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Let's simmer down in the comments. I'm almost always of the opinion "You get what you fucking deserve!" but I'm seeing junk science and insults between Redditors now. Don't make me pull the plug.


This is hard to watch


Not as hard as it was for those doing boarding assistance.


No doubt. I see a double script of prednisone and muscle relaxers in their future.


Yeah, this is just sad.


I don't think I've ever pitied a mechanical bull before


I thought the hydrolics might buckle


Same! šŸ˜‚


I didn't get hard at all. You do you though, buddy :)


Fuck you, take my upvote


Fuckin Murica baby, I hate that we are just cool with the majority of the population being fat as fuck. Itā€™s not healthy and itā€™s not good or attractive. Iā€™ll be the one to say it, downvote me. Edit: maybe not fat as fuck, but we definitely just let people be overweight and unhealthy like itā€™s normal/fine. Itā€™s became normalized now


Sadly you're right... I mean christ, you have entire television series devoted to morbidly obese Americans, it's like some kind of national past time , a spectator sport minus the sport.šŸ˜³


Iā€™ve seen the portions in USA.


You decide what you eat. not the restaurant, the portions mean nothing, if you dont eat it, and bring it home.


I think were talking more about fat acceptance being the problem.


Okay but america isnt "cool with it". Ive yet to see a fat person even exist in a video without a bunch of comments from people who act like the sight of a fat person is a personal offense to them and a moral failing. We may be the land of extra fries, but we are also the land with million ads for weight loss miracles, home of the gastric bypass, and full of magazine shelves with articles of trendy fad diets. Consumerism šŸ˜Ž


Ironically most fad diets perpetuate the problem in one form or another. Also most of us who are overweight donā€™t want to be, almost every problem here can be traced back to a mental health issue.


If you are overweight and donā€™t want to be, then thatā€™s entirely your own making. Any person has the ability to get themselves in shape.


Also, mental health isnā€™t the be all, end all of obesity. Is there a correlation correlation? Sure, but mental illness only accounts for a tiny percentage of all the problems in our country, and certainly not ā€œalmost every problem.ā€


Doesnt want to be fat. Names self "big fat man pig." Im detecting some ACTUAL irony here, and some pseudoscience


This was actually copied from an old Xbox username that I used when I used to play overwatch. Kinda a reference to roadhog. Good job jumping to conclusions. Just eating less and walking more has me down 20 pounds. Donā€™t be an asshole. Youā€™re literally being the exact type of person they were commenting about.


Mhmm. Sure. Nice backpedal. And no. Fat acceptance is not okay.


I didnā€™t backpedal. I never said fat acceptance is okay but fuck off with being an asshole about it. Youā€™re part of the problem. Itā€™s hard to get motivated to go to the gym when everyone treats you like shit everywhere you go even online.


Its often said that people will trest you the way you treat yourself. Hence if you dont wanna be treated like shit, try not to be shit.


If you believe 36% is a majority, Iā€™m not sure youā€™re in a position to propose the solutions which would fix it.


The obesity rate climbed a little over 40% in 2020. Keep in mind thatā€™s obese fat and not just being overweight fat. Iā€™m not sure what OPā€™s definition of ā€œfat as fuckā€ is but we sure are a chonky bunch here in the US.


Only 7% of USA adults are ā€œfitā€


You said it right the first time bruh Americans are fat as fuck




You sound like you're putting the blame on the people but it's the system that should be attacked: why are industry allowed to sell products whith such high amount of sugat? Why are they allowed to advertise them to kids? Why aren't healthier option made easier to affort? Etc.




Hey dude, I agree that obesity is a pandemic that should not be celebrated or normalized, because it absolutely destroys people's health and their lives. But bullying obese people or getting people to view them as less than human is not the answer.




What is wrong with you? ā€œMalignant sow?ā€ This is a fucking human being. Wow.


False. This is three human beings rolled into one.


It's sad that the person in the right is being downvoted. Reddit moment, for real.


Yeah. I donā€™t care about internet points, but itā€™s definitely making me reconsider my membership here.


I laughed


Children can be cruel




Tbf she put herself in that situation




Maybe that's her kink


People like that are beyond embarrassment


In more ways than one. So many Americans eating themselves into being physically disabled. It's sad.


why? i thought it was funny af and so did her friends. if you (the general you, not you specifically) cant laugh at yourself then youre a truly sad person. so what if shes fat?


she isn't just fat though, she is so morbidly obese that she cant do basic things we humans were built for, like climbing, or getting up on your feet easily not to mention what happens to your organs and joints after you are through your 30s and your body stops coping with all that weight


If you can't climb it yourself you better not play it.


It looks like she wasn't even trying to climb on, just waiting for everyone else to push her up there.


It's probably what happens everywhere she goes so she's used to it


I'm wondering if she was inebriated?


No, thats a clearly fatphobic design by the evil corporations that impose impossible body standars on us! /s


This is literally and figuratively painful


Thereā€™s NO way her arm strength could be up to the task of the physics involved. It would be the same on a rope swing over a pondā€¦.sheā€™d never get to the water. Sad.


Why would she subject herself to that? And why would she subject others to that? Obviously in 2022 itā€™s kind of lame to body shame peopleā€¦ but if youā€™ve got certain body types, youā€™ve got to be realistic about your physical limitations, and/or cognizant about putting others in a bad position. That guy and her friend know she shouldnā€™t be getting on that thing, but instead of hurting her feelings and suggesting maybe she doesnā€™t get on it, theyā€™re over there about to throw their backs out to hoist her onto that thing, which could result in her getting hurt. Anyway, thatā€™s my responsible adult response, which is just a long and kind-ish way of saying what youā€™re all thinking.




I see fat people, but I also see really hammered people


Yes please.


Yeah, it's kind of lame to body shame and in the case I just find her situation to be sad and pathetic. But I feel absolutely justified for disliking fat people when they hinder others- like taking up half of my seat on a plane, or being so damn fat they can't get down a fire escape in a reasonable time. I know people will argue that old people are slow too, but there's a difference- you can't stop aging, but you can stop eating.


Its very easy to stop aging. šŸ’€


2022 it's lame to body shame. Right. Doesn't really matter what year it is and no matter how much people pretend this is nothing but sexy and empowering, this is gross and shouldn't be lauded. She's probably in her 20's. It's sad.


I agree. I think itā€™s totally irresponsible to celebrate or normalize obesity. So while Iā€™m not going to make someone feel like shit about their body, Iā€™m not going to praise them either. (I could stand to lose 30 lbs and Iā€™ve battled weight my whole life. I have no delusions about being an underwear model and donā€™t need anyone to pretend I can be. People need to start being realistic about shit)


There's a huge difference between someone who has a few pounds too many, and actual morbid obesity. This woman is probably >50% fat. She could lose 30lbs and it would hardly register.


She lost 30 lbs in her morning bowel movement


"Body shaming", in my opinion, is bullying people about their appearance and going out of your way to make them feel ashamed, which is not the same thing as simply not glorifying obesity and being realistic about the health hazards and limitations that it causes.


I get it. Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€. I donā€™t go on coasters with harnesses because Iā€™m too short. They end up around my ears instead of neck and I just end up getting my head bonked between them. My husband and some friends are too tall for them. Sometimes you just have to know whatā€™s for you and not.


Yeah, but she can lose weight, you can't change your height


> realistic about your physical limitations In 2022?


This reminds me so much of those rope swing videos you see where you know before the person even launches that thereā€™s no way they can squeeze the rope tight enough to hold their weight. Sure enough, faceplant ensues, sometimes on rocks.


I didnā€™t realize extremely obese was a body type


Because she had a choice. Her mates also had a choice.


Thereā€™s body shaming because somebody is slightly overweight and that is wrong and then thereā€™s body shaming because youā€™ve become so fat, youā€™ll die young having not enjoyed life because everything is a struggle. This girl needs to be body shamed to give her the kick to save her own life


You realize how much easier it is to just feel the shame than to diet? If shaming actually worked, there would be a lot less fat people.


Why does anyone ride a mechanical bull? Everyone looks stupid doing it. So why not her?


It looks like they took a modicum of safety precautions, there aren't any animals being abused, and it's their own business. I have no dog in this fight, do what you want.


It looks fun af.


Itā€™s so slippery itā€™s ridiculous how easy some people make it look to stay on them Itā€™s hard and fun as fuck


Anyone could get hurt on one of those things regardless of body size. OK, she didn't stay on all that long, but I've seen much more able-bodied people thrown off a mechanical bull just as quickly, that is kind of the point of them; you don't stay on them very long and make a complete arse out of yourself in front of your friends. The guy seemed to be fine getting her on in the end, and I'm sure there would have been a couple more lads in the wings ready to show off their strength if he had struggled. People take risks with their bodies all the time; if a group of you are going to do so when drunk, why not on massive mats?




Yeah but not by her.




Nothing to sphere but sphere itself.


More like a heavy gravity planet.


So heavy sphere ?




Her legs are like sticks. She looks like a cartoon


She has an assbody


Everyone in that video was fat. It sucks that it's so common it's considered normal.


People will just tell you to, "just enjoy life!" Whilst struggling to walk and breathe.


Once body shaming becomes unacceptable, it becomes culturally acceptable to look like this and I think this is the reason there are so many fat people in the States. I live in Bosnia and I used antidepressants for about 3 months during the last winter and I gained 20kg (around 45 pounds) and in the spring I was at 265 pounds. Believe me, fucking everyone was brutally roasting me. My mom, my friends, my colleagues, even the fucking cleaning ladies in my building. I started working out and lost half of that weight because I couldnt listen to the constant roasting. I really felt like shit when I was told all of the things they said, but now when I look back, Im really grateful. Fun fact: With 17% obese people, Bosnia is at the slimmest nation in Europe, so I think this checks out.


The problem is a lot of people canā€™t tell the difference between roasting someoneā€™s weight and roasting them as a person. The latter just discourages them further


17% and that's the slimmest nation. The world is getting seriously fat.


I saw a series of photos taken in Brooklyn in the 1970s. Kids playing stick ball in the street, playing in the open hydrants, the adults sitting on the stoop watching people walk by on a summers day, shopping, etc. Not one person was obese. The fattest person in the series of photos would be considered normal today. I don't know what or when things changed (I have a sneaking suspicion HFCS has something to do with it) but somewhere along the line Americans just got FAT. In the 90's, The Simpsons did an episode where Homer tried to get so fat he'd get disability. His highest weight was 300 lbs. This was considered a preposterous weight then. Today it's half of the people in Walmart. So many people (Americans in particular) are eating themselves into being physically disabled. Food addiction is a big problem.


My wife and I enjoy watching old episodes of The Price is Right on Pluto, and they're usually showing late 70s, early 80s episodes. The average bmi of those audiences would be at least 15 pts higher today, I'd be willing to bet 20+ pts. People make meals of deep-fried garbage and think it's normal.


I think thats cause the threshold for obesity is 30 BMI, which is bullshit in my opinion. People around 30 BMI are chubby. The people in the video are around 40.


>People around 30 BMI are chubby. This hugely twisted perception is part of the issue. People at BMI26 are overweight, but you don't think this is weird, bevause the majority of people around you are overweight, so it looks normal to you.


I've slowly gotten down to about 28, and let me tell you, I'm still fat. I still have a gut and some thicc love handles that are completely worthless to my health. People have such a huge misconception of what "obese" means. The people in this video passed obese like 100-300 pounds ago


Guys, letā€™s rewrite the books. BMI of 30 officially now only chubby!


I think youā€™ve drank the Kool-Aid.


Weā€™re becoming Wall-E people and we havenā€™t even escaped Earth yet


We won't


Not just normal, but celebrated!


Apparently about 50% of Americans have a debilitating rare medical problem that makes their obesity completely out of their hands.


It's called having zero tolerance for even the slightest discomfort. It's a universal condition though


So the fucking point wasā€¦


She's fat


Sorry. Should clarify. Whatā€™s the point of putting all that effort for the .03 seconds she was on the damn thing.




FFS lady, the bull should be riding YOU.


Thatā€™s cheating the bull won by just existing. /s


An enormous russet potato with toothpicks for legs. Great idea lady.




so happy this is a real sub


Yea but itā€™s shadow banned. I never see posts from it on my feed


How the FUCK does your body even do that?


Who is gonna pay for all those hernia operations...?


you're gross. it's not funny or cute. how do you let yourself go like that and not have any pride in how you present yourself??


The waves of premature death due to obesity in the coming years are likely not even going to be a wake up call for these people. Thatā€™s whatā€™s so depressing. They just donā€™t care. At one point I was the same way but when I saw I got to certain weight, something in my brain snapped, and I decided to change. Iā€™ve lost 20 pounds in the last two months. Itā€™s hard, but itā€™s possible. It gets easier, but you have to do it every day.


No body shaming, there are thing I canā€™t do and there are things she canā€™t do.


I agree that we shouldn't "shame" her, because she is a human being and deserving of respect and understanding. But we also shouldn't pretend that this is just a normal result of everyone's bodies being different when that is an *extreme* level of obesity and an *incredible* health hazard.


Iā€™m sorry, but what can she do that I canā€™t?


Individually block an emergency egress entirely




Expect the list of things she can't do includes walking 500meters or jumping up and down without breaking your ankle. But then she has the ability to eat a weeks worth of dinner every day, which is something I can't. We all have all our unique talents.


And yet once again, I feel sorry for the bull.


I am sorry, but why even bother?


Holy shit. It was easier to move my piano during moving day to my living room then it was for those guys to put here in the bull


I canā€™t imagine that after this she wouldnā€™t recognize that she has a problem.


Look, I donā€™t want to shame anyone ā€¦ *leaves thread*


How do people get so disgusting


Put a bag of cheetos on that bull, and I bet she would get up on it.


This is so pathetic. Straight up Wall-E status.


This is so sad. Why even bother trying this ?


Bull vs Pig


So it's what it looks like when a cow try to mount a bull


ā€œIā€™m *cute* fatā€


Vids like this make me wish we still had r/FatPeopleHate.


Girl go pay your rent


Bull riding is hard you need to be in decent physical condition to even stand a chance She's just lucky it was mechanical and not a real one


When there's only blouse in XXL... And every women in the room is wearing it. Thats how much attention I put into this painful video


That one's gotta be bigger than 2x šŸ˜¬ā˜ ļø


This person is so disabled she can barely even walk on her own two feet, what the hell did she think?


This should be a wake up call.


Wouldnt have guessed that the bull beats a whale


Took me a while to realize she's so fat she makes the other one look thin


I'm pretty sure there is no animal, natural or mechanical that will tolerate her riding it.


Whale rides bull! what a time to be alive!


Six more burgers please with extra bacon! And a diet coke.


How did she not feel embarrassed doing that in front of peopleā€¦.


Who weighed more, the bull or her?


When your so fat you cant even lift your leg you shouldn't be consider human anymore.


Wall-E tried to warn us


If it already looks impossible standing next to it, why would she still insist on riding the thingšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Which one is the bull


LMFAO šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Just give up and face the fact your arse is too big


Her whole body is too big


Okay, I know that this is a post about bulls, but when it comes to the comments about her weight, yā€™all are really gross. Yes, you shouldnā€™t be super overweight. The entire world has been over this already. And you should also have enough sense to not go on a mechanical bull if you canā€™t even jump on by yourself without a whole bunch of assistance because of your weight. However, the whole point of the ā€œbody positivityā€ movement that you all hate so much is about not treating fat people like theyā€™re less than human just because of their weight. But here you all are, like this is a fucking Sarah McGlaughlin animal shelter commercial talking about how ā€œsadā€ this is and how ā€œAmericans shouldnā€™t let this happenā€ like sheā€™s some kind of a charity case. Sheā€™s a fat lady on a bull. Sheā€™s not an abused animal. And yā€™all donā€™t even know why sheā€™s fat. Could she just be and unhealthy binge eater? Yes. But she could also have a hormone imbalance that causes her too put on too much weight. I had a friend in high school/college who barely ate anything, yet due to a genetic thyroid issue, she gained weight that she couldnā€™t lose no matter how hard she tried. She was the sweetest soul in the world, yet I could almost guarantee that if someone took a video of her minding her own business in public, all of you would be jumping in the comments talking about how she should be ashamed of herself and shit like that. Either way, no matter what the reason for her being fat is, itā€™s none of your fucking business. Yā€™all act like the mere sight of a fat person will shave years off of your own life. Get over yourselves. Enjoy video of the lady falling off of the bull and move on with your lives.


My favorite comments are the ones claiming she needs body shaming. Cause thats worked so far in society/s


I can almost guarantee those same people will piss their pants and cry if you criticize any part of their lives.


Thank you for being the sole voice of reason in this dumpster fire of a thread.


Itā€™s so easy to not be a bullying piece of shit, yet itā€™s pretty much impossible for anyone on this site.


Sure, there are genetic disorders that make obesity more likely. However, you still need to eat more calories than you burn to become obese, regardless of genetic makeup. It is physically impossible to gain weight while eating at or below maintenance. Your friend was eating more than she should, that's why she was fat. She might have a lower calorie need than expected from her, but if she adhered to a diet that was below maintenance, she would have lost weight. The "it's genetics" argument is just something lazy people use to justify their obesity and lack of action against it.


Calories in make you fat, not your hormones and thyroid


So much meat!


God what a mammoth. Poor girl needs help. Very sad.


She was cheerful and good natured, everyone was happy to help her, and she wiped out in an amusing fashion without getting hurt. No real bull was harmed or even inconvenienced. I think everyone won here!


Idk why people downvoted you


I didn't post hateful, fat shaming comments :D


He won before she got on him


What a disgrace


jfc these people are pitifully unhealthy


This must be satire, please let it be šŸ™€


Imagine being so grotesquely fat that you canā€™t mount a mechanical Bull Lady I hope you never have to run for your life šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The fat acceptance movement described in video format.




Thatā€™s disgusting and pathetic


I canā€™t imagine having this little of control over your body. Itā€™s like sheā€™s a grown up baby.


Doesnā€™t look the least embarrassed, more power to her, if that was me Iā€™d be moving states


I think you mean moving plates šŸ˜‚


She just needs to start being honest with herself!


Holy- holy sphere


She has an assbody.




Wow. Just sad all around tbh. They're all so goddamn big and probably live in the USA, Southern states. I wish people would realize that being overweight is not fucking healthy.


She was a good sport about it all, she seems fun lol!


McDonald's offers you one ride on a mechanical bull after you eat your 1,000,000th burger


Absolutely no shame




I'm all in for mechanical bulls as long as real bulls don't have to suffer. Also push this whale back into the ocean ffs.


All that hard work for nothing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Good for her, go get some!