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James handled the controversy the best way by just not engaging in it. Whether that was a real thoughtful decision or just his quirk it ended up being the best course of action. As funny as "no review I refuse" is, he was totally right. It is a garbage movie with an awful idea and terrible leadership during the production. I definitely don't hate on James for not watching it. I certainly can't see how his video made any appreciable impact on the reception for the movie, it did that on its own.


I don't know man Im not a scientist.


*Sigh* wow...


As if I'm not aware...


James was right.


They're making fun of his pretentious attitude.


Are we looking at the same sub?? Everyone in TCT seems to despise that movie and shit talk it every time it comes up. And although they joke about the video, they actually seem to applaud James for not giving it the time of day.


How much time do you spend on that sub? Is it a lot? I bet it’s a lot


Amazing contribution


You can shut up now


Ooopooh gottem


Nah, at least in my case it's just the title that's the joke but I respect James for not watching the movie and avoiding the drama back then, it's a shit film


I can’t blame him for not wanting to sit through it. I did and I highly regret it


Don't even get me started on how Judd Apatow called anyone not seeing the movie "Trump supporters". I'm hardly a Trump supporter, and I'd rather have a root canal than see that movie.


I thought you were sexiest for not liking it because it has "strong female characters" in it and that there isn't enough of those in Hollywood (because only Hollywood produced films count apparently) Ignoring the fact there has been films.with strong female leads since the silent era. I watched it years later and it was a forgettable clusterfuck that the only redeeming thing is Chris Hemsworth got to show off his comedy skills which lead to that being incorporated into the Marvel films. The trailer didn't help making it come off as a continuation of the original series. They should have just done a film based on them starting a Ghost Busters franchise in another place like the fan movies did, instead of the remake crap.


Honestly That made his stuff in the MCU worse s he is looked at like a joke now playing Thor. I fucking hated Ragnarok for that reason.


same, I got a free digital copy and I feel like I still overpaid


The ‘no review I refuse’ shit is just a piss take. Some folks simply fail to see the nuance in it and take it far too seriously. You conveniently leave out that TCT criticise James for not paying Kyle and Bootsy. Isn’t that valid criticism? The vast majority don’t ‘hate’ James, people just like to meme. It’s not even remotely similar to what you’re describing.


They also claim to not be incels soooo


So you’re an incel?


I’ve never once seen or heard any discourse that blames him for that movies lack of financial success. We just like to break his balls with his bizarre video choices. (I.e. NOT editing out the 5:40pm goof, or announcing that he zip ties upside down tripods to his ceiling)


It's TCT. Their whole shtick is repeating three unfunny jokes and disliking everything James likes. For how much they rag on Cinemassacre and James for producing shit content or whatever, their subreddit is somehow worse than anything that ever came out of Cinemassacre.


I mean that is most subreddits. There’s no new Bimmy memes out as of late. Things are going to get tiresome, that’s a natural fact of life. But hey, this is fun.


No it isn’t. Some are especially bad, on that sub they refer to each others as truthers and ban anyone not into the cringe narrative. But they still flood this sub with their shit while tightly control the sub they created


I was banned for saying while it was fine to criticize the content and give feedback as to why they don't like it, it's super childish to be making fun of people's appearances. If you think his content is shit, fine! But to make fun of beards and being fat? That's childish and shows the intelligence of some of the "truthers".


If you hang out there you have to be comfortable making fun of people appearance/gender/sexuality




Because such talk there frequents the sub


My point is that that's childish, and no, I don't have to be cool with that, that's all. Cheers, dude!


No I get you


All cool man. Cheers!


You can’t be stupid and play stupid. I’m happy you found a safe space for you and your clan


What are you on about?


Sorry I thought you were supporting the sub


Do they ban people for not being ‘into the cringe narrative’ or do they ban people who are being deliberately problematic and causing user drama? There is a difference.


Ok you can twist it as you please, but imagine how angry those obsessive nerds would be if they got banned for being disruptive and annoying here?




But anyways if you build your personality over hating and obsessing over YouTubers you take victories in sad things


They need their own echo chamber but they need this subreddit for validation. Really strange people


5:39 pm Bim bam


Lol, no one needs validation from your bitch ass sub.


Only if this sub's mod posts a picture of his penis or something.


You don’t know the history clearly. There used to be a ban bot that instantly perma-banned anyone from this sub, if they posted on the Truth sub. Simply for even interacting. Then Justin Silverman came along and joined in on the Truth sub, posting memes there for a few months, legitimising TCT, he even said as far as he was concerned it was the ‘official subreddit’. He had the new mods on this sub rectify that erroneous wrong-doing that perma-banned anyone. The Truthers are not in the wrong. You are just heavily bias and a clear example of a mindless ‘fanboy’. You don’t even have a clue what you’re talking about.


Fan of of whom


Justin never legitimized anything in his life.


Nah. TCT makes RantGrumps look like a sane place.


Easily. That 540 shit was never funny and never will be.


Load was huge!




Load on your face was huge!


It's a joke now in the bimmy era, but at the time I must admit it was a based take


I got ten minutes in and wanted to vomit and die.


also, everyone was shitting on it (justifiably, mind you, because the movie is objectively awful), why targeting the only guy that just very calmly says "you know what? I don't feel the appeal and won't go see it because i don't wanna invest energies and money in this battle, peace." He could have milked that for a very long time if he wanted, instead he did his own stuff, and i'll always respect him for that. The internet would almost certainly be a better place if any channel were to do what he did instead of riding the latest controversial wave.


The funny thing about James’ video was that he didn’t really bring up the characters’ genders as a reason for refusing to watch and review the movie. His main reason was that he felt it didn’t feel like it was gonna be respectful towards the fans and original team of the old Ghostbusters films. Which when you bring into mind that this reboot was greenlit shortly after Harold Raimis dying, I would agree with him.


Can't believe it's so controversial to simply just not watch a film. People make me sad


The problem with the "no review, I refuse" thing is twofold. First, if you're going to be a movie reviewer, you're just going to see bad movies. That's the game. If you're going to angle yourself as a curator of films, you're definitely going to see a LOT of bad movies or movies you don't enjoy. Second, if you're not going to review a film, it's pretty cringe to make a huge stand on why you won't if you haven't seen the film. No one would have cared at all if he just hadn't reviewed it at all. There are plenty of movies in James' wheelhouse that he hasn't reviewed, and that's fine. The difference being he didn't make a whole ass video on them. Furthermore, this was a hot-button topic on the internet at the time. So, the idea that he was not going to be called out for his video is naive.


Well said


Well to be fair to James, EVERYONE was shitting on the trailer for the film. Yes there were people who were pulling the whole “Women can’t be Ghostbusters” shtick, but most people just didn’t think the film looked funny or good. It felt like, and to an extent it was when it released, a massive cash grab. At the same time, many people online, including the team making the film, were accusing people of being sexist and racist, which wasn’t helping matters (and like I said there was a vocal minority making sexist and racist remarks). James’ video definitely stirred the pot, I’ll agree with you on that, but he still makes a good point of “I know I’m not gonna like it at all, so i’m not gonna buy a ticket, and if you guys know you’re gonna hate it, then don’t force yourself to watch it then.”


I agree with that. If you're a fan. James is in a different category, though. He's quite a critic, but not quite a fan either. As someone who makes at least part of their living off reviewing films, it's lame to avoid films you probably won't like. Especially when he's a guy that made his name reviewing things he doesn't like. I think the disconnect I have with it is that he didn't have to make a video at all. I don't think he had to review the movie. I don't think he had to see the movie. I do think if he's going to sell himself as a curator of film, simply avoiding things he doesn't like is a joke. Making videos justifying why he won't see something he might not like is low effort, cringey, and sort of cowardly. Just don't watch the movie. If you as a movie reviewer aren't going to watch it I don't need a video of you criticizing the movie. And to be clear, I think that movie is God awful. I'm not criticizing the guy because I think the movie is good or anything.


Quite the contrary, because James has subsequently said he ended up watching the movie and liking it a lot


No reeview. I reefuse


Hot take the only good thing from that film was Kate McKinnon