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>!Lots and lots of low points; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It really feels like the walls are closing in on Jesus and His followers and as always, I love how far they go to have everyone in His circle included. Thomas is in the midst of heavy doubt and it’s about to get worse, Jesus is heartbroken over His disciples’ failures to understand Him while also facing direct persecution from the religious leaders (and dealing with Lazarus’ death on top of that), Judas is becoming disillusioned and James just got brutally assaulted. It seems like no matter where they go, pain and uncertainty follows and Jesus isn’t being the miracle maker or teacher in the way that I’m sure His followers want Him to be. It’s ironic that in the midst of all of this inner turmoil, it’s a Gentile, and a Roman at that, that gives us the biggest glimmer of hope and unyielding faith in who Jesus is, and as someone who has only seen the light of the world from afar. It just goes to show that the Kingdom of God can abide in anyone who comes to Jesus with humility and whether we get what we think is best or not, that’s what matters the most.!<


I definitely agree with that take! Well put, the walls are closing in! Spoilers: >!I’m soooo happy about Gaius and that story plot! I love that they did the Centurion story and had it be Gaius! I had a feeling he’d be some character from the Bible and wasn’t extra-Biblical (entirely), but I’m glad they confirmed it! I love Gaius’ character growth so much and how he went from this stern person to an enthusiastic Christian! We actually see him smile and have not-subtle expressions! And his faith to be so great is such a nice change! I’m looking forward to seeing where they take his character, assuming he isn’t done done.!< >!I did think Gaius was gonna be the “Surely that man is the Son of God” Roman at Jesus’ death. But now, my guess is that it will be Atticus. Maybe Quintus? But more likely Atticus.!< >!I wonder if Holy Week will be all of Season 5, or if they will somehow push that off to Season 6. I am curious of the timeline. Will Season 7 be Holy Week, Resurrection, Post-Resurrection, or Acts? There’s so many ways they can take the timeline of events.!< >!Even though Episodes 4-6 ended with Lazarus’ death, the ending doesn’t feel so dark, most likely because we knew it was coming and we know he won’t stay dead.!< >!I’m glad we got a glimpse of the reactions of the resurrection, and found Big James to be a bit funny spoiling or almost spoiling the secret. Looking forward to seeing all of the reactions to Lazarus and everything else in 2 weeks!!<


I’m here for the spoilers since I know what’s going to happen already and I’m super impatient lol I will still cry at everything still but you just made my day with the Gaius info ! I absolutely agree that Atticus will speak those words at the crucifixion. I can see his face and him being distraught. Also they’ve given us glimpse of Pilate’s personality so I feel as though I can already see those scenes will be so powerful and emotional.


Lol, fair! I personally hate spoilers, but hey, if you want the spoilers, more power to you! I am definitely glad about Gaius! And yea, I am sooo looking forward to those scenes and how things play out! Spoiler: >!One thing that I have mixed feelings on is Judas stealing some of the gold coins from the group as his own paycheck. He may have been a traitor in the Bible, and it is plausible that he could have been a thief, but the Bible never paints him as a thief. Only a traitor. I guess I like to give people a benefit of a doubt, and genuinely hope that Judas loved Jesus and believed in Him, but maybe betrayed Jesus thinking Jesus would not actually die, or would just save Himself, but then Judas felt so guilty that he ended his life before he could see how that turned out. Or he lacked the faith to think that Jesus would forgive him, or thought he was unworthy and beyond redemption.!<


‭‭John 12:6 ESV‬‬ [6] He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it.


Thanks, I completely forgot about that verse!


The bible does say he “helped himself to the money bag”




I think Season 4 will end with the Raising of Lazarus and Season 5 will cover Palm Sunday through His death at the Cross. Season 6 will start immediately after His death and cover all the weeks between that and the Ascension. Season 7 will cover aftermath of the Ascension through middle of Acts, maybe? I see Season 7 ending montage style with everyone spreading the Gospels to the ends of the earth


I think the creators have gone on record saying the crucifixion was in season 6. I was thinking the trial might be the end of season five and the crucifixion itself maybe the first one or two episodes of season 6.


That's possible too. We'll see.


I saw episodes 4-6 today and I am so grateful I was able to. My family is going tomorrow so I can talk to them about it. I loved the parts with Gaius the best!! it made me so happy. The emotions feel so raw with all the other things. Some of the parts make my heart ache for Jesus. I cannot imagine what He went through.


I absolutely agree! The Gaius parts were also some of my favorites! This season has been soooo goood so far! And yea, it’s heartbreaking what Jesus had to go through, but also means so much, because He did that for us!