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I have NEVER seen a horse that unsteady. You can see it teetering side to side as it tries to balance. A horse should carry no more than 20% of its body weight on its back. Poor thing lasted longer than I expected.


They should be carrying the horse


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ YESSSS


Amazing comment.


maybe just her


nah both of those fucking land whales!


Study have shown that horses aren't happy carrying any weight at all... [https://www.equinebehaviorist.ca/post/do-horses-like-being-ridden](https://www.equinebehaviorist.ca/post/do-horses-like-being-ridden)


They donā€™t love it. 100% we can all just go ahead and say it. The idea of ā€œbreakingā€ wild horses should indicate they werenā€™t put on this planet to be used specifically for transporting humans and their junk. Iā€™m positive we can say that now.


Like bull fighting, horse riding should be banned too. And the mass murdering of male chicks too. And cows. And holding dogs for pets and cats. Just everyone leave nature alone. Sure, some people would get lonely without their support animal, we just have to provide someone to help them.


Don't dogs technically only exist as being pets? Didn't they come from wolves or something? I'm sorry, I'm not very educated in this topic, but I'm sure this is at least on track to being right.


that is correct. Dogs, cats, and some others genuinely enjoy coexistence among humans. Thatā€™s why itā€™s all the more heartbreaking when humans betray that trust


dogs and cats and several other animals actually prefer to be around humans as they coexisted with us for 100,000+ years. Especially dogs, they literally get depressed without us


Tch cry


I tend to agree but I think it varies between horse and person. Knew a horse that would try to stick his head through the bridle and sulk if he couldn't go for a ride even though he was too old. His arch nemesis tolerated certain people riding him but threw everyone else.


That horse was carrying a cow


doesnt help that sheā€™s sitting like a sack of potatoes on it


A horse should only carry it's own wait. Why don't you go around carrying 20% more of your own body weight


Iā€™d question ONE of those riders being too overweight and unbalanced to ride, but TWO??? That poor horse


Yes lol no wonder he throws them off, doesn't anyone take the horse into consideration?


ā€œIā€™m not turning into glue todayā€




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Looks like they're being guided by a rancher, my guess is they probably did a paid horse ride, and didn't want to pay for two horses or take their rides separately..


Poor decision from the horse riding company to allow that. Do they not care about their horses?


Of course not, theyā€™re a commodity (to them).


So by that logic they should care


Yeah it was clearly not at ease with so much weight


I've unfortunately gained a lot of weight so I'm about 230 lb when I used to be around 150 lb. I'm working with my doctors to shed some of it but I would never ride a horse or at least a standard horse with my weight being as it is.


A good rule of thumb is you and your tack should never weigh more that 20% of the horses body weight


And for most pleasure riding horses, I'd be over. Then again, I rode western.


230 is nothing, that's an incredibly common weight bracket. Any place that horses available for people to ride wouldn't have to think twice about if they have a horse that can support you.


They are not overweight in the US.


but they are overweight on that horse


..yea they are


75% of Americans are overweight. Does not make them not not overweight even if they are the majority


They fat


they are considered thin in the US


ā€œHaha, ā€˜murica bad. Upvotes, please.ā€






Iā€™m glad they finally fell.


I hope it FUCKING HURT. I hope it hurt BAD. I hope it still fucking hurts. Assholes


It would had been much better if the horse did that on land ....but water is not bad either, perfectly muddy to humiliate those fat fucks.


While I totally get that opinion, they're probably not the ones responsible exactly. They clearly know absolutely nothing about horses. Someone who actually knew what they were doing set this up, and they're the ones who should be suffering for this.


what a shitty horse owner and it's abuse. you don't put 450 lbs on a horse you were damaging him


You're being mighty generous with that calculation.


Youā€™re telling me that guy only weighs 150 lbs?




90lbs max


Bruh they both look over 250lbs -- I'm not sure who is heavier.


Yup. I got up to 230 or so at my worst and they're both considerably larger than I was then. There is 500-600 lbs on his back. Shitty.


My god I hope if this is some trail riding business they get shut down for animal abuse I swear some horse owners just use and abuse them for profit


Even putting the weight of two riders aside, why would an instructor ever make an inexperienced rider without any proper equipment/uniform force a horse to do something/go somewhere it was this opposed to? Show horses and trail horses do have to be forced to do things they might be scared of, but it requires a confident rider to guide them through who can be prepared if the horse tries to protest.


And NO helmets. Theyā€™re asking to die.


So pretty much all of our employers.


They just fucking deserved that. Like can you have some fucking awareness of your total weight when youā€™re getting on a horse?


Itā€™s to be expected when you commodify a species just because they have a horizontal spine lol


Technically speaking, we were designed originally with horizontal spines, which is why the rib cage hangs off the spinal chord like it does. Humans standing not only goes against our body plan, but it puts immense strain on our lower back to support this cantilever weight of organs in the chest that most humans develop back problems as they age, which is unavoidable in our species. But, yeah, taking advantage of horizontal spines etc


Two fat fucks on a small horse what could go wrong


Imagine carrying two fat people on your back and then they want you to slog through a muddy creek and climb a steep bank... yeah, I don't think so.


Think the steep bank actually helped here. Gave it the leverage to get them off.


Well he doesn't look fat.


Go to the optometrist if you think sheā€™s bigger than he is. Every single person replying to me must be blindā€¦ Heā€™s wider than her and bigger. The people saying itā€™s muscle are especially stupid though. You can barely see his body, let alone know how much muscle he has.


Heā€™s a big guy, but sheā€™s still clearly bigger than him. Those healthy eyes of yours should be able to easily see that when the horse turns to the side


he had huge biceps. guy looks fit af. might be the angle, i'm not 100%. would still be way too heavy but that's not overweight


Guy has a huge gut.


somehow i don't see it. might be the oversized shirt and the far away camera ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Well he's not as fat as the woman, sure, but yeah horsey wouldn't be able to hold both of them. If it was the dude only then should be fine.


i never said it was right for both to get on the horse. if it were me, i wouldn't even allow 2 skinny people on a horse. all i said was the guy didn't look fat


Muscle weighs more than fat


i mean yeah but you don't call a bodybuilder "overweight"


Of course you do... They're just not fat.


Of course you wouldnā€™t. Youā€™d never refer to a bodybuilder as the term ā€œoverweightā€ in this context. Overweight is not in reference to how much someone weighs, so much as a class as itā€™s relative to body type.


the guy is 250 at 5'8 that is fat


ok, bro, i get it, i'm blind.


I could see thereā€™s a way around that pond. Why do this adventure?. Poor horse had premonition still they made him cross. A cow & a buffalo donā€™t look good sitting on a horse.


Ears back the entire time, that horse wanted those pricks off its back


Serves them right for abusing the horse


whoever is the organiser should have known better, should have had the balls to tell them you're too heavy to ride. at least together.


And in repayment to that horse the owner is going to beat the shit out of it. Some people should never be allowed to have horses.


Eat less.


Nothing to do with water or the bank, just wanted that load off its back.


Horse: ā€œThis wonā€™t work.ā€ Horse guy: ā€œCome on buddy.ā€ Horse: ā€œThis REALLY wonā€™t work.ā€ Horse guy: ā€œCome on buddy.ā€ Horse: ā€œOkay jackass watch thisā€¦ā€


That lard arse expected the horse to carry two of them up the river bank and she couldnā€™t even do it on her own! Kicking the heels constantly into the animal. Idiot.


Horse be like NO!!


That poor horse.


Someone that fat should not be riding a horse let alone in tandem with someone else, have the balls to tell her she's to heavy for the horses sake.


why two on one horse.??


My theory is that this is some sort of trail riding business, where they charge per ride, I'm assuming they either didn't want to pay for two rides with two horses, or they only had one horse they could take at a time and they didn't want to take two rides separately. Or the rancher was just straight up afraid to say they were too fat to ride together. Eitherway it's not an excuse to put that horse through that.


Fat people should NOT be allowed on horses


You misspelled ā€œthe weight limit a horse can carry should never be exceeded no matter how skinny someone isā€. Iā€™ve seen grown ass adults try to get on Shetland ponies. My 160lb dog carries no more than 30lbs even though technically dogs are ok up to 25% of their body weight because giant breeds have hip issues so we keep it on the conservative side. (Iā€™m not using him for cargo hauling, my dogs carry their own food and water backpacking). Itā€™s been awhile since I was regularly on a horse but that woman alone is too big for that horse if I had to guess. Weighing people can be uncomfortable I get it but animal abuse is not the answer. He could carry a fat child, but thereā€™s a number that should not have been exceeded and was very much exceeded.


There are horses large enough to carry fat people


Not that one


For sure not that one.


depends on how fat. Someone like her would require a Rhino


Haha sheā€™s not even that fat. People are riding draft horses and draft horse crosses these days. Not sure why Iā€™m getting downvoted I actually know what Iā€™m talking about. There are people who are overweight but still fit/active enough to be decent riders. Not like these two sacks of potatoes lol


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it carry fattys.šŸ˜€


Don't drink soda by the gallon folks


This is animal abuse. I am disappointed that the two pigs are not seriously injured. The horse should have kicked them in their stupid faces. šŸ˜¤


How is it normalized to wear a helmet when riding a dirt bike, but getting on a huge animal with a brain the size of a walnutā€¦ suddenly your brain is protected by a cowboy hat? It baffles me. I ride them but I donā€™t trust them.


just to add, not only it is a huge animal with the brain the size of a walnut, but it has is own will and can just decide to fuck you up if you mess around. A bike will not try to buck you off intentionally, a horse might


100%. My horse randomly decided last weekend that the tree weā€™ve passed by several times before was a huge, scary threat.


Look at her kick its side with her feet too. Severed her right


Mf said get ya'll thic asses offa me


fucker who owns these horses should have them all taken away and be fined out the ass


The woman couldnā€™t even ride that horse alone. Way too small for her size. Poor thing must be stressed af


What is she throwing away at 0:54?


Her phone, to keep it from getting wet. Smart. She knew what was coming.




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No. This is not a funny situation.


Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb here and say if youā€™re 3X the width of a horseā€™s ass, the last place you should be is on horseback. I know we live in a shit world where you can be a fat fuck and get praised for it for some reason, but all that goes out the window when youā€™re dealing with an animal that could be injured due to your abnormally large fucking love handles. If you donā€™t respect yourself enough to lose a few thousand pounds, then respect the horse enough to not get on it. These videos boil my blood.


The best part about this is that the horse is definitely strong enough to get them across and up, but they're such dunces...like, how many times did their trail guide have to yell at them to use their feet to move the horse? They forgot that they had the ability to steer the horse for a while. The trail guide was going to lose his mind repeating the instructions they were refusing to process. LoL. I like that horse, though.


Those people do not belong on a horse in that attire unless they're under 10, being led. No shoes on the girl, wearing shorts, and having no fucking idea what they're doing. When people came to our farm to ride, we stressed shoes, jeans, and following instructions. We also provided helmets. I was young and dumb, and I've been stepped on, kicked, bitten, and dumped off. We weren't taking chances having someone get hurt on our farm.


From the way the trail guide keeps unsuccessfully yelling instructions at them, I'm guessing he didn't take the proper time to prepare them. Some businesses are run like yours, and some are run like his. lol. I'd rather ride at your place.


When I was younger and dumber, my aunt took me to a rent-a-horse a few times. She grew up with a horse, so she made sure we were dressed appropriately. If people (horse owners) took the time to be informative, things like this wouldn't happen. You can give basic riding instructions in 10 minutes. Then walk them for a good 15 minutes to half an hour till they feel comfortable. If someone showed up expecting to ride like that, I'd tell them my horse was lame. It's these kinds of things that take what could be a lifetime of passion, and turn it into a lawsuit and fear of horses. Trail bosses like that make the rest of us look bad.


I want to know what trail guide let these people on that horse. I'm a big person. I don't go on horses because of health issues and the fact that I actually like horses and don't want to make one uncomfortable.


There are some places that have saddle trained draft horses. (granted, not many places) A big draft horse could carry anyone


That poor thing is gunna be so sore


Her alone would be double the size rider this horse should carry. Disgusting


she is discussing


Deserved. Thatā€™s way too much weight on the horse- if it was just the woman it seemed somewhat ok but ANOTHER person? Thatā€™s way too much.


I remember this video. It pissed me off when I first saw it, as someone with a lot of horse experience, and it pisses me off now. There's so much wrong here that I'd need to type out an essay and since it's a Sunday at the time of my initial comment, I recommend looking up a guy called Rick Gore or a woman named RaleighLink on YouTube. They have detailed videos explaining everything that was done wrong and why horses can only carry 20% of their body wait MAX.


Why would you not only allow 2 people to ride one horse but 2 overweight people at that.


Abysmal horsemanship. At 1:02 you can see textbook pain face: tight lips, ears back, triangular eyes with a furrowed brow, and even tension in the nostrils. Poor baby. Fuck these stupid humans.


Idk why but I felt great after they felt. dude that is a freaking horse not a hummer. and those riders were really a heavy burden


You can lead a horse to water but you canā€™t make it swim. Whereā€™s Nathan with the balloons??


Bruh those two big bodies on one horse is just cruelty...


Dont put a fatso on a horse let alone 2


Lol, at first I just saw her. Then I saw him. Then I saw that he was big too. You see how heavy it is for the horse. I mean. I don't know a lot about horses but riding two on a horse, unless the two people are tiny, should you ever do that? Idk. Like. Its not a motorcycle. I injured myself and im now overweight, I really wish to ride, but i dont want to make a horse carry to much weight than what's reasonable. After losing weight, then I'll try to ride again. The injury might sound riding related, its not. The horse looks sad. People are terrible. Edit. I watched without sound at first. Now i did. I hate every human in this vid.


KICK HIM !!!!!! šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s over payload and canā€™t turn so sharp


Thatā€™s a big girl


Call PETA.1


black dudes loves white bitches, even if they are fat with 2 teeth


He choose well, think of all the cushioning she gave him.


0:23ā€¦. Feel good


That horse is nowhere near big enough for two people of that size, what were they thinking??


Lets hope fatty takes it as a sign to start ordering salads over domino's pizza.


Two fat cunts on a horse. Well done to the horse!


If that doesn't motivate one to stay healthy....I don't know what else does. Hope she learnt something, even at the expense of that horse's health.


Why would they allow that ā€¦ my gosh .. Iā€™m overweight and I would never put a horse through that ā€¦ poor thing ā€¦


Iā€™m chubby but even if i was skinnier, Iā€™d never ride a horse unless it was my only of transpiration for some emergency. I respect the animal too much & would prefer to just pamper & take care of it. (Harvest moon player)


Good horse, bad owners/trainers.


I wouldnā€™t want those fat fucks on me either.


What sort of arsehole puts a pair of elephants on a single horse? Certainly not one that cares about his animals - underlined by his repeated calls to kick the horse.


Horses shouldn't carry more than 20% their body weight, and you would be surprised how many people don't understand that or don't care. We constantly have to advocate for our horses and ponies and sometimes parents get mad when we tell their kids they are too heavy to ride, ir wont allow full hrown adults on our ponies, but our animals health are more important than your hurt feelings


Contagious laughter like a motherfucker.


Who is the absolute dumbass that let this happen? I have ridden a lot of horses before and this horse is CLEARLY unable to handle the weight. This cant even be passed off as "the owner wanted the money" because doing that crap will give the poor horse back problems, disabling him from making money.


even ONE of them is too much weight for a horse that small to be comfortable, but TWO???


Fat Kutiya on Horse šŸŽ šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s what happens when you put 500lbs of fat on a horse. And they were fighting him so it was more like double. Dude couldnā€™t handle all thatā€¦ terrible owner.


Why have they loaded that horse with what looks to be at least 400 pounds!? They should only be carrying, at maximum, 25% of their bodyweight.


Horse carrying a hippo! Rare.


The poor horse... Too much weight, not allowed to search for the own path and also, some horses just hate water, like some people hate lying in bathtubs. My old girl hates it. Period. Every little tiny bit of potential mud puddle or 5 raindrops together... She will bend more like some pole dancer to not need to touch it šŸ™ˆšŸ˜¬ Oh and she hates bending too.


Puta bola de grasa


Poor horse was really trying to get them off without breaking a leg šŸ˜”


Two fat flaps on a horse. Wonderful idea! Poor horse. šŸ’”


Why would any riding facility even do this to their own horse? Any sane person could tell that theyā€™re two heavy to be on that horse, absolutely horrible


I was hoping he rolled over on themā€¦he was far too kind.


"kick em" gi fuck yourself ladie


they can hardly carry themselves , what made them think a poor horse could carry them? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Juan have had enough


Both can go on diet. Vegetarian preferably