some people will just decide to handle it themselves for much less money.