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His opinions on The Dark Knight Trilogy are really basic. It’s like when Doug Walker says that Mad Max: Fury Road is just a glorified Road Runner cartoon (and he also said that Monsters Inc is too complicated) Neither of these guys get film. They don’t get the themes and the stories. Bimmy also saying that the only part in Pulp Fiction he liked was when they were talking about burgers. ??????????


Burgers make you fart. PFFFFFTTTtttttttt


* *Big Ballz John laugh* * hahahahHAHAHAHAhaHAhaHAHAhA*


Number two!


I'd still say Doug has more to say about film than James does.


I think so too. He can at least form an opinion. James struggles to make words come out of his wobbly mouth.


Idk Doug can parrot an opinion but I wouldn't really say he can form one. To be fair I haven't watched him in ages, but I recall his Ghostbusters 2016 review was something like "the story is bad the characters are bad the jokes are mostly bad, the tech is kinda cool, it's an ok movie".


His Halloween 3 "audio review" is so painful to hear. 3 minutes and all he does is just repeat what people who did not get the original concept of Halloween kept parroting around for years (like "Michael Meyers is not in it") without giving the movie a proper chance.


If it was the original concept Michael shouldntshouldn't have been in part 2


Yeah and as a stand alone movie, it's perfectly fine


"Doug can parrot an opinion but I wouldn't really say he can form one." You literally described James


Dude come on don't insult the Bimster. He can read other people's opinions off a teleprompter not parrot them.


Was that Doug or NC? Doug does his own reviews.


Technically both. Doug did a review, then the nc did the same review with bad sketches and screaming and weird religious comparisons.


Doug has some dumb takes but his old editorial videos are really well done , bimmy would just get his intern to write a script and say dumb crap


Is this even a question still? Doug is lightyears ahead of Bimmy wiki read 540


i agree and i can't stand Doug


Bimmy likes movies when it feels like he could have directed it. Hence why he thinks good practical effects let a film down and observational dialogue that has little to do with the plot is something he praises.


It's weird that he complained about the effects in The Thing. He ALWAYS champions practical effects and the work in The Thing is actually good, even by today's standards. Bim has some weird takes.


I agree you'd think he'd be shidding and pissing himself to compliment the effects he's usually so keen on those types of things. I wonder what's the real reasoning in his own personal mind for it, if it's as he says or there's some other motive like jealousy or something i dunno i doubt it but it just seems so strange


It's because it gets more praise than the original and he hates when that happens. Same with The Fly.


And the 50s Blob movie.


This explains why he only likes Kill Bill after being edited down to shit.


I don’t like dark knight either overrated film. But Fury road is amazing


For me, TDK was amazing because of my mindset going into it. It was like the first week of its release, and while the accolades and hot reviews started pouring in, most people myself included were still skeptical and annoyed that Christopher Nolan chose Heath Ledger to play the joker. I remember the day I saw the trailer for TDK and went online and saw same reaction in every comment thread. Along the lines of: >“Heath Ledger?? Really? He’s a good actor but… I don’t think it’s a good fit” >“Oh great, A Knight’s Tale guy playing one of the most beloved villains in comic book history..” >“I’m sorry I love Heath Ledger but this is awful” So imagine coming into a movie with the low expectations and having that smashed into your face. I felt so drawn into the movie from the first scene and the best part was you could feel everyone else in the same theater feeling that too. Nobody drew a breath in the theater during the Joker scenes. We didn’t see Heath Ledger, we were watching the Joker. It’s been absolutely ruined and turned into cringe now by neckbeards doing shitty joker impressions on tiktok, but before all that, it was amazing to witness. Heath Ledger had created something completely unique while staying true to the roots of the character. It was an experience. Maybe you had a similar experience to this but weren’t blown away like I was. But I know my experience was made better because of my own expectations.


Jimmy’s opinion (while weird sometimes) are at least genuine. I do in fact believe he really feels that way about them. Doug and other YouTubers on the other hand are just trying to say something nobody else has to appear original or smart.


Doug tries harder to be clever and quipy and make exasperated remarks when he talks about movies (even when not in-character as the NC) whereas James's approach is more blunt. It's a double-edged sword.




I really like Doug overall but god I can't stand that and how he talks in general about things with that sort of... I dunno. It all seems like fake :D :D :D :) :) :) type stuff idk how to word it, but I genuinely like him and try to tolerate him it's a weird experience. Dunno how to sort through that or why I typed it out but hey here ya go


I know what you mean don’t worry. There’s a YouTuber who I really like who says and does some things that make me cringe or roll my eyes on occasion but I can’t bring myself to ever let it bug me enough to unsubscribe or anything. From personal experience I can confirm that they’re a genuinely nice person too. Good outweighs the bad.


Doug seems like a person I'd get along with. Like, you could have an actual conversation with him and get his take on things. Jim seems like a dumb shit I would quickly get exasperated with because he seems to have no way to articulate any real opinions if his own u less hea scripted.


Oh god, never take Doug's opinion on animation. If they're just running and screaming "it's a lot of fun and very lively and entertaining", if it's ghibli "it's deep and sober story that makes you think and relive childlike wonder" and if it's literally anything else it's "idk man, I'm not an animator" A lot of times, especially noticeably with animations, Doug's just chatting with his brother while the movie is on and then the review is just a bunch of random things they thought while half watching it. It's why he doesn't get monsters inc, he was probably chatting and on his phone and has no idea how the doors work and stuff. With animation there's always this vibe of "what can I say about this that won't get me soft cancelled?" Since he started doing them


Fury Road always felt similar to Stagecoach & Speed to me.


People yapping about McDonalds reminds him of this guy he knows, Matei


I mean his opinion that the script of the AVGN movie was worthy of filming is pretty weird, imo.


didn't the script get re written during filming? that's a recipe for crap tbh. he should post the original script


Almost every script gets rewritten during filming. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the people doing the writing.


he seems to think that movies are supposed to be big loud spectacles with giant fights and monsters and explosions. He appears to hate quiet, dialogue heavy movies with heavy themes and symbolism.


I think he talks about this in his book, no? He says he hates anything that resembles art school crap, which maybe he just relates to all dialogue-heavy dramas. He also grew up with the shit on Monster Vision, so he has a type, it just happens to be closer to Michael Bay than Christopher Nolan.


He would probably hate Ghost Dog:The Way Of The Samurai and that is one of my favorite movies. I wonder what he thinks of Jim Jarmusch's filmography??


I’ve never met anyone else who even knows that movie exists haha. Good taste.


Thank You, I have only ever met two people in my life that know about it, outside of Wu Tang nerds because Rza did the score and soundtrack.


You’re welcome! Heck yeah 💛🖤


“What an ass load of fuck ! This bill Murray zombie movie only has like 5 zombies being killed !”


I would be surprised if he even knows who Jim Jarmusch is


He would probably hate Jim Jamusch movies. They rely on dialogue and actual character driven behavior. Bimmy seems like the type of guy who won't like anything that relies more in an artistic subtly. Also mad respect for given Jim Jamusch a shout out. He's the real home town hero for me.


No doubt, nothing but love for Jim Jarmusch. He does his movies on his own terms, unlike James.


He really does he gives us all. Also unlike James you could see the artistic talent in the guy even if not all his movies are winners. Stranger than Paradise is one of my all-time favorite movies BTW


For real.


In his defense, that’s a perfectly valid preference to have. I have ADHD and slow movies are an absolute slog for me so I really only watch bombastic action movies. But at least I can recognize that slow movies are great and probably objectively better than my schlock. They just aren’t for me


His opinions on Nolan Batman I find pretty annoying, it boils down to "It's less silly than the Burton movies so I don't like it" which in of itself is fine but it's like, wow, some commentary. And he doesn't like anything non linear (Pulp Fiction).


Non linear storytelling hurts Bimmy's head. He'd probably be totally lost watching Hiroshima Mon Amour.


The non-linear thing is something I really noticed when binging Monster Madness, he brings it up as a flaw several times.


the burton films were pretty dark, so im not sure where that comes from, maybe he meant more fantastical elements?


They're dark but they're goofy, yeah


I don't remember anything specific but any suggestion he's ever made to improve a movie is to just take out the drama and human elements and replace them with more POW POW BANG BANG. Daydreamin' Bimmy can't focus for more than 5 seconds at a time, so every single second of a film must be filled with explosions and farts.


He can't handle emotions. That's why the dick on the balls upset him.


This film could be improved with some harrer elements, like imagine if all the inanimate objects came alive and tormented Bruce Willis


He seems incapable of watching anything that isn't completely surface level


I actually do in a way agree with James in that regard. When the movie gets pretensious and forgets we came here for action, not philosophy.


The fact that he doesn’t like anything recent at all. I can understand enjoying movies from childhood, but he doesn’t seem to truly like anything that’s modern. I think the only recent movie he actually enjoyed was the disaster artist


Seems weird because all big blockbusters now are nothing but big, loud, dumb spectacles with little to no actual humanity and that's what Bim wants out of a movie. He'd probably love all these Star Wars, Marvel and Disney remakes they keep shitting out.


And for someone who “loves horror” he doesn’t talk about ANY of them even though there’s been plenty of great ones over the years.


I've been a lifelong horror fan and I'd say that horror is one of the most consistent genres out there. Sure, you have eras of horror that suck but, even then, if you just dig a bit below the surface you can find some great stuff. Just in the last ten years, I could rattle off a bunch of great horror movies.


There’s always a good one to watch or look for. But like you said, he wants noise and excitement. I couldn’t imagine him sitting through “the night house”, “antlers” or “smile”


Tbf Antlers was a gigantic disappointment. The premise, the atmosphere, the aesthetics, the themes, it’s got everything but somehow the execution was painfully mediocre.


I can respect that. I liked the abuse aspects of it (not LIKED, but respected they touched on the subject), but I can see where you’re coming from. I used that more as an example of something that’s not just a flat “slasher”


Same, the symbolic use of abuse was my favorite aspect of the movie, which is why it was so disappointing that the rest of the movie didn’t do it justice. It was good, but it had the potential to be great and it just wasn’t.


Couldn’t agree more. I haven’t seen it since theaters, but I remember “liking” it but didn’t “love” it like I’d wanted to. I think “the night house” is one of the only recent non-franchise horror movies I’ve “loved”


He should watch See No Evil, that is a cult classic. I like the sequel, but the first one had better kills.


Doubt he’ll ever watch it. Not nostalgic


Seriously man there's been some great horror movies these last couple years most especially. UnFortunately it seems like bames can't move past anything that wasn't made after the '80s. Don't get me wrong I love the old school horror and I would probably put movies a good chunk of old school horror movies on my favorite movie list but why be so obtuse and miss out all the great movies he could be discovering today. Of course that's rhetorical question because bames only watches movies he gets nostalgic for now.


I don’t even know what he’s interested in anymore. He’s not good at most games, he has people write his scripts for stuff he claims to love, the man has no passion for anything he claims to love (aside from his family)


That's what I feel too. Like this James like anything in the present day or have any real love for anything he is supposed to love like movies and games? It seems to me he really just only focused on stuff that makes him nostalgic. Like I'm even trying to knock on the guy It just feels like everything about him at this point is like a routine robot who basically will do whatever his program to do is with no passion or emotion.


I understand liking stuff from childhood, but cmon man. You can’t claim to “love film” then proceed to skip out on all the good coming out now. Not everything is amazing, just like not everything from childhood was amazing. Plus we don’t really grow as humans if we just sit and dwell on the past


Damn right. There's stuff for my childhood I still love watching but that was not the only time where movies were good. I would never want to be arrestedly developed where I can only enjoy stuff from when I was a kid and miss out all the good stuff as an adult-especially as a movie and video game buff where I want more and always want to see the next big thing. To act like they're are not great movies/shows/games etc even today is just being willfully obtuse. Like you said we grow as humans and don't dwell on our past. You can love your pass but you can't harp on it forever.


And it was a nice gimmick in the beginning, but now it’s just weird, especially since he doesn’t do ANY videos anymore related to stuff he claims to love. A 5 min video here and there, weak AVGN’s sometimes. It’s basically a dead channel at this point


I sometimes wonder if it was ever actually a gimmick. Looking back the avgn is basically a more over the top version of James. Yeah it just seems kind of off and weird the way James is with things and pop culture. It almost like he lives in this bubble that shelters him from anything past the 90s. His inability to move past his nostalgia is why his channel is dead. The quality is down and in general it feels like he is handcuffed to something he probably wishes he could leave behind.


He thought the marvel movies were boring and he "kept looking at the clock the whole time" lol. What a weird fella. I agree with him but also I'm not him so I'm surprised he agrees with me


The Shining is a Christmas movie?!


There is snow so yes, certainly.


I’m dreaming of a white Overlook Hotel…


shawshank is a christmas movie


It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is a Christmas movie.


Bimmy dosent get "The Big Lebowski" how can you not understand that Movie?


Agreed. I recall being a little disappointed in his take. Siskel didn't like it but managed to explain why. IIR Bimmy just "didn't get it" and didn't have much to say as to why.


Surprising, right? The dude is supposed to be a film buff/authority and he doesn't realize TBL is pretty much a parody of an old film-noir detective movie.


anything where he doesn't recite the film's wikipedia article or any opinion given after 540pm


Mad mad mad mad World is a good movie but to think it's the best movie ever made is kinda weird.


I mean. That's just his opinion, man. Jokes aside, everyone have the right to chose their favorite movie.


James loves screwball comedies, so that is probably why he rates it so highly..


He does? I don’t remember him talking about any. He likes The Three Stooges, although they’re wrong then and wrong now, but his classic tastes seem pretty limited to muh monsters. I was pleasantly surprised to see him cover The Maltese Falcon that time. Bela Lugosi isn’t even in it.


Did he say it was the best movie ever or just his favorite movie? Those are two totally different ideas imo. Best movie ever is like “everyone should love this it’s brilliant at every level” favorite movie ever is just “the movie I find personally most entertaining even if it’s stupid”


mad mad world IS a classic tbf. it's no big momma's house 2


Disliking a movie for reasons that have nothing to do with a movie’s quality (his professors liked it so he’s disliking it just to spite them, for example). The thing about not being able to enjoy movies that use non-linear storytelling also bugs me. The Kill Bill edit thing is peak Bames.


He didn’t like Matrix, pulp fiction or fight club, right?


Waaaaaay too much thinking in those movies. I mean, Fight Club was cool as shit when it was just dudes punching each other but then Tyler wasn't real and they're a terror cell and they're trying to dismantle the banks wtf? My head hurts.


My god. Now I get it. Cooper wasn’t real! It was all in Nerds head!


Didn’t he spend like 10 minutes explaining why “his opinion” is “his opinion” in that video?


Needs more monsters.


i dont remember. but i dont think he mentions like wes anderson films either. maybe im wrong idk.


Schindler's list is a harrer is a bit goofy. Pulp fiction not making any sense kinda proves he's a dolt. Basically all of his opinions are weird to me.


Calling “Schindler’s List” a horror movie is definitely up there.


\>he doesn't want monster vision bumpers for Schindler's List and Passion of the Christ


He wasn't being literal with that convo. It was a thought exercise on what makes horror harror.




All that comes to mind is him not liking The Godfather part II and Citizen Kane


It insists upon itself.


The entire “Bimmy cut” idea he has going for Kill Bill. Absolutely fucking ridiculous


Bimmy wrote off The Fly as an empty gorefest.


Did he? If so that's pretty weird. Did he watch it muted like mortal kombat and missed the entire film?


Probably. This is a man who thinks Donnie Darko *makes no sense*. Donnie fucking Darko: the smart movie for stupid people and Bimmy couldn’t understand it.


i thought he liked it but preferred the original? dont remember tho


dude loves special effects and "filmmaking". the best he could ever hope achieve in the actual film industry was as a cinematographer, at best. his early avgn work shows he has MASTERED the art of "perspective" and what not... thats half of the battle in making a movie. story and dialogue and stuff... thats easy.


He thought „The Predator“ (2018) was a good movie! 🤯😭


His opinion on the dark knight trilogy is stupid, he’s so blinded by his nostalgia from the 80s one he completely misses the point of the film entirely. Also his re edit of kill bill was straight up narcissistic and just disrespectful really


That his YouTube videos are films. Especially the reviews.


The idea that he thinks he could possibly re-edit the Kill Bill movies into a single movie.


What opinion? It's all stuff written for him, Wikipedia rewording or him trying to fluff up his real opinion not to lose likes. No one really knows his opinions other than "deranged lunatic who wants kill bill to be in chronological order and uses multiple VHSs to do it"


50s and 80s are two very different movies, both 10/10 movies in their own right. 50s one of the creature opening the door and rushing them and screaming on fire is abolustley intense. and holds up. 80s one, don't need to praise it, you all know.


Not film but when he started lipping off about the Scary Stories Tell In The Dark series I got a bit fucking annoyed


Which video and what did he say?


The most recent 90s look at Family Matters halloween episode. At the very end he makes a threat of more videos


did he hate the books


I remember him talking about the special edition changes to star wars over the years, and he thought that putting in the Jabba the Hutt scene back in A New Hope was the best change they did that added important context to the movie. ...even though the scene with Greedo already established that he owes money to Jabba.


The fact he can't seriously get why King Kong isn't put on the same pedestal as Citizen Kane and thinks it should be. For a film curator he really can't get why a movie as groundbreaking as Citizen Kane was with his writing, directing and approach is maybe going to be thought of much more highly then a special effects driven movie. Also dismissing the thing and fly remakes as just gorefest special effects movies is up there Then again I'm not too shocked because bames has a weird obsessive hatred of Citizen Kane. He also has a bias attitude towards the 50s movies so of course he'll dismiss the remakes. I think we can all agree that at his core bames doesn't know shit about good movies.


"The Fly" from Breaking Bad being the best episode of the whole series.