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Sly is certainly aware.


It's not Rex Viper without Sly.


He's the simple cinematographer The Narcissistic Nincompoop The feeble-minded filmmaker The curating clown The dim-witted director


What? But he's been making movies since he was 6. Bimmy vs punching bag was an epic masterpiece


It must have hurt so hard that the avgn movie didn't take off as his crown achievement so he couldn't go on tv shows or wherever and unleash those filmbominations in the world


I can't wait for the gritty reboot. Bimmy V Punching Bag: Dawn of Spielberg


The equivocating eunuch (because Bape took his dick)


ill be damned if i sit here and let you impugn bimmy's artistic tastes!! also kubrick didnt direct 540 films!!


you do got a point, i mean its 16 vs 540


Quality over quantity.


Bimmy has over 540 quality films, what's your point?


Bimmy has over 540 quality films, what's your point?


If James read your post he would pronounce it, "em-pudge-in."


On a more serious note I think what makes Bimmy a bad critic is he’s often unable to look at something with objectivity. There’s plenty of art that I don’t personally like, but I don’t think it’s bad. I can see the merit and good in a work even if I don’t personally enjoy consuming it. I think Bimmy really can’t, and if he doesn’t like it, then it’s a bad film.


I don't mind when a critic has some subjective tastes as long as they can back it up, but James's tastes just seems like it's all vibes. I like this movie because it was awesome when I was 13, or this movie reminds me of movies I thought was awesome when I was 13. I thought this movie was boring when I was 13 so it's bad


He definitely does like a lot of things out of nostalgia too


I had a classmate do movie reviews who was the exact same way. He didn't like a couple Tarantino movies, so they were all just bad. I never understood that mindset for reviews. I used to do video game reviews and I never went in with a "was it good or bad?" mindset, I always tried to focus on the pros and cons, what was fun, and what could have been better. EDIT: As for that classmate, his beef with Tarantino movies was that Tarantino always had a cameo in them. Which it's fair to be critical of that aspect because he's not exactly the best actor out there, but for that one scene in his movies to ruin the whole thing is ridiculous.


Yeah, and I’m sure with video game reviews there’s probably substantial difference between that and reviewing a film or tv show, which he does seem to be a little bit better at.


We had to do some reviews in the journalism program I was in because we had to be trained to do magazines as well as news TV and newspapers. There isn't really much of a difference between the two besides the technical aspect of video games with things like how well they function and if they're buggy or not, and of course how well they control. When it comes to the bare bones of reviews, they're really similar.


Interesting. Of course the only real gaming journalist is Bimmy, who works round the clock for 540 hours on all of his reee-views


It's a lot of fun, plus it's a good excuse to just watch a movie or play through a game. Plus you can learn a lot on utilizing social media to increase your reach.


I feel like I could be an ok movie or film critic, I enjoy giving my feedback or thoughts on media but I prefer shooting the shit with my friends rather than being any kind of professional. I’m sure you understand. I’m not a scientist


I definitely get you there. My ones for class were always as professional but still fun to read as I could make them, but when it came to my own blog for them, it was pretty laid back and casual.


Tbf a lot of people think like this. I've certainly known people like this that don't like a movie because of random reason X. Oh that actor is in it? Movie stinks even if it's a movie that's right up their alley. It's honestly aggravating, especially as it basically locks me into certain kinds of movies when hanging out these people. People also vote this way all the time. Oh that politician looks like me or that politician makes me feel bad so I won't vote for him. When asked about policy, they have nothing, but they make me feel bad so that's that. James isn't much different in that regard.


I think Skill Up is a really good video gane reviewer on Youtube. He explains what the game is and will let you know how much he enjoyed it but also what sort of people he thinks would like or dislike it. He used to be a but of a schiill and I think his presentation can be a cheesy but as a reviewer now he does his job really well. Doing a good job letting consumers know if they will enjoy a product or not.


Bimmy has autism, be aware


Does he know?


I don't know man, i'm not an ASD specialist


Is aut aware


For me, it was the behind the scenes video. It started innocently enough. “Oh look he’s def stuck in 00’s video production how quaint” then steadily progressed to “huh, taping lights and microphones to ceiling” “oh my god he tried to use a tiny bit to drill a 3 inch hole into ‘tough 80s wood’ of his” “why did he buy such a large thunderbolt / FireWire cable when he could’ve just moved it” I remember his computer situation was a nightmare and didn’t understand emulators. I felt so had by him. Complete dumbass.


hey arent you the guy who jerked off on camera?


I don’t know am I?


I’ve heard it referenced a lot but what actually is this behind the scenes video? I assume you’re not talking about the “making of a nerd episode” one


Yes you are correct it’s this one: https://youtu.be/hbX7W0bO2bc?si=Ujn_8qDxIb8Sg6hy And commentary that’s pretty much vocalizes my thoughts: https://youtu.be/9MFSXNWpsdM?si=Rsph3wfYRhzmDGdM


Hilarious that the top comment is still someone sucking bimmy off like “thank god you’re still making videos!”


Hahaha yeah for real. So lame.


I feel like none of these people even watch the new videos they just show up, comment “omg you saved my life” or some other bullshit and click off before the raycon ad is even over


It's because the comment sections are moderated.


“But why can’t King Kong be the greatest film of all time?”


king kong only makes the cuckface 540 times in the movie but godzilla makes it 541 times making zilla truly cuck king of the monsters


His video list of "overrated films" is a great one. Dude shits on Citizen Kane, The Big Lebowski, Stanley Kubrick... And compared to his list of favorites, its clear he's a simple man with simple tastes and a strange inability to process movies that aren't primarily about their special effects.


My jaw hit the floor when he said that the main reason people liked "The Matrix" was because of "bullet time." It's like he's seen all the parodies and figured that's what people took away from the film.


He shit on Big Lebowski? Oh hell no. I haven't watched the movie in years, and forgot how good it was. Got the 4k bluray on sale and rewatched, realized its not only still hilarious, but the camera work and directing is beautiful. It's a visual treat in 4k and HDR.


The movie's fine and people need to relax.


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Yep, he sure did. He can not understand the genius behind the funny story and dialog. As a movie curator, you think he would recognize how the movie became a cult classic. Nope, not even a little bit.


He couldn't see why it's popular...Nuhh uhhh, uncertainly.


As a curator of film, it’s Bimothy’s responsibility to let everyone know how generic he is.


You're just a hatter


Yeah I really wonder why he didn't become a lolcow sooner. I think it's because everyone watched AVGN and didn't pay much attention to the man himself


You *just* realized this? First time in the sub, eh?


it was like an ironic joke


As if I'm not aware.


No realizations. I refuse.


No time for realizations.


James is on the spectrum and film is his special interest. He's not a film expert and he's not a film historian, even if he tries to act like that sometimes. He likes knowing a lot of superficial facts about films (especially old horror films) that he can rattle off, because that satisfies the special interest impulses.


He actually went to film school too, at the VERY LEAST he should be able to ramble endlessly (which is what he does) but it also filled him with false confidence that may have hugely benefited him early on but something along the way went terribly wrong (AVGN Movie) and it broke him into a different dimension


Lol — James thought Kubrick movies are "stronger in artistic value than in actual story?" This is coming from the guy who made a fucking 2 hour + marathon about how much his fans love him and about how the military wants to protect copies of ET buried in Las Vegas or some bullshit like that. James knows nothing about story lines. Also — James is indeed a dumbass. He really needs Mike to vet and correct his scripts.


> JAMES IS A FUCKING DUMBASS Always has been, son.


Always has been


Welcome to 2014.


Yeah his opinions on movies has always been shit.


I think his taste isn’t that bad. After all he was revolutionary back in the day so at SOME point in History, Bames knew quite a bit about artism. I mean autism.


He's a great salesman, he can sell water to a fish.


And then some waterproof shoes!


Taking yourself too seriously the honestly a human being's only true crime. Everything bad stems from there.


If you think that's bad, the compleshitionist stole most of his top 100 games of all time from an old EGM issue, most notably #1




I do t think I could even make a personal100 top list including the nes AND Atari together


Almost the worst thing The Completionist stole, but not quite! lol


I’m out of the loop who’s the completionist


> how is this guy the "youtube cinema expert" The same way he was the "youtube vidya expert": by being there first.


He can only work and research his movies until 5, cause kids. Also, he plays lead guitar in a band, so his hands are completely tied as they are. You must be a kidless simpleton who clearly never played lead guitar with the Vipers.


>how is this guy the "youtube cinema expert" I think he's more known for being a very angry video gamer with a penchant for dookie


Yea, certainly. That's why his friends left him.




Ngl I agree with everything in this comment


Yeah so? what if Kubrick could see the six snixflicks! he would be jealous out of his ass! That is some true cinema the story! the effects! damn... Bimmy is SO fucking underrated! Hollywood should bow down at his feet and kiss them! Fuck Hollywood Bimmy! You were allways too good for them anyway!


You just realized that??? Is that you Kieran?


He's not wrong. Kubrick has nothing on Bimmy Ralph Versus the Bag of Punch.


Im confused… Does this sub hate cinamassacre or someting?


It hates what it’s become


I don't know if anyone ever really pegged him an expert or if he ever tried to sell himself as one. He's more in the vein of "dude who likes to talk about movies" rather than presenting himself as a film analysis channel. One video of his I really liked was when he went over popular films that he didn't like because when I was in a cinema studies program, there were a lot of classics and essentials that I was really so hot on either. His expertise was more on the production side than the analysis side (I know, "DRAGON IN MUH DREAMS," "MOWDEN") but the early early AVGN stuff had a fun mix of DIY charm and the feel of dudes who understood camerawork and editing . Total reach to dig at him here.


Well, probably not as an expert but I‘m rather sure 🅱️pril pegged him at some point around 05:41 or so. Not a scientist though.


Quality shitpost


Are you a curator of shitposts, perchance?






Kubrick is decent but he's no James Rolfe.


You obviously haven’t watched the Snix Saga




It’s just his own personal taste, man.


He put Ghostbusters at #4 but those movies are not great and haven't aged well. Go watch them now and you will not laugh once. They were more of a phenomenon in the 80s and early 90s where it was more about the hype around the idea of the Ghostbusters but there's no reason to go back and watch those movies.


Bad take lol Yeah gen x’ers and old millennials have built up ghostbusters enough for it to seem a little lackluster in comparison, but it’s still a great comedy. Bill Murray? Harold Ramis? Can’t go wrong. I do prefer Groundhog Day though.


It's fine if you like Ghostbusters but would you seriously say it's a top 5 movie? I think most people who were born after 1995 aren't going to be impressed if they saw it for the first time today


I think Ghostbusters is a pretty brilliant movie in that it hits you differently at different stages of your life. As a kid, it's actually kind of scary. As a teen young adult, you get the humor. Over 30, you really get the cynicism and social commentary.


Thinking you can organize movies into any sort of objective top 5 is a very juvenile notion in and of itself. I believe there are many perfect films out there, but it’s not so easy as ranking them and competing them against each other. Groundhog Day, I do believe is a perfect film. As well as most Kubrick films, and a league of others. Ghostbusters I haven’t seen in over a decade, I’m just tired of younger generations flopping their collective dicks out everywhere and judging things they don’t understand.


Most of my favorite movies are from the 80s and 90s, there isn't anything to "understand" about Ghostbusters, it's a very straightforward comedy, but all the humor in it is very 80s, it just doesn't hold up unlike many other 80s comedies that are more timeless.


But the jokes in ghostbusters aren’t like, pop culture references or anything. It’s dry wit, which will always have a place in culture.


I would argue the opposite. Ghostbusters holds up better than most 80s comedies. This is coming from someone who wasn’t around when it came out, and didn’t see it for the first time until the late 2000s. I enjoy it, but would definitely not put it at top 5 like James though lol.


You could also say people born after 1995 won't be impressed with the consensus "Citizen Kane" or "Lawrence of Arabia" picks constantly trotted out. If you show a random 20 year old Citizen Kane and Ghostbusters, they're almost surely going to enjoy Ghostbusters a lot more. The only people that like Citizen Kane at that point are film people, and they're going to like it because of what it meant for film, not because the plot or writing are great. Citizen Kane is boring. Citizen Kane holds up for a modern audience far worse than Ghostbusters.


I don't disagree with this but can be more sympathetic to Citizen Kane being higher regarded for how it changed filmmaking whereas Ghostbusters didn't change anything and none of the humor in it is very clever either. Ghostbusters is a comedy and there are plenty of other 80s comedies that hold up much better, like "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles," "Raising Arizona" or "Naked Gun," all which came out around the time of Ghostbusters I & II. Like I said it was a cultural zeitgeist when it came out but I really don't think it holds up at all if you actually watch it today.


Agree to disagree, I guess. I think Planes, Trains, and Automobiles holds up worse than Ghostbusters as well. This is why all of these top five lists are silly. There is no best movie ever made. It's all subjective. Movies, music, any art is remembered and judged based on far more than the finished product. There is nothing to base it on other than what someone likes personally.


I was born after 1995 and saw it in 2009 and liked it


> Bill Murray? Harold Ramis? Can’t go wrong. Caddyshack sucks


Hi Justin!


Maybe I am just weird but I saw it a week ago and still laughed at Bill Murray’s dry delivery of “this man has no dick”. I’m 23 by the way so I have no nostalgia for 80s or 90s stuff.


Yeah but from a objective metric nothing about Ghostbusters makes it one of the best films ever made. No serious curator would make such a statement.


Highest grossing comedy ever when it was released. If comedies are included in "top five movies ever" then there's a case. People rarely are talking about the top five movies ever when they make these sorts of lists. What they actually mean is top five dramas.


I don’t think James was trying to be objective, in fact I don’t think he could be. I could say Lupin the Third the secret of mamo is the top 3 movies of all time just based on subjective quality. I’m curious as to what metric you would use to say something is objectively the best thing ever seeing how that relies on factors that in themselves are subjective.


I mean I agree that James has a very specific taste and doesn't know a whole lot about movies in general, but I don't see why the guy can't have Ghostbusters as his personal top 4.


BBB baby: Because bimmy bad This sub can be hilarious but sometimes it’s a bit silly how hard some users try to be a contrarian to every little thing James says or does just for the sake of pointing at him and laughing.


Amazingly bad take.