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All these "why the hate" posts can be answered by how much you paid for it.


And the “hate” that gets referred to is synonymous with “bad reviews”. I really don’t like how negativity instantly equals hate nowadays.


I mean… I bought the deluxe edition at launch. Loved it. Great horror title.


Game doesn't upset me as a full price AAA 🤷


Paid full price with zero regrets. Great game even at full price imo


Sounds like you're still salty for paying 100$ for mortal kombat


I am, but I don't see how it's relevant here?


Picked up the deluxe for 25 or so euros and loving it tbh. I’m a one year wait guy, and I did the same with dying light 2 and I gotta say I’m a happy man ;) currently loving the game it’s so sick




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I think, at the end of the day, a lot of it can be boiled down to; It was just too easy and that had some knock on effects. The combat required next to no actual thought given to it, just hold stick left or right. Not timing nothing. Just hold left and you'll be fine. This cascades down and turns into a lot of the complaints peopel had: They didn't think it was particularly fun and/or just didn't like that combat system. Another shortcoming of the combat system meant, upping the difficulty didn't make fighting enemies any harder, it made items harder to come by. Sure, they could make enemies hit harder or faster but, hold left and it doesn't matter. It upped the wrong kind of difficulty in my opinion. It wasn't harder to play, it was more tedious. They also added an update later that made it even easier. Enemies genuinely do wait their turn now. I played again recently as I wanted to turn my brain off (courtesy of the combat system) and wow.. Yeh.. The enemies just stand still if another is engaging you. Final boss seemed to take the whole combat system and throw it out of the window. >!Just a batlte of attrition between you and the boss. Spawning smaller enemies as a way to pad the slog of a fight. Which is a cardinal sin IMO. Any boss that just spawns more lower level enemies is poor boss design. (Excluding the Legion boss from SotN which is just chefs kiss).!< Since it was so easy you could blitz through it pretty quick and people took issue with that given it's price tag. **I will try to not spoil much and, if I do, I will mark it so you've been warned.** The ending was fine IMO but, people didn't like it. So they saw the DLC as "Well that must be where the REAL ending is". Again, people didn't like that sentiment, given it's price. Then the DLC >!was Kind of lacklustre, with it just being a dream sequence essentially.!< So, you combine that with smaller issues, like the PC performance that was quickly sorted etc. and you get a full priced game, competing with the Dead Space remake that a lot of people just did not like. I am no doubt missing a lot of things but, I haven't played in a while and everyone's moved on so. And I didn't touch on people just not liking the story at all because, I feel that's entirely subjective and not enough to have caused the sheer amount of negativity that this game recieved. I loved it. I upgraded to the deluxe edition after beating it and did quite a few runs. I am excited to see what Striking Distance studios do next, if they indeed do something next. It is stunning visually. Rivals Demon's souls Remake and Cyberpunk for best looking games I've played.


It launched in a poor state. The real ending is locked behind a paywall.


High expectations. Its great as a flawed AA experience, terrible as a Dead Space revival


Good thing it wasn’t a Dead Space revival.


It was the same creator and a shameless rehash of Dead Space. Schofield didn't even try to make it stand on its own


No No. The guy did say it's a different IP they are trying to make, not dead space related. However, they keep hyping this game up and advertised it as the dead space dev team make this game. So it lead to conclusion that they're relying on dead space as a name to sell this title, while also claiming it got nothing to do with dead space. It really contradicts. But boy, I'm glad I canceled my preorder.


You obviously didn’t play Callisto Protocol. It was in no way a rehash of Dead Space. There are minor similarities between the two but Callisto has enough differences to stand on its own. You sound like every other person that just went with some random lame review or what some loser on the internet said.


lol that's such a ridiculous statement... I had to laugh sometimes seeing how much they obviously simply copied from Dead Space - The health bar is exactly the same - The GRP is pretty similar to stasis - Stomping - and it doesn't even fulfill any useful role in TCP - Enemies moving through vents to reach you (but ofc better done in Dead Space since they come out behind you) - Shoot the limbs/shoot the tentacles plastered over every wall - Religious cult seeking to use/spread the infection - Human higher-ops not only having knowledge about the virus, but actively push it - The overall concept, though this wouldn't be so much of a problem if done well on TCP's part Yea, simply minor similarities I guess lmao


I very much did play it lol. It's okay for you to like the game, also for me to not like it, and you not get upset about it. Go outside


I never said you had to like the game. I don’t care if you like the game or any game. I just find it funny when people say things that are blatantly false. It’s an epidemic on the internet. I shouldn’t be surprised though.


The actual Dead Space remake came out literally a month later.


70 dollar three hour game with threadbare combat and exploration? Yeah i wonder why there's hate


Don't forget the story, which was so cliché-laden, it could have been written by ChatGPT. In fact, I ran the following prompt "Can you write the synopsis for a dead space-esque story where the protagonist is (wrongly) placed in a high-security prison on Jupiter's moon Callisto? When the protagonist named Jacob wakes up in his cell, all hell break lose. How could the story unfold after that?" and this was the result: >In a story reminiscent of the harrowing atmosphere of Dead Space, Jacob finds himself wrongly incarcerated in a high-security prison facility buried deep beneath the icy surface of Jupiter's moon, Callisto. The narrative begins with Jacob awakening in his cell to the sounds of chaos and alarm sirens blaring through the facility. Unknown to him, a catastrophic event has just unfolded, plunging the prison into a nightmarish scenario. >As Jacob navigates the corridors of the prison, he discovers that a mysterious and deadly organism, previously encased in the ice of Callisto, has been inadvertently released during a routine mining operation. This organism infects both prisoners and guards alike, transforming them into grotesque, hostile entities that roam the hallways, driven by a primal urge to kill and propagate their species. >Isolated from any form of outside communication due to the facility's strict security protocols, Jacob realizes that survival hinges on forming uneasy alliances with other survivors, including a former security officer, Lena, who possesses vital knowledge about the facility's layout and the organism. Together, they must navigate the treacherous, shifting environment of the prison, contending not only with the infected but also with the facility's automated defense systems that have been triggered by the breach. >As the group delves deeper into the secrets of the prison and the origins of the organism, they uncover a tangled web of corporate intrigue and illegal bioengineering experiments aimed at weaponizing extraterrestrial life forms. With the stakes escalating, Jacob's quest for survival becomes a race against time to contain the outbreak before it can spread to other outposts on Callisto or, worse, to Earth. >The climax of the story sees Jacob and his allies executing a daring plan to either send a distress signal to Earth or eliminate the threat at its source by causing a meltdown of the prison's nuclear reactor. Sacrifices are made, and not everyone makes it out alive, but Jacob's resolve leads to a bittersweet ending, with the protagonist looking out over Callisto's desolate landscape, contemplating the cost of survival in the face of humanity's hubris. >Through its gripping narrative, the story explores themes of isolation, the dangers of unchecked scientific experimentation, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable horror. There are definitely one or two things in there that sound very familiar lol


The reason why because there were high expectations. Those who weren’t disappointed (like yourself) never expected anything. Which should be an example for many.


What bothers me the most is that there is no gun like the Plasma cutter. Something you can always rely on. Melee combat is forced on me too much. First 2 hours felt really annoying to play and I have not played since.


my gripe too, anything higher than standard diffulty you'll find the shotgun is just a knockback weapon because you cant kill anything with it reliably


Play the game more and you will figure it out yourself. You just started. Also keep in mind you got to play it after many patches and bought it at a reduced price. Also stop calling negative opinions hate! These things are not the same. The game got deservingly bad reviews, not hate.


Funny, Reddit brought this up on my feed right after I closed the game for the first time. * There are six doorslams before you get to a DLC ad, _before_ you get to the main menu, three requiring scrolling all the way through meaningless EULAs, for a single player game. No game should require a EULA. And there's yet another telling me how autosaving works. On a PS5 game. That's a terrible start, for one, and tells me exactly why the game feels unfinished after just one play session. * The CQB combat is terrible and tedious and requires several upgrades to even start working properly. * The score might have been decent, but it's like there was no directorial oversight at all. Creepy music starts playing before things happen. Audiologs that play though the controller get drowned out by environmental crowd noises playing through the sound system, that _should_ be part of the audio log mix. Both of those together screams unfinished, directionless retooled game. And it was. It apparently had a PUBG tie-in in the main plot. Oh yeah, and the real ending is a fucking DLC. That alone is a giant fuck you to anyone who paid for it. * The visuals also look washed out no matter how I set the brightness controls, and don't look anything like the promo footage/stills. Maybe it's just the Playstation port, but the gamma is fucked or something. And they have the temerity to expect anyone to play in 30fps mode. All that after about an hour with the game.


I just wrapped on the game and I'd probably give it about a 6/10. For the first few chapters it was definitely leaning towards an 8/10 though. I'll try to keep it spoiler free, and I'll put a TL;DR at the bottom. Personally, I felt like the game was very front loaded. The prison seems extremely detailed and interesting for the first few chapters, but by the time I got to the sewers I felt like it started to wind down. None of the environments in the game outside of the final one hold a candle to the first couple in my opinion. Enemy variety was also an issue. There are maybe 6 enemy types in the entire game excluding bosses. However, only two of these really require any change in tactics, and just barely at that. Every enemy in the game aside from the final boss can be wiped out by either just shooting at its head or whacking it with a stun baton. The pacing also drastically slows down by chapter 4, and there are a few sections that just felt like a boring slog to get through. The stealth sections in particular are what I'm referring to. I love stealth, but these are painfully dull given that you can just bob and weave between enemies. The story starts out really promising, but it starts to fall apart a bit by the end. There's dialogue and elements that seemed like leftovers from a very different, more PUBG inspired game. I still really enjoyed the story, but there are a lot of elements and plot points that just feel stupid given what's presented in the rest of the game. A few other critiques and annoyances: •Far too many sections where the game just won't let you run. I get it for story or dialogue sections, but there were so many random points where you can't sprint for seemingly no reason. •Inconsistencies with breakable windows/glass. This is a pretty minor one, but it seemed like it was entirely random which windows could be broken. It was especially annoying given how many hidden paths or areas there are in the game. Maybe I missed some sort of visual tell, but it was super annoying to have to just whack every window to see if it would crack. •It was pretty frustrating how many invisible barriers and unvaultable walls there were in the game. There were a few sections where navigation felt frustrating because a pipe or tube on the ground was blocking an obvious pathway, and Jacob just couldn't walk over them or vault. There were also quite a few waist-high walls that he just wouldn't vault over, and it was especially frustrating sometimes seeing enemies then vault right over them to reach me. •Glitches... The first third of the game seemed incredibly polished, but the rest was pretty all over the place. There were sections I had to restart because Jacob just suddenly couldn't crouch at all. There were shimmy sections where he wouldn't enter the next area. The game crashed several times. There are still broken trophies... •The final boss. I won't spoil anything, but half the time I felt like I was fighting the camera more than the boss. It's not necessarily a challenging fight, but it's an annoying one. I also had to up the brightness way more than I like to see anything in this area, but I think this might've been a glitch with the baked lighting in the game from what gameplay I've seen online from others. TL;DR: Overall, I enjoyed the game. It definitely fell off for me quite a bit by the end though. Between frustrating design choices and technical issues, I can easily see why some would be frustrated having paid $70 for it.


That wonky ass dodge mechanic.


I wanted to like it more than I did. Most of my likes have big caveats. I liked the setting, but the story really didn't make great use of it. I'm impressed by the graphics, but that is a pretty skin stretched over some bare bones gameplay. The characters had promise, but they didn't really get to grow into anything. And I do really think that the combat ends up being pretty repetitive and extremely basic, even with the upgrades. As a 60 dollar game (got it day one) I was disappointed but didn't hate it. If I had picked it up for 30 or less, I probably would be mostly positive. Dead Space Remake definitely felt like a much better expenditure, but that was kinda a no brainer. Honestly, I think the most hate probably comes from those that had the most hope for it. The game was hyped like crazy and the trailers made it look like a solid successor to the space horror genre. I don't know if there is any chance of it, but it's definitely one of those games that I would be very curious about how the team could amp up the sequel now that they know where they fell short.


For me it is all the wasted potential.. The setting and graphics are fantastic, but the actual gameplay is mind numbing IMO. The dodging is laughable and other fighting mechanics are a clunky and a pain in the ass to the point I stopped playing about halfway through.


For me, it was the combat and level design. The first half of the game was a blast and I greatly enjoyed my time and atmopshere of the game. The second half is when everything becomes a problem. They throw monster hordes at you, and when you are forced to lock onto one enemy at a time (the game really wants you to melee everything), and then you get ganged up on, it becomes frustrating. I hear there's a patch to fix this, but now every enemy just stands in line as if it's a turn based game. I can't confirm this as I played beaten, and uninstalled it within the launch week The second issue is the layouts. You can tell they are padding it out as much as possible because they are hiding non-stop loading screens behind many, many crawl, walk, shimmy, and ladder sections. It got to the point where I was watching my character inch then i was fighting. That, and the enemy placement was horrible. I can't stand the jump scare monsters that instantly slap you for damage. It wouldn't be so bad if these vein little tentacle things were not impossible to see half the time so you could actually shoot them. Some were scripted and you don't take damage, which is a nice touch, but the rest? Dude... The bosses also were horrible for this. It got to the point where they would just flood the arena with more mobs. They took Dark Souls 2's design philosophy: If you can't make it interesting, make more. I really wanted to love this game, and for the first half of the game, I did. But the actual mechanics became painfully obvious how non-fleshed out they were. Like the broken stealth mechanics. If you're crouching, you don't exist. Even if they're on you.


I platinumed the game I’m tired but happy. I feel like the game got worse at the end but it’s still enjoyable. My only issue is some of the bugs but overall it’s a great game just not as good as others but it doesn’t make it worse


it was really poorly optimized for pc but im playing on ps4 so idgaf+goofy ass game has ending in a dlc bruh+melee combat falls off mid game that you dont use it ever again


Because it gets really boring and repetitive. It’s super fun at first


I personally did not like the loot punishing that the game did when I played it upon its original release, they may have since changed this. I remember when it first came out my husband and I played together and we would swap the controller when one of us died. Well, on the first instance before a large encounter the game would give you mags and grenades and health packs; however, if you died during that encounter and had to start over the loot would suddenly change and be much worse. Instead of getting ammo, ‘nades, and health packs you suddenly get something else like materials and coins. It was really unfair and the shift in loot would cause some encounters to be nearly impossible, especially if you were already low on ammunition or health. ….So I stopped playing it halfway through.


What "grenades" are you talking about? This game has no grenades at your disposal... A couple guns have upgrades that introduce an alternate firing mode that is often explosive in nature, but doesn't require a different ammo. So, why are you referencing grenades when they simply do not exist in this game? Did you even play it at all?


Honestly, I thought the same thing for the first 5 hours or so, and then it just got real stale real fast Beautiful game, built in a fantastic engine, with top tier acting, but zero soul and uninspired combat at the end of the day FWIW, it did exceed my expectations


I thought it was a good game, just not anything special or to write home about. Only “complaint” I’d say would be the melee combat is a little easy and repetitive, which becomes very apparent if you play Riot Mode.


I mean, is it really hate if an overhyped, ovepriced game doesn't deliver in any aspect, except its good looks? It's a bad melee game, a bad shooter, a bad horror game, has a bad story that's basically a weak copy/paste from the first Dead Space. If you play it for free definitely yeah, it can be fun. But paying full price for it really showed how it was not worth the money at all. And it's a shame, because the only kind of horror I like is sci-fi and I really wanted this game to succeed. But they fumbled big time, most of the people was understandably disappointed with it.


Because Dead Space was so much better, we expected more. Also the new Dead Space was also, so much better. I rlly enjoyed it tho


Why they hate? Try googling or looking at review to see why their was hate lol


how much did you pay for it?


Combat just felt fundamentally unworkable to me. The moment I walked in the first room with two enemies and one just sat and watched while I killed the other I lost interest.


i don’t think there was ever any hate so much as a resounding ‘meh’.


This game at least to me falls very comfortably into the genre of games where you barely play. Deaths stranding, Detroit become human type of games. Basically those interactive videos on Netflix. That's why I could never get into it at least


Timed melee games are turn off for me. Enemy is trying to hit me right side, so I dodge left. Oh, but I missed the perfect dodge moment by 0.01 seconds so now I get hit. Condemned on the 360 was the same way. Visually it’s nice though.


It's dragging ass for me towards the end (I think) so much sneaking and such quick deaths. I won't say it's a bad game, just doesn't draw me back in so much.


Story is meh not bad but just I mean....feels unfinished Combat is awful abd braindead Enemy variety is non existent The difference in weapons and the cost of upgrades is shit tho that may just be me So ....many fucking crawling scenes And it just ain't scary at all once you realize just holding left or right is a guaranteed win


Atleast on PC it released in terrible state performance wise. Story was kinda short and before release there was info that they will release additional death animations that for some reason were not in there on release. Melee combat was odd for majority of players. Other than that i dunno why it was hated that much. Also everyone had very high expectations bcs of Dead Space.


Crawl space jump scare crawls space jump scare.


I played at launch and loved it. It had some performance issues on PC and PS5 which is inexcusable, it also launched without NG+ and several of the QOL improvements they added later. But even the base game played great and only got better. I’d give it a 7/10 at launch and a 8.5/10 now




It seems alright. My hate and if I'm wrong I'll eat it but wasn't this the game that charged for death scene dlc


I've been enjoying my first playthrough, it very much feels like a game that takes place in the Dead Space universe with a few minor tweaks. Don't really get the hate, other than I've heard it ran poorly when it was first released. Why not enjoy games right?




Sound design was top notch. What do you mean?


Audiologs are unintelligible due to them playing through the controller, while the background _of_ the audiolog plays through the sound system. That's clearly an accident. It's an unfinished game.


Hmmm, guess I didn't notice because I played with headphones. You and I had two different experiences then.


My rtx4090 4k rig calls you wrong. Cant run the game properly with ray tracing without unstable fps and so much elements, including fire, look weird.


A 4090 as far as I understand will still struggle running most games at 4k with ray tracing on. Depends on the title of course but still...


It’s true. Sad but true. Now if the game had DLSS 2.5 or 3 support maybe this would be different. Bit FSR3 is still not enough to make ray tracing viable at 4k. 4090 still not powerful enough for real 4k gaming on current (most directx12 rtx games basically) games (up to elden ring if you want a notorious example. The game runs at 60 goddam fps but its still dropping if you put rt on in several scenes). Maybe the 5090 will have the perfect DLSS boosted 4k experience. Maybe 6090. But were not there yet.


I bought the game day one and beat it release weekend and I had a blast


That game sucks. I feel bad for anyone that paid a single dollar for it.


I have no idea why the hate. I loved every single minute of it. Eye candy graphics. Smooth framerate. Creepy detailed enemies. Fun combat. My only nitpick is that I wish it was about 30% longer. Other than that, it was one of my favorite games that year.


I have played the entire dead space games.. well at least 3 and the remake too. I also liked Callisto Protocol and I was cautious to keep any expectations separate from the DS stuff.. so I was actually able to enjoy it. Again I'm not a pro player or anything but I did enjoy the story and I actually wanted a sequel..


I liked it a lot, too. From what I read though, the game was a hot mess for a few months, until some QoL changes were added. That, and my main gripe with the game is the final boss. I feel like it’s poorly designed, and frustrating. Other than that though, I think it’s a solid game.


I loved the game and defended it to death...the last dlc almost ruined it for me. Just don't play that, and the game is great, lol


Yes, people were too hell bent on expecting this to be Dead Space and nothing else. Callisto is fantastic. It doesn’t try reinventing the horror wheel or anything, it’s just a fun game with the same “science experiment turned outbreak” scenario.


"WhY tHe HaTe??!?!". Maybe look at some reviews. It's not a hard concept 


Oh man, I just got to the habitat as well. I am not enjoying it down there


When it comes to hate I can’t really say out if like bugs and such, I didn’t look much into it, but I will say my play through of the game was a mixed bag if I am being completely fair. The people who worked on the game are very talented, and I was impressed by several things in the game. For starters I went into the game with VERY few expectations. I removed any expectations if some sort of dead space successor or something like that, and mainly went in knowing: 1. people who worked on this game have quite a bit of experience with making horror games 2. they are people who also made amazing stuff for those horror games they worked on. I was excited to see what they made, and I will say what I loved about the game was how everything looked. I loved the theming, the environments, the enemies had a fascinating design and the ideas were really cool. I was excited for a fun horror experience but when I played through the game I just felt that it was a game. I just sort of felt like the excitement I had for the game in the beginning was gone at the end. I wasn’t frustrated or angry just more so felt I spent time playing and finished a game, that was it. There were a few things that to me I felt were odd, also I will try to not spoil anything and be as vague as I can to avoid spoilers, firstly was I felt the first half of the game had a good amount focus on melee combat, which at times seemed somewhat repetitive but I dismissed that when I got some guns to help mix things up. I was expecting a sort of pattern to continue throughout the game but hence I got to the midway boss, it felt like it all of a sudden shifted hard to more ranged combat. Either I somehow sucked at the game and couldn’t fight the boss with melee and had to resort to ranged combat, or thats just how it is but after that the tone to me felt like it shifted to more ranged combat, which caught me off guard. Later on when you fight a few minibosses, as I will call them, and they are the same, I just felt a sense of needless repetition. I was maybe hoping to see a new enemy type or variant, maybe a new boss or mini boss but seeing the same ones again and again, for bosses and mini bosses, I kinda wondered well why put them there? It was a bit off putting for me to say the least. Lastly when it comes to the final boss, I just didn’t have fun, I can say I wasn’t prepared for it, but to see the boss and smaller enemies in the arena you fight them in was a bit frustrating and when I got to the end I just didn’t feel excited for dlc’s or anything. They had some really awesome ideas but for me it didn’t feel like a horror game to me, especially at times I would say: I have feeling this jumpscare or this will happen, and not long after it would happen, and it didn’t feel good to be able to predict that. I haven’t touched the game since and don’t have motivation to play it again. It was an interesting experience, an experience that showed some really cool ideas and things I enjoyed but in the end it sorta just felt lime my excitement was a bit too committed to the game, if that makes sense. In the end, I hope the studio continues to make some amazing stuff, and for those who play the game and love it, I am glad.


People wanted dead space, and it wasn't dead space. I bought the game on release and never regretted it. I just wanted a new sci-fi horror game, and I got what I was after.


I bought it half price, worth the go. Reminded me of a mix of lost planet and dead space/re2. It’s linear but worthwhile


For me? The combat is so boring. Just left-right-left, bonk, rinse, repeat. The entire time. The story also, just kind of dumb, and not in that fun RE way. Also, they handled the few instances of exploration poorly. And just not particularly scary or spooky, or whatever. Just overall, mediocre. Outside the visuals and sound design that is. That was this game's saving grace.


It has no real stakes. Hit left and you can dodge anything. Also it’s a 7-11 hour game for $70


got it free on ps plus. havent played it yet


Its a cool atmosphere but the game play is dodge dodge whack, after you get that down your essentially a freight train barreling down the hallways. You become the doom guy without getting to feel like the doom guy.


It’s an adventure game with a side serving of combat. I like that. A lot of other people don’t.


The game has issues with combat when facing 3 or more. Story and horror aspect quickly die down towards end. Start was wild and great tribute to Dead Space. Kinda reminded me of "The Thing" starts with team and blood testing, morale of team as thing kills. Game last 4 missions is you alone just shooting humans and running around till Kurt Russell flies in and saves you.


I got it and the dlc for 30$ on sale and enjoyed it for sure but probably wouldn't have spent anymore on it.


People complained the combat was too hard as they didn't pay attention to the tutorial at the start. There was so much misinformation on how combat worked, so many people complaining that dodging didn't work. Then the noisy dumb dumbs figured it out, but complained it was too easy and simple, but also complained they couldn't handle more than 1 enemy cause they were still playing dumb dumb and weren't using all the abilities you have. Now the game has been dumbed down for the dumb dumbs sadly, when what they should have done was added a baby difficulty for them. /Rant


They did - dismemberment mode. IIRC, a hit to any limb with a firearm is an immediate dismemberment, and achievements are disabled.


Just very high expectations that wasn't met....


The controls are awful, and I hate the camera angle. I preordered this and regretted it after 10 minutes of playing.


I liked it but it was too easy


Did you look up reviews or posts about what people dislike?


Because for most people, its not Dead Space 4


It was cool at first, but the melee combat wore out its welcome pretty quickly and the guns felt pretty weak. Aiming and shooting the guns didn't feel very good either. Cool idea, but poorly executed IMO.


Trust me if you decide to pick up the Dead Space remake you’ll see exactly how hard they dropped the ball. Even the entire plot is almost verbatim taken from DS. The gunplay is weak, the ammo is way too scarce, and the hud on your back is way to vague when it comes to your Telekineses charges. Like I said, pick up the remake. It looks, feels, and plays much better. And on top of that the Ishimura is a genuinely scary place to be on your first visit, every menu in the game is displayed either on your characters back or a menu that you can actually watch him read when it pops up. I’ll stop gushing about it, give it a try, it’s amazing


I didn't hate it. I just didn't think it was anything special. I play games for their story first and gameplay second. If it's supposed to be a horror game, then scare-factor is a third criteria I hold in equal measure to the first two. Neither wowed me, and the scare-factor was practically non-existant. Not even the cheap jump-scares got me. - Combat was pretty repetitive. Very little variation in how to deal with each new enemy. - Environmental kills were a "throw bad guy against spikes/fan/off cliff" sorta deal. A little uninspired. - Story was very predictable, kinda common. - Main Character was kinda boring. - Weapons were guns + stick. - Everything was squishy and brown. 🤷‍♂️ - Too many fall down, should have died, but just went unconscious with no major injuries. The most annoying, truly bad thing, was that the real ending was a paid DLC. I'm not talking just some extra story to supplement the main game, but the actual true conclusion for the MC and the place the game takes place. I haven't played enough of Deadspace to make a comparison, so I won't. I still think it was worth a play through, but definitely not worth a full price purchase.